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Goons 4x4ing through the Sandbox - Market Manipulation on a Grand Scale

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Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#1941 - 2012-06-23 01:55:51 UTC
Xython wrote:

Ah, the mythical "clueless carebear". I thought it was a joke made up to scare Newbees.

No, people are always going to be dumb. And since Goons are winning the culture war, more and more want to join us every day. We're just better at this game than almost everyone else, and we easily have more fun than most. And dear god, does that **** some people off. :)

And as for our exploits -- the fact that people can get away with scamming, with infiltration, with market manipulation is literally EVE's only truly unique feature. It's literally the only reason most people play the game, in a meta concept. It sure as heck isn't due to the.... "unique"... UI or PVE mechanics.

Because when goons win the culture war, GMs will have to step in like they did on the Chinese server (assuming anyone still plays the game at that point) .

While I'm sure this is a big ha ha **** look at em cry thing for you guys, the point is it's bad for the game. It's bad for CCP, and that's bad for everyone who likes to play eve. You might not have noticed, but we're at best static, and at worst, sinking with only people's alt accounts making up the diff. I know when my own accounts expire at the end of the month, after 9 years, I won't be re-subbing.

(and, before you ask, no, you can't haz my stuff)
Goonswarm Federation
#1942 - 2012-06-23 01:56:46 UTC
Sizeof Void wrote:
Aryth wrote:
I will be attending a wedding tomorrow, so gone pretty much the entire day and most of Sunday.

Good. Enjoy yourself in RL this weekend and get this out of your head.

In the end, for us players, it is just a game, after all. Certainly not worth running up your blood pressure and stressing your hair grey.

After all, none of us are so foolish as to invest our emotions in a silly game, like those ninnies playing WoW, right?

I dunno, I think I am pretty calm considering i just watched trillions of ISK go poof from my characters. Beyond even what was involved in FW. But lots of drinking and speeches will probably mean I come back to a devblog at least.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1943 - 2012-06-23 01:57:12 UTC
Aryth wrote:
It's not so much they failed to anticipate, it's more they didn't heed warnings many players gave them pre-change. Like I said earlier in the thread, I don't think they truly understood the problem until an extensive writeup was done. I spent quite some time explaining all the facets to them. It wasn't a single path. You could do this several ways. The fix is non-trivial. If you link a pricing system to something the players directly can influence, they will influence it.

Ah. That's where the big huge cockup is, then? The player influenceable "suggested price" they have in the new UI?
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1944 - 2012-06-23 01:58:17 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Xython wrote:

Ah, the mythical "clueless carebear". I thought it was a joke made up to scare Newbees.

No, people are always going to be dumb. And since Goons are winning the culture war, more and more want to join us every day. We're just better at this game than almost everyone else, and we easily have more fun than most. And dear god, does that **** some people off. :)

And as for our exploits -- the fact that people can get away with scamming, with infiltration, with market manipulation is literally EVE's only truly unique feature. It's literally the only reason most people play the game, in a meta concept. It sure as heck isn't due to the.... "unique"... UI or PVE mechanics.

Because when goons win the culture war, GMs will have to step in like they did on the Chinese server (assuming anyone still plays the game at that point) .

While I'm sure this is a big ha ha **** look at em cry thing for you guys, the point is it's bad for the game. It's bad for CCP, and that's bad for everyone who likes to play eve. You might not have noticed, but we're at best static, and at worst, sinking with only people's alt accounts making up the diff. I know when my own accounts expire at the end of the month, after 9 years, I won't be re-subbing.

(and, before you ask, no, you can't haz my stuff)

Well that character only goes back to 2008 so it is good to know you are not posting on your main PUPPETMASTER account. You are probably busy building dreads for us. THANKS BUDDY!
Enaris Kerle
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1945 - 2012-06-23 01:58:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Enaris Kerle
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Enaris Kerle wrote:

The Ferrogel dupe exploit was a flaw in the code. This is a flaw in the design. Exactly like PI and Pax, which is why I used those examples.
And comparing this to the t20 incident is just ridiculous and doesn't even warrant a comment.

So, it being a flaw at the design stage rather than the programming stage or Human Resources stage makes it ok?

I'm sorry, but exploit = exploit =exploit. Whether it's exploiting a contact, a flaw in the code or a poorly planned design decision.

There's a huge qualitative difference.
When you have some unintended consequences in your design, then that's part of your game's framework until you change the design again. Examples for this are moon goo bottlenecks (badly designed, not an exploit), the Covops Cloak Avatar (unintended consequence of the new CPU rigs, not an exploit), or, for a non-EVE example, rocket jumping in Quake. Neither of these have resulted in any consequences for players that use them, and that's because they're there by design. Maybe the design is bad, but that doesn't matter: your design specifically states that players are allowed to do that.
Compared to that, the design for towers said "you can combine these inputs in a specific way to make these outputs". Nowhere was it stated that you can combine nothing to make any outputs. Not even implicitly, and here's the big difference: market manipulation isn't a new thing in EVE, it's been around since the beginning. Now you combine that with the devblog on FW changes, where it says "Transported items market value", in these exact words.
You can't seriously tell me that CCP didn't think people would be able to manipulate the value of items when that's exactly what has happened time and time again. So people have sat down, brainstormed, come up with these changes, and they have consciously decided that yes, they'll use market value, and it won't be a big problem.

Anyway; it doesn't really matter whether you think there's a difference between code bugs and design bugs, because CCP has (up until now) repeatedly shown that they think there is: Ferrogel duping (code bug) resulted in bans. AoE doomsdays (design bug) got patched out, no further action taken. WH infinite tracking (code bug due to underflow) resulted in bans. CONCORD boomerang (design bug) got patched out (and was declared an exploit by GM statement), but people who used it until then didn't have their account sanctioned. Triple web vindicator stopping people from entering warp (somewhat strange mixture of both code and design bug) was declared an exploit by GM statement. Bot users (I'd classify this being possible as a code bug, although I know that it's difficult if not impossible to entirely prevent; it's certainly not a design problem) got banned.

The point is, in all cases where the design was flawed, the loopholes was either changed or expressly disallowed, and prior to that nobody had actions taken against their account, or any proceeds reversed.

Even if you do believe that the gainings of those involved in the alleged FW exploit should be seized, there isn't really wide-spread opposition to that point of view; the majority of the outcry concerns that CCP has overdone it and removed ALL assets that looked like they might have been bought with LP at one point, regardless of the actual method of acquisition, and also disregarding the time when they were actually obtained.

Gallente born and raised, and tutored as a pleasure slave and courtesan to the exotic tastes of the Amarri court. Jade's career veered violently off course when a diplomatic envoy's transport was blown to pieces in mysterious circumstances and she was rescued from the escape pods by the enigmatic genetic mastermind Athule Snanm.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1946 - 2012-06-23 01:59:17 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Xython wrote:

Ah, the mythical "clueless carebear". I thought it was a joke made up to scare Newbees.

No, people are always going to be dumb. And since Goons are winning the culture war, more and more want to join us every day. We're just better at this game than almost everyone else, and we easily have more fun than most. And dear god, does that **** some people off. :)

And as for our exploits -- the fact that people can get away with scamming, with infiltration, with market manipulation is literally EVE's only truly unique feature. It's literally the only reason most people play the game, in a meta concept. It sure as heck isn't due to the.... "unique"... UI or PVE mechanics.

Because when goons win the culture war, GMs will have to step in like they did on the Chinese server (assuming anyone still plays the game at that point) .

While I'm sure this is a big ha ha **** look at em cry thing for you guys, the point is it's bad for the game. It's bad for CCP, and that's bad for everyone who likes to play eve. You might not have noticed, but we're at best static, and at worst, sinking with only people's alt accounts making up the diff. I know when my own accounts expire at the end of the month, after 9 years, I won't be re-subbing.

(and, before you ask, no, you can't haz my stuff)

You say it's bad for the game, but Goons consistantly bring forth emergent gameplay. Hell, EVE has been in the news more times this year as a direct result of Goons running player events than any other reason.

This burns the pubbies out there up, but it's true: Goons are good for EVE. We're also snappy dressers, devilishly handsome, skilled in the bedroom, and better at EVE than any of you. :)
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1947 - 2012-06-23 01:59:18 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Because when goons win the culture war

we won the culture war long ago gf gf

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Goonswarm Federation
#1948 - 2012-06-23 01:59:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Aryth
Xython wrote:
Aryth wrote:
It's not so much they failed to anticipate, it's more they didn't heed warnings many players gave them pre-change. Like I said earlier in the thread, I don't think they truly understood the problem until an extensive writeup was done. I spent quite some time explaining all the facets to them. It wasn't a single path. You could do this several ways. The fix is non-trivial. If you link a pricing system to something the players directly can influence, they will influence it.

Ah. That's where the big huge cockup is, then? The player influenceable "suggested price" they have in the new UI?

Yes. Oh look, CCP pricing. Why, I will just fly over here to to this non-the-forge system and cycle a year's volume to myself real fast. At a hilarious mark up. Wait for the job to run on Friday. Oh look CCP value is now 68x what it was.

You can figure out the rest.

Edit: We had a 2nd item in the cooker that would have went to 10B..Each...for a 5% implant. There would have been an LP holocaust and I pressed for that to take the nerf bat before it could be used.

I spent billions in market fees maniping that one, and didn't even use it.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Girlwith Dragontattoo
#1949 - 2012-06-23 02:02:01 UTC
I have rubbed one out three times today while reading this thread...
Preceptor Stigmartyr
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1950 - 2012-06-23 02:02:01 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Enaris Kerle wrote:
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Oh, I'm sorry, maybe you missed the part where your alliance used the 'sandbox' as an excuse to effectively bring an end to the sandbox. Minor detail.

And this scheme broke the sandbox exactly how?

Ok, let me explain then: You rigged both PvP and PvE on a grand scale. Effectively, you successfully ruined the game for thousands of players more than you could have ever hoped to have actually fought in a conventional contest of wealth or military power via exploits and loopholes.

While I congratulate you on your inventiveness, I might point out that while goons policy is to drink the tears of other players, effectively trying to destroy EvE is ultimately counter productive, and if kept up, CCP will have to bring down the hammer on you.

That's where you don't get goons. We're not trying to destroy Eve, just _your_ game of Eve.

Also while the sky should be falling on wallstreet, it was the rug that was instead ripped out from under you.

~ Sincerely,
The one percent.

**4/19 **NEVER FORGET ಠ_ಠ

Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#1951 - 2012-06-23 02:03:36 UTC
Paint wrote:

Well that character only goes back to 2008 so it is good to know you are not posting on your main PUPPETMASTER account. You are probably busy building dreads for us. THANKS BUDDY!

And yet you complain about me not doing the research....
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1952 - 2012-06-23 02:04:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Xython
Aryth wrote:
Xython wrote:
Aryth wrote:
It's not so much they failed to anticipate, it's more they didn't heed warnings many players gave them pre-change. Like I said earlier in the thread, I don't think they truly understood the problem until an extensive writeup was done. I spent quite some time explaining all the facets to them. It wasn't a single path. You could do this several ways. The fix is non-trivial. If you link a pricing system to something the players directly can influence, they will influence it.

Ah. That's where the big huge cockup is, then? The player influenceable "suggested price" they have in the new UI?

Yes. Oh look, CCP pricing. Why, I will just fly over here to to this non-the-forge system and cycle a year's volume to myself real fast. At a hilarious mark up. Wait for the job to run on Friday. Oh look CCP value is now 68x what it was.

You can figure out the rest.

And no one at CCP stopped and said "Uh, wait. We're honestly letting players influe..."

No, I know the answer to that -- not due to any specific failings on CCP's fault, but because I know corporate culture: Either someone coded this feature in very quickly without thinking about the long term effects, or they did and just hoped no one would notice in time to affect it.

And again, CCP is in a very, very bad place: This was not an exploit (a code flaw) at all, it was a poorly designed mechanic (a design flaw) and thus they can't really do anything under their own guidelines.... But lord, the pressure for them to do something is probably quite great.

I certainly hope they don't throw you under the bus like they did Dear Leader, The Mittani. (All hail the CSM Chairman in Exile)

You mentioned that people tried to warn CCP and they didn't listen until you did a huge writeup with evidence. Am I to understand that you specifically contacted CCP earlier about this flaw and tried to warn them about the design cockup they were performing and were ignored?

Also: Where the hell is the CSM?
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#1953 - 2012-06-23 02:10:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Cygnet Lythanea
Preceptor Stigmartyr wrote:

That's where you don't get goons. We're not trying to destroy Eve, just _your_ game of Eve.

Also while the sky should be falling on wallstreet, it was the rug that was instead ripped out from under you.

~ Sincerely,
The one percent.

Um, how so? This whole debacle doesn't matter one way or the other about how I played EvE. I already made my staggering fortune, long before some of you ever started playing EvE (for paint's edification, this toon is a 2004), and already own five of everything I want.

I enjoy hanging out and talking to people in game, and unless CCP gives you the keys to the chat system, I seriously doubt you can ruin my play style.

My problem with goons is the same as my problem with BoB. For an alliance to be 'victorious' means the death of the game.

EDit: as far as warning CCP, sadly, I know that their response time is abysmal now days. Back when I started, a bug like this would be addressed instantly. Now days a mail bug happens that prevents you from getting wardec and combat messages, and it's a two month wait for them to get back to you.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1954 - 2012-06-23 02:10:46 UTC
This seems like a good time to repost this important message from General Windypops, he was ahead of his time.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1955 - 2012-06-23 02:13:06 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Paint wrote:

Well that character only goes back to 2008 so it is good to know you are not posting on your main PUPPETMASTER account. You are probably busy building dreads for us. THANKS BUDDY!

And yet you complain about me not doing the research....

Oh I am sure right? If only I knew how critical you were/are to Goonswarm. I better show some serious respect right away!
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#1956 - 2012-06-23 02:16:36 UTC
Paint wrote:

Oh I am sure right? If only I knew how critical you were/are to Goonswarm. I better show some serious respect right away!

Paint, the point was this toon goes back to 2004, not 2008. ATM goons are not in my list of clients.

and I doubt you'd know what respect was if it bit you on the ass. I could be Mittens alt and you'd still be an *******.
Ban Bindy
Bindy Brothers Pottery Association
True Reign
#1957 - 2012-06-23 02:16:52 UTC
Xython wrote:

I still think it's better that 5 people who are working with CCP to help explain and investigate the emergent gameplay of the change is better than 500 people exploiting it slowly over the course of a year, but that's just me. :)

Working with CCP? You mean making long smug posts about how much money they made and trying to cover their butts with a PR slant on their use of an exploit? Somebody who was working with CCP would have reported the problem and not tried to make a huge amount of isk from it. And then reap a huge PR bonanza from it by posting about it and making the error public.

I think Goonswarm has shown CCP just how much of a friend they are.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1958 - 2012-06-23 02:19:15 UTC
Looks to me like ccp should pull their heads out of their asses and think things through before putting it in game. Goons did nothing wrong here, just played the game. I dont see it as an exploit at all. I'm not for or against goons. I'm normally not interested in their drama. This though, good for them.
Maybe, just maybe, ccp will think about **** a bit more before putting garbage into the game. Doubt it though.
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#1959 - 2012-06-23 02:19:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Cygnet Lythanea
The sad part is that the only way EvE's PR could get worse as far as non-players are concerned is if CCP were taken over by EA. Seriously, it's THAT BAD in most other forums.

Let me put it in perspective: I was talking to one former player who left us in favor of The Old Republic. Stop and think about that for a second.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#1960 - 2012-06-23 02:21:52 UTC
Xython wrote:
Pr1ncess Alia wrote:
they didn't help them fix the bug. they helped their wallets with the bug until ccp fixed it. there is a difference.

So the only people allowed to make bug reports are those willing to fly to Iceland and donate their time as computer programmers?

You make less and less sense the more you talk, PrONEncess Alia.

You do know its possible to report a bug without spending a month on a grand james bond villain-esq plan to exploit the bug and announce how incredibly clever you were for exploiting it on the eve online forums right ?

Just checking.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom