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Out of Pod Experience

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Views on religion. Keep it peaceful, respectful and honest.

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Tritanium Industries and Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2012-07-06 19:18:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Sir13
I don't like to laugh at religion and people's beliefs because everyone believes in different things but why is it, when I ask a question that has no logical answer, people either dismiss the question, get angry or just say "look around you, how do you think we are able to breath, talk and think?" This is not an answer..... People all over the world are slowly losing their faith, if you do exist give the people a sign to say you're still here, take the sun away for a day or take away all the water from the oceans, but you won't, you expect people to put their entire faith in a book that was written thousands of years ago, when you have the power to turn the universe inside out? Yet you wonder why we question your existence? The thing is, humans believe fact over fiction and as it stands, science is kicking religion's ass. Science provides results and facts, your book provides us with nothing but a fascinating story.
Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#2 - 2012-07-06 19:34:29 UTC
My views? Religion flies us into buildings, science flies us to the moon.

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.

NA No Assholes
#3 - 2012-07-06 19:34:43 UTC
uhm, why are you posting questions to a deity that you apparently do not believe in?
that is the question
#4 - 2012-07-06 19:42:25 UTC
This sums it up nicely IMO.

Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#5 - 2012-07-06 19:48:27 UTC
The latest religions are just another form of control over anything else, and a very scary form at that.

You give us a book that was written by people who were barely literate and revised many times over since then, then tell us its the truth.
We question the book and its phrases, and you tell us its not about the story but believing in something.
We choose to believe in something and we're told its the wrong thing and we'll go to hell for believing in it.
We ask what the point of free will is then if we really have no choice.

Its another fence to separate us from one another. Oh I'm sorry, you can't date X person because he's a Christian and we're Jewish. My bad, as a Catholic you can't be friends with that Muslim there because he wants to kill you. God may be a loving man but he sure can spread hate among his flock.

[Of course I know many of you will say "Well I'm friends with X and I'm X". Of course there are exceptions as there is with anything. Hell, I'm Catholic, one friend is Christian, and the other is Mormon, and yes we walked into a bar once.]

Personally I rather enjoy that we have to go through this little hell and earn our right past the gates to an eternity in heaven. I thought our heavenly father loved us and yet he puts us in this little disease ridden sinning cessbowl. Quite frankly by the time I get to those gates I'm going to be so sick of his **** that I'll end up refusing his gift of eternal life. Tell him to shove it up his ass and march on down to hell with all the other bitter vets.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Tritanium Industries and Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2012-07-06 19:53:17 UTC
Totalrx wrote:
uhm, why are you posting questions to a deity that you apparently do not believe in?

It isn't aimed towards "god" I've said "Show the people" show those that do believe basically.....

I don't believe in god but I won't say a god does not exist, just the same way I believe in other life forms in the universe but I won't say they exist, simply because I do not have proof so to say aliens do exist or god does not exist would be quite ignorant of me sinse no actual facts or scientific evidence proves it.
Blane Xero
The Firestorm Cartel
#7 - 2012-07-06 19:57:02 UTC
This type of thread is against the rules of discussion fyi. Religious threads are not allowed on the Eve Online forums period. End of. No discussion.

Resident Haruhiist since December 2008.

Laying claim to Out of Pod Experience since 2007, plain and simple. Keep the trash out of [u]Out Of Pod Experience[/u], If it's EVE Related or deserves a Lock, it does not belong here.

Tritanium Industries and Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2012-07-06 20:01:37 UTC
Blane Xero wrote:
This type of thread is against the rules of discussion fyi. Religious threads are not allowed on the Eve Online forums period. End of. No discussion.

I was not aware of that, I do believe humans should be sensible and responsible enough to be able to have an open discussion about religion without people getting upset, I often find when you question a religious leader of islam or christianity or something that they either get abit upset because the question you've asked can't be answered or they will just answer you're question with a question.

something along those lines.
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#9 - 2012-07-06 20:04:21 UTC
Sir13 wrote:
Blane Xero wrote:
This type of thread is against the rules of discussion fyi. Religious threads are not allowed on the Eve Online forums period. End of. No discussion.

I was not aware of that, I do believe humans should be sensible and responsible enough to be able to have an open discussion about religion without people getting upset, I often find when you question a religious leader of islam or christianity or something that they either get abit upset because the question you've asked can't be answered or they will just answer you're question with a question.

something along those lines.

You forget that you are on the internet. I'm forfeiting my bet by saying this but I gave it one page before the napalm came in.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Blane Xero
The Firestorm Cartel
#10 - 2012-07-06 20:04:55 UTC
Yeah, it's just a matter-of-fact. CCP Hates having to moderate religious threads so they just aren't allowed, period. End of. Which is probably a smart decision, as Religion and Anonymity are not a good combination for a discussion.

Resident Haruhiist since December 2008.

Laying claim to Out of Pod Experience since 2007, plain and simple. Keep the trash out of [u]Out Of Pod Experience[/u], If it's EVE Related or deserves a Lock, it does not belong here.

#11 - 2012-07-06 20:07:46 UTC
Parents are willing to listen to Jenny McCarthy and not vaccinate their kids based on McCarthy's opinions.

Given how people are willing to believe just about anything despite a complete lack of evidence or in the face of evidence to the contrary, what does that tell you about how faith works in humans?

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Tritanium Industries and Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#12 - 2012-07-06 20:25:51 UTC
One thing really bothers me about the topic of religion..... let's say that I go about my entire life not believing in god, but I'm a respectable person, I do good deeds, I help others and I'm generally an all round nice person. Now when I die, because I never believed in god all of those deeds will just be ignored and i'll be setenced to a firey pit of doom? Now I've flipped this right around because now it seems like god would be the unreasonable one?

If we were created with free will then it should be my choice whether to believe in god and I shouldn't be punished for not believing.... after all he only provided us with a book, well about 4 or 5 different books, which all claim they're the right one and the others are fake.

People like me who genuinely 100% without a shadow or a doubt do not believe in god know that they truely do not believe in god and you can't force yourself to believe in something, even if the punishment is enternal pain.

So again I flip it around and say, god, why did you create my brain so that I'm incapable of believing in you?
Alara IonStorm
#13 - 2012-07-06 20:45:57 UTC
Alpheias wrote:
My views? Religion flies us into buildings, science flies us to the moon.

Made me laugh.
Tritanium Industries and Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#14 - 2012-07-06 21:07:38 UTC
Alpheias wrote:
My views? Religion flies us into buildings, science flies us to the moon.

Even as a non-believer this is quite possibly the most ridiculous statement I've ever read lol although it did make me giggle. But if that really is your view then it's just ignorant of you, religions are not about violence at all, just the very select few like to make it that way.

Infact, if everyone in the world followed a religion as it was meant to be, they world would be stripped of violence, but then at the same time we would still be living in the dark ages lol.
Cloned S0ul
#15 - 2012-07-06 22:16:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Cloned S0ul

Im Christian, but not church goer, not somone who is absesed with religion, i just believe in God, i have my own view on this spiritual spects, i dont like fanatics of any kind of religion even my own religion history got some bad and sad things who happens long time ago.

I realy love science and physics, im not against knowledge etc but still i beleve in God, one thing made me somtime sad, meny people still using stereotype and thinking, all religious people are against science and knowledge, they become form dark ages etc, this is wrong im not a witcher ! I can take even big bang theory as fact but behind this or even deeper in my opinion is God.
Jada Maroo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2012-07-06 22:19:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Jada Maroo
Honest opinion? I'm not religious but I appreciate and tolerate pretty much every religion except for Islam and Scientology.
Nirnias Stirrum
UberWTFBBQ and Battle Technologies
#17 - 2012-07-06 22:46:42 UTC
Personally i believe that the hole god and jesus thing was the best hoax anyone ever pulled.... very laughable really... people believing in an invisible man in the sky that watches you while your naked..

I dont know about you guys but i cant really perform with an audience.

Iv always just assumed those that choose to believe are uneducated fools with closed minds. queue the rage posts on that line im sure but meh, deal with it. I would love for a proven fact of anything that "god" or the bible has ever provided for the human race.

Theres only one thing i believe in and that is science.
Tie Fighters Inc
#18 - 2012-07-06 23:00:33 UTC
Science is alright, but its too far liberal, that is why religion hates it.

I was taking chemical engineering in college, and if I knew how far liberal it would go, I propably wouldn't have tried.

Only study for engineering if you are a minority, or a very wierd white guy, otherwise you won't be liberal enough for it.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

jason hill
Red vs Blue Flight Academy
#19 - 2012-07-06 23:01:29 UTC
ahhh religion .... we in briton know it as the NHS ... there is no other religion in th UK other than the NHS .
Alara IonStorm
#20 - 2012-07-06 23:09:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
Cloned S0ul wrote:

Im Christian, but not church goer, not somone who is absesed with religion.

I knew someone who was absesed with religion...

But he got it lanced.
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