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Why !!!! CCP Why !!!! Cut it out Already

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-07-09 09:41:55 UTC
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?



Hello, hello again.

Lord Aliventi
Minmatar Fleet Logistics
Minmatar Fleet Associates
#22 - 2012-07-09 09:47:07 UTC
Wait wait wait a sec.....

You almost died to a drake with a prot?

Dear god mate. You are fail. I mean holy hell. I fly drakes all the time. The is no way buffer or ASB fit I would go near a prot with out back up. If you aren't fail fit you easily have 80-90+ resist to kinetic. If you nearly lost you should just biomass yourself.
Critically Preposterous
#23 - 2012-07-09 11:30:16 UTC
shame the prot didn't blow up, I'd like to see its fit at least in a km P
Blastcaps Madullier
Handsome Millionaire Playboys
#24 - 2012-07-09 11:53:04 UTC
actually when it came to the T3's i've always thought they should be completely modular allowing the players to choose what tank type they actually want, ie all T3's can be shield or armour depending on players choice.

as for the ASB iirc it takes cap boosters, so sooner or later their going to run out of cap boosters, just a case of out lasting them.
The Protato
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-07-09 11:57:15 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
So a module that's meant to make active tanks better than buffer for small gang/solo pvp is OP because it almost succeeded.


Active tanks already are better for small gang/solo than buffer. I think it'd be fine if we had an Ancillary Armour Repairer too.
The Protato
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-07-09 11:58:36 UTC
Lord Aliventi wrote:
Dear god mate. You are fail. I mean holy hell. I fly drakes all the time. The is no way buffer or ASB fit I would go near a prot with out back up. If you aren't fail fit you easily have 80-90+ resist to kinetic. If you nearly lost you should just biomass yourself.

You've never flown a buffer fit, have you? Doesn't matter what your resists are, if the enemy has pointed you and you can't break their dual x-large ancillary shield booster 2,000 dps tank, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#27 - 2012-07-09 12:01:27 UTC
The Protato wrote:
You've never flown a buffer fit, have you? Doesn't matter what your resists are
…you mean aside from determining the size of that buffer.
Monkeys of Mischief
#28 - 2012-07-09 12:11:44 UTC
Dio Chrysostom wrote:
Waah! Waah! I tried to gank a noob in my bil isk t3 and almost got my arse handed to me. Hax!

Fixed for tl;dr.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#29 - 2012-07-09 12:21:54 UTC
The Protato wrote:

You've never flown a buffer fit, have you? Doesn't matter what your resists are, if the enemy has pointed you and you can't break their dual x-large ancillary shield booster 2,000 dps tank, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE.

ITT: Claiming that resistances do not matter in a tank. Interesting.

OP was fighting against "Ancillary Shield Boosters". A module that injects charges into the shield. Charges need cargo space. Once he runs out of charges, his tank will fail. You just have to survive long enough against his DPS, to turn the tides and not dying. Something that should be possible with a Proteus.
Sorry We're In Your Space Eh
Seventh Sanctum.
#30 - 2012-07-09 12:30:54 UTC
Unfortunately, Drakes running ASBs are pretty ridiculous right now, partially because of the Drake's huge natural capacitor and the fact that generally they don't need to use that cap as much as other ships do, leaving a surplus for when the ASB runs out of charges (assuming the person isn't fitting two of them).

What I really don't get, is why CCP nearly made regular shield boosters almost obsolete overnight, and why active shield tanking is getting so much love while active armor tanking has been in the dumpster for 3-4 years. Even before ASBs, active shield tanking was VASTLY superior to active armor tanking in terms of how much DPS you could handle. Without getting too crazy on fittings, you can easily make a handful of BSs tank 3000-4000 dps with REGULAR shield boosters, whereas the max tank on one of the better active armor tanked BSs will get you up to a 1500-2000 dps tank, and that's relatively pimped out too. It's also worth pointing out that armor reps have a much longer cycle time too, which makes you more vulnerable to alpha. I'm sure a good part of the difference in tanking ability can be explained by crystal sets too, but it's a moot point really when the end result has such a drastic disparity between the two types of tanks.

Ironically in the world of supercaps, it's the complete opposite and shield tanks are generally 50%-ish less effective than armor tanks are in terms of effective hitpoints. CCP has already started to address this by releasing deadspace invuln fields, but until some shield equivalent of slave implants are introduced, shield supers will always be sub-par.

Hopefully in this upcoming rebalance CCP will look at some of the issues with active tanking, especially with armor tanks, and will make some effort to start fixing it. I don't expect armor to equal shield at any point with respect to their capabilities, but the gap needs to be narrowed considerably.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2012-07-09 12:36:31 UTC
Your 3B plex-funded Prot nearly died to a peasant Drake?

Sounds like the start of a legal case.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Lost Greybeard
Drunken Yordles
#32 - 2012-07-09 12:53:39 UTC
Dio Chrysostom wrote:

Better ? how is that fair for armor tankers ?

While it should be noted that I'm aware we're trollin' here and not actually srsing, the for serious answer is that part of the ship rebalancing is a general buff to active armor repair (more ships get an amount repaired bonus, especially in Gallente) and the nerf to Neut benefited active armor as much as active shield.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#33 - 2012-07-09 13:16:06 UTC
ITT : people moaning about shield active tanks getting a buff while active armor remains untouched

I wonder if the same people would complain about the shield buffer disadvantages versus armor buffer?

(i.e. give me an XL shield extender)



Marconus Orion
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2012-07-09 13:22:09 UTC
MinefieldS wrote:
Since Dust 543wharever will be on consoles CCP is dumbing down the game for them, hoping some of them will subscribe.

What does DUST have anything to do with ASBs? Also this post wreaks of bitterness DUST is not on PC. Get over it man.
Shad0wsFury wrote:
Unfortunately, Drakes running ASBs are pretty ridiculous right now, partially because of the Drake's huge natural capacitor and the fact that generally they don't need to use that cap as much as other ships do, leaving a surplus for when the ASB runs out of charges (assuming the person isn't fitting two of them).

What I really don't get, is why CCP nearly made regular shield boosters almost obsolete overnight, and why active shield tanking is getting so much love while active armor tanking has been in the dumpster for 3-4 years. Even before ASBs, active shield tanking was VASTLY superior to active armor tanking in terms of how much DPS you could handle. Without getting too crazy on fittings, you can easily make a handful of BSs tank 3000-4000 dps with REGULAR shield boosters, whereas the max tank on one of the better active armor tanked BSs will get you up to a 1500-2000 dps tank, and that's relatively pimped out too. It's also worth pointing out that armor reps have a much longer cycle time too, which makes you more vulnerable to alpha. I'm sure a good part of the difference in tanking ability can be explained by crystal sets too, but it's a moot point really when the end result has such a drastic disparity between the two types of tanks.

Ironically in the world of supercaps, it's the complete opposite and shield tanks are generally 50%-ish less effective than armor tanks are in terms of effective hitpoints. CCP has already started to address this by releasing deadspace invuln fields, but until some shield equivalent of slave implants are introduced, shield supers will always be sub-par.

Hopefully in this upcoming rebalance CCP will look at some of the issues with active tanking, especially with armor tanks, and will make some effort to start fixing it. I don't expect armor to equal shield at any point with respect to their capabilities, but the gap needs to be narrowed considerably.

Nice post and I agree. Not to turn this into a bashing super caps thread, but I would prefer if slave implants simply did not work on capital ships at all, much less super capitals.
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#35 - 2012-07-09 13:30:11 UTC
It is CCP's newfangled methodology when it comes to game design, they get to rest their brains (ie. go to work hung over!) by using Trial and Error.
They did it with Incursions, rolled back half of changes. They did it with FW and are gathering data to roll back (probably) half the changes .. they'll do it to ASB's too I reckon.

What gets me up in the morning is the anticipation of the day when they launch changes to null sovereignty .. it is going to be non-stop popcorn and internal bleeding from all the laughing .. before they roll it back, since they don't compensate for messing up any more it will be double the fun!. Going to be EPIC
Kyang Tia
Matari Exodus
#36 - 2012-07-09 13:54:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyang Tia
While I agree that a well-fit and flown Proteus can't possibly lose against a Drake, I also believe that ASBs are overpowered.

They have made all normal shield boosters pretty much obsolete except for PvE use. Even in cases where you would pay a few hundred million for a deadspace booster, like on a Maelstrom, 2 ASBs for about 5 million are still vastly better, the only drawback being more CPU cost.
Their boost amount is so insane that a dual large ASB fit on a Myrmidon can actually tank about as much than a dual rep fit while doing more dps. You do of course lose med slots by shield tanking the Myrm, but it still doesn't seem right that a shield tank performs about as well as an armor tank on a ship with a 37,5% armor tanking bonus.
I believe it would make sense to make it impossible to fit more than 1 ASB to a ship.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#37 - 2012-07-09 13:54:22 UTC
you almost lost a proteus to an ASB-fitted Drake?

Stop flying that Proteus. You're embarassing it.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Tyraeil Starblade
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2012-07-09 13:55:29 UTC
Dio Chrysostom wrote:
I want to keep playing EvE so much, but as it stands with the changes already made and the ones Propsed to be made. I find myself with nothing left to play for.

Can I haz your things?
Kyle Ward
#39 - 2012-07-09 14:49:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyle Ward
hiah guyz
i tinK nub shipz r way OP. I was fiteing an iby with mah titan and I couldnt even use mah DoomzDayz on him. It was soooo lame and they need nerf lik yesterday!!!1one!!!21

edit: Did I mention I'm pro?

The Sandbox, you're playing it wrong!

Large Collidable Object
#40 - 2012-07-09 14:51:08 UTC
Degren wrote:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

It’s just common sense.
You know... [morons.](