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BREAKING NEWS - Chribba's System is SBU'd

First post
3lux Lucis
Sensible People
Sigma Grindset
#121 - 2011-09-24 02:43:20 UTC
Amarr Empire
#122 - 2011-09-24 02:43:34 UTC
Calfis wrote:
SuperXCon wrote:
We where actually shot first and returned fire then did the SBU thing. one of our canes, yea the one that died. We actually thought we where going in as allies.

So as a result you shoot everyone. amirite? Blink

well yea
Amarr Empire
#123 - 2011-09-24 02:44:20 UTC
but we killed the sbu's too...
Princess Cellestia
Friendship is Podding
#124 - 2011-09-24 02:45:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Cellestia
As a fledgling cap builder you have my support chribba. I'd come out and help, but being in TEST I'm sure I'd be shot on sight if I actually made it there, as unlikely as that would be. Everyone else, save his system and slaughter the attackers. Friendship is magic Chribba, and you're a friend to all in EVE.

And yay eveo forums telling me there was only 1 page. Glad it was saved.
Rhaegor Stormborn
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#125 - 2011-09-24 03:02:45 UTC
Calfis wrote:
SuperXCon wrote:
We where actually shot first and returned fire then did the SBU thing. one of our canes, yea the one that died. We actually thought we where going in as allies.

So as a result you shoot everyone. amirite? Blink

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#126 - 2011-09-24 03:13:44 UTC
Just an fyi....we will be arranging future veldspar ganking patrols to deplete ore deposits in Chribba held systems!!!!! VELDAGGEDEN!!!....errr....APOCOSPAR!!!! ummmm....Everyone in your NAVITAS!!!! Attacka da rocks!!!!

There will be more....stay tuned...
Kral Nevill
Caldari State
#127 - 2011-09-24 03:49:23 UTC
You know...I can't think of a better way to start an EVE-wide war than a big alliance to attack Chribba.
Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#128 - 2011-09-24 04:35:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Sentient Blade
Disclaimer: The following is how I remember it going down. Some finer details may be mistaken.

The defence started up with a few people joining Chribba's usually rather empty Holy Veldspar channel on EvE - we found Chribba talking in there explaining how he was unsure about the sov system and what he could do to defend it. We told him about destroying the SBUs but he was quite adamant that he wished to remain entirely neutral and did not want to appear on any killmails.

Obsidian Hawk decided to go ahead and begin forming up a fleet - adding people who X'd up in the Holy Veldspar channel as well as squad commanders bringing in members of their own corps and alliances. The fleet began growing and was soon at around 40 people.

Knowing that there was a potential for being attacked we decided that the best cost to damage would be to bring stealth bombers, and people from all over the galaxy began heading towards Esa. Some people were coming from 30+ jumps away, stopping by the various trade hubs to tool up etc so it took a while for people to form up.

At the same time we had a corp staging to bring in a fleet of 9 dreadnaughts, until we found out that the system was cynojammed and we would not be able to get them in without opening it up for a much larger hostile hot-drop looking for opportunistic kills. We were considering going in using black-ops jump portals but this idea was thrown out when we discovered that the black ops pilots would need to travel 30 jumps to pick up their widows.

Instead, and as the defence fleet already had scouts moving into the Esa to 9UY pipe and all was reported clear I decided to lead the first squad of approximately a dozen bombers through into null and apart from a couple of anchored bubbles we got there and began to engage the SBU on the ZQ gate.

After a while of firing torpedos into the side of it we were engaged by a lone en-garde bomber, which successfully managed to take out a couple of people before the fleet's slow-ass torpedos managed to pop it and remove it from the equation. The support fire kept up until 3 dramiels jumped the gate and started jumping between safe spots, although not engaging to begin with.

By this time we had another group ready in ESA and Xyloplax lead them down the pipe. They joined us on the ZQ gate and its shields started going down significantly quicker.

Just as we had the SBU into armour the bomber fleet was engaged by a group of about half a dozen Occupational Hazard vagabonds which all warped onto the grid at once. At this point the FCs called to scatter and people hit their cloaks and made for random celestials as OH aligned towards the gate from their ~180km warp in.

At this point I fell out of the loop for a few minutes due to my EvE clients locking up as soon as the engagement started. I lost my main but managed to get my other SB to safety which I used to scout for the rest of the op.

When I got back in to find myself in a pod, most people had made their way towards Chribba's station which was now being camped by various vagabonds and other similar nasties.

While this was all going on we had a separate EvE University fleet making their way in from various parts of the galaxy and around this time they punched their way through to 9UY bringing in what looked to be a mixed BS / BC fleet. There was lots of excitement as local spiked to about 150 as they jumped in and gave warnings to the hostiles that they were there to defend the system, and that they would fire upon anyone who attempted to prevent them from doing so.

The IVY fleet tore through one of the SBUs with relative ease and was ready to move on when local spiked even higher with a large NCDOT fleet entering followed shortly after by another large fleet, which I can't remember, who then proceeded to knock seven bells out of each other.

After a knock down the other fleet left, leaving NCDOT who apparently then went chasing after IVY - leaving a few people behind who kept the rather flimsy SB fleet locked down in station with a combination of interdictor bubbles and HICs.

A few bombers did manage to get out at various points, and engaged in some bombing runs, although the damage only seemed to be minimal but most of the remaining NC. jumped out except for a few tacklers on the gates which we were lining bombing runs up against with what we could scrap together.

The original defence fleet was having a bit of a logistical issue as the 9UY station was somewhat lacking in supplies, and it was a scramble to buy bombs, torpedoes and replacement ships with not enough to go around. I had my alt scout lining up a bombing run on a few of the tackles when the gate started flashing like crazy as dozens of ships jumped back through and all warped off towards another gate.

I followed them lining up again for the bombing run hoping to suicide a few of them as they held at an SBU but the next thing I knew a cyno had gone up - I'm not sure if the generator was destroyed or if Chribba lowered it - but a flash of jump bubbles appeared and the grid now played host to about half a dozen NCDOT motherships all popping fighter bombers and engaging the SBU - so I peeled off to watch.

Was an impressive sight and the supers took down the SBUs one at a time with painful ease considering the time it had taken the public / ivy fleets to take down the previous SBU. The system soon dropped out from vulnerable, to contested, and then as the final SBU went boom it returned safely into Chribbas veldspar-loving hands.

NCDOT moved on but a few other neutrals stayed behind in system - the defence fleet made a mad dash to get out and start moving back to high-sec, it was a bit of a scary time for some because as they were not expecting to be fighting they ended up in null with full sets of +5 or worse. There was much cheering as they made it back into high.
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#129 - 2011-09-24 04:57:42 UTC
Wow, what an incredible few hours !!

Shout Out to all the Capsuleers involved. I was and still am pleasantly surprised as to how disparate individuals, Corps and Alliances can band together in such a manner. The Call to Arms was amazing, thanks for all the fun ! I eventually made it back to HiSec (Yes I'm a carebear - doesn't stop me "touring" the savage empire).

To the FC of the first fleet - Awesome stuff mate and a very good call in the first moments to get the Bombers away from the Vagabonds and Scimitars that showed-up during the first SBU take-down. No way I can see a bomber take on a Vagabond (we'd pop for sure). Perhaps a whole bunch of suicide bombers could deal them good alpha. Good call man, good call. Please though, next time you're eating choc-chip cookies and drinking fresh tea - keep quiet about it! I was frikken starving!! hehe.

Great fun, a very good evening and time well-spent.

This is entertainment Big smile

Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#130 - 2011-09-24 05:06:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Sentient Blade
Thorn Galen wrote:
Please though, next time you're eating choc-chip cookies and drinking fresh tea - keep quiet about it! I was frikken starving!! hehe.

Haha - Sorry about that.

But I do find a fleet op is better with a cup of tea and chocolate digestive biscuits that have been nicely chilled in the fridge for an hour or two.

Maybe it's an English thing.
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#131 - 2011-09-24 05:28:17 UTC
Ahhh, Sentient Blade! 'twas you!, lol. So many new names (to me) last night.
I promptly made myself a pot of Earl Grey and a muffin with clotted cream (yes we have the latter in South Africa). This was around 01h30 my time.

Thanks again, I'm still shaking from the adrenaline P

Aus Mote
#132 - 2011-09-24 05:34:41 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:
*Epic Story*

Man, I wish I was there. Sad

Oh well, sounds like everybody had fun, and Chribba kept the system, too! All well and good in the end. Big smile
Alexylva Paradox
#133 - 2011-09-24 06:35:00 UTC
Wish I coulda helped but I was a bit busy staring at an Amarrian station in stain. Anyways, great to hear Chribba is still king in that system, and to anyone who tries to screw with him take this as an example.

Dr. Ninavask Revan


Alexylva Paradox

The views above are the opinions and beliefs of Dr. Ninavask and do in no way reflect on his employeers or associates at the time of posting.

Gallente Federation
#134 - 2011-09-24 06:37:48 UTC
Kral Nevill wrote:
You know...I can't think of a better way to start an EVE-wide war than a big alliance to attack Chribba.

Chribba offers services to those major alliances - trusted financial services. Messing his business operations up... I don't think I'd want to place orders or escrow through someone I'd just decided to take pot shots at for lulz... it's not an advisable method for maintaining good relations - for some odd reason.

As for the smaller groups: a few have done this kind of stuff - at times finding those bigger alliances hunting them out of existence if they do more than inconvenience him and this isn't just about "liking him".

There really aren't many in this game that can claim the kind of business trust Chribba can and that has value to many.

Even ignoring his list of websites and the like: Business is business and messing with it, when multiple parties are involved, can annoy ALL those entities - not just your chosen target.
Eru GoEller
State War Academy
Caldari State
#135 - 2011-09-24 06:55:38 UTC
Rellik B00n wrote:

the huge alliances back chribba, join chribba alliance, TQ looks like chinese server.

and I would ask, what has chribba ever done for us?

Something like this i guess, just swap what's being said with Chribbas services:
#136 - 2011-09-24 06:58:47 UTC
The whole of Imperishable Darkness will be coming out of our wormhole for this.

No one screws with Chribba.
Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#137 - 2011-09-24 07:13:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Obsidian Hawk
It' was great fun indeed.

Xyloplax and sentient were smart and didnt get themselves blown up on the field, unlike yours truely.

But a great thanks should be given to the scouts who made sure the pipe was empty for the big guns.

Also to the cran and viator pilots who brought extra ammo to us out there.

There were many lulz in the fleet while we were unable to take action being mostly in bombers.

EDIT : anyone have a screen shot of the fleet members, I wanted to thank all of the wing commanders and squad commanders being on top of invites, saved me a ton of trouble.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Envoy Achates
Safe Harbour Shipyards
#138 - 2011-09-24 07:24:11 UTC
Saithos wrote:
The whole of Imperishable Darkness will be coming out of our wormhole for this.

oh wow, both of you?
#139 - 2011-09-24 07:31:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Saithos
Envoy Achates wrote:
Saithos wrote:
The whole of Imperishable Darkness will be coming out of our wormhole for this.

oh wow, both of you?

Yep, two drunk dudes and a bunch of T2 ammo.

In a moment of drunken realization, how did you know that?
CCP Spitfire
C C P Alliance
#140 - 2011-09-24 08:54:21 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:

Battle report

Thank you for the battle report, it was a great read! And congratulations to everyone involved, looks like a lot of fun was had. Pirate

CCP Spitfire | Marketing & Sales Team @ccp_spitfire