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WINNER ANNOUNCED - 200 million to the most attractive Female avatar (contest)

First post
Aphoxema G
Khushakor Clan
#421 - 2012-07-09 07:09:19 UTC
Tessa Scyne wrote:
Wow why was I not aware of this sooner? If not to late, I'm in.

You can make my check out to cash.

Me as well. Well, I mean, it's worth a shot.
Goremageddon Box
Guerrilla Flotilla
#422 - 2012-07-09 07:13:52 UTC
Grumpymunky wrote:
Go wipe off that irritating glossy pink lipstick before criticising any more faces. Ugh

i like girls to wear pink :)

i think its hawt.
Monkey Steals The Peach
#423 - 2012-07-09 07:25:51 UTC
Ariel Dawn wrote:
Grumpymunky deserves the reward. Breathtaking beauty right there.

Post with your monkey.

Thread locked due to lack of pants.

Caldari Phantom
We Got Beer
#424 - 2012-07-09 07:28:05 UTC
Chim Ping
#425 - 2012-07-09 07:42:08 UTC
Goremageddon Box wrote:
i like girls to wear pink :)

i think its hawt.
Big smile
Sarah Schneider
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#426 - 2012-07-09 07:42:47 UTC
Look at them catfights :p

"I'd rather have other players get shot by other players than not interacting with others" -CCP Soundwave

Lyskal Oskold
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#427 - 2012-07-09 07:46:01 UTC
Posting for potential free ISK.

"Love is just a chemical, no matter the origin. We give it meaning by choice." - Eleanor Lamb

#428 - 2012-07-09 07:50:47 UTC
just transfer the iskies to my wallet and i make sure the poor orphans in amarr will get a fed

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Devara Biotech
#429 - 2012-07-09 07:51:22 UTC
Sarah Schneider wrote:
Look at them catfights :p

haha yes, this is kinda getting out of hand.


Khalia Avrulenka
Constant Insomnia
#430 - 2012-07-09 08:11:02 UTC
I used to have big pretty eyes.
I still haven't gotten over it. Cry
Thev Sonata
State War Academy
Caldari State
#431 - 2012-07-09 08:18:22 UTC
My corp mates are asking me to enter, lol =3
Adalynne Rohks
Gallente Federation
#432 - 2012-07-09 08:22:33 UTC
Sorry folks. Game's over, now :-)

And first post! Yeah! Hopefully I can make 200mil isk per post.
Celeste Benal
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#433 - 2012-07-09 08:32:09 UTC
Hi! My name is Celeste and I make beautiful things!

I'm a self-made Eve billionaire. Never Plexed. Someday I hope to use my wealth to help orhaned Intaki children, much like I was helped.

Let's see... hobbies... sculpture. Building something with my own two hands is just so... amazing!

Best of luck to the other contestants!
#434 - 2012-07-09 08:33:00 UTC
go ahead. touch yourselves.

The tears of the many, outweigh the tears of the few. Or the one. enterprise-psi©

Jack Paladin
State War Academy
Caldari State
#435 - 2012-07-09 08:40:22 UTC
Today is the day .... at approx 1800 EVE I will choose out the 10 top avatars and put together the vote.

The competition is fierce, cat fights brewing. This is truly Miss New Eden 2012.
Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#436 - 2012-07-09 08:53:54 UTC
Jack Paladin wrote:
Today is the day .... at approx 1800 EVE I will choose out the 10 top avatars and put together the vote.

The competition is fierce, cat fights brewing. This is truly Miss New Eden 2012.

I best be on your list
Jack Paladin
State War Academy
Caldari State
#437 - 2012-07-09 08:56:44 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Jack Paladin wrote:
Today is the day .... at approx 1800 EVE I will choose out the 10 top avatars and put together the vote.

The competition is fierce, cat fights brewing. This is truly Miss New Eden 2012.

I best be on your list

Baby Doll, every girl in this thread is on my list <3

5m for anyone who gets the movie reference.
Replacement 234
Tremor Recorded
#438 - 2012-07-09 09:45:46 UTC
I heard there was cake here!

Have I been misinformed?
Ami Murata
Caldari State
#439 - 2012-07-09 09:57:50 UTC
Jack Paladin wrote:
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Jack Paladin wrote:
Today is the day .... at approx 1800 EVE I will choose out the 10 top avatars and put together the vote.

The competition is fierce, cat fights brewing. This is truly Miss New Eden 2012.

I best be on your list

Baby Doll, every girl in this thread is on my list <3

5m for anyone who gets the movie reference.

*wild guess* Is it.. 'Sucker Punch' ?
Sudden Tremor
Second Hand Souls
#440 - 2012-07-09 10:00:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Sudden Tremor
Can someone tell me if a tall good looking man with a dozen long stemmed roses and a heart shaped box of chocolates was here in the last half hour?

I was supposed to meet him here for a weekend in Rome.......... Oh wait...... Yes YES!............. It's HIM!

Oh Darling! ..... Over here! .............................. YES!!....................... Oh, you sweetheart, you wore the cologne I gave you!

And your hug is so ............strrrong!

and your mouth.... ummm..................... like nectar........ gimme some more!................. ummmmm..................

Hurry, Let's not miss the plane!

Luggage? ................. Don't you think this dress will wonderful on the floor next to the bed?