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Lvl 4 mission runner, Rokh or Navy megathron

Wuxi Wuxilla
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-08-21 10:14:24 UTC
With you arguing for efficiency in mission running and then getting those crap fits (cap stable Mega, really?) is ridiculously funny.

Your Hyperion Fit tanks 334dps, which pretty much translates into being dead. Your Megathron fit not only wastes 5 Slots on Cap-Mods, no it also tanks a friggin 219dps.

Honest question, did you ever run a lvl4 before? Both fits are utterly useless for lvl4s. And pretty much anything else too.

The Hyperion will always be inferior to the Hyperion. You can specialise the Hype to be better in one thing (Tank) than the Megathron, which you don't need, as a properly fitted Megathron has enough tank.
Every other advantage the Hyperion might have is being solved by not using an utter ****-fit on the Megathron. Your fit is so bad, I feel sorry for my EFT for importing it and for my screen for having to show it.

Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#22 - 2012-08-21 14:46:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Fronkfurter McSheebleton
It's not cap stable using the proper ammo, it simply has enough regen to not need a booster, so long as you don't run everything at once.

Those ships are more than capable of running L4s, quite quickly I might add. To use them properly you have to actually move your ship, not sit there like a turd and let everything get in close on you. If you can't run L4s in those fits, you fail at flying them.

thhief ghabmoef

Arazel Chainfire
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-08-21 16:00:19 UTC
Wuxi Wuxilla wrote:
With you arguing for efficiency in mission running and then getting those crap fits (cap stable Mega, really?) is ridiculously funny.

Your Hyperion Fit tanks 334dps, which pretty much translates into being dead. Your Megathron fit not only wastes 5 Slots on Cap-Mods, no it also tanks a friggin 219dps.

Honest question, did you ever run a lvl4 before? Both fits are utterly useless for lvl4s. And pretty much anything else too.

The Hyperion will always be inferior to the Hyperion. You can specialise the Hype to be better in one thing (Tank) than the Megathron, which you don't need, as a properly fitted Megathron has enough tank.
Every other advantage the Hyperion might have is being solved by not using an utter ****-fit on the Megathron. Your fit is so bad, I feel sorry for my EFT for importing it and for my screen for having to show it.

I seriously have to question whether or not you have actually tried to maximize your mission running. Let me inform you of a neat little bit of info - if you have enough applied dps, a battleship only needs about a 250dps tank for the majority of missions. If you can pull range, the tank number actually goes down below that. This is why I can fly an AC mach into any mission with a t2 large shield booster and 2 invulns, and not bother actually moving except to travel towards the gate (so don't give me any of that "but the mach is speed tanking it"). The DPS figure that you need to hit to accomplish this is around 8-900 though, which may be beyond what a railgun ship can put out anyways.

Btw... you might want to check what you're saying here:
The Hyperion will always be inferior to the Hyperion.

bad things happen when you can't keep what you're saying straight.

Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#24 - 2012-08-21 22:01:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Fronkfurter McSheebleton
^ 8-900 is a high estimate...rails have excellent projection, so the murder zone starts much farther out than with an AC mach.

BTW, with faction magstabs and ammo, the hyperion and kronos both top 900 gun dps (out to 50km even), and a navythron with a full flight of sentries is in the same neighborhood.

thhief ghabmoef

Wuxi Wuxilla
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2012-08-22 07:11:56 UTC
Fronkfurter McSheebleton wrote:

Those ships are more than capable of running L4s, quite quickly I might add. To use them properly you have to actually move your ship, not sit there like a turd and let everything get in close on you. If you can't run L4s in those fits, you fail at flying them.

So you stand by your point that fitting >5< Capmods/rigs on a ship is in any way, shape or form superior to just fitting >1< Cap Booster? (If anyone argues with carriers, I'm going to hurt him. Badly)
I see, it's clearly me that lacks the insight into the fine art of fitting and failing.


BTW, with faction magstabs and ammo, the hyperion and kronos both top 900 gun dps (out to 50km even), and a navythron with a full flight of sentries is in the same neighborhood.

The Hyperion Fit you posted tops out at 804dps with faction Ammo/Magstabs. You want to go down to a 2-slot Tank? It clearly should be possible. (And even then it still lacks 50dps to get 900)
A Navy Mega is 5 dps short of that. Without the Cruise/Heavy Launcher it could just fit for extra-dps. (But with the other merits and a much better tank I listed and you ignored)


I seriously have to question whether or not you have actually tried to maximize your mission running. Let me inform you of a neat little bit of info - if you have enough applied dps, a battleship only needs about a 250dps tank for the majority of missions. If you can pull range, the tank number actually goes down below that.

I have ran lvl4s in everything, from Assault Frigs to 250dps brick-Drakes to blitzing Tengus to Cruise CNRs to minimal-tank-Machariels.
You do not fit for the majority of missions. Stuff like AE, GE, Duo of Death and what not else do not need any kind of tank, but that is hardly the benchmark. The benchmark are the hard missions and when I post a fit, I post a fit that can finish any mission, not just "the majority".
But even if we agree that 250 dps tank are enough, the Navy Mega still can reduce tank, fit a t2 Burst Rig and continue to be superior in every way.


Btw... you might want to check what you're saying here:

The Hyperion will always be inferior to the Hyperion.

bad things happen when you can't keep what you're saying straight.

This is so relevant to the discussion, I can't even be bothered to edit it.
Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#26 - 2012-08-23 02:21:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Fronkfurter McSheebleton
So you stand by your point that fitting >5< Capmods/rigs on a ship is in any way, shape or form superior to just fitting >1< Cap Booster? (If anyone argues with carriers, I'm going to hurt him. Badly)
I see, it's clearly me that lacks the insight into the fine art of fitting and failing.

There's a big difference between fitting 5 cap mods, and two cap mods and some rigs. It has three range mods, and three damage mods...anything else will have heavy stacking penalties, and really not add much. Sacrificing that little bit of extra dps in order to completely discard your dependance on boosters, which opens up new tactical options, is most definitely worth it if you ask me.

Right about the dps numbers btw, I forgot I had implants plugged in. Still, plenty for what was being discussed.


when I post a fit, I post a fit that can finish any mission, not just "the majority".

...which is ridiculous. There are VERY few missions that need more than a LAR and two hardeners to complete. There's only one in gal space that ever gives me trouble, and adding tank on all of the other missions just for that one is pants on head ********.

thhief ghabmoef

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