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The Highsec quandry.

ashley Eoner
#41 - 2012-08-29 02:26:09 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Karl Hobb wrote:
ashley Eoner wrote:
It was especially funny because my character was only a couple days old and I was still trying to figure out how to even fly.

Yeah, sorry, the magic is gone. Try less hard, maybe?
I know it sounds stupid but I had a bit of an issue getting my ship to fly properly at the beginning. I started just before they added in the tutorial system last year.


Please tell me I'm not the only one that had issues with getting stuck on "large collidable objects". star bases etc...

I once got stuck in a giant hollow asteroid during one low level mission. I felt like I was stuck in a hamster ball while getting shot...
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#42 - 2012-08-29 02:29:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
Bully Hedro wrote:
One more "Those guys should be forced to play the game like I do" thread.


Thanks for your valued input, very insightful.
Bommel McMurdoc
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2012-08-29 02:59:41 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Bully Hedro wrote:
One more "Those guys should be forced to play the game like I do" thread.


Thanks for your valued input, very insightful.

He's got a point though......

and ganking in high sec isn't dead, not by a long shot. There's plenty of miners who don't tank their ships. The other day I saw a guy in a catalyst take down a mackinaw and taunt the guy non-stop for hours in local.

having said that, if you want the entire game to play "your way." Why is it hard for you to modify your play style just a little bit? There's plenty of terror to be brought upon in wormholes, low sec, and Null-sec. Making an NPC corp open for war dec's would bring upon more issues than I care to count. I mean jeez, there's like hundreds of accounts going in those NPC corps that don't do much other than treat the "corp" chat room like it's the Barrens Chat. Opening War Dec's on high security NPC corporations means that 1 guy upsets you, hundreds of others (who don't really know the guy even exists) would pay for his mistake. Hell, as intriguing as the concept of having an open season massacre sounds, I don't think it has to become even more difficult for newcomers to try and enjoy this game.

Miners permit? Really? a Newcomer gets into the game in his nice new rookie ship with a civilian miner and and pretty much zero isk and now he's gotta pay a miner's permit? sure, it'll give him the hint that mining isn't a widely acceptable career, but shouldn't that be his decision?
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#44 - 2012-08-29 03:07:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
Bommel McMurdoc wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Bully Hedro wrote:
One more "Those guys should be forced to play the game like I do" thread.


Thanks for your valued input, very insightful.

He's got a point though......

Miners permit? Really? a Newcomer gets into the game in his nice new rookie ship with a civilian miner and and pretty much zero isk and now he's gotta pay a miner's permit? sure, it'll give him the hint that mining isn't a widely acceptable career, but shouldn't that be his decision?

And if you would read. It costs actually nothing. Being part of a player corp IS the permit. And newcomers get 30 days to mine in npc corp in the original idea.
The other current alternate is no special changes, just after a month, those that choose to stay in NPC corps are drafted into npc navy if you don't choose to go into the private sector. Staying forever inside a NPC corp was a horrible design choice.

Most against me assumes I am a ganker, or a wardecker, or someone who they think gains something out of this. I am, I would. a meaningful universe. I would be in a player corp just like you. Oh wait. I am in a player corp. There are only two in my corp? OH NOES! Who will I talk to. Oh I can fleet with other corps and make custom channels? ...interesting.
Bommel McMurdoc
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2012-08-29 03:13:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Bommel McMurdoc
Hmm, Why don't we add an addendum to that idea... after 30 days as a newcomer you must sacrifice your ship AND your pod to the local PvP'er and your permit fee is waived.

(mind you I'm being completely sarcastic.)
Imperial AMARR White Kights
#46 - 2012-08-29 08:43:37 UTC  |  Edited by: darkenspace
24 sec to next match in tribes ascent i read the eve forums 24 secs at a time lol

log in update skill log out
0asis Group
#47 - 2012-08-29 09:32:03 UTC
So... another thread about how l33t PvPers are angry about NPC corps and miners?. Dude, you can still suicide gank them if you hate them so much. Maybe not with 2m destroyer, but Talos will do that (even well tanked mack - i tested it few days ago).

Im not a miner, but i was always amazed how those "elite hisec PvP warriors" are so angry that they cannot wardec miners. Maybe you should try Lowsec or Nullsec?
Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#48 - 2012-08-29 10:24:33 UTC
TharOkha wrote:
So... another thread about how l33t PvPers are angry about NPC corps and miners?. Dude, you can still suicide gank them if you hate them so much. Maybe not with 2m destroyer, but Talos will do that (even well tanked mack - i tested it few days ago).

Im not a miner, but i was always amazed how those "elite hisec PvP warriors" are so angry that they cannot wardec miners. Maybe you should try Lowsec or Nullsec?

So high sec should be free of consequences with no way for a corp to counter the competition of miners sitting in NPC corps stripping belts all day? Why shouldn't they be allowed to have other options besides ganking them, that's what the war dec system was intended for, one corp sets up in an area and finds there are others competing for those same resources so it takes action by possibly declaring war and driving those others out.

Except with the shield the NPC corps offer that mechanism is bypassed and made unusable by those who have actually taken the step into a player corp. It's not all about your concept of 'l33t pvpers' looking for easy prey. That same rubbish gets spouted every time.

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2012-08-29 10:57:51 UTC
Oh crap, i wish there were other things to shoot at than miners ...
My Postman
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#50 - 2012-08-29 11:18:06 UTC
Lol, OP. All what would happen is a million more one player corps, and two million more corp hopping. Wait till CCP changes the criminal flagging to this crimewatch thing where other players can shoot criminals, and you will see small fleets of NPC corpies roaming around highsec giving those criminals what they want - a fight. Of course it will not be a fair fight, as those lousy NPC corpies will decide to engage (or not).

They (we) are not so unsocialised as you might mean. And probably not so unexperianced as well.
Kryss Darkdust
The Skulls
#51 - 2012-08-29 11:26:20 UTC
What I got out of this posters thread is.

"My way is the only way anyone should be allowed to play the game, change it immediately or I will call you all carebears".

We get it, you suck at PvP and need the mechanics changed so that people without a clue are valid targets for you and you can feel like a big man blowing up haulers all day.

Here is the problem. Its stupid.

The reality of Eve is that, if you don't love it like it is today, you should probobly go ahead and unsub. 

Zaraz Zaraz
Zontik Paraphernalia Inc
#52 - 2012-08-29 11:36:59 UTC
ashley Eoner wrote:
If you want true "cold and hard" you should turn off the computer and go outside.

And move to Ulaanbaatar, possibly the coldest, hardest city around. Average annual temperature is zero. Mongols are among the toughest people you will ever meet. They don't pickpocket by sneaking a hand in your purse; they pickpocket by slashing your coat open with a knife.

I play Eve because it is a nice break from the everyday pvp I face just walking down the street.
Tiger Would
#53 - 2012-08-29 11:49:48 UTC
In order to keep looking nifty as a "leading" alliance, one can not have new, differing or emergent gameplay, it makes you look stupid and should therefor be banned.

See, one sentence would have told your entire story.

Once you think you have it all, you have actually become ignorant towards everything else.

T. Would

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2012-08-29 12:19:39 UTC
Yawn, again .....

Leave hi sec alone and you cannot force ppl to become targets if they don't want to be..


I Fought the Law, and the Law Won... Talon Silverhawk

Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#55 - 2012-08-29 14:35:53 UTC
Rats wrote:
Yawn, again .....

Leave hi sec alone and you cannot force ppl to become targets if they don't want to be..


Wanna bet Twisted

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#56 - 2012-08-29 14:43:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
Solstice Project wrote:
Oh crap, i wish there were other things to shoot at than miners ...

Yeah, like NPC corp Tengu bots.

You are all crying "Oh god I don't want to pvp by actually being involved with the whole game". Its not forcing you to pvp. It only opens you up for a possible war. Afraid you are a legitimate target because of your 20 multibox npc corp miner fleet?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2012-08-29 15:19:32 UTC
Virgil Travis wrote:
Rats wrote:
Yawn, again .....

Leave hi sec alone and you cannot force ppl to become targets if they don't want to be..


Wanna bet Twisted

In the case of forcing ppl out of he sec into lo yes, If your talking about ganking in hi sec, no Lol


I Fought the Law, and the Law Won... Talon Silverhawk

Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#58 - 2012-08-29 16:32:27 UTC
Rats wrote:
Virgil Travis wrote:
Rats wrote:
Yawn, again .....

Leave hi sec alone and you cannot force ppl to become targets if they don't want to be..


Wanna bet Twisted

In the case of forcing ppl out of he sec into lo yes, If your talking about ganking in hi sec, no Lol


It's player's own choice if they leave high sec or not, no problem with that, but the thing is that any interaction with the market can affect prices of items used outside of high sec and there should be some way for the pvp mechanisms to interact in both directions. If player a can drive up the price of minerals or ships then player b should be able to counter and perhaps destroy the means of gathering the minerals or the ships as they're being delivered to market.

I've never ganked in high sec, I'd much rather deal with combat in low sec, but if I need to deal with competition I'd prefer to have the option to war dec them and send a clear message rather than be confined to just ganking to disrupt operations.

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Christy D Floyd
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2012-08-29 17:30:19 UTC
I see you have finally discoverd the forums. Please pull up a chair and stay awhile you will learn alot. You will learn how to hate people properly at the same time formulating ideas on how to imporve the game.

Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.

Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#60 - 2012-08-29 18:04:45 UTC
Christy D Floyd wrote:
formulating ideas on how to imporve the game.

tbh I'm having a tough time formulating ideas on how to imporve any game, much less EVE.

Hate, on the other hand, well, everyone should hate carebears. ******* carebears...

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.