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API checker - Simple tool to do background checks. (No longer simple!)

Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#101 - 2013-02-01 16:40:52 UTC  |  Edited by: ItsmeHcK1
Half half, yes.
When doing the scan, it obviously just looks for blue on blue in general, not for specific people.
It does however distinguish in the overview tab - it lists total awoxing and awoxing by this character.
I figured showing that someone was a victim of awoxing could possibly be interesting too, as it may give them ideas. P

Chancellor Martok wrote:
API checker v2.exe is not a valid Win32 application. Oops

What version of Windows are you using? If XP, make sure you have .Net installed.
Chancellor Martok
State War Academy
Caldari State
#102 - 2013-02-02 10:45:31 UTC
Indeed have .Net Framework installed upto and including 4.Big smile

Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#103 - 2013-02-02 15:24:05 UTC
Then I got nothing...
The only time that message SHOULD pop up is on older operating systems (XP and below) without .Net.
Chancellor Martok
State War Academy
Caldari State
#104 - 2013-02-03 19:44:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Chancellor Martok
Indeed, well I am running XP sp3 but have upgraded to the latest .net to run some repair software sometime back. Any ideas?

Is there a particular .NET that this was written to run with. Also was curious that if this has any Java links in it?

Well its a grand idea, I shall continue my search for a good tool. Keep up the effort for the ones who can use it.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#105 - 2013-02-05 14:53:49 UTC
It just hit me that it may have been compiled as an x64-executable, which wouldn't run on most XP systems.
Please try this version.
Chancellor Martok
State War Academy
Caldari State
#106 - 2013-02-08 23:50:45 UTC

I deleted the previous version, uploaded the version you gave the link to and sorry to say no difference. Thanks so much for your help mate but I have hit a wall with it and really appreicate you trying.

Best of luck
Akira Menoko
#107 - 2013-02-10 22:03:46 UTC
Got a couple more feature ideas for you:

1. On the character that's being API checked, have a corp history tab that shows their corp history. There is one on the social life parser for the people the social life parser digs up, having one for the person being checked would be useful. If it could highlight red/blue corps and alliances like the parser does for contacts on the left side of the window, that would be even better.

2. On the standings import for importing corp/alliance standings, if I don't check the box for removing already existing standings, I get a lot of double entries. If the entries are identical it'd be great if they didn't double up. :)

Other than that, it's working great for me so far. :)
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#108 - 2013-02-10 23:34:06 UTC
Akira Menoko wrote:
1. On the character that's being API checked, have a corp history tab that shows their corp history. There is one on the social life parser for the people the social life parser digs up, having one for the person being checked would be useful. If it could highlight red/blue corps and alliances like the parser does for contacts on the left side of the window, that would be even better.

That is a very good point...
It has always been in there, guess I must've forgotten to add it again while changing everything to v2...

Akira Menoko wrote:
2. On the standings import for importing corp/alliance standings, if I don't check the box for removing already existing standings, I get a lot of double entries. If the entries are identical it'd be great if they didn't double up. :)

A bit of an unintended feature... P
While I was writing the standings import, I did actually add a check for duplicates, but that turned out to prolong the process by such an insane amount that I disabled it. Haven't really looked for a solution since then, and kinda just let it go. P
Akira Menoko
#109 - 2013-02-10 23:40:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Akira Menoko
ItsmeHcK1 wrote:
Akira Menoko wrote:
1. On the character that's being API checked, have a corp history tab that shows their corp history. There is one on the social life parser for the people the social life parser digs up, having one for the person being checked would be useful. If it could highlight red/blue corps and alliances like the parser does for contacts on the left side of the window, that would be even better.

That is a very good point...
It has always been in there, guess I must've forgotten to add it again while changing everything to v2...

So an easy feature to add, sweet. :)

ItsmeHcK1 wrote:
Akira Menoko wrote:
2. On the standings import for importing corp/alliance standings, if I don't check the box for removing already existing standings, I get a lot of double entries. If the entries are identical it'd be great if they didn't double up. :)

A bit of an unintended feature... P
While I was writing the standings import, I did actually add a check for duplicates, but that turned out to prolong the process by such an insane amount that I disabled it. Haven't really looked for a solution since then, and kinda just let it go. P

Yeah, I can see how that would happen. There are ways to reduce the time of things like that, but that gets into the more advanced areas in computer science and programming. For now just removing old entries and replacing them is totally workable.

Edit/Forgot to add: it's the area of computer science called "Data Structures" and they can get quite complicated and I don't remember much from when I studied that stuff in college.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#110 - 2013-02-11 00:11:01 UTC
Akira Menoko wrote:
Edit/Forgot to add: it's the area of computer science called "Data Structures" and they can get quite complicated and I don't remember much from when I studied that stuff in college.

Oh, I know. C# just sucks. P
Akira Menoko
#111 - 2013-02-11 00:23:19 UTC
ItsmeHcK1 wrote:
Akira Menoko wrote:
Edit/Forgot to add: it's the area of computer science called "Data Structures" and they can get quite complicated and I don't remember much from when I studied that stuff in college.

Oh, I know. C# just sucks. P


In school I always worked with C++ and once in Java and Visual Basic.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#112 - 2013-02-11 23:05:35 UTC  |  Edited by: ItsmeHcK1
'tis done!
Added all the requested featurs and added some small fixes. (fixed standings, for one)
Download here.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#113 - 2013-03-16 01:30:47 UTC  |  Edited by: ThunderLardner
every time i try to pull a friends api the program crashes.
The api was created about 30min ago and it crashes across multiple machines.
I think ccp screwed it up a bit. any one else having this?
IF i disable notifications it does not crash.
So its something in there.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#114 - 2013-03-19 12:25:30 UTC
Hurr durr.
Does it give you an error message?
Syral Khouri
Banished Braindead Zombies
Pandemic Horde
#115 - 2013-03-23 12:53:43 UTC
Awesome, well coded tool, totally recommend it.

#116 - 2013-04-04 16:08:01 UTC
I've been getting this error today:

"There was an error while trying to query the API server for information regarding a character. The API key in question may therefore not function."

Can anyone explain to me what this means?
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#117 - 2013-04-04 22:24:59 UTC
That error has actually never occured before, and really shouldn't ever.

It can only occur in three specific instances:
1) You can't reach the API server somehow, but in that case none of the functions would work.
2) If the key in question was added a while back, it is possible that one of the characters associated with it has been removed. (biomass)
3) The rumors of CCP killing all caching might be true, meaning that if anything else (Evemon, Eveboard, eve-kill, you name it) uses that account within the cache timer, we're all pretty much screwed.

Technical stuffs:
After fetching the data from the supplied API key, the program loops through the characters in that account, requesting character sheets, if you will, on all of them.
We know the ID's can't be wrong, because we just fetched them a second ago from the API key. Conversely, we also know the API server can't be down, because... we just fetched something from it a second ago. (or that is some really insane timing)
Miri Amatonur
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#118 - 2013-04-13 10:52:09 UTC
Good additions to your tool could be the following:

  1. That you can look up the content of market transactions (bought/sold).
  2. To enable your tool to look up the content of trades/contracts between players.
  3. The ability to sort the social life within a given time frame not only by corporation or alliance.

From my point of view it would make the life of security officers even easier. Everything in one tool.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#119 - 2013-04-13 14:30:35 UTC  |  Edited by: ItsmeHcK1
Miri Amatonur wrote:
That you can look up the content of market transactions (bought/sold).

Indeed. something that was on the list, but I never really got around to doing.
I will add it at some point. P

Miri Amatonur wrote:
To enable your tool to look up the content of trades/contracts between players.

It already does that, for contracts anyway. Sadly, there is no way to find out what was traded using station trade.

Miri Amatonur wrote:
The ability to sort the social life within a given time frame not only by corporation or alliance.

Hmm, interesting idea.
Will take a bit of work, but I definitely agree that it could be very useful.
To the to do list!
Miri Amatonur
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#120 - 2013-04-14 13:29:44 UTC
Sounds great! It's a great tool an we use it regulary for background checks.