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Scammers in my EVE Online?

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What Could Possibly Go Wr0ng
#41 - 2011-09-27 15:24:02 UTC
i bought a couple 40 million isk drones once when i first started. luckily i only needed 2. i had the screen sorted to location and thought it was 40k isk. realized what i was doing just as i made the final click. i was lucky to learn my lesson there. always sort by lowest price first and triple check the price.

the drones? i got them blown up that day.
Ruri Dant
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#42 - 2011-09-27 17:58:40 UTC

I would rather call it an act of Generosity towards the community, helping our fellow Eve players to acquire valuable life changing skills.

READ THE FINE PRINT (one of the few things you have to do in Eve and RL)
If it sounds too good to be true READ THE FINE PRINT AGAIN

a little memento of a nice afternoon in Jita, Ramsies Rex actually gave me also a full slave HG set and a full +5 implant set, besides the cash that shows....

Gotta love Jita.
Meds Dallocort
Tachyon Horizons
#43 - 2011-09-27 21:01:21 UTC
What happened to me when i was a noob, was i was flying around in my catalyst and at that time i thought i was a god id just waited 15 mins to get this nice looking ship that was given to me FOR FREEEE by the agent and it ha loads of turret slots, so i slung any gun i had on it plus two mining beams and went to the asteroid fields.

When i had got there i was greeted by a guy who said he wanted to 'test out his guns on me to see the logs, and to see how much damage mine do' so thinking i was unbeatable, i followed his instructions to take from his can (he stupidly explained it out for me so i know how the process works now). He hit me with his pvp fit weapons and blew me to pieces.....

i was sad but i would never let him win so i acted like 'oh it was just a ship, i can get another' and he left....

Now that i think back on it, it was probably a good thing, i know now that im not invincible no matter how fancy a ship i have.

And more importantly i know not to trust anyone i dont know, so maybe scamming is a good thing, it toughens you up a bit, hell ive even tried to bait a bunch of peoples (before deciding that stupid plan is stupid and left).
Omega Celestial Procurement
#44 - 2011-09-27 23:23:12 UTC
I haven't fallen for a scam yet, exactly. I did purchase a Carpo Mining Upgrade for 400 mil just before the nerf in 2007.
Thats when i started reading the forums and dev blogs.
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#45 - 2011-09-27 23:58:26 UTC
I fell victim to the hauler theft in high security.

By my standards nowadays, isn't really that much. But back as a rookie, a full hauler can represent months of work. Never haul around a full cargo hold on autopilot. There are players that scan for undefended and high value cargo in order to blow you up and take it. Concord will stop the agressor, but they cannot enforce their friend from taking the remaining cargo hold.

Never haul large quantities or high value items on autopilot, or high value items in frail ships such as rookie ships or shuttles.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Malkuth Delapounti
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2011-09-28 01:16:39 UTC
Think the most common one I seen in jita is the guy selling via contract a bunch of items for say 4 billion isk.  Telling you in chat good deal and resellable on market.  When you check the prices on market they seem to match!! 

What some will fall for is when they see the market prices they are missing the part where the seller has basically fixed the prices by having a crazy ass sell and buy orders for crazy money.   But if you look close you will see they are a fixed amount that nobody would ever try getting or would pay or would pay.  

In all you getting a great bargin at 4 items worth maybe 20 million and paying 4 billion lol.
Bless's Minion
DuckPus Fightclub
#47 - 2011-09-28 03:40:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Bless's Minion
I can think of 4 more scams just off the top of my head. These ones are trickier than the usual scams and a bit rarer, so they are end up being more effective.

Seemingly High Profit Nullsec Courier Contracts

This is when a courier contract has a really good reward, but goes into null sec. However, many stations in null sec are player owned, which means that players can change the properties of the station, such as docking rights, and docking fees. If you accept this contract, you will put down a sizable collateral, get out to the null sec station, and either not be able to dock, or have to pay more than the contract reward to get in to the station. At this point you are basically screwed either way.

Prevention: Do not accept null sec courier contracts when you are a new player unless you are familiar with the stations the contract is referring to. Also null sec is a dangerous place, so you will if you are new and don't know what you are doing you are more likely to die than to live.

Inflated Prices in Market

People with a lot of isk will sometimes buy up all of a cheap item on a trade hub market. They will then create a lot of sell orders for random amounts of the item, but all orders will be for a significantly higher price, (usually x1000). To anyone who is buying items fast, this creates the illusion that the market is functioning normally. They buy what they need and don't notice the extra zeros. This especially effective on industrial items that rich people buy frequently and in bulk.

Prevention: ALWAYS look at the final price before you click 'buy'. If you are unsure if an item is being manipulated, look at the market price history graphs.

Mass Eve-mails

Mails that you get from people you don't know telling you about a good deal or something is always a scam. This can be further confirmed if you notice that he also sent it to 50 other people close in the alphabet to you. The most common ones are navy ships and investing. There are much easier ways to let people know about your offers than through eve-mail. If someone is taking the time to do this, they are banking on the hope that you will think you are special for being one of the few people that was sent this offer.

Prevention: Never reply to mass eve-mails. If you want, you can even set your mail charge to max so that they have to pay for their schenagians. Be careful with this though, if you are in a player corp, everyone will get pissed off. Good idea for trade alts though.

Jita Scavenger Hunt

***Personal Favorite***

This is one of the best ones, because it preys on people who are actively looking to spot scams. It is a variation on the Inflated Market Prices scam, in that the market price of one item is inflated in a market hub. The scammer posts a contract in chat saying that it is a scavenger hunt, and if you buy all of the items that the contract requests, you will get a large sum of money. People look at this contract, and see that it is actually offering the money(instead of asking for it) so they assume it is actually for real. Then they quickly go through the jita markets, and buy up all the seemingly cheep junk so they can complete the contract before everyone else in jita. They are doing this so fast, that they don't notice that one of the items is inflated. By the time they try to accept the contract, it has already been deleted by the issuer. A variation on this is that sometimes scammers will ask for a very rare item that isn't even on the market. This allows them to leave the contract up for a longer period of time with minimal risk.

Prevention: Don't try to buy the items in scavenger hunt contracts. In fact, just don't click on any contracts in Jita local. It is 95% scams and 5% stuff you don't need.
Lo Res
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2011-09-28 04:22:19 UTC
i once gave my credit card information to some game developers from Iceland. What?

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#49 - 2011-09-28 07:49:49 UTC
I was a victim of a scam in very crucial time, back when i just started playing EVE online.
One fine day, after spending few hours with my very first corp in Deltole ratting
our corp ceo decided it was about time to teach us noobs a lesson in scanning.
So the man requested each of us to prepare a cheap ship, such as a frigate and
equip it with probe luncher's.

Of course filled with joy and excitement i went to market and searched for a Kestrel.
To my great pleasure i found one right where i was in Deltole. Bought the frig and started
fitting it.

Now there was one peculiarity. I was about to buy a probe launcher as i got a message
that i don't have sufficient cache in my wallet.
immediately i started checking the wallet and bill that i paid, as i was sure i had
a lot of isk before.
Now for my surprise, that Kestrel which i thought i bought for 175k in fact did not cost
as much as i thought. The damn thing was slightly overpriced
In fact i paid 175m for a kestrel.

The the moment most of us know, when the cold sweat starts running down your back
knowing that you fu... up badly.

Eve is dangerous, one might feel safe docked in a station, but fact is, even there
there is someone preying on you ...
EDENCOM Section 7
#50 - 2011-09-28 08:00:00 UTC
Just do this one thing and u'll never be scammed

'In Eve, Assume everything is a scam until proven otherwise'

Especially if things are too good to be true, they probably are

5 years of playing EVE,
0 times scammed Big smile
Vladimir Helios
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#51 - 2011-09-28 09:18:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Vladimir Helios
Spiritualhawk wrote:
goonswarm has tried to scam me, as i am a industrial/mining pilot. more than three or four offers have been thrown my way from time to time.
and if any goonswarm tries to lie about it, i have the chat logs to prove it.
the trick is to remember one thing
goon, and their allies, cannot be trusted for even recruitment.
kelly mcgill tried to take me for all i was worth. got the chat logs to prove it too.
if you see her in recruitment, dont ever answer her. its a setup. they will go to seroius lengths to make you believe that its legit, but on goons own webpage it says if someone asked you for any money at all, its a scam.

dont ever believe anything you see in local.
your best bet is just to remember that REAL corps will not ask you to move your items thru lowsec, or into nullsec. they will work with you, and not give you a deadline. a real corp wont promise the moon, with no investment of time, or isk.
if it seems too good to be true, it is. dont forget even if they let you into the corp, they now have the ability to pop you no matter what, and no concord interference.

.. but thats the name of eve. no risk; no reward. think your decisions over carefully.

If you fall victim to one of TEST's recruitment scams, I'm going to be frank and say you really do deserve to loose that ISK you just handed over.

At least you will be safe in the knowlege that your donated ISK will go to the ease the suffering of our impoverished noobie pilots.

Goons however, are space-rich and don't need your ISK.
Iorakian Delthar
Jacques of All Trades
#52 - 2011-09-28 09:20:09 UTC
Saw an interesting one in Jita just a short while ago.


I give it 7/10 for being original.
Tie Fighters Inc
#53 - 2011-09-28 19:05:42 UTC
Dont be fooled by the beautiful CCP. new comer noobs, scams suck. And even though ccp will like you for being scammed its not worth it. Keep the eyes open, and let ccp get into their own falling for scams, and dont let them drag ya down with them.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Tie Fighters Inc
#54 - 2011-09-28 19:23:16 UTC
Word of advice, passive agressive in this game= fully aggressive, easy way to tell if they will scam or shoot ya. and if they ask alot, if they ask alot, can be a scam. If passive agressive and asking alot=definetly will be shot.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Aphroditie Fortune
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2011-09-28 20:32:26 UTC
Scamming is for some people a career. I have done alot of scamming (on alts), there are many scams which people should know about, but here are afew scams people aren't aware of...:

The ship builders scam... Any chance to get a ship made for cheaper is always welcome, so people asking for ship builders allows scammers to take advantage by asking for a deposit to pay for the building costs of a ship, usually 50% deposit or 25% deposit, to avoid this, use a third party trade person such as chribba.

The corperate recruitment "i'll move your stuff" scam... The typical "we have a freighter/carrier, we could move your assets safely" scam, taking in new recruits and taking there stuff... similar to the goonswarm "we require 200 mill isk to make sure ur not a spy" scam, easy to avoid.

The lottery scam... People say "lottery isn't a scam" but trust me, most are.... they say they have 1 big prize, but in reality one of there many alts is usually the one to win the prize, so all the money from people buying "tickets" goes straight into the scammers wallet, and the prize usually doesn't even exist.


Aswell as scams there are other things which can cause problems, ninja salvagers (don't attack them, they usually have backup), the 1 vs 1 fighters with neutral reps, the anti miners who join mining corps then kill the mining fleets, and more.... many i admit i have done, but then again the idiots who fall for it most likely won't read this =)

Fly safe new eden.
flank steak
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#56 - 2011-09-29 03:44:32 UTC
Don't let strangers T2 rig your ships
Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#57 - 2011-09-29 08:27:19 UTC
I've been playing EVE for almost 4 years now on 2 accounts, I've never been scammed.
Until last Saturday.

1: Greed is *not* good.
2: If it looks too good to be true it usually is.
3: If no-one else reacts upon this "offer you cannot resist", scratch your own skull why you should.

In short, I just bought 1 GTC, converted it to 2 PLEX then saw an "offer" in local for a contract:
buy 1 PLEX, only 320Mil, need skill books and I was like, 'hey, I can make 60 mil profit on this'.

The contract stated:
- YOU WILL PAY: 320.000.000 ISK (320 Million)
- YOU WILL GET: 30 Day Pilot's License Extention (PLEX) x 1

I lost: 320 mil.

Somewhere in the fine print it also included me to pay with a PLEX and I didn't see it.
After 3 times going over the contract. Roll
#58 - 2011-09-29 08:35:32 UTC  |  Edited by: malaire
Pak Narhoo wrote:
In short, I just bought 1 GTC, converted it to 2 PLEX then saw an "offer" in local for a contract:
buy 1 PLEX, only 320Mil, need skill books and I was like, 'hey, I can make 60 mil profit on this'.

The contract stated:
- YOU WILL PAY: 320.000.000 ISK (320 Million)
- YOU WILL GET: 30 Day Pilot's License Extention (PLEX) x 1

I lost: 320 mil.

Somewhere in the fine print it also included me to pay with a PLEX and I didn't see it.
After 3 times going over the contract. Roll

Image of such a scam: (from post #3 in this thread)
There is red "You will pay ... 1 PLEX" below that green "You will get 1 PLEX".

New to EVE? Don't forget to read: The Manual * The Wiki * The Career Options * and everything else

Moyra Jurescki
Pandemic Horde
#59 - 2011-09-29 09:39:16 UTC
I play this game for quite some time. I have been able to avoid all kind of scams but one. The Quafe Zero scam. OFC I bought about 10 pieces of Quafe Ultra instead of Quafe Zero. I still have those in a can named "Quafe forever" so I can remember to pay a closer look to the contract next time. :)

Anshio Tamark
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#60 - 2011-09-29 11:37:29 UTC
Bless's Minion wrote:
Prevention: Don't try to buy the items in scavenger hunt contracts. In fact, just don't click on any contracts in Jita local. It is 95% scams and 5% stuff you don't need.

I'd like to re-phrase that, if I may: "Don't click on any contracts in local."

If people post a contract in local, it is a scam, no doubt.

I once saw an auction-contract scam. It seemed legit enough and all. "Cheap Hulk with equipment and rigs, starting price 170mil". To anyone, that might seem cheap. When I clicked it, though, I noticed that the "Hulk" in question was actually just a Covetor, which is only worth 17mil at most. And to make it worse, that auction had about 5 other bids, with the price raised to about 200mil. People obviously didn't check what they bought.

Another contract scam I've seen was for a "Worm", although the ship in the contract was actually just a regular, cheap-ass Merlin.

And a last one I can remember: 100,000 Units of Republic Fleet EMP L, 50 ISK each, total price: 50,000,000 ISK. With just a basic grasp of calculus, it shouldn't be hard to see that this is an obvious scam. Even more so, considering that is was only 10,000 Units of EMP L that was actually being sold.

Here's a hint for all you scammers: Try harder.