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Summer 2013 New Race: The Ob

First post
The Newborn Guardians of Space
#21 - 2012-09-18 20:56:41 UTC
I say introduce the jovian ships.
They are already in game but not for players.
And the hulk is totaly screwed now my cargo expanders are a waste on all my chars.
Improve the game not make it worse.
Or add something new.
Ccp has nerfed the game in every way.
Pi costs a fortune mining takes ages and the carriers should get more use.
Like in real life dock jump and get out and attack,this is how a carrier should be working in the first place.
A titan should be a moving station it has the size now the rest.....
Clone vat bay would be more used then as wel.
There is so much potetinal but not being added.
Nerfing the weapens??? why? just add more shields or resitances to the ships instead.
Missions are nerfed wtf why? i use to make millions on them now just a few k of it less the expanses from the ammo and drones.
Black ops should warp cloaked as wel.
This is how it should be,and not a wish.
Add t3 frigs Add t3 bc`s and in the end add t3 bs`s.
And add t2 cap`s and such.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2012-09-18 20:58:03 UTC
ISD TYPE40 wrote:
How about constructive posting

You missed the OP's post.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

#23 - 2012-09-18 21:09:16 UTC
Diabolic76 wrote:
I say introduce the jovian ships.
They are already in game but not for players.
And the hulk is totaly screwed now my cargo expanders are a waste on all my chars.
Improve the game not make it worse.
Or add something new.
Ccp has nerfed the game in every way.
Pi costs a fortune mining takes ages and the carriers should get more use.
Like in real life dock jump and get out and attack,this is how a carrier should be working in the first place.
A titan should be a moving station it has the size now the rest.....
Clone vat bay would be more used then as wel.
There is so much potetinal but not being added.
Nerfing the weapens??? why? just add more shields or resitances to the ships instead.
Missions are nerfed wtf why? i use to make millions on them now just a few k of it less the expanses from the ammo and drones.
Black ops should warp cloaked as wel.
This is how it should be,and not a wish.
Add t3 frigs Add t3 bc`s and in the end add t3 bs`s.
And add t2 cap`s and such.

please noSad
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