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High-Sec Wars, Ganking, and the flaging system.

Kirin Intarca
Lezaruss Industrial Systems
#1 - 2012-08-01 17:47:46 UTC
There is a game mechanic with the flagging that has the potential to make high-Sec wars useless, and Ganking way to easy.

The issue is with NPC corps, the Flaging system and how they interact with Wardecs.

First on High-Sec wars. Currently under the flaging system a single pilot can do a good bit of damage to a fleet in a high sec war using 3rd party/alt reppers.

A WarTarget can get logistic support from an alt in an NPC corp with no risk to the logi ships in highsec. As a war target engages another a 3rd party logi ship can rep a ship and not flag for helping the hurting ship. Therefore, a fleet of BCs and BSs can just beat on this ship with a 3rd party logi ship repping it and get no where. The fleet cannot engage the logi ship to stop the reps without CONCORD stepping in and blowing up the aggressive ships on the logi boat. This is leading player to double boxing and triple boxing for logi alts to do a 1 pilot war against high sec corporations.

The system could be changed to add a new flag, a war flag. If a neutral party assists a wardec'ed target, they get flaged and available to be shot by the opposing war corp/alliance. This would deter the common use of 3rd party reps.

Another issue is high sec ganking. A pilot can pop an exhumer relatively easily. both pre and post patch it will be possible. Miners need to get smart and start tanking their ships. Separate about weather a ship is poped or not. A ganker alt can sit in a newbie NPC corp and never worry about a wardec. There are a few well known gankers in my area of space. And we can do nothing except suicide gank them before we get suicide ganked. Alternatively, if there was an option of wardecing their corp so we can shoot first and not worry about CONCORD stepping in and blowing up ships for proactively defending themselves. Currently a corp cannot wardec an NPC corp, and that is fine. Unfortunately, NPC corp are just safe havens for suicide gankers. They gank and lose their ship to CONCORD, then they just sit in a dock until the 15 minute flag wears off and they are safe to fly again. With no worry about anything, unless the corp that just got ganked suicide ganks them.

I think this system could use some tweaking. A flag modification or a prolonged kill rights modification. For example, if a pilot ganks a hulk, the corp should be able to fire on the aggressor for the next week, similar to a Wartarget with no surrender and no renewals.

3rd party reppers, helping a war target being attacked by valid wartargets, should be flagged the same way a ganker is flagged for 15 minutes

Thought or concerns?
T' Elk
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2012-08-01 18:03:28 UTC
Scumbag OP, didn't include tl;dr

~Badposter since FOOOOREEEEEVAAAAAR~ I come back after 2 years to THIS? ~Now 4 years apparently

Keep It Simple Software Group
#3 - 2012-08-01 18:14:59 UTC
Neutral rr in hi sec is stupid. It's a broken mechanic that in no way represents how the rest of EVE combat works.

In addition to any flagging problems there is a distinct lack of aggression timers to the neut rr can simply dock or jump to safety.

I've not read enough of the propose flagging changes, Crime Watch, to know if this is bein addressed.

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#4 - 2012-08-01 18:20:53 UTC
Kirin Intarca wrote:
Separate about weather a ship is poped or not.

I'm picturing a Thorax wearing a mitre during a rainstorm. Is that correct?

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

#5 - 2012-08-01 18:26:36 UTC  |  Edited by: BoBoZoBo
Criminal Flagging is a #1 on my list of things to fix as far as basic mechanics, game consistency and Role Playing.
War Dec / Alliance to a lesser degree.

All this talk about EVE being a corp/buddy based game, yet when someone does something bad in Hi or Low sec, corp mates canot really come to your aid unless it is under a very narrow set of circumstances (can flipping).

They aggressor can just about pod the target with neutral RR help and though CONCORD can come in and wipe the main, it leaves his friends alone, and corp mates cannot do sh!t about it without risking penalty from CONCORD as well. Makes no sense for a game like EVE.

The flags should be shared among fleet/corp/alliance and kill rights should be transferable/sellable. Would really add more risk to ganking over the long term and could help the merc market tremendously and would fix the current system of bounties which is horrible. Alts could still be used, but the ability to gain vengeance on them would be faster, shortening the viability of disposable alts.

Some ideas that came out of the FanFest were good. Needs to happen.

Primary Test Subject • SmackTalker Elite

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#6 - 2012-08-01 18:34:48 UTC
Wacktopia wrote:

I've not read enough of the propose flagging changes, Crime Watch, to know if this is bein addressed.

Crimewatch system still in the works. Hopefully this winter.
Suspect flagging.
Minor crimes. Anyone can shoot you without penalty.
Anyone assisting a suspect becomes a suspect
Eternal Error
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-08-01 18:36:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternal Error
BoBoZoBo wrote:
Criminal Flagging is a #1 on my list of things to fix as far as basic mechanics, game consistency and Role Playing.
War Dec / Alliance to a lesser degree.

All this talk about EVE being a corp/buddy based game, yet when someone does something bad in Hi or Low sec, corp mates canot really come to your aid unless it is under a very narrow set of circumstances (can flipping).

They aggressor can just about pod the target with neutral RR help and though CONCORD can come in and wipe the main, it leaves his friends alone, and corp mates cannot do sh!t about it without risking penalty from CONCORD as well. Makes no sense for a game like EVE.

The flags should be shared among fleet/corp/alliance and kill rights should be transferable/sellable. Would really add more risk to ganking over the long term and could help the merc market tremendously and would fix the current system of bounties which is horrible. Alts could still be used, but the ability to gain vengeance on them would be faster, shortening the viability of disposable alts.

Some ideas that came out of the FanFest were good. Needs to happen.

Don't worry, CCP is just going to say **** it and implement their BRILLIANT "suspect" system instead! Eve Online, now with 20% less reason to join a player corp!
Garreth Vlox
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-08-01 18:37:20 UTC
Kirin Intarca wrote:
There is a game mechanic with the flagging that has the potential to make high-Sec wars useless, and Ganking way to easy.

The issue is with NPC corps, the Flaging system and how they interact with Wardecs.

First on High-Sec wars. Currently under the flaging system a single pilot can do a good bit of damage to a fleet in a high sec war using 3rd party/alt reppers.

A WarTarget can get logistic support from an alt in an NPC corp with no risk to the logi ships in highsec. As a war target engages another a 3rd party logi ship can rep a ship and not flag for helping the hurting ship. Therefore, a fleet of BCs and BSs can just beat on this ship with a 3rd party logi ship repping it and get no where. The fleet cannot engage the logi ship to stop the reps without CONCORD stepping in and blowing up the aggressive ships on the logi boat. This is leading player to double boxing and triple boxing for logi alts to do a 1 pilot war against high sec corporations.

The system could be changed to add a new flag, a war flag. If a neutral party assists a wardec'ed target, they get flaged and available to be shot by the opposing war corp/alliance. This would deter the common use of 3rd party reps.

Another issue is high sec ganking. A pilot can pop an exhumer relatively easily. both pre and post patch it will be possible. Miners need to get smart and start tanking their ships. Separate about weather a ship is poped or not. A ganker alt can sit in a newbie NPC corp and never worry about a wardec. There are a few well known gankers in my area of space. And we can do nothing except suicide gank them before we get suicide ganked. Alternatively, if there was an option of wardecing their corp so we can shoot first and not worry about CONCORD stepping in and blowing up ships for proactively defending themselves. Currently a corp cannot wardec an NPC corp, and that is fine. Unfortunately, NPC corp are just safe havens for suicide gankers. They gank and lose their ship to CONCORD, then they just sit in a dock until the 15 minute flag wears off and they are safe to fly again. With no worry about anything, unless the corp that just got ganked suicide ganks them.

I think this system could use some tweaking. A flag modification or a prolonged kill rights modification. For example, if a pilot ganks a hulk, the corp should be able to fire on the aggressor for the next week, similar to a Wartarget with no surrender and no renewals.

3rd party reppers, helping a war target being attacked by valid wartargets, should be flagged the same way a ganker is flagged for 15 minutes

Thought or concerns?

People have been complaining about this since it bacame an issue years ago and CCP obviously still doesn't give a ****. I would suggest having another riot in Jita and dragging them through the mud in gamer mags for a few weeks that might get Hilmar's attention.

The LULZ Boat.

Kirin Intarca
Lezaruss Industrial Systems
#9 - 2012-08-01 18:40:12 UTC
T' Elk wrote:
Scumbag OP, didn't include tl;dr

I am not familiar with the "tl;dr" emote/acromyn/thingymajig.

@ Eternal Error

There are always reason to join player corps. However... there are far to many reasons to stay in an NPC corp due to flagging issues.
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#10 - 2012-08-01 18:42:03 UTC
Eternal Error wrote:

Don't worry, CCP is just going to say **** it and implement their BRILLIANT "suspect" system instead! Eve Online, now with 20% less reason to join a player corp!

Yeah, really sucks for can flippers. There goes all pvp in highsec.
Kirin Intarca
Lezaruss Industrial Systems
#11 - 2012-08-01 18:43:43 UTC
Garreth Vlox wrote:

People have been complaining about this since it bacame an issue years ago and CCP obviously still doesn't give a ****. I would suggest having another riot in Jita and dragging them through the mud in gamer mags for a few weeks that might get Hilmar's attention.

I'll give CCP, time to work this, I know flagging systems take a ton of code to work properly. I just wanted to make sure that CCP knows that the current system is being abused. Something that people will gripe about, but never really post about. Plus anything to change the subject from the mining barge changes whiners.

But I'll have to look into the crime watch system and see what it is all about.
Eternal Error
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-08-01 18:46:12 UTC
Kirin Intarca wrote:
T' Elk wrote:
Scumbag OP, didn't include tl;dr

I am not familiar with the "tl;dr" emote/acromyn/thingymajig.

@ Eternal Error

There are always reason to join player corps. However... there are far to many reasons to stay in an NPC corp due to flagging issues.

You misunderstood me. With the introduction of the new suspect system, even can flipping flagging will no longer be corp based. If you do something "bad" (CCP judges morality now) you will be flagged to the entire system. It's one less reason to join a player corp.
Kirin Intarca
Lezaruss Industrial Systems
#13 - 2012-08-01 18:48:23 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Eternal Error wrote:

Don't worry, CCP is just going to say **** it and implement their BRILLIANT "suspect" system instead! Eve Online, now with 20% less reason to join a player corp!

Yeah, really sucks for can flippers. There goes all pvp in highsec.

Really? you think can flipping is PvP?

if anything, if you get a global criminal flag for can flipping, this will increase PvP in highsec. it will also help miners (i mean pure miners, like 0 SP in combat skills) not have to try to engage in PvP to defend their can, they can hire mercs, that don't need to be in their corp to be able to defend their client.
Kirin Intarca
Lezaruss Industrial Systems
#14 - 2012-08-01 18:52:29 UTC
Eternal Error wrote:

You misunderstood me. With the introduction of the new suspect system, even can flipping flagging will no longer be corp based. If you do something "bad" (CCP judges morality now) you will be flagged to the entire system. It's one less reason to join a player corp.

Ok, yes that makes sense. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

But yes, a solo miner may have more reasons to stay in an NPC corp after the system is implemented. I still feel that solo mining is not very profitable compared to corp organized operations.
Lord LazyGhost
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-08-01 19:37:16 UTC
Hows about npc corp you ca only stay in for your first 3 months of char life or x amount of SP then you auto kick to a holding corp that can be war deced?
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#16 - 2012-08-01 19:42:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
Kirin Intarca wrote:

Really? you think can flipping is PvP?

dripping with sarcasm emote :here:

Yet it IS a type of pvp. Just some people think its the only one available to them if not ganking.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2012-08-01 19:50:00 UTC
Kirin Intarca wrote:
T' Elk wrote:
Scumbag OP, didn't include tl;dr

I am not familiar with the "tl;dr" emote/acromyn/thingymajig.

@ Eternal Error

There are always reason to join player corps. However... there are far to many reasons to stay in an NPC corp due to flagging issues.

tl;dr = too long; didn't read
Pipa Porto
#18 - 2012-08-01 19:56:27 UTC
Kirin Intarca wrote:
A WarTarget can get logistic support from an alt in an NPC corp with no risk to the logi ships in highsec. As a war target engages another a 3rd party logi ship can rep a ship and not flag for helping the hurting ship. Therefore, a fleet of BCs and BSs can just beat on this ship with a 3rd party logi ship repping it and get no where. The fleet cannot engage the logi ship to stop the reps without CONCORD stepping in and blowing up the aggressive ships on the logi boat. This is leading player to double boxing and triple boxing for logi alts to do a 1 pilot war against high sec corporations.

Stop fighting on station and problem solved. 3rd Party Logi get flagged to the entire corp that the person they're repping is at war with. The third party logi "problem" is that they can dock when they get shot at because they're not aggressed.

The ability to dock up wen it's inconvenient to be undocked is standard for station games and is why most people don't like playing them.

So stop playing station games if you don't like station games.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Bommel McMurdoc
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2012-08-01 20:25:55 UTC
tsk tsk, pvp doo-baggery getting out of hand whoddathunk?! loopholes, exploits, advantages in battle no matter the punishment will always be utilized in any game.

but as Cap'n Jack Sparrow put it... "The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can’t do." Alas, working around what you CAN'T (or shouldn't) do strangely has repercussions of some sort, what a headache! Ugh
Keep It Simple Software Group
#20 - 2012-08-02 11:23:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Wacktopia
Pipa Porto wrote:
Kirin Intarca wrote:
A WarTarget can get logistic support from an alt in an NPC corp with no risk to the logi ships in highsec. As a war target engages another a 3rd party logi ship can rep a ship and not flag for helping the hurting ship. Therefore, a fleet of BCs and BSs can just beat on this ship with a 3rd party logi ship repping it and get no where. The fleet cannot engage the logi ship to stop the reps without CONCORD stepping in and blowing up the aggressive ships on the logi boat. This is leading player to double boxing and triple boxing for logi alts to do a 1 pilot war against high sec corporations.

Stop fighting on station and problem solved. 3rd Party Logi get flagged to the entire corp that the person they're repping is at war with. The third party logi "problem" is that they can dock when they get shot at because they're not aggressed.

The ability to dock up wen it's inconvenient to be undocked is standard for station games and is why most people don't like playing them.

So stop playing station games if you don't like station games.

This. The root of the problem is there is no aggression timer so the NPC/neutral logistics can simply jump a gate or dock up whereas everyone else involved will suffer a 60 seconds aggression timer penalty.

As you can imagine this is 'exploited' although it's worth mentioning that both sides could potentially use NPC rr and so technically there can be balance but its just a really, really rubbish mechanic.

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

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