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Still NO CCP's ANSWER (Dev said:As soon as possible >5 WEEKS AGO) Commercial License

First post
Hienz Doofenshmirtz
Catskull Cartel
#41 - 2011-09-28 23:37:31 UTC
based on the way the original quote was written, the dev blog will come before summer as a whole ends, not a particular summer. Thus we should see the dev blog for this subject just before world war three and nuclear winter begins do you know?

Gallente Federation
#42 - 2011-09-30 09:38:37 UTC
CCP Navigator wrote:
I have passed this request on to CCP Zulu and we will get you an update as soon as possible.

I guess 8 days aren't enought time to prepare a update for us :(

I thought, CCP promised to improve there communication.
Cpt Greagor
Liquid Relief
#43 - 2011-09-30 13:04:42 UTC
HyperZerg wrote:
I guess 8 days aren't enought time to prepare a update for us :(

I thought, CCP promised to improve there communication.

It is their, not there.

And I bet I see a unicorn before you see that update.

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The Muppet Show
#44 - 2011-09-30 13:12:13 UTC

Statement on behalf of CCP from Arnar Hrafn Gylfason, Senior Producer for EVE Online. Good communication and trust between CCP and the EVE community has always been a fundamental priority for CCP and will continue to be so.

Soi Mala
Whacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Arm Tubemen
#45 - 2011-09-30 16:11:46 UTC
This turn of events was unexpected and downright shocking.

Krell Kroenen
The Devil's Shadow
#46 - 2011-09-30 16:49:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Krell Kroenen
It's funny how so many of us have rallied around the catch phrase of watching what CCP does and not what they say and now they aren't saying much of anything.

But in their defense I bet they are a bit busy being part of the in house testing for World of Vampires *smirks*
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2011-09-30 20:32:47 UTC
Krell Kroenen wrote:
It's funny how so many of us have rallied around the catch phrase of watching what CCP does and not what they say and now they aren't saying much of anything.

But in their defense I bet they are a bit busy being part of the in house testing for World of Vampires *smirks*
What is this testing of which you speak? Big smile

I predict that the really special vampires classes will look like they are walking backwards as they move forward and that each time they go into their coffin to rest, they will come out with an inventory item unequipped. Yup, you heard it here first.
Krathos Morpheus
Legion Infernal
#48 - 2011-10-01 14:39:47 UTC
New round of devBlogs and... no word on this.
Krathos Morpheus
Legion Infernal
#49 - 2011-10-02 08:42:24 UTC
Friendly reminder, what is the state on this?
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#50 - 2011-10-02 11:47:41 UTC
Bumpity Bump Bump
The Muppet Show
#51 - 2011-10-02 11:55:20 UTC

Statement on behalf of CCP from Arnar Hrafn Gylfason, Senior Producer for EVE Online. Good communication and trust between CCP and the EVE community has always been a fundamental priority for CCP and will continue to be so.

Krathos Morpheus
Legion Infernal
#52 - 2011-10-03 13:50:48 UTC
Nothing yet?
Krathos Morpheus
Legion Infernal
#53 - 2011-10-04 09:22:16 UTC
Krathos Morpheus wrote:
Nothing yet?

Red Viking Conglomerate
#54 - 2011-10-04 09:58:21 UTC
Krathos Morpheus wrote:
but apparently in some countries with temperature lag it ended now. Where is the devblog?

Well, that is also wrong. Denmark is currently experiencing it's second summer this year, supposedly lasting at least until the end of this week.
So please, if you do that again some time, please include the small countries too. Or just don't do it, it's stupid to talk about stuff you don't really know anything about.
Krathos Morpheus
Legion Infernal
#55 - 2011-10-05 10:03:47 UTC
That's not how seasons work, xanderth. There are not two summers, not on earth, not by definition. Hello little country, here where I live we call this time of the year Saint Michael's little summer, but that doesn't mean i can deliver now something now that was due on summer. Cultural callings do not change how seasons work, specially not in an international scope. Also the important thing is to know when or if CCP is going to make the blog. When, CCP? When?
#56 - 2011-10-05 10:09:35 UTC
Krathos Morpheus wrote:
That's not how seasons work, xanderth. There are not two summers, not on earth, not by definition. Hello little country, here where I live we call this time of the year Saint Michael's little summer, but that doesn't mean i can deliver now something now that was due on summer. Cultural callings do not change how seasons work, specially not in an international scope. Also the important thing is to know when or if CCP is going to make the blog. When, CCP? When?

Unless you're in a tropical country where they don't have summers... Some countries have "hot season" "cold season" and "rainy season". Would you say the Saharan desert has a summer as opposed to just being "hot as hell all the time"? What about Jupiter? Do they have summers there? I think you're being insensitive to the interplanetary community.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Hulkageddon Orphanage
#57 - 2011-10-05 10:20:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Miilla
May I direct your attention to this comment as regards to the future direction of LICENSING of the Eve API :)

CCP Stillman wrote:
Miilla wrote:
Are you going to require that applications be "authorised" by some kind of unique APP certificate so you can tell which apps are putting what loading on the servers etc?

I can't speak in certain terms, as the plans aren't done at this point. But does it make sense to me? Yes.

So a likely future direction of the Eve API.

1) Paid for license App certificate / key to allow full access API's or perhaps priority queued and full query capabilities

2) Free license App certificate / key to allow basic API's and perhaps a slower secondary priority access, after paid for apps have got their share of calls completed and perhaps even limited in number of queries or time between queries.

I can see managing those app certificates being very messy, especially when those certs have been compromised, and they will, if there is a tiered API service.[/quote]
Krathos Morpheus
Legion Infernal
#58 - 2011-10-05 10:20:38 UTC
"hot season" "cold season" and "rainy season" is not summer, but you got a point there, seasons were conceived around agriculture and it's different stages, some places in the world doesn't work like that, but don't talk to me about insensitiveness to the interplanetary community, I have specified on every post that I'm talking about Earth! I respect other planets climatologies, but they don't relate to this release on this planet. XD

Where is the blog, CCP?
Krathos Morpheus
Legion Infernal
#59 - 2011-10-05 10:24:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Krathos Morpheus
Miilla wrote:
May I direct your attention to this comment as regards to the future direction of LICENSING of the Eve API :)

CCP Stillman wrote:
Miilla wrote:
Are you going to require that applications be "authorised" by some kind of unique APP certificate so you can tell which apps are putting what loading on the servers etc?

I can't speak in certain terms, as the plans aren't done at this point. But does it make sense to me? Yes.

So a likely future direction of the Eve API.

1) Paid for license App certificate / key to allow full access API's or perhaps priority queued and full query capabilities

2) Free license App certificate / key to allow basic API's and perhaps a slower secondary priority access, after paid for apps have got their share of calls completed and perhaps even limited in number of queries or time between queries.

I can see managing those app certificates being very messy, especially when those certs have been compromised, and they will, if there is a tiered API service.
Interesting... I will read the thread when I have time.
Darth Skorpius
352 Industries
#60 - 2011-10-05 10:43:46 UTC
the excrement hit the circulation device so many times over the last six months that im not surprised issues like this fell by the wayside. its probably been relegated ot the bottom of the pile so that more important issues like stopping the mass exodus of players could be fixed, as theres not much point in a commercial licence if there is no one left to buy/use it