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New dev blog: Upcoming Tutorial Revisions

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Oh No You Didn't Oprah
#121 - 2012-07-30 22:46:22 UTC
One of the things I noticed going through the tutes recently and hearing the cries of folks in help was frequently the items needed (civvie salvager comes to mind) to perform the mission don't appear. There is also (at least in my training area) no way to acquire them readily if they don't.
Tanaka Aiko
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#122 - 2012-07-30 23:15:10 UTC
CCP Phantom wrote:
As I say, the EVE Community is really great and has an immense insight into EVE Online that it would be a shame not using this knowledge and passion to improve EVE together.

no buddy no need to try flattering us, I won't let you go out with my sister P
Lost True
Caldari State
#123 - 2012-07-30 23:18:12 UTC
I wonder how stupid the human should be to fail the tutorial.

I have a proposal to do 2 types of tutorial.

1: Some like an old one, where looks like you CAN lose your ship, with sound and which takes 2 days to complete,
2: For stupid moneygiving mass (by default). Activating a hard tutorial requires a user to perform some difficult action as an IQ test. Like hitting a mentioned help button which isn't blinking.

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#124 - 2012-07-30 23:50:15 UTC
look way better than what I have experienced, I tried to use WASD to move my ship back there
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#125 - 2012-07-31 00:07:52 UTC  |  Edited by: MotherMoon
Salpun wrote:
MotherMoon wrote:

see? stupid. If anything maybe the NPE should inject and force the skill to level 1 on it's own.

With the new train to in the right click menu its realy ease to place in training

but then you have to put the game down for 10 minutes. why? whats that add to the game?

I'm reallt irked ccp wouldn't nip this low hanging fruit in the butt.

just make that 10 minutes, 0 minutes. Hell get rid of level 0 skills alltogether. whats the point? when you learn a skill it makes more sense for it to start at level 1 anyways.

This coupled with the re-balancing of all frigates to only need frigate level 1 to use, it just makes sense.

Tric Starless
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#126 - 2012-07-31 00:44:51 UTC
CCP Explorer wrote:
Obsidiana wrote:
Question: Why is falloff listed before optimal range on the weapon tool tip?
See responses here and here Note that this isn't "falloff" but "falloff range", which is optimal + 1x falloff.

Then just label it "Maximum Range". Clear. Concise. Not EASILY ameniable to misinterpretation like the current phrasing.

Clarity is good. Maximum Range is better :)

Tanaka Aiko
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#127 - 2012-07-31 01:09:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanaka Aiko
it's nice to let newbie see where the gate is on space, but can you do it at other places ?
like putting this ui on the selected item on the overview ?

so you can see which ship is primary, before targeting it, could be usefull while looking at tactical view
or seeing where is the pos module you selected on the overview

or attaching this ui to the anchor of the fleet while on battle so you always know if you're close to him or not

i'm terrible at finding my way both RL or in game, so having a clear visual thing would help a lot
Jarin Arenos
Card Shark Industries
#128 - 2012-07-31 01:34:58 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
ReK42 wrote:
Looks good, however the gun tooltip is missing one major thing - tracking.

We left tracking off because we wanted to keep it simple, and because actually using that number is sufficiently advanced behavior that you probably know your tracking value already.

Or, put another way, it's (IME) rare that you're in the middle of a fight and think "oh crap, what's my tracking in radians/s?"

There is a LARGE skill gap between "understands what tracking is" and "knows what their tracking speed is at all times, factoring in skill and active modules." Please please PLEASE add the option to turn this on for tooltips. Even if it's just as XML editing like the in-space ship tooltips.

But I'm not CCP Soundwave, so what do I know?

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#129 - 2012-07-31 01:43:03 UTC
Thread has had a little clean up work done, content-less posts removed and a friendly reminder to post responsibly. And on topic, it's wonderful to see the Tutorials are getting some more love and polish, they are already way better than they were in my day.

[b]ISD Type40 Lt. Commander Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#130 - 2012-07-31 02:14:03 UTC
Excellent revisions, I'm sure it'll have an impact on new player retention. Going to run through it myself to check it out :)

Also, the speech component to on-screen text can greatly increase immersion, and I think this should be put back in at a later date once you have all your text sorted out (this should be done in missions wherever possible too, but again, it'll wait til after you've revised the mission system).

"Wow, that internet argument completely changed my fundamental belief system," said no one, ever.

Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#131 - 2012-07-31 02:28:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Hakaru Ishiwara
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Stage Four: Evaluation and adjustment

Once we were done with the main implementation work, we went through several rounds of user-testing with external volunteers. As you'd expect, we learned an awful lot from this, and came away from each session with long lists of adjustments to make.

Why did CCP not do this with the Inventory UI revamp project?

CCP Greyscale wrote:
A key example of this is how we teach in-space commands. We'd assumed initially that using visible UI functionality would be better than relying on context menus, so we endeavoured to teach with the Overview and Selected Item as much as possible. Repeated user testing showed that new players were far more comfortable right-clicking on everything, to the point where later tutorial steps that forced players to rely on Selected Item were tripping them up because they had no idea how to use it. This experience led us to rework our teaching throughout the tutorial to use right-click and the context menu, which subsequent testing confirmed as a much smoother experience.

CCP is just figuring this out now?

After all of the constructive feedback on the Inventory re-vamp regarding conventional computer user-interface interactions and well thought-out posts on why the removal of right-click access to various hangars was terribly detrimental to game-play....

And CCP took the word of volunteer testers over the word of loyal customers regarding value of right-click contextual menus. Words fail me at this point.

Edit: Does the new tutorial content include information and a walk-through on how to most efficiently use the re-vamped Inventory UI elements?

+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

Kyrin Ongrard
#132 - 2012-07-31 05:04:53 UTC
While i havent done the caldari tutorial before, one of the BIGGEST things that was confusing to me was how missile "range works". I think one thing that NEEDS to be explained in ALL the tutorials is how flight time and missile speed work together to get your that range you can hit out to. I was maybe 3 months into eve the first time i used rockets and it confused the hell out of me to have to figure out how flight time and speed and all that worked together, especially after basicly being trained to think in terms of optimal and falloff for normal guns and then not have a set number with missils/rockets.
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#133 - 2012-07-31 05:14:32 UTC
Previously I have suggested that CCP hire/consult with a sociologist or similar to help you understand human nature to create better mechanics as you are apparently surprised every time someone takes a less travelled (read: not working as intended, but not illegal) route to one goal or another. Would be hugely beneficial when it comes to revamping the sov system I'd say.

Now I'd like to expand on that and suggest you hire/consult with an professional educator, preferably one specialized in early developmental psychology/learning, so that you can make your Eve intro as good as can be .. some examples where such experience would have been beneficial:
...and some bad spots (most notably the bit right at the very start where we try to teach the skill queue before you've even undocked)

Your solution is to eliminate it .. hmmmmm. What one does when dealing with noobs children new comers who exhibit disinterest in something that will ultimately help them is to play into their natural curiosity but not forcefully. Introduce the skills as normal (assuming the bad spot doesn't extend that far) and rest assured that they will poke around until they press the queue button .. at which point you can tell them there is a guide available should they want/need it (you can use one of those fancy new pop-ups!) .. most like figuring stuff out themselves though.
...This experience led us to rework our teaching throughout the tutorial to use right-click and the context menu, which subsequent testing confirmed as a much smoother experience.

If a child refuses to eat nothing but pizza, the absolutely worst thing one can do is to let the little bastard eat nothing but pizza Smile. Yes, the context menu has improved a lot since I started out .. to the point of usefulness even .. but to base the entire introduction to Eve on nothing but will come back and bite you very, very hard as said usefulness is dwarfed by the keys and key+click combos used in competitive Eve gameplay. The right-click will always be there as PC users are very well acquainted with the "when in doubt, R. click" dogma so keep working on the menus to make them perfect failsafe's rather than use them as the starting point and sole content.
Again play on the natural curiosity .. take the new player on stroll through the ESC menu at some "early" point, can even be an optional thing as people like to kick tyres and poke engines, or you could mention in the pop-ups when there is a key assignment available and possibly even what the current one is. Computer players will always seek to optimize their gameplay which is what keys and key+click allows.

In short: Good work so far, but you must be careful not to "dumb things down" too far so that the post-tutorial experience suffers. Iconography/menu based interfaces may be alpha-omega on smartphones and other input limited devices but it is because they are input limited not because it is the best interface solution around.

Now let's talk noob ships and blow some up!

Bob Niac
Gallente Federation
#134 - 2012-07-31 06:19:37 UTC
Side note.. Woullove to see that acceleration gate graphic used elsewhere. Maybe with a zoom lens effect for the player's selected target?

[u]I <3 Logistics:[/u] Pilot of all  T2 logi and my shiny Archon [deceased.] Also a Chimera which may or may not be horrid. I don't make games, I play them. I get that ppl are passionate about change. I post here to plant seeds. You see your idea as is? Holy **** you win! So let's post, and see what the DEVs and our peers use.

Mike Whiite
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#135 - 2012-07-31 06:53:12 UTC
I know your time is limited, but maybe you could consider the following:

Could the final tutorial mission be something like this:

Multiplayer Mission run and or a 2 group PvP.

it should be something that is on a timer. aply to the mission wait certain amount of time, start mission adjust mission to number of participants 1 if no others apply.

it would show a part o EVE that I miss in the tutorial.

Brave Collective
#136 - 2012-07-31 07:02:05 UTC
Tric Starless wrote:
CCP Explorer wrote:
Obsidiana wrote:
Question: Why is falloff listed before optimal range on the weapon tool tip?
See responses here and here Note that this isn't "falloff" but "falloff range", which is optimal + 1x falloff.

Then just label it "Maximum Range". Clear. Concise. Not EASILY ameniable to misinterpretation like the current phrasing.

Clarity is good. Maximum Range is better :)

But it's not maximum range, just the range where you do 50% damage which is a good guideline to what range you should usually try to keep inside. Maximum range is Optimal + 2x Falloff.
Calling it something that it's not is not better.

"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."

Horus V
The Destined
#137 - 2012-07-31 07:11:42 UTC
If you dont use old Aura voice in tutorials you fail!


#138 - 2012-07-31 07:54:00 UTC
Logix42 wrote:
Ok before I go any further, it really looks like the advance tutorials, the ones for the career agents have not been updated, before I go scrutinizing them could I get a dev response as to whether they've actually been updated? No point in me dissecting them if there are changes soon to come

Devblog says that only initial Aura missions were changed (those which are before Career Agents).

So no changes were made to Career Agents.

From devblog: "... it quickly became clear that the biggest pain point right now is the initial tutorial arc, which loses an awful lot of people before they've even begun to play. The career path missions aren't perfect either, but players who've got to that point have usually already decided that they enjoy the game and want to keep playing."

New to EVE? Don't forget to read: The Manual * The Wiki * The Career Options * and everything else

Lost Hamster
Hamster Holding Corp
#139 - 2012-07-31 08:00:40 UTC
Would be interested to see, how many people quit after seeing the awful inventory system. What?
CCP Sisyphus
C C P Alliance
#140 - 2012-07-31 08:28:49 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Sisyphus
Thanks for all the comments. Especially from those who actually tried the new aura-tutorials on sisi.

I am taking lots of notes from these comments :)

edit: for a couple of questions -
We were given a short timeframe to get some awesome people, we had to pick where we could make the best impact. I would have loved to give the career agents a thorough workover, improve a lot of UI, etc. But we tried to hit the biggest problem areas.

Those who have tried the new tutorial will note the use of civvie modules while giving you a quick skill to learn to use the "full" modules in the next missions.

You might have also noticed an extra tab on the skills in your head - you can see what each level of a skill will allow you to use.

CCP Sisyphus | Team TriLambda | Team Klang | @CCP_Sisyphus