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So if EVE actually became less safe, more hardcore, more difficult...

Pilna Vcelka
#1 - 2012-08-07 17:24:14 UTC
... CONCORD reaction times doubled, CONCORD ships only in 1.0 systems using civilian guns, PvE ISK generation down to 10%, newbies starting with 0 SP, no local chat anywhere, mining ships having 100EHP and people with uberleet killboards paying hallf the standard subscription, no acceleration gates, etc. etc. yadda yadda

Basically all the bitter goon wet dreams.

I wonder, what would really happen if CCP actually listened to these sad and lonely children?

Definitely not the same thing as in 2003.

The world has changed. The competition has changed. The players have changed.

With graphics being 8 years newer, lots of actual PvP games out there or around the corner (hello GW2), MMO playerbase being way younger in average due to cheaper and easily accessible internet - would EVE really be a success? Would the playground be still even with most of the players having comparable experience, ISK and SP under their belt? Would there be challenge and fun?

I guess ****ing not.

Some of the weirdos would adapt. Most newbies would leave. With a terribad excuse for graphics, trizillion of spreadsheets and not even a remote chance of catching up with 5,6,7,8+ year old vets with hundreds of millions of SPs and hundreds of billions of ISK to support them, no sane newbie would even touch the stinky hardcore boredom.

There would be no challenge, because the only players bitter uberleet pvp vets could fight would be only other bitter uberleet pvp vets. Same fleet comps and blobs fighting the same fleet comps and blobs into eternity. Theyve seen it all before a hundred times.

So what would happen then? What would the goonscrubs and the like do?

Theyd keep on doing what they do now - exploiting every single chance of making someones weaker game experience miserable in the restored "super hardcore" environment until there would be noone to take advantage of except for people like themselves.

But wouldnt EVE be cool with only uberleet and die hard vets around?

No, it would suck big time as much as current 0.0 - supposedly space for veteran players - sucks.

People who know what to do and can replace any losses would only fight people who know what to do and can replace any losses. There would be no carebear tears, no drama and most of all not fun.

And thats why the bitter vets come to gank in highsec so much, thats why they hunt newbies down, thats why they hate the changes. Because theyre bored - their uberleet hardmode 0.0 warfare bores them do death. Theyve been there, done it a million times, nothing to see there, nothing to learn.

Only by taking the fun away from the weaker, the newer, the less experienced do they have fun. for a little while. Without newbies and carebears, bitter pvp vets would just unsub straight away, having nothing to do.

And thats why CCP needs to make the bitter vets GTFO

Because no matter what they do, the bitter vets will cry and hate even more. Theyve simply been around for too long. Theyre not bringing anything new or interesting to the game anymore. They only bring hate, forum crying and troll posting about how EVE is dying, EVE sucks, Im unsubbing after 8 years of having no-life (good for them!).

Let them uberleet pros go and lead EVE into 2012
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#2 - 2012-08-07 17:26:19 UTC
Terrible strawman post. 0/10

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Section 8.
#3 - 2012-08-07 17:28:38 UTC
Tell us more about how the game should be, 7 day old newbie corp member.
Sarik Olecar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-08-07 17:30:55 UTC
Whats a goon?

Hows my posting? Call 1-800-747-7633 to leave feedback.

Jim Era
#5 - 2012-08-07 17:31:31 UTC
What a terribly horrid post, I am a newb and live in, fly back and forth from and to 0.0, your entire argument has been rendered invalid.


Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2012-08-07 17:32:15 UTC

/posting in another goon hate thread

FC, what do?

Soundwave Plays Diablo
#7 - 2012-08-07 17:32:56 UTC
KrakizBad wrote:
Tell us more about how the game should be, 7 day old newbie corp member.

7 day old newbies pay the same sub fee as bitter vets.

CCP has a business to run after all.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#8 - 2012-08-07 17:35:01 UTC
Soundwave Plays Diablo wrote:
KrakizBad wrote:
Tell us more about how the game should be, 7 day old newbie corp member.

7 day old newbies pay the same sub fee as bitter vets.

CCP has a business to run after all.

Which is why CCP ignore horrid 7 day old scrub corp shiptoasters and listen to the people it has targeted for the last 9 years.
Lord Amaterasu
Aves Autem Obumbratio
#9 - 2012-08-07 17:35:12 UTC
Player run CONCORD.


Long live the Empress Catiz of Amarr!!

Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-08-07 17:38:06 UTC
Whats with all these threads? Sad really....
Sunshine and Lollipops
#11 - 2012-08-07 17:38:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Pilna Vcelka wrote:
... CONCORD reaction times doubled, CONCORD ships only in 1.0 systems using civilian guns, PvE ISK generation down to 10%, newbies starting with 0 SP, no local chat anywhere, mining ships having 100EHP and people with uberleet killboards paying hallf the standard subscription, no acceleration gates, etc. etc. yadda yadda
Good thing that no-one suggests anything even remotely resembling that, then.

Any other strawmen you want to rail against?

…oh, and…
not even a remote chance of catching up with 5,6,7,8+ year old vets with hundreds of millions of SPs and hundreds of billions of ISK to support them, no sane newbie would even touch the stinky hardcore boredom.
Good thing that “catching up” isn't really an applicable concept in EVE, unlike in most games, so those sane newbies have nothing to worry about.
Sarik Olecar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-08-07 17:38:35 UTC
Lord Amaterasu wrote:
Player run CONCORD.


Sign me up! All those wardec "fees", all MINE!

Hows my posting? Call 1-800-747-7633 to leave feedback.

XS Tech
#13 - 2012-08-07 17:39:04 UTC
Soundwave Plays Diablo wrote:
KrakizBad wrote:
Tell us more about how the game should be, 7 day old newbie corp member.

7 day old newbies pay the same sub fee as bitter vets.

CCP has a business to run after all.

or they're a (free) forum scrub alt of someone who's to afraid too post with their main.

anyway, starting with nearly no SP (you get 50k or something now, right?) is already in the game ... hell, when you started with 900k it was still "nearly nothing".

Edit -- Player CONCORD would be interesting ...

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Goonswarm Federation
#14 - 2012-08-07 17:40:28 UTC
Lord Amaterasu wrote:
Player run CONCORD.



FC, what do?

Fat Angry Toe Tappin Inbreds
#15 - 2012-08-07 17:40:57 UTC
Lord Amaterasu
Aves Autem Obumbratio
#16 - 2012-08-07 17:41:33 UTC
Sarik Olecar wrote:
Lord Amaterasu wrote:
Player run CONCORD.


Sign me up! All those wardec "fees", all MINE!

And don't forget the bribes.

Long live the Empress Catiz of Amarr!!

Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#17 - 2012-08-07 17:42:15 UTC
Back to wow snowflake.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#18 - 2012-08-07 17:45:20 UTC
What utter bollocks. I didn't join the game 3 years ago in the hopes that it would become a safe haven for those that need their hands held and have the entitled attitude that they believe they should be left alone in the big bad universe. I joined because this game isn't for those people, but it seems that in the past few years more of them have drifted in believing EVE should be just like all the other marshmallow games they play where they're protected from their own mistakes and wrapped in cotton wool.

I'm by no means an uber l33t pvper but I am happy to accept responsibility for my actions and that there shouldn't be anywhere where you're 100% safe. That's what makes the game far more interesting than any of the other turgid little grindfests out there.

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

#19 - 2012-08-07 17:55:46 UTC
I pray to the CCP gods that they make this game even more carebear friendly. Why do you ask?

1. Bitter old Vets quit and give me all there stuff.

2. Because the bitter old vets quit new rookie pilots join eve and we have something to shoot at now.

3. Bitter old Vets Quit.

4.Subcriptions go up and more revenue flows to CCP thus more ships better graphics and all round better game because they can afford to pump more content into it.

5. Bitter old Vets QUIT.

All those who flame or troll this post I hope you quit also.

If you dont like how eve works please QUIT I think everyone is sick of hearing from bitter old vets complain about how their game is ruined yet they dont understand its not their game it is CCP's.

Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-08-07 17:57:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Thronde
0/10, We need a Troll Uni corp to teach morons how to do it. Edit: missed a word. /facepalm
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