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[MLIBA] Declaration of Intent

Tasha Ayanara
#1 - 2012-07-31 22:38:01 UTC
We, the Mishi Liberation Army, have chosen today to make ourselves public. For too long we have bowed and scraped, bit our tongue, endured insults at the hands of the Amarr. We have accepted the state of affairs because we have not had the means to change them. We watched with pride at the Minmatar threw off their shackles, but we knew it was not our time yet. That has changed. With vast numbers of Ni-Kunnis in the Pod, we have formed networks both inside and outside of Mishi. We have funding and equipment to match our resolve.

At 01730 local time, Azdama, Mishi IV, the Mishi Liberation Army attacked the MIO provincial headquarters. The attack was successful beyond our wildest dreams. In the space of thirty minutes we killed over fifty of the occupiers of our world and demolished the building. This is just the beginning.

Let this Declaration serve as a warning to the occupiers of Mishi. Nowhere is safe. We will not stop until our world is free and the Mishi Free State is established. Any sign of Imperial power is a target, from the property assessors to the Holders to Amarrian Ministries. To the Ni-Kunni we say rise up and stand with us! Now has come the time to stop being fifth class citizens and servants and slaves. Now is the time for freedom, for us to stand tall and proud.

We also seek to reach out to our friends in the Republic and the Federation. We ask that you stand with us and help us to achieve the freedom that you have. We need support, equipment, arms, training. Most importantly we need training if we are to be victorious.

For the Mishi Free State. Praise to the Rainmaker.
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#2 - 2012-07-31 23:33:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tamiroth
And I thought that the Ni-Kunni are one of the most reasonable people in the cluster, or at least reasonable enough to stay out of this. A sad day indeed. Well, i guess each race has to have its share of madmen and terrorists.

Looks like either the Gallente or the Minmatar already have their hands in this, as the whole "freedom fighter" babble coming from Aridia is too suspicious. I was a student of history and i've never heard of active Ni-Kunni separatist movements since the reclaiming of Mishi!

Whom do you serve, traitorous knave?
Azdan Amith
#3 - 2012-07-31 23:56:39 UTC
What is this?

The Ni-Kunni are not treated as "fifth class" citizens in the Empire, most of the Ni-Kunni are valued, productive members of Imperial society and they tend to favor jobs that are central to the operation and sustaining of the Empire's industrial core. I am curious what you seek to accomplish by broadcasting your terrorist attacks against Imperial facilities and a public cry for help to the enemies of the Empire, such action will warrant you attention of a kind you do not want.

It disheartens me to see that you are trying to call other Ni-Kunni to engage in this senseless slaughter and chaos. I will pray that few, if any, heed your siren call and so spare themselves and their souls the hardship to come. Turn away from this nonsense.

~Archon Azdan Amith,  Order of Light's Retribution

Charles Baker
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-08-01 00:25:46 UTC
And now the Amarr have their own Intaki..
Henry Montclaire
Guild of Independent Pilots
#5 - 2012-08-01 00:37:44 UTC
This is an Amarr matter and does fall under Federation jurisdiction. All we can offer is our sincere hope that this conflict is resolved peacefully and with as little bloodshed as possible.
Tasha Ayanara
#6 - 2012-08-01 00:43:58 UTC
When the Minmatar rebelled was that an internal Amarr matter?
Heathen Legion
Iron Men of the Hood
#7 - 2012-08-01 00:54:12 UTC
All anti-Imperial Ni-Kunni separatists are welcome to seek asylum on Kaztropol.

On Kaztropol we have excellent job placement programs and we have a wide variety of social services available to make your people's transition easier. The University of Kaztropol offers many continuing education classes from paramilitary training to home economics and all parents are encouraged to enroll their children in Heathen Scouts.

Please evemail Heathen Legion for a free brochure on immigration to Kaztropol.
Henry Montclaire
Guild of Independent Pilots
#8 - 2012-08-01 01:44:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Henry Montclaire
The Minmatar Rebellion was a long time ago. The Gallente Federation cannot support a group that can not prove it is the legitimate voice of the people. Violence is not the answer.
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#9 - 2012-08-01 02:03:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Tamiroth
Tasha Ayanara wrote:
When the Minmatar rebelled was that an internal Amarr matter?
The main problem here, pilot Ayanara, is that the Ni-Kunni have not rebelled. A single planetside terrorist attack of no meaning, engineered by a rogue capsuleer, took place. Ministry of Internal Order will deal with your baseliner accomplices in a few hours, this thread on IGS will sink to page 2, and everyone will forget about your little group of madmen.

Speaking from the strategic point of view, your situation is much worse than that of the Intaki: first, there are many more disgruntled Intakis around, and the Federal regime allows them to congregate and express their political views openly; second, Intaki homeworld is in the Caldari-Gallente war zone, so the separatists can appeal for the support of the Megacorps and receive it; third, the Intaki separatists also have Mordu's Legion and the Syndicate to appeal to.

But sure, go ahead.
Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-08-01 02:41:48 UTC
All you are is a charismatic pilot who was able to persuade a small group of disgruntled citizens to comment treason against the empire to fulfill your desire to control a planet and then possibly spread your treasonous thoughts and ideas that lead to nothing but the death of civilians and the weakening of the empire. This cant even be called a freedom movement for the simple reason that you are "declaring" a free state of just one planet and not even for a entire demographic within the Holy Amarr Empire! You are nothing but a fraud and traitor not only to the empire but to your people as well.

Sincerly Mardon Hashur

Horak Thor
Angry Mustellid
#11 - 2012-08-01 02:49:14 UTC
Tasha Ayanara wrote:
We, the Mishi Liberation Army, have chosen today to make ourselves public. For too long we have bowed and scraped, bit our tongue, endured insults at the hands of the Amarr. We have accepted the state of affairs because we have not had the means to change them. We watched with pride at the Minmatar threw off their shackles, but we knew it was not our time yet. That has changed. With vast numbers of Ni-Kunnis in the Pod, we have formed networks both inside and outside of Mishi. We have funding and equipment to match our resolve.

At 01730 local time, Azdama, Mishi IV, the Mishi Liberation Army attacked the MIO provincial headquarters. The attack was successful beyond our wildest dreams. In the space of thirty minutes we killed over fifty of the occupiers of our world and demolished the building. This is just the beginning.

Let this Declaration serve as a warning to the occupiers of Mishi. Nowhere is safe. We will not stop until our world is free and the Mishi Free State is established. Any sign of Imperial power is a target, from the property assessors to the Holders to Amarrian Ministries. To the Ni-Kunni we say rise up and stand with us! Now has come the time to stop being fifth class citizens and servants and slaves. Now is the time for freedom, for us to stand tall and proud.

We also seek to reach out to our friends in the Republic and the Federation. We ask that you stand with us and help us to achieve the freedom that you have. We need support, equipment, arms, training. Most importantly we need training if we are to be victorious.

For the Mishi Free State. Praise to the Rainmaker.

The freedom to choose your own path is an honourable one, throw of the shackles of oppression and win freedom for your people. the fight is long and hard, but worth it in the end, we will reach this end one day and so, i hope, do you.


Wiyrkomi Honor Guard
#12 - 2012-08-01 03:20:50 UTC
Ah, terrorism.
Sentar Dethahal
#13 - 2012-08-01 04:02:04 UTC
Mrs. Ayanara,

I would strongly suggest you turn yourself in to the local authorities and give up this foolishness. You may be fortunate enough to receive mercy for your crimes, though I doubt it after your actions and public statement. If you do not surrender, I expect this will be resolved rather quickly by Imperial forces.
Silas Vitalia
#14 - 2012-08-01 04:10:55 UTC
Killing baseliners is easy.

Kill some capsuleers and then come back and try it again.

Also "Mishi Liberation Army" sounds like so many marbles in my mouth; it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.

If it weren't for the True Amarr your lot would still be running around the desert building steam engines or some such nonsense.

Show a little gratitude and accept your role in the greater scheme of things.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Amaki Mai
#15 - 2012-08-01 04:12:45 UTC
You're all assuming that the MinIntOrd building was actually destroyed.

Really... The Ni-Kunni fifth class citizens? I'm surprised you managed to convince ANYONE that this was true. Whatever might be said about the Amarrians, they've never treated your people or mine as anything but equals since we started acting in such a manner whereby we deserved it.
Heathen Legion
Iron Men of the Hood
#16 - 2012-08-01 11:28:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Kazzzi
As a trueblooded Amarrian and former citizen of the Imperial capital, I can tell you for certain that the Ni-Kunni have little choice but to work crap jobs, have minimal political influence and are still to this day treated as lower-caste dogs in the eyes of Imperial trueblood Amarrians.
Azdan Amith
#17 - 2012-08-01 19:36:42 UTC
Kazzzi wrote:
As a trueblooded Amarrian and former citizen of the Imperial capital, I can tell you for certain that the Ni-Kunni have little choice but to work crap jobs, have minimal political influence and are still to this day treated as lower-caste dogs in the eyes of Imperial trueblood Amarrians.

You also make it a point to say anything negative about the Empire and the Amarr at every opportunity whether factually based or not.

~Archon Azdan Amith,  Order of Light's Retribution

Heathen Legion
Iron Men of the Hood
#18 - 2012-08-01 21:11:15 UTC
Azdan Amith wrote:

You also make it a point to say anything negative about the Empire and the Amarr at every opportunity whether factually based or not.

If you won't take my word for it, then here is an impartial demographic study.

I'll repeat a few key phrases:

"Most Ni-Kunni perform some form of manual trade, work that is considered beneath many Amarr"

"The majority of Ni-Kunni live in ethnic neighborhoods and communities....though they are typically the poorer and less-well maintained districts"

"Despite the ease with which the Ni-Kunni merged with Amarr society, the fact remains that they are generally regarded as second-class citizens within the Empire"

"The typical attitude of a True Amarr toward a Ni-Kunni could be summed up with the thought, “I welcome them when I need my vehicle fixed, but I wouldn't want to live next door to one.” Some view the Ni-Kunni as greedy and tricky, and they often get the reputation of swindlers and criminals"
Tasha Ayanara
#19 - 2012-08-01 22:09:52 UTC
Also from the same study: "[t]hose who remain enslaved tend to be criminals, heretics, revolutionaries, and malcontents who have been enslaved as punishment."

Criminals. By that they mean Ni-Kunni that have had no other choice. We were stepped on, oppressed. Of course there would be a number, a larger number than you think that would resort to crime. As for the others, the Underground Ni-Kunni Church has existed since the beginning of the occupation, it is a sad fact that some get caught. We, the Mishi Liberation Army, have our roots in the Underground Ni-Kunni church and seek to right this injustice. As for our fellow revolutionaries an malcontents, we are actively working to free you from your chains. Be patient and do not give up faith in the cause.

Also, I will take this post to explain our roots and legitimacy.

When the Amarrians came, there were those of us that tried to resist. It was quickly evident to even the most die hard resistance fighter that to fight the Amarr then was futile. So, we we appeared to submit. But in secret, we kept as much of our traditions and religion alive through the Underground Ni-Kunni Church. This state of affairs continued until the Minmatar rebellion. At which point the Council for a Free Mishi was formed. However it was quickly pointed out what happened on Starkman Prime and with only one world, we could not risk it at the time. That changed with the pod. We have pilots that support us with their vast wealth made in space, pilots that have pledged to fight in defense of their homeworld.
Azdan Amith
#20 - 2012-08-02 00:49:29 UTC
Kazzzi wrote:

"Most Ni-Kunni perform some form of manual trade, work that is considered beneath many Amarr"

"The majority of Ni-Kunni live in ethnic neighborhoods and communities....though they are typically the poorer and less-well maintained districts"

"Despite the ease with which the Ni-Kunni merged with Amarr society, the fact remains that they are generally regarded as second-class citizens within the Empire"

"The typical attitude of a True Amarr toward a Ni-Kunni could be summed up with the thought, “I welcome them when I need my vehicle fixed, but I wouldn't want to live next door to one.” Some view the Ni-Kunni as greedy and tricky, and they often get the reputation of swindlers and criminals"

I've made not attempt to suggest otherwise. However, nothing indicates that they are "fifth class citizens" as has been stated by Miss Ayanara and nothing prevents individual Ni-Kunni from rising upward in Amarr society. Indeed, there are Ni-Kunni Holders, even. That most of them do not do so is something that should be examined thoroughly not casually quoted. For the last part, the Ni-Kunni are responsible for whatever reputation they have earned and many of them make no attempt to deny the basis for it.

I have met some extremely respectable, noble and upstanding Ni-Kunni in my life and I have met some very deceitful, unscrupulous and greedy Ni-Kunni in my life. It is saddening, but true, that there are more of the latter than the former. That is not the Amarr's doing.

Miss Ayanara,

You are trying to insert your own meanings into factual statements. "Those who remain enslaved tend to be criminals, heretics, revolutionaries and malcontents who have been enslaved as punishment" means exactly that, your attempts at political word play aside.

As to your last paragraph, are you completely unintelligent? Why would you broadcast an underground (read: secret) heretical movement that you claim is practiced by your people on public venues? It calls attention to it and that is counter intuitive to secrecy. I warned you when you started this nonsense that you would bring more harm to your people and your cause than benefit, so far you've proven me almost prophetic.

~Archon Azdan Amith,  Order of Light's Retribution

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