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The Highsec quandry.

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#21 - 2012-08-29 01:16:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
Mr Epeen wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

If your sec status is -5, all players can attack you anyway. That is sandbox. That is being accountable for your actions which led you to -5

Come up with better.

That's not the same as neg 5 being forced to rat up their status to be allowed in high sec. Even neg ten has a free pass in high sec. So the gankers get a free pass but you want to take what little shelter is left for the casual player away?

No that it would ever happen, but it sure would be Interesting to see how fast the server population drops if it ever did.

Mr Epeen Cool

And current NPC players can effect the biggest part of the game, the market. Almost completely unrestrained in the so called "little shelter" with the only interruption from the smallest of communities, the gankers. So instead, NPC corps should get a free pass to not play with the rest of civilization because you say you are casual?
The "casual" does not need NPC protection. My alts are in personal corps and have never been harassed. If I am, my god, I have mercenaries. What else would you use your isk for? If you are targeted, you are not as casual as you let on. Or you said something stupid. Which should lead to consequence.

Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Yes, those 500 guys on average, at any given time in each of the NPC corps, are the reason for all of EVE's problems and why people gank.
Dear OP,
How many high sec corps is your little 2 man corp currently at war with? Because when I'm flying around high sec on my alt, I see a shitton of people in player made corps also flying around high sec.
And explain to me, why exactly, that guy in a barge, who is a member of a player corp got suicide ganked while he was mining again? Oh, because the guy who ganked him was in an NPC corp, and the other guy didn't want to pay the wardec fee or put himself in a possition of being attackable while flying around high sec.

Oh hay goon with alts.
So the hundreds in each blood line NPC corp don't effect eve at all either right? Its not the cause of all evil. Yet its a long overdue change for the greater good. This was specifically oriented at the "safe" amounts of ore entering eve. You could always add your thoughts on NPC outlaws as the overlying theme is to make NPC corps useless.
Good thing miners got that giant buff huh?
Good thing that crime watch change will make those npc griefers with high sec standing attackable by all right?
What else can happen?
#22 - 2012-08-29 01:22:54 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

If your sec status is -5, all players can attack you anyway. That is sandbox. That is being accountable for your actions which led you to -5

Come up with better.

That's not the same as neg 5 being forced to rat up their status to be allowed in high sec. Even neg ten has a free pass in high sec. So the gankers get a free pass but you want to take what little shelter is left for the casual player away?

No that it would ever happen, but it sure would be Interesting to see how fast the server population drops if it ever did.

Mr Epeen Cool

And current NPC players can effect the biggest part of the game, the market. Almost completely unrestrained in the so called "little shelter" with the only interruption from the smallest of communities, the gankers. So instead, NPC corps should get a free pass to not play with the rest of civilization because you say you are casual?
The "casual" does not need NPC protection. My alts are in personal corps and have never been harassed. If I am, my god, I have mercenaries. What else would you use your isk for? If you are targeted, you are not as casual as you let on. Or you said something stupid. Which should lead to consequence.

the only NPC corps there should be are FW...

when you frist start playing you should be put in tutorial in FW...

It would help alot of noobs understand what eve is all about...

but having semi protected NPC corps is just lame and confusing to new players as it makes them think they are safe...

and also its lame because old vets like me can use them for cyno and high sec alts... like me who is a jita/cyno alt

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Nyancat Audeles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-08-29 01:35:17 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

As if I wasn't clear enough:

Sometimes, I think that players like you are the reason that so many players drop out of EVE. I do not think you understand that newbies like me need an NPC corp. We also pay 15% tax rates or something like that, so you have no right to complain. Who cares if 5 carebears worth 50 billion ISK are in an NPC corp? It makes no difference to the game.

It's like saying, cars are bad for the environment, so lets just throw all cars off a cliff.

Without the CAS NPC corp, I probably would have left the game a long time ago. The whole point of an NPC corp is to let a player build up a solid base of ISK before they continue on to go into a bigger corp.

/end thread
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#24 - 2012-08-29 01:46:40 UTC
Nyancat Audeles wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

As if I wasn't clear enough:

Sometimes, I think that players like you are the reason that so many players drop out of EVE. I do not think you understand that newbies like me need an NPC corp. We also pay 15% tax rates or something like that, so you have no right to complain. Who cares if 5 carebears worth 50 billion ISK are in an NPC corp? It makes no difference to the game.

It's like saying, cars are bad for the environment, so lets just throw all cars off a cliff.

Without the CAS NPC corp, I probably would have left the game a long time ago. The whole point of an NPC corp is to let a player build up a solid base of ISK before they continue on to go into a bigger corp.

/end thread

Kneejerk much?
NPC corps purpose is to learn the basics of the game. Then release you like a haw.... ...a dove into the wild. I am not railing for their ultimate destruction. I ask for them to serve their purpose and then are dismissed. A month. A whole month should be plenty of time to get the basics of the game and find a few people. Specially with revamped new player experience.
Yokai Mitsuhide
#25 - 2012-08-29 01:49:08 UTC
Ensign X wrote:
Did you come up with this idea all on your own? Your momma must be so proud of you for wearing your big boy pants!

Here, have a cookie. Roll

You apparently didn't get the memo...we don't troll posts that are actually good. But for future reference... work on your trolling, that was pretty weak.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#26 - 2012-08-29 01:51:43 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

And current NPC players can effect the biggest part of the game, the market. Almost completely unrestrained in the so called "little shelter" with the only interruption from the smallest of communities, the gankers. So instead, NPC corps should get a free pass to not play with the rest of civilization because you say you are casual?

Oh. I see now. You want to force station traders, who's entire life outside a station was moving to a trade hub, into being able to be war decced.

Yup. That'll sure change the entire high sec dynamic. You'll have 'em running scared. Roll

But, whatever... If it makes you feel any better, I agree. I'm no stranger to being at war and not even realizing it, let alone having it affect me in any way whatsoever. As to how you expect it will change anything...vOv

Mr Epeen Cool
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#27 - 2012-08-29 01:58:36 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
As to how you expect it will change anything...vOv

Well, for one, null-sec alliance hauling alts would be in player corporations.

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#28 - 2012-08-29 02:04:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
Mr Epeen wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

And current NPC players can effect the biggest part of the game, the market. Almost completely unrestrained in the so called "little shelter" with the only interruption from the smallest of communities, the gankers. So instead, NPC corps should get a free pass to not play with the rest of civilization because you say you are casual?

Oh. I see now. You want to force station traders, who's entire life outside a station was moving to a trade hub, into being able to be war decced.

Yup. That'll sure change the entire high sec dynamic. You'll have 'em running scared. Roll

But, whatever... If it makes you feel any better, I agree. I'm no stranger to being at war and not even realizing it, let alone having it affect me in any way whatsoever. As to how you expect it will change anything...vOv

Mr Epeen Cool

The trader is not my concern. They don't produce, they manipulate. That's fine. I concerned with the beginning of the chain. The raw goods I'm concerned with. Which is of course not all coming from NPC, but enough to be rectified. Dealing with market trader .01 isk scum is a whole different issue which is neither here nor there with NPC corps as you so professionally pointed out the obvious, wardecks are useless.

Why leave a problem. It may not be "the" problem to Eden's ills, but to ignore the cracks weakens everything. The more immunity to basic gameplay breeds more risk adverse players.
ashley Eoner
#29 - 2012-08-29 02:05:59 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
You vets are hilarious. Most of the problems of this game are actually vet created. You created the mess that is nullsec. You created the mess that is low sec via gate camps and such. YOU have created the problem with highsec by relentlessly exploiting the ruleset to kill newbies. You scream and cry about newbies staying in the NPC corps and then when one tries to join your corp you scream "SPY ALT!!!" or "NOT ENOUGH SP!!!" all day at them. So newbies have the choice of staying in the NPC corp or taking a risk on a small corp that is very likely a ****** corp. On top of that when you don't scream about spies or SP issues you take the opportunity to scam the newbie by taking everything they have or by killing them. Then you come to the forums acting all surprised when newbies stay in the NPC corp.

In case you're wondering I was welcomed to eve by having my first ship ganked when I undocked to do the tutorial missions. Dude just killed me for no apparent reason and when I asked why he screamed "NEWBIE CAREBEAR GET OUT OF NPC CORP" and then blocked me. Days later when I attempted to start mining I was ganked in my hoarder. This doesn't include the rampant can flipping and overall obsession of certain vets who make it a point to hang in the newbie areas just to grief people.

If you want this game to change you might want to take a moment and look at your own actions and how they might be contributing to the problems at hand. You're not hardcore and this game isn't hardcore either. I've seen hundreds of similar games over my decades of game playing. There's nothing special about your ability to play this game. Get over yourself and you might start to see the true problems here. Or you can continue your forum circle jerk about how eve is "cold and hard" and how special you are as people to play such a "cold and hard" game. If you want true "cold and hard" you should turn off the computer and go outside.

I've said my peace as a newbie to this game.
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#30 - 2012-08-29 02:08:31 UTC
ashley Eoner wrote:
In case you're wondering I was welcomed to eve by having my first ship ganked when I undocked to do the tutorial missions. Dude just killed me for no apparent reason and when I asked why he screamed "NEWBIE CAREBEAR GET OUT OF NPC CORP" and then blocked me. Days later when I attempted to start mining I was ganked in my hoarder. This doesn't include the rampant can flipping and overall obsession of certain vets who make it a point to hang in the newbie areas just to grief people.

I lol'd.

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#31 - 2012-08-29 02:12:01 UTC
ashley Eoner wrote:

In case you're wondering I was welcomed to eve by having my first ship ganked when I undocked to do the tutorial missions. Dude just killed me for no apparent reason and when I asked why he screamed "NEWBIE CAREBEAR GET OUT OF NPC CORP" and then blocked me. Days later when I attempted to start mining I was ganked in my hoarder. This doesn't include the rampant can flipping and overall obsession of certain vets who make it a point to hang in the newbie areas just to grief people.

If people couldn't hide in NPC corps to begin with, think you would have been ganked by someone saying stop hiding?
You have inherited a legacy of ****. You can either change it, or fall in line with the mediocre lifestyles those before you set in motion.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#32 - 2012-08-29 02:12:14 UTC
ashley Eoner wrote:
You vets are hilarious. Most of the problems of this game are actually vet created. You created the mess that is nullsec. You created the mess that is low sec via gate camps and such. YOU have created the problem with highsec by relentlessly exploiting the ruleset to kill newbies. You scream and cry about newbies staying in the NPC corps and then when one tries to join your corp you scream "SPY ALT!!!" or "NOT ENOUGH SP!!!" all day at them. So newbies have the choice of staying in the NPC corp or taking a risk on a small corp that is very likely a ****** corp. On top of that when you don't scream about spies or SP issues you take the opportunity to scam the newbie by taking everything they have or by killing them. Then you come to the forums acting all surprised when newbies stay in the NPC corp.

In case you're wondering I was welcomed to eve by having my first ship ganked when I undocked to do the tutorial missions. Dude just killed me for no apparent reason and when I asked why he screamed "NEWBIE CAREBEAR GET OUT OF NPC CORP" and then blocked me. Days later when I attempted to start mining I was ganked in my hoarder. This doesn't include the rampant can flipping and overall obsession of certain vets who make it a point to hang in the newbie areas just to grief people.

If you want this game to change you might want to take a moment and look at your own actions and how they might be contributing to the problems at hand. You're not hardcore and this game isn't hardcore either. I've seen hundreds of similar games over my decades of game playing. There's nothing special about your ability to play this game. Get over yourself and you might start to see the true problems here. Or you can continue your forum circle jerk about how eve is "cold and hard" and how special you are as people to play such a "cold and hard" game. If you want true "cold and hard" you should turn off the computer and go outside.

I've said my peace as a newbie to this game.

I can't disagree.

Mr Epeen Cool
ashley Eoner
#33 - 2012-08-29 02:12:36 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Karl Hobb wrote:
ashley Eoner wrote:
In case you're wondering I was welcomed to eve by having my first ship ganked when I undocked to do the tutorial missions. Dude just killed me for no apparent reason and when I asked why he screamed "NEWBIE CAREBEAR GET OUT OF NPC CORP" and then blocked me. Days later when I attempted to start mining I was ganked in my hoarder. This doesn't include the rampant can flipping and overall obsession of certain vets who make it a point to hang in the newbie areas just to grief people.

I lol'd.

It was especially funny because my character was only a couple days old and I was still trying to figure out how to even fly.

If people couldn't hide in NPC corps to begin with, think you would have been ganked by someone saying stop hiding?
You have inherited a legacy of ****. You can either change it, or fall in line with the mediocre lifestyles those before you set in motion.
Yes those people would still be ganking newbies but I guess at least they wouldn't have an excuse to legitimize their behavior.
Lady Katherine Devonshire
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#34 - 2012-08-29 02:14:16 UTC
Considering just how many people are in some of those NPC corps I'm not so sure if wardeccing them is such a good idea. Would you really want to try to take on the Center for Advanced Studies? I certainly wouldn't want to. They're not all newbies, you know - some (not many, but some) of the oldest, more experienced characters in the game are still in those NPC corps as well. They might just take that sort of thing personally, too. Make an example out of people, if you catch my drift.

This could easily become one of those wishes that comes back to bite people in their behinds, and while the flow of tears suddenly in the other direction might be amusing at first, in the end it would only result in even more whining to change it back - and if I know those lovely sadists at CCP, that's right about when they start laughing maniacally for about five minutes straight, grin, say "NO!" and resume laughing again.
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#35 - 2012-08-29 02:21:22 UTC
ashley Eoner wrote:
It was especially funny because my character was only a couple days old and I was still trying to figure out how to even fly.

Yeah, sorry, the magic is gone. Try less hard, maybe?

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Alavaria Fera
#36 - 2012-08-29 02:22:20 UTC
Lady Katherine Devonshire wrote:
Considering just how many people are in some of those NPC corps I'm not so sure if wardeccing them is such a good idea. Would you really want to try to take on the Center for Advanced Studies? I certainly wouldn't want to. They're not all newbies, you know - some (not many, but some) of the oldest, more experienced characters in the game are still in those NPC corps as well. They might just take that sort of thing personally, too. Make an example out of people, if you catch my drift.

This could easily become one of those wishes that comes back to bite people in their behinds, and while the flow of tears suddenly in the other direction might be amusing at first, in the end it would only result in even more whining to change it back - and if I know those lovely sadists at CCP, that's right about when they start laughing maniacally for about five minutes straight, grin, say "NO!" and resume laughing again.

Let's do this thing ~~

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#37 - 2012-08-29 02:22:55 UTC
Lady Katherine Devonshire wrote:
This could easily become one of those wishes that comes back to bite people in their behinds, and while the flow of tears suddenly in the other direction might be amusing at first, in the end it would only result in even more whining to change it back - and if I know those lovely sadists at CCP, that's right about when they start laughing maniacally for about five minutes straight, grin, say "NO!" and resume laughing again.

Just like dual mw drives or ABs on ships. or AOE doomsdays, npcs corps going from zero to 11% tax, lvl5s leaving highsec, incursions screwing with space.
People will get over it and adapt.
Volar Kang
Kang Industrial
#38 - 2012-08-29 02:23:22 UTC
Brilliant idea! And while we are at it, lets nerf Null-Sec too! Lets reduce all weapon damage in null-sec by 80% due to EMI which is out of control in non-concord systems. Lets also make null-sec players have limits on the size their alliance can grow and set that limit at 1000 members. We wouldnt want a bunch of over-crowded allainces all doing blob warfare out in null would we?

Seriously, stop whining about how others play the game. There is nothing wrong with highsec. If you want a fight, go to low or null, be a man and fight someone who can actually shoot back. There is nothing wrong with a newer player being able to mine a bit in highsec and be somewhat safe. If that poor little miner really makes you mad, jump in a battleship and suicide him. You can still gank, you just wont make the profit from it you used to.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#39 - 2012-08-29 02:23:36 UTC
Lady Katherine Devonshire wrote:
Considering just how many people are in some of those NPC corps I'm not so sure if wardeccing them is such a good idea. Would you really want to try to take on the Center for Advanced Studies? I certainly wouldn't want to. They're not all newbies, you know - some (not many, but some) of the oldest, more experienced characters in the game are still in those NPC corps as well. They might just take that sort of thing personally, too. Make an example out of people, if you catch my drift.

This could easily become one of those wishes that comes back to bite people in their behinds, and while the flow of tears suddenly in the other direction might be amusing at first, in the end it would only result in even more whining to change it back - and if I know those lovely sadists at CCP, that's right about when they start laughing maniacally for about five minutes straight, grin, say "NO!" and resume laughing again.


I well remember back in the day when I had one of my first characters in there. Used to be that someone would suggest a low sec or null roam and there'd be two dozen frigates and T1 cruisers at a gate within 20 minutes ready to go. Back in those days if you had a spare hull or two, you'd donate to the cause. It was a real tight knit group.

I haven't had a character involved in an NPC corp for a few years so I'm not sure what they're like now, but they used to be a real hoot for those willing to take a risk and have some fun.

Mr Epeen Cool
Bully Hedro
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#40 - 2012-08-29 02:24:10 UTC
One more "Those guys should be forced to play the game like I do" thread.
