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CCP, please allow us to combat AFK Cloaking. Idea inside....

Azn Empire
#21 - 2012-07-29 21:28:57 UTC
YoNightmare wrote:
Idea Why not just simply have the server disconnect players after 15mins like most games?

At least it would help with the lag in the game, and make it harder to bot. P
Shocked Did you even think about that, before you posted?

1. An AFK timer is so easily avoidable and without breaking the EULA.

2. Lag is not and never will be an issue, from someone AFK and inactive.

3. Bots are by definition 'active', it's just a program doing the activity.

4. Purple Monkey socks.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

#22 - 2012-07-29 21:53:05 UTC
1. K, so your a botter...Straight

2. Lag is an issue with more clients connected and has always been an issue on any server. Sad

3. See item 1 Roll

4. Greasy Grimy Gofer Guts...Pirate

Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#23 - 2012-07-30 02:24:00 UTC
Here we go again with another "the AFK cloaker is preventing me from bearing and making risk-free ISK."

The title should have been:

"CCP, please allow us to combat AFK Cloaking. Stupid ****ing idea inside."
"CCP, please allow us to combat AFK Cloaking. Crybabying inside."
"CCP, please break mechanics that are working as intended. ***** inside."

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-07-30 03:52:31 UTC
Electra001 wrote:
Barbara Nichole, i see where you are coming from. But i did mention that if you are moving around while cloaked, you cannot be found. Duties such as legitimate recon, traversing wormholes etc wouldnt be affected. You would need to sit still for a certain amount of time (depending on ship size) and yes, most people say that if the person is actually AFK while cloaked, they post no threat. The victims do not know they're afk, and creating that false belief is what gets people killed when they presume that person is afk.

Long story short, if CCP are willing to punish botters because the player isnt at their computer, how is afk cloaking any different? Its a cheap and unfair tactic that has no immediate counter.

How about those of us who fly black ops? I like to scan down complexes and then park a redeemer in it and then wait for someone to try to run it. This inevtably involves many hours of passively watching a computer monitor whilst the character is taking no action whatsoever.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-07-30 11:12:57 UTC
YoNightmare wrote:
Idea Why not just simply have the server disconnect players after 15mins like most games?

At least it would help with the lag in the game, and make it harder to bot. P

Um, bots do things constantly and wouldn't be disconnected?

Also, lots of bots can log themselves back in if a DC happens.

Also, this thread, again. CCP should start setting people who make these threads every day read-only on the forums.
#26 - 2012-07-30 11:24:49 UTC
Austneal wrote:
Put speed mods on cheetah.
Move in one direction.
Prober scans down your cloaked ship and warps to you.
Finds nothing because by the time he's landed, you're 9-10km away from him in an unknown direction.

Drop more probes, scan with those, get result on grid, align to result, you have cloakies direction of travel, continue in that direction till you decloak him.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#27 - 2012-07-30 11:39:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Tchulen
Electra001 wrote:
I would like to propose another alternative to the AFK-Cloaking problem. I understand that CCP encourage most type of gameplay, however, stopping people from playing the game because someone has left their character logged in while cloaked isnt fair.

If you'd bothered to actually look for other threads like the one you've created (or duplicated, depending on perspective) you'd have discovered that this topic has been debated to death. Your idea isn't new or ingeneous, it's a repetition of an old, whiney theme.

There is no "AFK cloaker" problem. There is a problem with people's perception of what they're complaining about. You're not complaing about people being AFK, you're complaining about being stupid enough to assume that someone is AFK when they're not. You're complaining about the fact that you and your corp are so incompetant that you're incapable of baiting a trap. You're complaining about the fact that you've moved to nullsec but you're still a high sec carebear and have fear in your heart. No one is stopping people from playing the game, they're making it a risk to carebear.

Simple solution: Grow a pair, gain some gonads.

The beauty of this solution is you don't need to wait for a dev to unnecessarily change the code. You're in control of this change.

Why should CCP change a mechanic that works for one that breaks a massive amount of people's game when the solution is so simple.

Be glad you have local. Those of us who live in wormholes from time to time know how to be careful and actively watch what's going on in the system. Try closing local when you're in nullsec. You'll no longer have the issue of AFK cloakers. No need for fear, right? You can't see them any more so they're not a threat, correct? Absolutely not. No, you need to actively watch what's going on around you.

Go live in a WH for a bit. You'll have a different perspective on nullsec intel once you have. You have it easy. You know when there's someone cloaked in your system so you can do something about it, whether that's get your corpmates together in your ganking ships and bait the chap or come onto the forums for a whine. In a WH the first thing you know about being attacked by a force recon is when he decloaks and locks you. Or a cov ops cloaked tengu which can be a day ruiner.

Do you read people from WHs whining on the forum about being ganked by cloakers? No, of course not because it's a fair tactic with counters.

AFK cloaking is only a tactic because high sec carebears like you move to nullsec and think that you should be able to bear there without having to fight for it, bait for it or risk for it.

You're wrong and no one is stopping you from playing except yourself.
Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#28 - 2012-07-30 11:58:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Jint Hikaru
Sheesh, enough of this crap.

Yet another faceless forum alt posting the same poorly thought out idea. Clearly no thought about the wider game impact, just some zerobear crying for something that he cant be bothered to do himself.

With your Tachyon probes, you just broke wormholes. Good Job!

Also note the strong aversion to the 'remove cloakers from local fix''.

While this would mean that the AFK cloaker would not be seen, and therefore his physiological threat would be canceled (and this is always the main complaint from the nulbears), however it would mean that those people would have to do some work to counter cloaks.

I guess that’s too hard, and they would rather cry to CCP.

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Azn Empire
#29 - 2012-07-30 13:54:11 UTC
YoNightmare wrote:
1. K, so your a botter...Straight

2. Lag is an issue with more clients connected and has always been an issue on any server. Sad

3. See item 1 Roll

4. Greasy Grimy Gofer Guts...Pirate

1. No, but at least you now know you were wrong on both counts. Blink

2. Show me proof that the client sends enough data to cause lag, whilst the player is AFK and inactive. Blink

3. Bots are still acting as active and thus will not be affected by the AFK timer. Also see 1. Blink

4. It's spelt 'Gopher' and he would be wearing purple monkey socks. Blink

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#30 - 2012-07-30 15:50:54 UTC
Oh hey, it's a thread where cloaks get a timer that requires anti-cloak probes to detect it!

Variations on the same tired ideas. Cloaks are fine.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#31 - 2012-07-31 05:18:20 UTC
Electra001 wrote:
I would like to propose another alternative to the AFK-Cloaking problem. I understand that CCP encourage most type of gameplay, however, stopping people from playing the game because someone has left their character logged in while cloaked isnt fair.

Why not create the following:

As soon as you cloak, a 'Tachyon Signature' number begins and slowly climbs. When you warp to a new spot, that number starts again. However, if you stay still or even at subwarp velocities, your Tachyon signature begins to raise. Very slowly mind would need to take at least an hour before you could be probed by someone with max skills in scanning.

Someone in a covert ops (eg. Helios) would need 4x Tachyon Scanner Probes. With these probes, similar to normal combat probes but designed to pick up Tachyon Signatures, you could probe down someone who is cloaked while afk.

It bothers me that CCP have let this problem slide for so long. How is it fair when people log on their pilot, cloak up and go to work for a full day...which impacts so many people. Give the victims a chance to counteract the antagonists.


How about...No.


Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

YTM Corporation
#32 - 2012-08-02 11:59:49 UTC
I think cloaking device need to consume liquid ozone to run. If you want to watch local for longer time, use cloaked transport ship.
Cloaking should be ballanced, cloakers are totally immune right now. Infinite immunity is not a good thing for the game.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#33 - 2012-08-02 12:43:24 UTC
Athreya wrote:
I think cloaking device need to consume liquid ozone to run. If you want to watch local for longer time, use cloaked transport ship.
Cloaking should be ballanced, cloakers are totally immune right now. Infinite immunity is not a good thing for the game.

And you just broke scouting. Well done.

So cloaks shouldn't be used by people exploring wormholes, is that what you're saying? Because the introduction of cloak fuel would do this.

So cloaks shouldn't be used by people scouting out their enemy's space, right? Because the introduction of cloak fuel would definitely do this.

So all cov ops, force recons and black ops ships should be rendered usekess, right? Again, because your suggestion would most certainly do this.

Your suggestion would render all forms of "valid" cloaking usage void purely to mean that the nullsec carebears who are too frightened to play the game can come out from behind their POS shield again.

I find it amazing that some people suggest things either without considering the implications of their suggestions or simply don't care about anything in the game that isn't them.

As for immune..... How many times has this been pointed out? When you're in a station you're immune. When you're offline you're immune. In both situations you're immune because you also can't hurt anyone. A little like cloaking, really, isn't it? So you're suggesting that your character should be auto-logged online whilst you're at work so I can kill it? Are you really suggesting that you should auto-eject from from a station after a timeout so I can kill you whilst you're chatting to someone on the phone in a different room to your computer? Because that's what you're saying about people who are cloaked.

Someone who is cloaked is immune but they also can't shoot you. Covert ops cloaks are designed to be able to get people into a position to uncloak and engage. There is nothing wrong with cov ops cloaks as the ships they fit are balanced for the cloaks. With a normal cloak you can't warp whilst cloaked meaning as soon as you initiate warp you're detectable just like if you didn't have a cloak fitted other than you still have the negative effect of having a cloak fitted. If you're on-grid you can decloak and then wait for so long before you can lock that your enemy either warps off or gets a decent head-start on shooting you and then you have a penalty to your locking speed to top it all off.

There's nothing "unbalanced" about cloaks. There may be a better way of doing things as Nik Narrel has suggested but breaking valid aspects of wormholes and the scouting role just to appease the whining minority is not the answer.
Azn Empire
#34 - 2012-08-02 12:48:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Athreya wrote:
I think cloaking device need to consume liquid ozone to run. If you want to watch local for longer time, use cloaked transport ship.
Cloaking should be ballanced, cloakers are totally immune right now. Infinite immunity is not a good thing for the game.
Bad ideas like that, are also bad for the game. Especially when you seemingly have no clue, on the reasoning and mechanics involved with AFKing.
Let me put it this way, you can gain the same psychological effects without a cloak. Blink

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Colonel Xaven
Caldari State
#35 - 2012-08-02 13:06:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Colonel Xaven
whats bad now?

cloaking bad?

being afk bad?

both bad bad?

being docked bad, too?

I dont get the problem.

YTM Corporation
#36 - 2012-08-12 10:38:57 UTC
Tchulen wrote:

I find it amazing that some people suggest things either without considering the implications of their suggestions or simply don't care about anything in the game that isn't them.
The same is applied to you. I have seen as at least one old (1 year 7 month) zero corp was disbanded because people stopped playing eve. One guy with alt camped the system they were renting during several weeks. At the end corp leader Karina Storm used my system to hunt in and disbanded his corp in a few days. That is bad.
Uris Vitgar
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2012-08-12 11:47:49 UTC
AFK cloaking itself is fine, but with certain methods of hunting the victim has almost no chance to escape. The fairest solution is to remove the -100% sensor recalibration role bonus from all ships capable of fitting a covert ops cloak
Motoko Kusanagui
#38 - 2012-08-12 13:55:50 UTC
Implying Implications wrote:
Show me on the doll where the AFK-cloaker touched you.


LMAO...!!! ... Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smile

This is a game take your little internet spaceship go out and play, it's ok sweetie it'll all be fine.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#39 - 2012-08-12 16:54:08 UTC
Uris Vitgar wrote:
AFK cloaking itself is fine, but with certain methods of hunting the victim has almost no chance to escape. The fairest solution is to remove the -100% sensor recalibration role bonus from all ships capable of fitting a covert ops cloak

You realize that only stealth bombers and black ops have this bonus right? And black ops still have to deal with that goddamn scan resolution penalty. (10 seconds to lock a battleship; ugh) So don't go acting like recons or t3s can just decloak and instalock you.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#40 - 2012-08-12 19:01:14 UTC
YoNightmare wrote:
Idea Why not just simply have the server disconnect players after 15mins like most games?

At least it would help with the lag in the game, and make it harder to bot. P

Lag is generally caused by the server having to do calculations. The calculations when you are sitting in station AFK are ridiculously low. Even in space, when you are afk and not on grid with other objects, not many calculation have to be made.
Being afk is very low resource in EVE.

Also, this would have no effect on bots. Bots are, by their nature, active.

So your reasons for this idea are complete BS.

Also, it could be gotten around by simply placing a heavy object on the keyboard while a chat window is selected. So its an ineffective idea too.