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Thinking of playing again and looking for advice

Alexi Falstaff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-06-21 09:55:21 UTC
So I haven't actively played Eve in over a year, but I started a new pilot 7 months ago. I've been training him in mainly pvp oriented skills (finished core elite cert out of boredom). I'm not up to date on the changes made since I stopped playing early in '11 but played extensively for several years prior to that. The more time I put in to this pilot the more I feel like jumping back in. What I'm looking for is player advice on what's exciting or fun in eve now.

This pilot has great core and support skills so far. No ship skills or weapon skills yet, but thats what I am working on now. I'm less than 2 months out from perfect gunnery support skills, and if I went missile skills they are a couple months (give or take, mostly give) away from perfect support skills. As you can see from the eveboard I have no problems training support skills to what ever they need to be even if it means not getting in a ship for months.

this is the eveboard

let me preface by saying that I did my time mining heavily (a couple years, and thats more than enough for me) and have no interest whatsoever in starting up again. I enjoy pvp and mission running equally. I'm also not looking to get into cap ships with this pilot.

Basically I'm looking for ideas on which direction to take from here. Any advice on race/role progression would be much appreciated. I'm pretty knowledgeable as far as ships, builds, fittings so you don't need to put much effort into skill breakdowns etc. Just looking for some ideas on getting this pilot out there and getting some fun out of the months of training pu in so far.

thanks in advance for the help, and thanks to the flamers/trolls too for free bumps and maybe some laughs...


Viscount Hood
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-07-03 12:55:25 UTC
pick a ship, work out some fits in EFT then train for it.
Rinse and repeat.
Alexi Falstaff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-07-04 00:58:55 UTC
figured i'd throw Tengu on him, if nothing else it will add value. Then i can mess around with that while i work some more pvp skills and max gunnery support skills. That way he'll be ready to cross train racial ssc and guns for whatever I end up picking for pvp....
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-07-04 09:05:57 UTC
Fly whatever ship you enjoy flying. Every ship in Eve has pros and cons. If you think a Tengu would be fun to fly, then go for it. Or if you look at an Abso-Slep-Astarte then go for those. It is all dependent on your play style.

Since you have gunnery skills trained already your strength is there, and you really have 3 out of the 4 races available with turrets. Here are the ships I see most often in the smaller scale PvP engagements with turrets:


Just a small list and I know it covers a few classes but T1 Cruisers are great fun especially in FW areas where people have ship class restrictions for plexing. Also look into RvB for even a short period of time. You have a good environment to try several ships out and get a foot into PvP.

Look me up in game if you want some fits.

Hope this helps,
Alexi Falstaff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-07-04 11:46:45 UTC
I've done both small and large scale pvp on other pilots and enjoy both. I was just wondering which way people would take this pilot as he's ready for ship/weapon training and has a very solid support skill-set already. My pvp has been mainly amarr/mini, and as this pilot is still a fairly substantial distance from the drone skills needed for Gallente I will probably pick one of those. I can get the drone skills up to a basic pvp level pretty quickly, and train them higher here and there but would rather not concentrate on them now.

I picked Tengu to throw in there because It's a pretty quick train into level 4 missile support skills and t2 HMs. That way I can have a solid L4 mission ship to mess around with while I get some pvp loadouts set. I've played this game quite a bit (barring the year or so off) but have never flown a tengu.

After Tengu I'll most likely max the gunnery support skills, which will give me time to get in game and get a feel for what BCs/BSs I want to fly for pvp. I'm comfortable in any sup-cap mini, and have flown several amarr sniper setups.

I've heard they are doing a lot to kick start faction warfare but haven't really looked into it that much. It never appealed to me before as it seemed a pretty watered down version of 0.0 but if it's gotten better I might check that out. As I said in the OP I'm not at all interested in mining, and science/production aren't up my ally either.
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-07-04 20:51:53 UTC
FW is very active atm, I can only speak for the Amarr/Min side. In Kamela we are fighting everyday. Come by with a bunch of cruisers frigs and dessies and join up if you want to check it out.

Bree Okanata
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-07-04 22:16:39 UTC
Alexi Falstaff wrote:
I've done both small and large scale pvp on other pilots and enjoy both. I was just wondering which way people would take this pilot as he's ready for ship/weapon training and has a very solid support skill-set already. My pvp has been mainly amarr/mini, and as this pilot is still a fairly substantial distance from the drone skills needed for Gallente I will probably pick one of those. I can get the drone skills up to a basic pvp level pretty quickly, and train them higher here and there but would rather not concentrate on them now.

I picked Tengu to throw in there because It's a pretty quick train into level 4 missile support skills and t2 HMs. That way I can have a solid L4 mission ship to mess around with while I get some pvp loadouts set. I've played this game quite a bit (barring the year or so off) but have never flown a tengu.

After Tengu I'll most likely max the gunnery support skills, which will give me time to get in game and get a feel for what BCs/BSs I want to fly for pvp. I'm comfortable in any sup-cap mini, and have flown several amarr sniper setups.

I've heard they are doing a lot to kick start faction warfare but haven't really looked into it that much. It never appealed to me before as it seemed a pretty watered down version of 0.0 but if it's gotten better I might check that out. As I said in the OP I'm not at all interested in mining, and science/production aren't up my ally either.

Just a warning on Tengus, I wouldn't recommend PvPing in them. If you explode your Tengu, the game picks one of the subsystem skills for it and you lose a level in it. So if you have the subsystem skills trained to level 5, you can lose days of SP. (At least that is what I have heard, someone more knowledgeable may want to verify that.)
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#8 - 2012-07-05 07:14:30 UTC
Bree Okanata wrote:
Just a warning on Tengus, I wouldn't recommend PvPing in them. If you explode your Tengu, the game picks one of the subsystem skills for it and you lose a level in it. So if you have the subsystem skills trained to level 5, you can lose days of SP. (At least that is what I have heard, someone more knowledgeable may want to verify that.)

Yeah, but it is like 4 days for subsystem lvl 5, so no biggie really. And you can avoid it by ejecting from a ship or self destruct.
Eve wiki: T3 ships

Invalid signature format

Alexi Falstaff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-07-05 11:58:55 UTC
To be honest, 8 years ago 3-4 days of training as a penalty for either making a mistake/flying stupid/or picking a fight I can't win would have hurt. Now with a much better understanding of the game it wouldn't be something to smile about but I can deal with it. I also wasn't planning on doing alot of pvp in the Tengu. I'll probably do some as it seems like it could be very fun, but mostly the Tengu training is a just to get into one of the sub cap ships that I've heard so much about but never flown.

Just to be safe I paused Caldari cruiser 5 at 25% and started skilling for the eventual destroyer/BC split. Knowing CCP it could happen before I can finish, or not for another few years. I'd still like to get that free xp and it's only 32 days total training so if it turns out to be years its not that big of a waste.

One question for FW.... If I started as Gallente racial (strictly for character creation) will I have to grind up Amarr/Mini rep to fly FW for them? If so what standing do you need?
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-07-06 17:21:26 UTC
Alexi Falstaff wrote:
To be honest, 8 years ago 3-4 days of training as a penalty for either making a mistake/flying stupid/or picking a fight I can't win would have hurt. Now with a much better understanding of the game it wouldn't be something to smile about but I can deal with it. I also wasn't planning on doing alot of pvp in the Tengu. I'll probably do some as it seems like it could be very fun, but mostly the Tengu training is a just to get into one of the sub cap ships that I've heard so much about but never flown.

Just to be safe I paused Caldari cruiser 5 at 25% and started skilling for the eventual destroyer/BC split. Knowing CCP it could happen before I can finish, or not for another few years. I'd still like to get that free xp and it's only 32 days total training so if it turns out to be years its not that big of a waste.

One question for FW.... If I started as Gallente racial (strictly for character creation) will I have to grind up Amarr/Mini rep to fly FW for them? If so what standing do you need?

For any faction you only need to be at 0.0 i believe.