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Halaima Miner Bumping -- SHAREHOLDER REPORT #1 -- 230,000.00 % profit margin!

Sun Win
#21 - 2012-07-09 00:00:23 UTC
James 315, you are truly a CEO for the people. You don't dispense your wisdom from above, choosing instead to gift us with business plans that are earthly, sensual, and dare I say a little devilish.
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#22 - 2012-07-09 01:23:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Ireland VonVicious
I use to do this union mining "organizing" long ago.

Was fun but you still seem like a rookie at it Roll

The ship you want is a megathron as you can just get behind people and push for ever with that big front end.

It's also helpful to have a lot of members running the area with you and to have those who pay you for the service to have intel channel where they can all enjoy being union members.

It helps to have services like: pre-can flipping. That's right they see a known flipper in system you go flip your miners first and maybe you'll get lucky enough to get a kill off a guy in a faction frigate. Makes the fees continue the next month when they see you keeping the area on that level of lock down. Good luck.

I'd also be worried about your 365 day fee.
As you get enough to start this and see the same miners there for the most part next month profits are going to drop off a cliff while work load is just as big.
Your profit percentage is a joke as it is month one. It should show isk per hour rate instead.
After you have a good starting based I'd be interested in seeing the sustained profit.
A guy who is new to the game makes an infinate % increase from before he joined P. Doesn't really mean much.
Goonfleet Investment Banking
#23 - 2012-07-09 01:31:08 UTC
Ireland VonVicious wrote:
It helps to have services like: pre-can flipping. That's right they see a known flipper in system you go flip your miners first and maybe you'll get lucky enough to get a kill off a guy in a faction frigate. Makes the fees continue the next month when they see you keeping the area on that level of lock down. Good luck.

Why would he ever want to offer a service that could HELP the miners?

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Pinstar Colton
Sweet Asteroid Acres
#24 - 2012-07-09 16:50:24 UTC
A clever plan, though I ask you one simple thing. You have provided us with your total earnings and profit margin...but how much physical time do you spend patrolling the belt and enforcing your control over it? I would be curious to see what kind of isk per hour this operation pulls in.

In the cat-and-mouse game that is low sec, there is no shame in learning to be a better mouse.

Lee Ann Reed
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2012-07-10 03:36:16 UTC
I lol'd. Would read again. 10/10. Well played sir.
Drago Wolfbane Skorvalk
Great Black Hole of Eve
#26 - 2012-07-10 04:38:13 UTC
I think you need to rethink your model some....

Mining fields regenerate often, your yearly fee does not. The miners you are assisting are gathering vast amounts of wealth EVERYDAY while you get a once a year donation for your hard work?

I think you have greatly undervalued your services, as an emergent leader you need to balance your generosity with stern but fair ruling.

I gather you charge 10m isk a year for membership? Wouldn't 5m a month be more fair to the miners? Cannot a good Hulk miner pull in 500m a month? You would only be getting 1% if that is the case, heck corps that do a lot less for their members charge way more then that! I think your generous nature will become your downfall........


p.s. I just LMAO, you have a great thread, only next time do not be so stingy in the telling of your story. I was unhappy as it ended so quickly!
James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#27 - 2012-07-10 17:20:29 UTC
Pinstar Colton wrote:
A clever plan, though I ask you one simple thing. You have provided us with your total earnings and profit margin...but how much physical time do you spend patrolling the belt and enforcing your control over it? I would be curious to see what kind of isk per hour this operation pulls in.

My business doesn't exist within the normal isk/hour paradigm...In fact, maximizing my time patrolling the belt wouldn't necessarily maximize my profits. But I can't reveal everything, now can I? Cool
Goonswarm Federation
#28 - 2012-07-11 23:35:55 UTC
dougfunnie wrote:
fantastic work, but could you post like 80% fewer words in the future

please don't post such wrong things, probablywrong
R0me0 Charl1e
Easy A Industries
#29 - 2012-07-13 05:05:49 UTC
It's great to see my investment for high sec is going so well. I don't play in the same timezone as James does but It's good to see that he has people who are keeping an eye on the system he operates from.
The Dresdeneers
#30 - 2012-07-13 13:32:56 UTC
I'm mildly disappointed. I cruised through the Halaima ice-field last night...about 15 miners with a scattered group of escorts (1 was a command ship) and not a single sign of a light-weight policing shuttle. I did see CONCORD casually chilling their lattes on a block of ice, though.

I was hoping to see some pro bumping in action.
Kei Darker
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-07-13 15:05:25 UTC
Would love to see you set up a twitch tv stream so we could watch this fabulous bumping.
#32 - 2012-07-13 16:39:12 UTC
Kei Darker wrote:
Would love to see you set up a twitch tv stream so we could watch this fabulous bumping.

CorInaXeraL wrote:
I'm mildly disappointed. I cruised through the Halaima ice-field last night...about 15 miners with a scattered group of escorts (1 was a command ship) and not a single sign of a light-weight policing shuttle. I did see CONCORD casually chilling their lattes on a block of ice, though.

I was hoping to see some pro bumping in action.

Are you two the only people who haven't figured out the scam?
The Dresdeneers
#33 - 2012-07-13 16:45:36 UTC  |  Edited by: CorInaXeraL
Kei Darker wrote:
Would love to see you set up a twitch tv stream so we could watch this fabulous bumping.

CorInaXeraL wrote:
I'm mildly disappointed. I cruised through the Halaima ice-field last night...about 15 miners with a scattered group of escorts (1 was a command ship) and not a single sign of a light-weight policing shuttle. I did see CONCORD casually chilling their lattes on a block of ice, though.

I was hoping to see some pro bumping in action.

Are you two the only people who haven't figured out the scam?

Psssst.....We've known it since the beginning...but sometimes it's just fun to play along to get more silly stories.

Edit: Your robe appears to be on backwards...your face should be able to see out from under the hood, not be blocked by it.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#34 - 2012-07-13 17:02:17 UTC
EvilweaselSA wrote:
dougfunnie wrote:
fantastic work, but could you post like 80% fewer words in the future

please don't post such wrong things, probablywrong

if I ever do, I'll let you know :)
#35 - 2012-07-13 17:57:48 UTC
CorInaXeraL wrote:
Edit: Your robe appears to be on backwards...your face should be able to see out from under the hood, not be blocked by it.

You sure about that?
Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-07-13 18:40:18 UTC
CorInaXeraL wrote:
Kei Darker wrote:
Would love to see you set up a twitch tv stream so we could watch this fabulous bumping.

CorInaXeraL wrote:
I'm mildly disappointed. I cruised through the Halaima ice-field last night...about 15 miners with a scattered group of escorts (1 was a command ship) and not a single sign of a light-weight policing shuttle. I did see CONCORD casually chilling their lattes on a block of ice, though.

I was hoping to see some pro bumping in action.

Are you two the only people who haven't figured out the scam?

Psssst.....We've known it since the beginning...but sometimes it's just fun to play along to get more silly stories.

Edit: Your robe appears to be on backwards...your face should be able to see out from under the hood, not be blocked by it.

Henchwoman... I am very disappointed in you.

There are two possible ways.

1) The portrait is looking at his back. This is possible in the character creator.

2) He is looking to his right and the opening in his hood to show the face is not shown in the portrait.


The Dresdeneers
#37 - 2012-07-13 18:51:00 UTC
Private Pineapple wrote:
CorInaXeraL wrote:
Kei Darker wrote:
Would love to see you set up a twitch tv stream so we could watch this fabulous bumping.

CorInaXeraL wrote:
I'm mildly disappointed. I cruised through the Halaima ice-field last night...about 15 miners with a scattered group of escorts (1 was a command ship) and not a single sign of a light-weight policing shuttle. I did see CONCORD casually chilling their lattes on a block of ice, though.

I was hoping to see some pro bumping in action.

Are you two the only people who haven't figured out the scam?

Psssst.....We've known it since the beginning...but sometimes it's just fun to play along to get more silly stories.

Edit: Your robe appears to be on backwards...your face should be able to see out from under the hood, not be blocked by it.

Henchwoman... I am very disappointed in you.

There are two possible ways.

1) The portrait is looking at his back. This is possible in the character creator.

2) He is looking to his right and the opening in his hood to show the face is not shown in the portrait.

BLAST. Foiled by a camera! I shall now go drive my ship into the sun.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#38 - 2012-07-13 19:49:17 UTC
Do you have a limit on the ship potential?

eg. Someone in a starter ship where 10mil would be a very large portion of their income and they probably don't have it in their wallet yet.

I'm just remembering back to when I started and breaking 1mil took a few days of mining.
#39 - 2012-07-13 20:02:55 UTC
Barakach wrote:
Do you have a limit on the ship potential?

eg. Someone in a starter ship where 10mil would be a very large portion of their income and they probably don't have it in their wallet yet.

I'm just remembering back to when I started and breaking 1mil took a few days of mining.


he put up some cans and people gave him 100s of millions to do it.
James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#40 - 2012-07-13 20:12:02 UTC

he put up some cans and people gave him 100s of millions to do it.

If anyone wants to check up on my "story," pop on down to Halaima and ask in local if they've encountered any miner-bumpers lately. I have a feeling they'll give you an earful. Smile