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WINNER ANNOUNCED - 200 million to the most attractive Female avatar (contest)

First post
Serena Serene
Heretic University
#701 - 2012-07-12 04:47:59 UTC
Aw.. I didn't get in. Then again it's not the first time people don't like my picture as much as I do, so not too big of a surprise, hehe.

At least Alice got in, she's like gorgeous!
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#702 - 2012-07-12 05:32:03 UTC
Jack Paladin wrote:
Ladies and Gentlemen ... I present to you .... your top err ... 20 ... in no particular order.

Alice Saki

Boudicca Arbosa

Ahri Jhan

Acac Sunflyier

Anva Dante

Brit Green

Ginger Barbarella


Ursula Thrace


Vicky Somers

Jynessa Loraeyn

Gillia Winddancer

Abagail Freeman


Asuka Solo

Quora Fields

So Sensational

Valentine Silverfox

Breezly Brewin

Now, I must confess. I am an admirer of the female form and trying to select 10 avatars from this thread was extremely difficult given the outrageous quality of entrants. So, this is how we have ended up with 20! These have all been chosen based on looks, attractiveness, style, attitude, makeup, curves, etc etc.

There are alot of entries that should have been considered ... I am sad I could not fit you all in :(

Onto the voting, here is how it is going to work.

1) Review the characters in-game from the list above.

2) Select upto 2 of your favorites and send me an in-game mail with your selection

3) You must state in your mail the avatar names you are voting for!

4) The top 3 avatars will be selected at which point I will make the final decision of who will be crowned 'Miss New Eden 2012'

Voting will stop on Sunday 15/07/2012

Get Voting!

I'd like to thank gravity defying boobies for this victory.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Monkey Steals The Peach
#703 - 2012-07-12 05:36:25 UTC
Jack Paladin wrote:
at which point I will make the final decision of who will be crowned 'Miss New Eden 2012'
200mil does not give you the right to make that claim.
More like, who will be crowned "Miss Least Repulsive of Jack Paladin's Top 20 2012"

Post with your monkey.

Thread locked due to lack of pants.

Devara Biotech
#704 - 2012-07-12 05:43:50 UTC
Quora Fields wrote:
Really glad I made the top 20!

Mizhir and Clitheroica are my favourites there too. Good-luck everyone!

You too :)


Quora Fields
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#705 - 2012-07-12 06:05:05 UTC
I changed my avatar. It's just been updated, so if someone wants to take my place, they can.
Serena Serene
Heretic University
#706 - 2012-07-12 06:09:40 UTC
Quora Fields wrote:
I changed my avatar. It's just been updated, so if someone wants to take my place, they can.

Why would we want one of the good looking girls in that selection gone? ^-^
Quora Fields
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#707 - 2012-07-12 06:21:42 UTC
Thanks Serene, but there are so many better than mine that didn't even make the list. It wouldn't be a true win even if I did.

Serena Serene
Heretic University
#708 - 2012-07-12 06:27:36 UTC
Quora Fields wrote:
Thanks Serene, but there are so many better than mine that didn't even make the list. It wouldn't be a true win even if I did.

Oh well, as someone above said, the basis seemed to be the full body previews, and those can be quite different from the pictures taken.
I know my avatar, for example, looks really strange face-wise in the captain quarters.. eyes way too wide open as if permanently surprised to a high degree. It's hard to spot on the full body preview though.
Anyway, I honestly don't get what I was thinking as I modelled her..

Then there's personal preferences when it comes to "curves" which this selection is based of, too, apparently (I saw that mentioned somewhere before, too).

In the end it's subjective.
As is my opinion, of course, but this opinion states you look really great.
Adalynne Rohks
Gallente Federation
#709 - 2012-07-12 06:47:54 UTC
Grumpymunky wrote:
Jack Paladin wrote:
at which point I will make the final decision of who will be crowned 'Miss New Eden 2012'
200mil does not give you the right to make that claim.
More like, who will be crowned "Miss Least Repulsive of Jack Paladin's Top 20 2012"

If you wore more makeup/piercings/tatoos/scars, you could've made the cut, too. Now go get dressed up and see if he'll still let you in! Big smile
Devara Biotech
#710 - 2012-07-12 06:51:59 UTC
Quora Fields wrote:
Thanks Serene, but there are so many better than mine that didn't even make the list. It wouldn't be a true win even if I did.

Really? You are one of the ones from the list I fear most ;) You deserve to win as much as I do.

Just apreciate that there are people who likes your avatar more than you do yourself.


Pierre Echerie
Horseshoe Industries
#711 - 2012-07-12 07:58:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Pierre Echerie
Wow, so little written here since I left... anyway, /voted.

Oh, and miss Green, if your deal doesn't work out, maybe we should go out sometime in Jita? (psst, just don't go anywhere near Amarr - heard there were big bad slavers there, and some of them do happen to have some taste...) Lol
#712 - 2012-07-12 08:23:35 UTC  |  Edited by: pussnheels
i didn't even make it to the list this insult will not go unpunished , now many poor minmatar orphans will go hungry without those 200 mil and i will be forced to sell them into slavery

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Jack Paladin
State War Academy
Caldari State
#713 - 2012-07-12 09:51:32 UTC
Ladies, put down the empty quafe bottles please!

I understand your frustration and confusion over the chosen list. The goal I am going for here is trying to be open minded and select a wide variety of attractive attributes, not just face, boobs and ass.

Read the voting post again ...

These have all been chosen based on looks, attractiveness, style, attitude, makeup, curves, etc etc.

There are alot of entries that should have been considered ... I am sad I could not fit you all in :(

I absolutely agree there are a TONNE more of you that should have been on that list, there simply isn't enough space for everyone :(

Please accept my heartfelt condolences if I have caused you any heart break. I am offering some one to one time for anyone needing emotional support. My door is open ... or will be when CCP finish WiS *wink* *wink*

Keep the votes coming.
Tor Gungnir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#714 - 2012-07-12 10:01:43 UTC
Large Collidable Object is the sexiest female capsuleer around, no matter what this "contest" has to say.

Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

Celeste Lovette
#715 - 2012-07-12 10:45:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Celeste Lovette
This is the real selection of the 20 most pretty avatar in this thread Twisted


Not the most original or best pose or what ever ...
I mean you just see any of her you can say oh yes they are pretty

Just Like me if you re agree
I want be famous

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Gallente Federation
#716 - 2012-07-12 11:09:57 UTC
Poo, missed this thread. I guess a battlescarred, slightly boyish looking lesbian wouldn't have got a look in anyway.. tsk. Men! Roll
Devara Biotech
#717 - 2012-07-12 11:23:48 UTC
Celeste Lovette wrote:
This is the real selection of the 20 most pretty avatar in this thread Twisted


Not the most original or best pose or what ever ...
I mean you just see any of her you can say oh yes they are pretty

Just Like me if you re agree
I want be famous

You put yourself on the list and not Ishtanchuck? Your lips looks like a botox accident. Not what I would consider beauty.


Celeste Lovette
#718 - 2012-07-12 12:06:57 UTC
Mizhir wrote:

You put yourself on the list and not Ishtanchuck? Your lips looks like a botox accident. Not what I would consider beauty.

Yeah I mean considering your tag face as pretty is also objectivity Big smile

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Devara Biotech
#719 - 2012-07-12 12:12:54 UTC
Celeste Lovette wrote:
Mizhir wrote:

You put yourself on the list and not Ishtanchuck? Your lips looks like a botox accident. Not what I would consider beauty.

Yeah I mean considering your tag face as pretty is also objectivity Big smile

I am not here to judge myself. I just signed up for a chance to win what is now 200 mil. But lets see how far i get :)


Celeste Lovette
#720 - 2012-07-12 12:19:49 UTC
And I'm here just to flood on an epic thread Roll

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."