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Iteron Mark IV Amastris Edition

Pahah Pahineh
Universal Ally
#21 - 2012-07-05 11:55:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Pahah Pahineh
I had a friend die of testicular cancer, it was only the 2nd recorded case of that particular type of cancer in all of written human history.

Sounds pretty hardcore, right?

Thousands of people die each month of the "first" or "second" recorded case of "something" every month.

Just like unique ships really. The more there are, the less anybody will inevitably give a **** about them.

Missed a unique ship?
Well just sit still, another will be along shortly.

If CCP gave unique ships away in boxes of cereal there would be less of them.
Mark Androcius
#22 - 2012-07-05 11:56:37 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Mark Androcius wrote:
Which was exactly my point, it's the same thing with all the other special Iterons ( the Quafe version also only needs level 1, just like the fanfest one )

The Quafe one is the Fanfest 2011 special reward ship.

Actually, there's 2 Quafe versions.
Epic Ganking Time
#23 - 2012-07-05 19:05:43 UTC
Mark Androcius wrote:
Mara Rinn wrote:
Mark Androcius wrote:
Which was exactly my point, it's the same thing with all the other special Iterons ( the Quafe version also only needs level 1, just like the fanfest one )

The Quafe one is the Fanfest 2011 special reward ship.

Actually, there's 2 Quafe versions.

Right. The Ultra Edition for Fanfest attendees and people who ordered the HD stream, and the Ultramarine Edition for Japanese players that subscribed through their JP distributor (the former is available on the market, the latter on contracts.)

I'm looking into this Iteron Mark IV Amastris Edition... it too has Quafe markings... no idea how you acquire one yet.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#24 - 2012-07-05 22:34:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Rinn
Gogela wrote:
Right. The Ultra Edition for Fanfest attendees and people who ordered the HD stream, and the Ultramarine Edition for Japanese players that subscribed through their JP distributor (the former is available on the market, the latter on contracts.)

Nice! You learn a new thing every day :) And now it's visible in the "Variants" tab along with the Amastris edition.
BOND 007
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2012-07-06 01:18:26 UTC
Confirmed, and in fact now it is available on the Market. Right now there's one for sale for 6 Billion ISK at Jita, and then the Contracts.

I believe I had some family in Japan sign up for EVE. Will have to see if they got this new rare Iteron Mark IV Quafe Ultramarine Edition. Looks cool no doubt.

Bring on more RARE ships!

As of subject, the Apotheosis seems to be getting to where having no blueprints are running out. Price jumps

Fun Stuff!

BOND 007

Feel free to visit my training progression of a 10 Year Old that was a very late starter, LOL!

Mara Rinn wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Right. The Ultra Edition for Fanfest attendees and people who ordered the HD stream, and the Ultramarine Edition for Japanese players that subscribed through their JP distributor (the former is available on the market, the latter on contracts.)

Nice! You learn a new thing every day :) And now it's visible in the "Variants" tab along with the Amastris edition.
Keen Fallsword
Skyway Patrol
#26 - 2012-07-06 03:18:34 UTC
It's for 100mil SP characters reward
Epic Ganking Time
#27 - 2012-07-06 16:37:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
BOND 007 wrote:
As of subject, the Apotheosis seems to be getting to where having no blueprints are running out. Price jumps there.

Fun Stuff!

BOND 007

I've speculated in unique ships... be careful with it because it's not really like any other expensive item. It's price is not guaranteed to go up. I've had mixed results personally... The Apotheosis, Zephyr, and Echelon have been re-issued on a few occasions, meaning even more came into the game. The Zephyr has function and for wormholers, and I've made a few isk on those. The Echelon is conversely without much function, and I managed to break even on them. The Apotheosis I broke even on as well... sort of and only technically. See the way the Apotheosis was originally issued, it wasn't 1 per account but one per CHARACTER... which means even on the initial release there were a TON of them. Not so for the Echelon and Zephyr which were only one per account. I took a chance on the Apotheosis on the initial release... and it rose in price about 75% over the course of a couple of years, and then plunged again on the re-issue. I decided to get out and like I said... broke even. BUT: the isk I had tied up in Apotheosis wasn't adjusted for inflation, and that ISK could have been invested in some other commodity (imagine if I had bought Oxygen Isotopes)... so really the loss in real terms is pretty significant. Collectors aren't generally buying in volume... so it's speculators that don't understand consumption that prop up the prices. Now that I realize this I'm out of speculating on those types of ships pretty much. I think the Zephyr might have some growth potential but I don't feel like taking the chance again. Rare items that give combat or other advantages seem to be better investments for the quick flip. The biggest question you can ask yourself when trying this as an investment is "will this be re-issued, will a like ship be released instead, or is this the last of them?" More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that any unique capability will be replicated or eclipsed by another ship at some point in the future, and that limits the market to collectors and deranged speculators, which isn't that big of a market. I'm fortunate I found a speculator in Jita to by some of the ones I was offloading bulk. I had to sell about 800 Echelons and looking at the volume was getting bummed, but somebody took them in a few bulk purchases... classic market manipulator. I don't know if it will be worth the effort. It wouldn't have been for me. If he can unload them for a profit we both won on that one. :) Anyway, that's my take... just some friendly advice/thoughts on the topic. Take it as you like...

Keen Fallsword wrote:
It's for 100mil SP characters reward

I have 100 mil SP but do not have that ship.... do you have to be Gallente? Got link?

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Lucy Ferrr
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2012-07-06 17:12:57 UTC
Eric Mabata wrote:
Luis Graca wrote:
Probably will be for the chinese to spend money and it won't be on tranquility

Then why is the description in English? Isn't the Chinese server, in Unless I'm mistaken.

Actually AFAIK there is no Chinese server, it closed in February of this year. So now (minus the test server) EVE really is a single shard universe, for reals.
#29 - 2012-07-06 21:38:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarmatiko
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
Actually AFAIK there is no Chinese server


Max today: 35152
Current record: 38577

Currently they have Inferno installed and also new Cerberus-based Chinese localization.

Please next time before you post do at least basic research Bear
Zentor Industries
#30 - 2012-07-06 21:44:33 UTC
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
Eric Mabata wrote:
Luis Graca wrote:
Probably will be for the chinese to spend money and it won't be on tranquility

Then why is the description in English? Isn't the Chinese server, in Unless I'm mistaken.

Actually AFAIK there is no Chinese server, it closed in February of this year. So now (minus the test server) EVE really is a single shard universe, for reals.

reopened with a new partner in the last few weeks
Pyramid Scheme
Carebear Productions
#31 - 2012-07-06 22:27:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Pyramid Scheme
Eric Mabata wrote:
Luis Graca wrote:
Probably will be for the chinese to spend money and it won't be on tranquility

Then why is the description in English? Isn't the Chinese server, in Unless I'm mistaken.

only the verbal is different. ie. Mandarin and Cantonese.

the written is all the same; Chinese.
Epic Ganking Time
#32 - 2012-07-18 18:21:31 UTC
Has anyone figured out where this ship comes from yet? (Specifically how you acquire it)

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Talrinor Rogandin
Is a Troglodyte
#33 - 2012-07-20 19:35:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Talrinor Rogandin

You aquire this ship here I'ts a digital copy of inferno. Read the Bonus Offer section. Doesn't name it specifically but note the mention of silver trim then go look at the ingame picture. Oh and I think the last image in the image list on the left side might be a giveaway too! P

Fly safe and die gankers!
Azami Nevinyrall
#34 - 2012-07-20 19:52:50 UTC
This is a reward for pilots who have over 100mil SP...


Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#35 - 2012-07-20 21:03:57 UTC
Talrinor Rogandin wrote:

You aquire this ship here I'ts a digital copy of inferno. Read the Bonus Offer section. Doesn't name it specifically but note the mention of silver trim then go look at the ingame picture. Oh and I think the last image in the image list on the left side might be a giveaway too! P

Fly safe and die gankers!

Looks right but:

U.S. only and can't be gifted :(

Mr Epeen Cool
Epic Ganking Time
#36 - 2012-07-20 21:32:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
This is a reward for pilots who have over 100mil SP...

I have over 100 mil SP and I didn't get one :p
Mr Epeen wrote:
Talrinor Rogandin wrote:

You aquire this ship here I'ts a digital copy of inferno. Read the Bonus Offer section. Doesn't name it specifically but note the mention of silver trim then go look at the ingame picture. Oh and I think the last image in the image list on the left side might be a giveaway too! P

Fly safe and die gankers!

Looks right but:

U.S. only and can't be gifted :(

Mr Epeen Cool

edit: nevermind. It's on the regular market... just a matter of time I guess.

Also: 17 bucks for the ship... probably get more isk for it than a PLEX. Just sayin'

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#37 - 2012-07-20 21:47:32 UTC
Gogela wrote:

Mr Epeen wrote:
Talrinor Rogandin wrote:

You aquire this ship here I'ts a digital copy of inferno. Read the Bonus Offer section. Doesn't name it specifically but note the mention of silver trim then go look at the ingame picture. Oh and I think the last image in the image list on the left side might be a giveaway too! P

Fly safe and die gankers!

Looks right but:

U.S. only and can't be gifted :(

Mr Epeen Cool

What do you mean can't be gifted? You mean there is no way to trade for it?

I meant the the actual product. Not the ship.

So what can't happen, is you buy it from Amazon and then send it to me as a gift so that I, a non U.S. citizen, can use the gamecode with the bonus ship. Although now that I think about it I can probably fake a U.S. address since it is a digital download and doesn't actually need to be physically delivered.

You can certainly trade the ship in game, I imagine.

Mr Epeen Cool
Sid Hudgens
#38 - 2012-07-21 04:30:04 UTC
Doesn't look nearly as good as the Ultramarine Edition if you ask me. I think I would rather enjoy spinning one of those Ultramarine Editions.

" if 10,058 Goon voices cried out and were suddenly silenced."

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