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WINNER ANNOUNCED - 200 million to the most attractive Female avatar (contest)

First post
Estheria Quintessimo
Mechanical Eagles Inc.
#761 - 2012-07-12 18:20:26 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Estheria Quintessimo wrote:
@OP: Jack Paladin

But .. next time before you make such a contest,... perhaps you should take more care on how you make the top 20. It seems a lot of people doubt the top 20 from what I see.

How about you and all the other whiners who didn't make it stop telling him how he should have done it and make your own where everyone who doesn't win will cheer you for you absolute objectivity in selecting the winner?

I think these contests are stupid, but I think the self righteous twits that enter fuglies and expect to win are even stupider.

Mr Epeen Cool

How about you learn to read? I was not whining that I was not in the top 20. I could not care less.
I was commenting about it after reading all the whines... that I understand the problem the OP may have had about it.

That is different.

The changes of winning with a huge number of entries is very slim anyway. So I wasnt holding my hopes up anyway. He could have avoided it, if he had taken more care on how he set up the contest,... but as I said.... it was to quick set up imho.

It's just a forum topic for fun,....The OP did a fair decent job. So stop take it so serious man.

Neque femina amissa pudicitia alia abnuerit.

Quora Fields
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#762 - 2012-07-12 18:27:04 UTC
Valentine! I absolutely love your new avatar! I'd change the hair colour though if it were up to me; maybe a dark blonde going on mousey brown. Great pose though.
Adalynne Rohks
Gallente Federation
#763 - 2012-07-12 18:44:05 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Estheria Quintessimo wrote:
@OP: Jack Paladin

But .. next time before you make such a contest,... perhaps you should take more care on how you make the top 20. It seems a lot of people doubt the top 20 from what I see.

How about you and all the other whiners who didn't make it stop telling him how he should have done it and make your own where everyone who doesn't win will cheer you for your absolute objectivity in selecting the winner?

I think these contests are stupid, but I think the self righteous twits that enter fuglies and expect to win are even stupider.

Mr Epeen Cool

The thing that I find, uhh... stupider... is self righteous twits that enter these kinds of threads and try to mock people who are just goofing around.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm know that I'm not angry at all. I think this stuff is kinda fun. Now that I'm not in the running, I can join the peanut gallery and babble nonsense for awhile.
Celeste Lovette
#764 - 2012-07-12 19:43:02 UTC
Yeah nobody is whinning it's just hilarous thread
And good topic to flood Big smile

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Lina Alar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#765 - 2012-07-12 19:53:50 UTC
Yah. Didn't expect to win, but there's no harm in trying. Eve might be Serious Internet Spaceships Business, but the forums are not.

Why am I reminded of a Blur song all of a sudden? hmmm...

An explanation of Eve socialization:

Lick with your main™

Celeste Taylor
Ruby Dynasty
#766 - 2012-07-12 20:36:07 UTC
Pierre Echerie wrote:

Now that was a quick edit here... I believe the original said Dr.Gaius (Baltar, perhaps? Roll). I admire your observation qualities! Now that you mentioned, Grumpymunky does look familiar...

Nope he had it right. I think he was actually specifically referring to this episode of the Simpsons where Zaius' name is repeated like in the post.

Planet of the Apes the musical
Betrinna Cantis
#767 - 2012-07-12 20:36:54 UTC
I guess.......Shocked Forgot what I was gonna say..........Oh wellUgh

Alts have been changed to protect the Innocent. You may have mistaken me for someone who cares.....

Pierre Echerie
Horseshoe Industries
#768 - 2012-07-12 20:39:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Pierre Echerie
Celeste Taylor wrote:
[quote=Pierre Echerie]
Nope he had it right. I think he was actually specifically referring to this episode of the Simpsons where Zaius' name is repeated like in the post.
Planet of the Apes the musical

Well, the fact of the matter is, it did say 'Gaius' till it was changed to 'Zaius'. Not that it is very relevant now, considering Grumpymunky did deny any connection whatsoever.

Then again, I am yet to see someone who would admit having a connection to Gaius.
#769 - 2012-07-12 20:46:50 UTC
Pierre Echerie wrote:
Then again, I am yet to see someone who would admit having a connection to Gaius.

Gaius was a pretty cool guy actually. One of my favourite characters in the reimagined series, in fact.
Celeste Taylor
Ruby Dynasty
#770 - 2012-07-12 21:00:45 UTC
Posted: 2012.07.12 13:06 | Report | Edited by: Teinyhr

Ah, I see what happened here now. Missed that on the first reading. I agree the new BSG has some great characters (Tom Zarek is great) but I felt that the writers were making it up as they went along much like Lost and Twin Peaks. If you listen to the audio commentary they admit that they didn't know where they were heading, but I feel the same was true with the original BSG, especially that final episode. I'm actually looking forward to SyFy's Defiance since I am a Rokne S O'bannon fan!
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#771 - 2012-07-12 21:17:29 UTC
Celeste Lovette wrote:
This is the real selection of the 20 most pretty avatar in this thread Twisted


Not the most original or best pose or what ever ...
I mean you just see any of her you can say oh yes they are pretty

Just Like me if you re agree
I want be famous

I agree because i'm on it


People who put passwords on char bazaar Eveboards are the worst.

Ila Gant
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#772 - 2012-07-12 21:36:14 UTC
lanyaie wrote:
Celeste Lovette wrote:
This is the real selection of the 20 most pretty avatar in this thread Twisted


Not the most original or best pose or what ever ...
I mean you just see any of her you can say oh yes they are pretty

Just Like me if you re agree
I want be famous

I agree because i'm on it

I'll admit to a certain bias, but that aside, the first two down the center column are very nice.
Estheria Quintessimo
Mechanical Eagles Inc.
#773 - 2012-07-12 21:36:36 UTC
Adalynne Rohks wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
Estheria Quintessimo wrote:
@OP: Jack Paladin

But .. next time before you make such a contest,... perhaps you should take more care on how you make the top 20. It seems a lot of people doubt the top 20 from what I see.

How about you and all the other whiners who didn't make it stop telling him how he should have done it and make your own where everyone who doesn't win will cheer you for your absolute objectivity in selecting the winner?

I think these contests are stupid, but I think the self righteous twits that enter fuglies and expect to win are even stupider.

Mr Epeen Cool

The thing that I find, uhh... stupider... is self righteous twits that enter these kinds of threads and try to mock people who are just goofing around.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm know that I'm not angry at all. I think this stuff is kinda fun. Now that I'm not in the running, I can join the peanut gallery and babble nonsense for awhile.

I wonder why you quote him to then make a statement. His an unbalanced not thought through response. I would agree with you that these kinds of threads are for fun. In fact I said that in my responds to him. But the person you quote clearly has a different view on it. He does not agree with any constructiveness... he's just whining about whiners, not adding constructiveness.

Neque femina amissa pudicitia alia abnuerit.

Pierre Echerie
Horseshoe Industries
#774 - 2012-07-12 21:41:02 UTC
Celeste, I had the 'misfortune' of watching the re-imagined series first. Now I just can't watch the old ones with male Starbuck, and, of course, without Athena. But as far as SyFy goes, they are total *^(^&^$#*#$ for abandoning SG:U - the only worthy series in the last couple of years, and certainly the only 'more or less truly sci-fi' (unlike just pure fantasy and what not) show among the SG franchise, so I'd pod them any time I saw them.

BSG was good, though, and Caprica was halfway decent, if a bit out of line ((C) One certain executive officer we all love) with that VR game... but that's part of the plot. The funny thing, I never had the feeling that BSG was done 'on the fly', and the whole story feels thought out, while being far from boring.

Have you seen Battlestar GaFRAKtica yet? (damn ingame browser doesn't insert hyperlinks automatically, and I can't be arsed to write the forum code manually Lol ... hm, it actually does, now then)

Side note - wonder what this thread will turn into by the time The Final Three are revealed? Smile
Valentine Silverfox
Kr 4d10 5s1
#775 - 2012-07-12 23:29:57 UTC
Quora Fields wrote:
Valentine! I absolutely love your new avatar! I'd change the hair colour though if it were up to me; maybe a dark blonde going on mousey brown. Great pose though.

Thank you Quora, love yours as well Big smile I was thinking the same thing about my hair, I spent an awful lot of time with the pose. Someone said to me the worst thing with most female avatars is that they either look stupidly out of proportion, or they have dead eyes. So I did my best to give my avatar a little bit of life. Will go and have a look at changing my hair though, thanks for the tip Big smile
Guy Marmalade
#776 - 2012-07-12 23:47:47 UTC
Is there still time to enter?

I am not gay, just fancy.

Quora Fields
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#777 - 2012-07-13 05:45:00 UTC
You missed the deadline Guy.. and it's female avatars only.
raney ilara
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#778 - 2012-07-13 06:29:43 UTC
I swear these threads are made specifically to try to break some length record.
Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#779 - 2012-07-13 06:34:09 UTC
raney ilara wrote:
I swear these threads are made specifically to try to break some length record.

I suspect the Great Incarna Rage Threadnaught still holds that record.

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Meryl SinGarda
Belligerent Underpaid Tactical Team
#780 - 2012-07-13 06:35:46 UTC
So where's my f*dghin' money? I got stuff to buy.