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EVE General Discussion

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Two more accounts unsubbed.

First post
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2012-08-07 05:20:11 UTC
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
Deise Koraka wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:

But that's not what Eve is about. Eve is about PVP. And until CCP fixes that, it's not worth subbing. Such a waste.

That's funny, I've been on EvE for a while now, and never PvP'ed once.

I think what you meant to say was:

"But that's not what Eve is about for me. Eve for me, is about PVP. And until CCP caters to what I want, it's not worth subbing. No one will miss me."

NPC corp...

FFS CCP. Ban NPC Corp characters from posting on the forums already. Get some accountability for once in this game. They're cluttering up my gorgeous thread.


"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#82 - 2012-08-07 05:21:49 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
THAT would be seriously hilarious. I would love to see intrepid crossing bawing on the forums about how goons busted up their gatecamps.

Intrepid Crossing doesn't gatecamp in my experience, though it's been over a month since I've been in Cobalt Edge so I don't really remember all that well.

In any case, they're a pretty terrible alliance and we only let them keep their space because we don't want it.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#83 - 2012-08-07 05:21:56 UTC
Eh, don't bother pointing out the NPC-corpers. With some very rare exceptions, all of the "htfu ganker" people are going to post on alts. Fear is a defining characteristic of these people, and handily coincides with the stance they take toward the game.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#84 - 2012-08-07 05:22:03 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
What CCP apparently wants to do is not evolution, it is revolution: They are trying to make a niche-product go mainstream, and can't seem to grasp why that attempt will almost certainly fail.

At the least it'll be a period of chipping away not a single massive structure-shooting fest like Incarna.

Sometimes you gotta go to the extremes slowly.

Will they (<----that's irony, OK?) actually let us destroy it this time?

Never did like that thing, tbqfh.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#85 - 2012-08-07 05:23:43 UTC
Lilianna Star wrote:
So, not once during those eight years did you go to nullsec?

That's as lethal, rewarding and risky as ever. Hell, have you not been in Wormhole space?

They're making security more, well, secure. And this is a problem? You know, giving players choices on how they want to run their game? Either going for safe but time consuming in high sec or risky and rewarding in null sec.

Where did you ever get the idea that I never once went to 0.0 in the entirety of my career?

I've lived in NPC space, flown with corps and alliances of all sizes. I've been in 0.0 since before there were Titans, and Carriers/Dreads even. Ahhh, RMR, the memories...


Wspace? The FIRST THING I DID on release day was take a fleet of 13 carebears so deep into Wspace that they got lost and then ransomed them for all their ships and pods or I wouldn't lead them back out. I made 7 billion ISK in ransoms in 40 minutes.

So, by all means, keep preaching to me about how to PVP.
Lilianna Star
Vagrant Empress
#86 - 2012-08-07 05:24:56 UTC
Deise Koraka wrote:
That's funny, I've been on EvE for a while now, and never PvP'ed once.

I think what you meant to say was:

"But that's not what Eve is about for me. Eve for me, is about PVP. And until CCP caters to what I want, it's not worth subbing. No one will miss me."

This is the impression I am getting as well.

EVE, for me, is a game where you create a goal you want to accomplish and how that goal reflects on the world entirely created by players.

Many MMOs today bang on and on about wanting player choices to make meaningful differences in the world around them but EVE did it already.

But that's beside the point. There seems to be this misconception that PvP is ONLY in High sec. I just recently went up into nullsec because I was bored and had a good fight. Realistically thinking, nobody is that stupid. But I can't think of any other reason why someone would consistently think this game is becoming hello kitty online just because they're reducing risks in high sec and low sec. With the latter meant to disperse PvP around other portions of low sec rather than having it concentrated on gates.

Null sec still exists, and it is just as risky, rewarding and fun as ever.

This also tends to come across as old men yapping on about how kids have it good today and how they had to work for everything or whatever.
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#87 - 2012-08-07 05:24:57 UTC
Surfin's PlunderBunny wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
Deise Koraka wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:

But that's not what Eve is about. Eve is about PVP. And until CCP fixes that, it's not worth subbing. Such a waste.

That's funny, I've been on EvE for a while now, and never PvP'ed once.

I think what you meant to say was:

"But that's not what Eve is about for me. Eve for me, is about PVP. And until CCP caters to what I want, it's not worth subbing. No one will miss me."

NPC corp...

FFS CCP. Ban NPC Corp characters from posting on the forums already. Get some accountability for once in this game. They're cluttering up my gorgeous thread.


Lol Surf... present company excepted. o/
Lilianna Star
Vagrant Empress
#88 - 2012-08-07 05:26:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Lilianna Star
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:

Where did you ever get the idea that I never once went to 0.0 in the entirety of my career?

I've lived in NPC space, flown with corps and alliances of all sizes. I've been in 0.0 since before there were Titans, and Carriers/Dreads even. Ahhh, RMR, the memories...


Wspace? The FIRST THING I DID on release day was take a fleet of 13 carebears so deep into Wspace that they got lost and then ransomed them for all their ships and pods or I wouldn't lead them back out. I made 7 billion ISK in ransoms in 40 minutes.

So, by all means, keep preaching to me about how to PVP.

I'm not preaching how to PVP, I'm wondering why the **** someone like you gives a damn about a direction that doesn't affect you.
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#89 - 2012-08-07 05:31:38 UTC
Deise Koraka wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:

But that's not what Eve is about. Eve is about PVP. And until CCP fixes that, it's not worth subbing. Such a waste.

That's funny, I've been on EvE for a while now, and never PvP'ed once.

I think what you meant to say was:

"But that's not what Eve is about for me. Eve for me, is about PVP. And until CCP caters to what I want, it's not worth subbing. No one will miss me."

You're losing the plot, but again, I'll bite:

Eve is a shooting game. It's a game about shooting. There is no denying this. Without destruction, there is no reason for anyone to build anything. Industry exists to serve those who kill, not the other way around.

Those that think otherwise also think that minerals are free because they don't have to buy them. But, people lie to themselves all the time in order to make them feel better about themselves.

So, it's not about "make the game the way I want it". It's about "this is the game, and diluting that in any way ruins the core game and takes away from the experience of playing the game." It diminishes it.

If you don't want PVP, go play (literally) Hello Kitty Online. Otherwise, stop trying to dumb down my PVP game.
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#90 - 2012-08-07 05:33:05 UTC
Lilianna Star wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:

Where did you ever get the idea that I never once went to 0.0 in the entirety of my career?

I've lived in NPC space, flown with corps and alliances of all sizes. I've been in 0.0 since before there were Titans, and Carriers/Dreads even. Ahhh, RMR, the memories...


Wspace? The FIRST THING I DID on release day was take a fleet of 13 carebears so deep into Wspace that they got lost and then ransomed them for all their ships and pods or I wouldn't lead them back out. I made 7 billion ISK in ransoms in 40 minutes.

So, by all means, keep preaching to me about how to PVP.

I'm not preaching how to PVP, I'm wondering why the **** someone like you gives a damn about a direction that doesn't affect you.

What direction are you speaking about, specifically? I'm not trying to be dense. I just don't understand what you're referring to exactly.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#91 - 2012-08-07 05:33:07 UTC

was this your 2nd account?

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Radius Prime
Tax Evading Ass.
#92 - 2012-08-07 05:33:14 UTC
OMG the drama is killing me. You old players really have a feel for it. +1 for turning eve into stoneage player reality sitcom.
CCP is ruthless for not listening to you. Maybe they still got it after all?!

Biomass your char. Come back as a newb. Do Not join a corp. And guess what? You will be dead in under 2 seconds again...

Hope this helped,


Reopen the EVE gate so we can invade Serenity. Goons can go first.

Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#93 - 2012-08-07 05:39:07 UTC
Sentamon wrote:

LOL. No, but that's hilarious.
Lilianna Star
Vagrant Empress
#94 - 2012-08-07 05:41:23 UTC
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:

What direction are you speaking about, specifically? I'm not trying to be dense. I just don't understand what you're referring to exactly.

If I am understanding your plight correctly, you're asking for CCP to reverse their "path" that is leading them to a riskless EVE Online.

But these changes seem to exclusively effect high sec and one effecting low sec (Of which I'd argue is actually to redistribute PvP rather than reduce it.)

Meanwhile, in null sec, non-consentual PVP happens all the time. Or at least in my experience. So what's the problem?
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#95 - 2012-08-07 05:41:55 UTC
Radius Prime wrote:
OMG the drama is killing me. You old players really have a feel for it. +1 for turning eve into stoneage player reality sitcom.
CCP is ruthless for not listening to you. Maybe they still got it after all?!

Biomass your char. Come back as a newb. Do Not join a corp. And guess what? You will be dead in under 2 seconds again...

Hope this helped,


I did, basically.

I sold off my two 90M+ SP accounts and started from scratch. I now have about 33m SP or so on this character, 40 bil in the bank and haven't missioned or ratted a day on my new character. Check my NPC standings if you like. And no, not dead in the least. But I've been the cause of many a player's demise since starting this new character.


NPC Corp... lol.
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#96 - 2012-08-07 05:52:30 UTC
Lilianna Star wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:

What direction are you speaking about, specifically? I'm not trying to be dense. I just don't understand what you're referring to exactly.

If I am understanding your plight correctly, you're asking for CCP to reverse their "path" that is leading them to a riskless EVE Online.

But these changes seem to exclusively effect high sec and one effecting low sec (Of which I'd argue is actually to redistribute PvP rather than reduce it.)

Meanwhile, in null sec, non-consentual PVP happens all the time. Or at least in my experience. So what's the problem?

Okay, thank you for clarifying, and I will indeed try to answer your question as best I can. But first, I need to explain the foundation of my thinking.

Currently, due to the basic architecture of the game (and I'm speaking to the literal architecture- how the systems are generated, the database structures on the servers etc.) gates are the chokepoints that force players together, and systems operate in a cellular structure that is mostly unavoidable unless you have a jump capable ship. Regardless, you still have to have a cyno. Anywhere you can cyno in/out, there is local. In w-space, cynos don't work. But, in w-space you don't have local broadcasting your presence either.

CCP has made it impossible to sneak around. Small groups can't avoid larger, everyone knows your coming, etc. etc. etc.

Every change CCP does, it makes this issue worse. They have reduced the window of contact by adding warp to zero, by installing jump bridges, by adding jump freighters, by basically allowing defenders to escape as easily as possible. More HP, less peak DPS, nerfing sensor boosters so that they lock slower. On and on and on. Less and less lethal.

There are a tremendous amount of changes in this game that have been done for the convenience of the player. They're simply making the environment 'easier', just for the sake of making the game 'easier'. Easier is not better. Having the majority of the students pass the test doesn't mean it's a good test. It means that the test is too easy. If everyone can pass it, then what is the point of competing?

People ask for 'easy' because they're lazy. They want everything handed to them. They think that it's only hard for them. They don't understand that it's hard for everyone and if they work at it they'll have an advantage.

So, most everyone that is reading my posts is focusing on the detail- what is right in front of them. But I'm talking about the big picture. The biggest picture there is- the core game design and its fundamental structure. It used to be hard, it used to be difficult. It used to be good. And now it's not.
Soundwave Plays Diablo
#97 - 2012-08-07 05:54:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Soundwave Plays Diablo
Ok, I'll bite:

You sure do

1) You can't start shooting your war targets 5 minutes after deccing your opponent.

Definitely can.

2) By the very rules of the game, if the game is more dangerous in general, it is also more dangerous for me. I'm not ISD, I don't get a special ship with special rules and be treated differently. I fully expect to have to deal with the same mechanics that everyone else has to deal with.

Poppycock. Its less dangerous for everyone with more skillpoints by virtue of mechanics.

3) Perpetual wars? Only if the defender *chooses* to keep it going, and 99% of the time, the defender can always run from a fight. Again, you're so obtuse that you fail to see my point completely. THE GAME IS BALANCED TOO FAR IN THE FAVOR OF THE DEFENDER (VICTIM).

Multiple pages of wars I am eligible to join right now.

When I was new, Eve was a merciless and lethal environment. Death was everywhere. You think suicide ganking is easy now? Try five years ago when two Caracals could run down an Iteron 5 with half a bil in cargo/expanders from 30 jumps away and kill it with ease. If todays players had to play in that environment, carebears' would little pea brains would explode from the selfrighteous indignation.

you cried that you couldn't have legal war targets in 5 minutes in point one, now you're too pussy to gank? I can go kill an iteron with ease right now. If you can't you're pathetic.

People like you (unlike me) get "difficult and hard for everyone" confused with "difficult and hard for me". See, changes to the game that make it more difficult in general (no warp to zero, no local, no jump freighters, no jump bridges, no dictor bubbles, etc. etc. etc.) don't just make the game more difficult for you personally. It makes it more difficult for everyone in the game. And an easy game isn't always the best game.

You claim to have been playing since before battleships, so don't cry in one hand about how harsh losses were and complain there's not currently enough loss when its magnitudes higher.

Example: a hill climb racer was asked what makes a good race course (hill) and he answered: "If only one or two (out of a hundred) make it to the top, it's a good course. If everyone makes to the top, it's no good." People like yoursef want a hill where 95% of the players can make it to the top. I want a game where only a few can make it to the top, and only by being as creative as possible and outwitting other players.

You have ascertained my entire eve career from one post. You are the embodiment of 'umadbro'.

So, in closing, when I say "CCP is dumbing down the game", that's what I'm referring to: they're changing the game so that more people can reach the top even though they have an IQ of 60.

Hmm... as you said, they added more to the game. So if you could succeed with an I.Q of 60 now, you could succeed with a lower I.Q. then.

And finally, how can I have any respect for you? I don't know you. Why would you think that I have any respect for you at all? You haven't earned any.

I said the same respect I gave you. I didn't ask you to call me Sensei. You have clearly illustrated your stance on fairness with that remark TBH.
Tarku Huhtsu
#98 - 2012-08-07 05:57:46 UTC
I'm sorry but in reality why would anyone give a **** what your reasons for quitting are? Your reasoning is really only relevant to your perspective of what the game should be, and to assume that anyone else gives a rats arse about your feelings or perceptions is presumptive and arrogant. The changes have upset your game play, your hurt and upset, fine, you have said your piece, now pack up and go.
Lilianna Star
Vagrant Empress
#99 - 2012-08-07 05:59:57 UTC
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:

Okay, thank you for clarifying, and I will indeed try to answer your question as best I can. But first, I need to explain the foundation of my thinking.

Currently, due to the basic architecture of the game (and I'm speaking to the literal architecture- how the systems are generated, the database structures on the servers etc.) gates are the chokepoints that force players together, and systems operate in a cellular structure that is mostly unavoidable unless you have a jump capable ship. Regardless, you still have to have a cyno. Anywhere you can cyno in/out, there is local. In w-space, cynos don't work. But, in w-space you don't have local broadcasting your presence either.

CCP has made it impossible to sneak around. Small groups can't avoid larger, everyone knows your coming, etc. etc. etc.

Every change CCP does, it makes this issue worse. They have reduced the window of contact by adding warp to zero, by installing jump bridges, by adding jump freighters, by basically allowing defenders to escape as easily as possible. More HP, less peak DPS, nerfing sensor boosters so that they lock slower. On and on and on. Less and less lethal.

There are a tremendous amount of changes in this game that have been done for the convenience of the player. They're simply making the environment 'easier', just for the sake of making the game 'easier'. Easier is not better. Having the majority of the students pass the test doesn't mean it's a good test. It means that the test is too easy. If everyone can pass it, then what is the point of competing?

People ask for 'easy' because they're lazy. They want everything handed to them. They think that it's only hard for them. They don't understand that it's hard for everyone and if they work at it they'll have an advantage.

So, most everyone that is reading my posts is focusing on the detail- what is right in front of them. But I'm talking about the big picture. The biggest picture there is- the core game design and its fundamental structure. It used to be hard, it used to be difficult. It used to be good. And now it's not.

Thank you for this post. No really, thank you. I legitimately love what you wrote here.

Sometimes it feels like people just want to make it hard on other players for its own sake. But you gave me an adequate description as to WHY this is harming the game.

And reading this, I actually agree with you. Null and low sec needs to be seriously looked at. Because, although I do love null sec, it leaves a lot to be desired and it could be so much more.

CCP, this needs to be seriously looked at. I like high sec being carebear land. Sometimes I want to undock without the omnipotent feeling that everyone is out to get me. But at the same time, I also want nullsec to be vibrant, dangerous and rewarding. With a lot of chaos. And order within chaos. All people trying to make much more money playing smart than they would in high sec. And giving pirates and opportunity to profit from the risks they're taking.
#100 - 2012-08-07 06:00:57 UTC
I kinda agree with the OP. My favourite times in EVE was when it was a risky confusing mess.

Strange but true.

Now I try on clothes for a living in my CQ.