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The future of Community and CCL

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Frying Doom
#261 - 2012-06-28 14:55:08 UTC
Spaja Saist wrote:
This whole thread is nothing more than CCP doing damage control.

I've been playing this game off and on since it went live and this cycle of not listening to the players,

Personally I prefer the damage control to the complete ignoring of a problem.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Yonis Kador
#262 - 2012-06-28 15:41:02 UTC
Getting old?

CCP GingerDude wrote:

You and I are all guinea pigs for the whole of EVE. Nothing like EVE had been done before and afaikt nothing like it has emerged since. And EVE will never be bug free. If it was, it would mean we stopped experimenting. I for one hope that doesn't happen.

I'd much rather be quick and agile in fixing the breakage than waiting on perfection before releasing. This is of course a balancing act, but from where I'm sitting, I think we're doing it right. YMMV ofc and this is, like, ,my, just, you know, opinion...

It's policy.

Pipa Porto
#263 - 2012-06-28 16:17:38 UTC
Cutter Isaacson wrote:

The people involved have apologised for what, quite frankly, was a simple beginners mistake. If CCP went with your suggestion to hire new, inexperienced forum moderators who haven't the slightest idea of what EVE is or how her community functions, you would likely see a much faster and decidedly more disastrous sequence of events unfold on here. I think that is the main reason why CCP uses volunteers from the community in the first place.

No he hasn't.

From what I've seen, that's exactly what happened. CCP hired volunteers who hadn't the slightest idea of how the community functioned.

And we're not talking about a rookie mistake, though there were several in handling this, we're talking about... I honestly don't know how to classify it. Things were being locked/pruned/edited for which no argument could be made for a rule violation. That's not a rookie mistake, that's an agenda.

Hiring someone gives them a measure of accountability, and gives them the time to dedicate to getting good at it and a certain permanence that lets us think that it's worth working to fix them if they're not great out of the box. Anonymous volunteers have no measure of accountability (to us), have very little to lose if they screw up, have little time to dedicate to getting good at a hard job (given limited time, the impulse is to do things even when the right thing to do is sit down, shut up, and read the forums), and have little sense of permanence. Add to that the bonus point of not having the automatic respect we give to blue tags (because we all know that, whatever hat they're wearing at the moment, ISDs are players first), and you have a recipe for an almost insurmountable learning cliff.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


None ofthe Above
#264 - 2012-06-28 16:57:34 UTC  |  Edited by: None ofthe Above
I applaud the relatively open dialog here, but have to say that I would like to see more discussion from CCP and CCL about how things could be improved.

This would be far more effective than "mistakes were made but everything is basically fine". This is a discussion of the future of Community and CCL, yes?

For example, perhaps we could address my suggestions from earlier on in the thread:

None ofthe Above wrote:
Kudos on opening up this line of communication.

I support in general the goal of increased moderation on EVE-O, even while sometimes being frustrated that good debate seems to be squashed at times.

I appreciate the ISD and respect that they volunteer for the love of the game. The work they do particularly in rookie chat is very difficult and I can't imagine trying to keep with that. I've tried on a few occasions to help out when an ISD is not around, its very hard to keep pace and contribute. Forums moderation is definitely another difficult and often thankless task (been there, done that, burnt out).

EVE-O signal to noise ratio can be pretty bad, and it has improved since the ISD moderation has started, but its been a bumpy road with some clear problems along the way.

So, Thank You ISD. Much appreciated, recent events not withstanding.

A couple of observations and suggestions from my perspective:

  1. This is a difficult job, and not everyone is cut out for it. You do need to be prepared to get someone to stand down and get off the team. Not sure if that's applicable to the last couple of days, but in spite the urge to circle the wagons when one of your own gets in trouble, the option to thank someone for their time and telling them that its not a good fit needs to be on the table.

  2. I won't be using the word censorship here, as its inappropriate. This is a private forum and CCP has the right to set the rules of the forums. But it also needs to set them in a way that fosters the kind of community it wants. Setting policies are actions, and actions have consequences. Its perfectly reasonable that the community would want to discuss or protest policies and and specific moderations, and get upset if they feel they are prevented from doing so.

  3. The no discussing moderation rule makes some sense, but causes more difficulties than just about anything else on the forums. Perhaps a moderation discussion forum? All that in one place so discussions (something like this fine thread) can take place but not overwhelm everything else. Clear ability to dispute specific incidents and moderation policy is needed in environments like this.

  4. Moderation needs to back off at least a little, IMHO, when substantive topics are being discussed. It really sucks to see valid points squashed just because the poster got a little heated. Forums become useless if people can't communicate.

  5. Threads should probably not be locked because other posters are spamming it and its gone off topic. This opens the door to abuse as people who do not want something discussed can "shiptoast" up the thread and get it locked.

  6. There are times when a truly offensive post needs to stand. For example, during the last CSM election season several candidates made posts so bad they had to be removed by moderation (not sure that was ISD at that point, but I am sure the issue is bound to come up next year). The problem with this is it essentially white-washed the incident from the voters mind. At least one of said candidates went on to win a seat. Imagine if the news suppressed American presidential candidate Perry's "OOPS" moment as a mistake, or refused to discuss Romney's bullying incident? Lets not let moderation overwhelm important points and information. (While personal attacks against candidates, if not properly substantiated, are probably off limits and rightly moderated.) Alternatively, if it's so bad you can't leave it on the forums, maybe that person should be removed from the ballot.

Anyway, thanks for providing a place to get those thoughts off my mind. Some of these points have been bugging me for a while, but since we can't talk about moderation... haven't been brought up.

Point 5 was later echoed by the esteemed Goons Weasilor and Richard Desturned here:

Please, lets take this opportunity to improve things, not just to cool down and proceed as if nothing had happened.

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

Crunchie Attuxors
Always Another Corporate Venture
#265 - 2012-06-28 17:10:26 UTC
Spaja Saist wrote:

The difference is if you're being paid you have more of a vested interest to do the job right. The fact that this blew up in CCP's face shows they are not monitoring the volunteeers to the degree they claim. If they were this would never have happened. This whole thread is nothing more than CCP doing damage control.

I've been playing this game off and on since it went live and this cycle of not listening to the players, making changes anyway, players rioting over said changes then posting an apology with the promise to listen to players next time is getting really old. Why anyone would take CCP's word at this point is beyond me. It's like someone who keeps going back to an abusive spouse everytime they apologise as if they're not going to get hit again.

I disagree. I think volunteers can be as committed and as vested to do the job right. And employees can be as faulty and as biased as a schoolyard bully.

One thing has nothing to with the other.

I have worked extensively in the non-profit sector, and I can say from experience that is the case.

The problem here was, and to an extent seems to be, two-fold:

1) Volunteers were not properly trained and guided and supervised.

2) The changes were introduced with the finesse of a bull in a china shop, with a "better to apologize than to ask permission" attitude.

Both are squarely CCP's fault. I have also seen this in volunteer situations. The best volunteer programs are those who treat volunteering like a paid job - training, interviews, supervision, structure - and make it clear that volunteering is no different in expectations and process than being a paid employee. The sole difference should be scheduling flexibility, but still, scheduling is required.

And in this thread, interestingly enough, ISDs have been more forthcoming, helpful, apologetic, and seemingly understanding of why this is a situation.

Whereas all a CCP employee did was encourage an obvious troll to launch into a series of increasingly nasty personal attacks, including a threat of physical harm to another poster - based on a purported support for anything CCP does. Because employees are people too, and who doesn't love a bully on one's side?

So we have evidence, right there, that the ISD can work. It didn't, but we have to see if it does. I trust CCP can do right, but they seriously need to increase their competence in the planning and implementation stage: people are not bits of code that you can patch when a new problem arises.

As I have said, the problem here was that there was no rhyme and reason, that some ISD people did seem to have a personal vendetta, and that topics that were obviously within a reasonable interpretation of the rules were locked, but other topics that were outside a reasonable interpretation of the rules were not. The spectacle of half the topics in GD locked at one point was - even if necessary from a "rules" standpoint - was a failure of basic customer service standards.

In other words, the problem was that a lack of transparency led to a lack of trust that led to a lack of communication that lead to this thread.

And hopefully CCP and the ISD can separate the chaff from the wheat in this thread, and realize that while in the game and the metagame its us vs them, in the real life there a thousands of people paying their salaries with millions of hard currency and they deserve, and expect, to be treated with respect.

Lastly, an Icelandic friend told me a good old phrase in Icelandic:

Ungi maðurinn þekkir reglurnar, en gamli maðurinn þekkir undantekningarnar.

The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.

Perhaps we all need to act our age... and as someone pointed out, one of the key differences between this game and other MMOs is that most of us are quite old. We know the rules, and we know the exceptions. CCP should also trust that, and not go for the lowest common denominator.

I mean, even if a player was 18 in 2003, he or she is 26 or 27 today, not old, but not some immature teenager either...
Eve forums official anthem: Real men tank hull. Fake women shield-tank Gallente.
Cutter Isaacson
#266 - 2012-06-28 17:15:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Cutter Isaacson
Yet again my browser ate my one post, and pooped out two.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Cutter Isaacson
#267 - 2012-06-28 17:15:35 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:

The people involved have apologised for what, quite frankly, was a simple beginners mistake. If CCP went with your suggestion to hire new, inexperienced forum moderators who haven't the slightest idea of what EVE is or how her community functions, you would likely see a much faster and decidedly more disastrous sequence of events unfold on here. I think that is the main reason why CCP uses volunteers from the community in the first place.

No he hasn't.

From what I've seen, that's exactly what happened. CCP hired volunteers who hadn't the slightest idea of how the community functioned.

And we're not talking about a rookie mistake, though there were several in handling this, we're talking about... I honestly don't know how to classify it. Things were being locked/pruned/edited for which no argument could be made for a rule violation. That's not a rookie mistake, that's an agenda.

Hiring someone gives them a measure of accountability, and gives them the time to dedicate to getting good at it and a certain permanence that lets us think that it's worth working to fix them if they're not great out of the box. Anonymous volunteers have no measure of accountability (to us), have very little to lose if they screw up, have little time to dedicate to getting good at a hard job (given limited time, the impulse is to do things even when the right thing to do is sit down, shut up, and read the forums), and have little sense of permanence. Add to that the bonus point of not having the automatic respect we give to blue tags (because we all know that, whatever hat they're wearing at the moment, ISDs are players first), and you have a recipe for an almost insurmountable learning cliff.

Ok, I shall take my time with this reply, so I don't miss anything. Please bare in mind that these are just my personal opinions based on available facts and my own view of what I have seen occurring, and in no way am I saying that you are not entitled to your own opinion.

First up is your assertion that the ISD somehow have an agenda. The mistakes that were made would likely as not have been worse had the new moderators been from outside of the EVE community, which is precisely why these ones ARE part of the community. Though I can understand why you and others would be upset at certain actions that have been taken, in my honest opinion the only people displaying an agenda are those of you evading your bans, posting on alts, and continuing to attack those you perceive to have "slighted" you.

As for accountability, again I can understand the need for this in any community. However you appear to be operating under the mistaken assumption that just because the volunteers are not paid, that they are somehow not "employed" and not dedicated, this is just your opinion and should not be touted as fact. The ISD are held to account by CCP, who are after all their employers, and as such there is no need nor reason for them to be accountable in the same sense to the player base.

Now, when it comes to the mistakes that have been made, as I pointed out earlier, it was somewhat inevitable given that these people are new to their jobs. They need time to adjust to this new situation, and in return they need the community to be patient and understanding. We all have to work together, not just expect people to be "awesome" straight away. The only real way to ensure that the new staff integrate fully is if we ALL work together and look after each other, and a little less of the self entitled attitude would go a long way.

Now for the last part of your post. The idea that the ISD staff, who have been hand picked and vetted by CCP themselves for this precise task, are somehow worthy of less respect than "Blue Tags" simply because they are also players. It might serve you well to remember that a great deal of the "Blue Tags" whom you respect also started as players, and some in fact were also volunteers, hopefully that may alter your perception of things a little.

When all is said and done, having more people on board will be a great help and a boon to the EVE family. We all just need to sit back and think before we say something that we may end up regretting.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Pipa Porto
#268 - 2012-06-28 22:04:37 UTC
Cutter Isaacson wrote:

Ok, I shall take my time with this reply, so I don't miss anything. Please bare in mind that these are just my personal opinions based on available facts and my own view of what I have seen occurring, and in no way am I saying that you are not entitled to your own opinion.

First up is your assertion that the ISD somehow have an agenda. The mistakes that were made would likely as not have been worse had the new moderators been from outside of the EVE community, which is precisely why these ones ARE part of the community. Though I can understand why you and others would be upset at certain actions that have been taken, in my honest opinion the only people displaying an agenda are those of you evading your bans, posting on alts, and continuing to attack those you perceive to have "slighted" you.

Where have I attacked the ISD team since the riot's ended? Pointing out failures in an attempt to help a program improve is not an attack.

I never claimed to know what the agenda was, and it could be as simple as "make the forums cuddly-uddly," just that a pattern of capricious locks/snips/edits over time cannot be classified as a "rookie mistake," and when you cross off mistake, you get intention, and that means an agenda.

I'm perfectly fine having the character banned from the forums, it was worth it. But claiming that alt posting is evil isn't going to get you anywhere. At this point, now that we've brought the issue to CCP's attention (in the only way that's been shown to work in the past; loudly), it's time to help fix it.


As for accountability, again I can understand the need for this in any community. However you appear to be operating under the mistaken assumption that just because the volunteers are not paid, that they are somehow not "employed" and not dedicated, this is just your opinion and should not be touted as fact. The ISD are held to account by CCP, who are after all their employers, and as such there is no need nor reason for them to be accountable in the same sense to the player base.

Now, when it comes to the mistakes that have been made, as I pointed out earlier, it was somewhat inevitable given that these people are new to their jobs. They need time to adjust to this new situation, and in return they need the community to be patient and understanding. We all have to work together, not just expect people to be "awesome" straight away. The only real way to ensure that the new staff integrate fully is if we ALL work together and look after each other, and a little less of the self entitled attitude would go a long way.

Accountability includes not just the possibility of loss, but the magnitude of that loss. I don't know the psychological makeup of the ISDs, nor do I know how much they invest into their identity as a volunteer for a for-profit company. The magnitude of loss to a volunteer in this case is impossible to suss out. The magnitude of loss to a paid employee is pretty easy to figure out (everyone cares when they get fired).

The "mistakes" that were made, were not "rookie mistakes" they were things that nobody who's properly trained and supervised should have done. I get "rough around the edges," I get "new," but that's not what happened. This was unacceptable behavior and it lasted for weeks. If it had been a day or so, and been corrected, that would have been fine. That would have shown that the ISDs were properly supervised. But they weren't.

I don't expect awesome right away. I do expect improvement over the course of weeks, and I do expect that deterioration should be corrected very quickly. Neither of those expectations were met.


Now for the last part of your post. The idea that the ISD staff, who have been hand picked and vetted by CCP themselves for this precise task, are somehow worthy of less respect than "Blue Tags" simply because they are also players. It might serve you well to remember that a great deal of the "Blue Tags" whom you respect also started as players, and some in fact were also volunteers, hopefully that may alter your perception of things a little.

When all is said and done, having more people on board will be a great help and a boon to the EVE family. We all just need to sit back and think before we say something that we may end up regretting.

I've never been through the ISD vetting process. I don't think you have either (if you have, you should be using your ISD acct for this discussion). But being a forum moderator is a position of power, and ISDs don't have to give up their IG social networks to get to that position like CCP Devs do.

Their training is another issue. I think it's pretty clear though that they have significantly less training and oversight than the CCP tagged Community Coordinators that once moderated the forums had.

Who says I regret anything I said the other day? We got a conversation started that I would bet money wouldn't have happened otherwise, and the conversation's been reasonably productive, and looks to be staying that way.

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that all of the locks/snips/edits that precipitated this event were valid. The (per strict reading of the rules) valid locks we disliked because they weren't in the spirit of the forums, but that's not what sparked this off. The thing that sparked this off (at least for me) was the fact that even the mildest rebuke of CCP as a company was being tossed out. That's not pruning personal attacks, that's whitewashing.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Jason Auralis
The Marshall Group
#269 - 2012-06-29 03:21:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jason Auralis
Empty quoting pipa's post felt wrong.

But I cant put it any better.

"Could I request that ISD please lock my shirt into my trousers?" - Lilliana Stelles 2012.06.25 Never forget.

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#270 - 2012-06-29 03:24:19 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that all of the locks/snips/edits that precipitated this event were valid. The (per strict reading of the rules) valid locks we disliked because they weren't in the spirit of the forums, but that's not what sparked this off. The thing that sparked this off (at least for me) was the fact that even the mildest rebuke of CCP as a company was being tossed out. That's not pruning personal attacks, that's whitewashing.

Sorry, the spirit of the forums? You mean your interpretation of what the forums should be.

Forum Rules
The EVE forums are intended to provide a warm, friendly atmosphere for the EVE community. In order to maintain order and a sense of community, all users should read and follow these conditions. By participating in the forum, users are affirming their willingness to comply with these terms. This memorandum has been created to provide you with information about what you can expect here, what is expected of you, and to answer some questions you may have in your use of the EVE Online forums.

It's about time CCP enforced the Forum Rules and as for the application or 'strict reading' of the rules, good. For way too long people have blatantly abused those rules and have grown accustomed to creating a hostile environment. If the constant locks/snips/edits is happening, that means people are in non compliance and need to seriously change their posting habits.

If people think a business company will allow others within it's company to sabotage their ability to operate, then they need to research common business ethics. If those people want to spread bad publicity about the company or encourage other people to leave, they can do it in another venue not controlled or provided by the company.

If people have a legitimate issue or problem pertaining to the game, they need to post it in the feedback/issue threads, file a bug report and petition in-game. If it's about moderation, they need to contact customer service / internal affairs.

What I see happening here is a bunch of players are mad now because they have to abide by the rules. If they don't like those rules, they don't have to post in the Forums.
Jason Auralis
The Marshall Group
#271 - 2012-06-29 03:27:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Jason Auralis
So clearly what we need is for CCP to tell us they are moving away from the old to a more strict white washed forums. If thats what they want then that is fine. Clearly both sides have their supports. But CCP you need to tell us what you want out of the forums. That way if you do want the white wash those of us who have called this place home because of the openness of this place can stop wasting our time fighting for something you dont want.

8 years of posting with the main that was banned when this boiled over. Never once did I have any doubts about this place being a very open and welcoming place. Where newbs and veterans alike got to ask dumb questions, get made fun of a little, then given an answer. Its been home to some amazing things over the years that would never have gotten a start without the openness and interaction with the developers.

So again. Clearly this is a divided forum and thats no fun.

"Could I request that ISD please lock my shirt into my trousers?" - Lilliana Stelles 2012.06.25 Never forget.

Pipa Porto
#272 - 2012-06-29 03:37:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Pipa Porto
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that all of the locks/snips/edits that precipitated this event were valid. The (per strict reading of the rules) valid locks we disliked because they weren't in the spirit of the forums, but that's not what sparked this off. The thing that sparked this off (at least for me) was the fact that even the mildest rebuke of CCP as a company was being tossed out. That's not pruning personal attacks, that's whitewashing.

Sorry, the spirit of the forums? You mean your interpretation of what the forums should be.

Read what you quoted please. I'll bold it for you.

This means the Locks/Snips/Edits that where in no way justifiable under the forum rules.

Oh, and CCP has a long history of being fine with Hostility.

Kristoffer Touborg/CCP Soundwave wrote:
I was about to say “Here’s a Rubik’s cube, go f%$^ yourself,” because that’s what we do with EVE Online.

CCP Wrangler wrote:
EVE is a dark and harsh world, you're supposed to feel a bit worried and slightly angry when you log in, you're not supposed to feel like you're logging in to a happy, happy, fluffy, fluffy lala land filled with fun and adventures, that's what hello kitty online is for.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#273 - 2012-06-29 03:38:38 UTC
Crunchie Attuxors wrote:

Whereas all a CCP employee did was encourage an obvious troll to launch into a series of increasingly nasty personal attacks, including a threat of physical harm to another poster - based on a purported support for anything CCP does. Because employees are people too, and who doesn't love a bully on one's side?

So we have evidence, right there, that the ISD can work. It didn't, but we have to see if it does. I trust CCP can do right, but they seriously need to increase their competence in the planning and implementation stage: people are not bits of code that you can patch when a new problem arises.

As I have said, the problem here was that there was no rhyme and reason, that some ISD people did seem to have a personal vendetta, and that topics that were obviously within a reasonable interpretation of the rules were locked, but other topics that were outside a reasonable interpretation of the rules were not. The spectacle of half the topics in GD locked at one point was - even if necessary from a "rules" standpoint - was a failure of basic customer service standards.

In other words, the problem was that a lack of transparency led to a lack of trust that led to a lack of communication that lead to this thread.

Again you post unsubstantiated rumors and untrue personal opinion as factual truth, constantly trying to incite rage. Obviously you won't stop and neither will I. Guess the only way now to deal with your constant insinuations and personal attacks is to use the appropriate tools available.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#274 - 2012-06-29 03:42:32 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that all of the locks/snips/edits that precipitated this event were valid. The (per strict reading of the rules) valid locks we disliked because they weren't in the spirit of the forums, but that's not what sparked this off. The thing that sparked this off (at least for me) was the fact that even the mildest rebuke of CCP as a company was being tossed out. That's not pruning personal attacks, that's whitewashing.

Sorry, the spirit of the forums? You mean your interpretation of what the forums should be.

Read what you quoted please. I'll bold it for you.

This means the Locks/Snips/Edits that where in no way justifiable under the forum rules.

Try reading the rest of my reply.

If people think a business company will allow others within it's company to sabotage their ability to operate, then they need to research common business ethics. If those people want to spread bad publicity about the company or encourage other people to leave, they can do it in another venue not controlled or provided by the company.

If people have a legitimate issue or problem pertaining to the game, they need to post it in the feedback/issue threads, file a bug report and petition in-game. If it's about moderation, they need to contact customer service / internal affairs.
Pipa Porto
#275 - 2012-06-29 03:52:51 UTC
Jason Auralis wrote:
So clearly what we need is for CCP to tell us they are moving away from the old to a more strict white washed forums. If thats what they want then that is fine. Clearly both sides have their supports. But CCP you need to tell us what you want out of the forums. That way if you do want the white wash those of us who have called this place home because of the openness of this place can stop wasting our time fighting for something you dont want.

8 years of posting with the main that was banned when this boiled over. Never once did I have any doubts about this place being a very open and welcoming place. Where newbs and veterans alike got to ask dumb questions, get made fun of a little, then given an answer. Its been home to some amazing things over the years that would never have gotten a start without the openness and interaction with the developers.

So again. Clearly this is a divided forum and thats no fun.

This is what tends to happen with relaxed moderation from a trusted source. A friendly community that acts the way friends do (I may be an extreme example, but most of my friends and I act a lot like we hate each other).

I will say that I agree that there has been a disturbing trend of real nastiness coming to the forums with comparisons to nasty RL people. The answer to that is to go after those posts directly, not to try to quash everything that's not 100% cuddly-uddly.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Pipa Porto
#276 - 2012-06-29 04:07:50 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that all of the locks/snips/edits that precipitated this event were valid. The (per strict reading of the rules) valid locks we disliked because they weren't in the spirit of the forums, but that's not what sparked this off. The thing that sparked this off (at least for me) was the fact that even the mildest rebuke of CCP as a company was being tossed out. That's not pruning personal attacks, that's whitewashing.

Sorry, the spirit of the forums? You mean your interpretation of what the forums should be.

Read what you quoted please. I'll bold it for you.

This means the Locks/Snips/Edits that where in no way justifiable under the forum rules.

Try reading the rest of my reply.

If people think a business company will allow others within it's company to sabotage their ability to operate, then they need to research common business ethics. If those people want to spread bad publicity about the company or encourage other people to leave, they can do it in another venue not controlled or provided by the company.

If people have a legitimate issue or problem pertaining to the game, they need to post it in the feedback/issue threads, file a bug report and petition in-game. If it's about moderation, they need to contact customer service / internal affairs.

Whitewashing attempts do a great job protecting the business's interests now?

As for encouraging people to leave, CCP doesn't want the people who don't like the fundamentals of EvE to stay either.

Kristoffer Touborg/CCP Soundwave wrote:
It isn’t really hard, but I think there are customers that you can lose in a good way and there’s customers that you can lose in a bad way. If people come in and fundamentally don’t like EVE Online, then I think that might be a good way of losing customers. EVE isn’t for everyone. I wish it was, but the reality is that there are some people who just enjoy playing another game more. And that’s not really that bad.

If CCP wants a vibrant community they can have it, but they can't prevent dissent from spreading in the community at the same time. You can have a vibrant community or one that's always positive about the company that it's centered around*.

As for business ethics, CCP is privately owned. Unless the forums are significantly stunting EvE's growth, I don't think the investors much care about publicity on the forums.

*Being literally perfect and keeping everyone happy all the time is, of course, an exception.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


black cree
Utopian Research I.E.L.
#277 - 2012-06-29 09:03:32 UTC
GD was 0.0 anarchy , now in transition to becoming lowsec.

ccl are gate guns, they need some tuning.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#278 - 2012-06-29 09:11:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Rats
Your game invites a certain type of gamer, which you push for. Your forums reflect that. The more you try to suppress something the harder they will probably push back.


I Fought the Law, and the Law Won... Talon Silverhawk

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#279 - 2012-06-29 15:26:11 UTC
1 on 1 : PVP at it's finest
Jumping in a 1 on 1 to help a corpmate: Still pvp, enemy should have planed better
Blobbing: PVP in large numbers
Ganking: PVP an unsuspecting target
Market Scams: PVP while docked
AFK Cloaking: PVP while I sleep
Forum Wars: PVP while I'm at work

The Tears Must Flow

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#280 - 2012-06-29 15:44:53 UTC  |  Edited by: FloppieTheBanjoClown
This post is a good example of what the ISDs are doing wrong. Something completely relevant to the topic at hand was edited out as off-topic.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.