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Fail Fleet Commanders

Caldari State
#1 - 2012-06-19 18:03:52 UTC
I was debating putting this here but Ill post it in an attempt for people to put other tips and info.

One of the biggest thing I see that hurts a group of players is fail fleet commanders. New FCs go about learning to FC in the worse ways. They take out a BC with logi fleet and it gets blown to heck. They try complicated tactics and cant grasp the basics of FC protocol. So with all that being said I will post my thoughts on Fail FCs. Remember a fail FC isnt an FC that made a bad decision, is learning or trying a test fleet fit it is FCs that fail general principles of FCing.

Fail Fleet Commanders – How To Recognize

1) A fail FC does not allocate a minimum of 2 scouts One rear scout, one forward scout
2) A fail FC scouts with his alt
3) A fail FC takes a “casual” fleet through the main pipes
4) A fail FC does not maintain comms discipline
5) A fail FC does not appoint an admin FC
6) A fail FC does not sort his fleet before leaving to actually roam
7) A fail FC does not repeat his orders
8) A fail FC makes slow decisions (whether good or bad)
9) A fail FC forgets people are fleeting up to be entertained
10) A fail FC ignores intel
11) A fail FC warps his fleets to planets as safe spots
12) A fail FC lets his fleet warp when not told to,
13) A fail FC is not clear in his commands
14) A fail FC doesn’t know how to say NO
15) A fail FC leaves his fleet stranded but he himself gets out
16) A fail FC uses scouts he has never heard of before
17) A fail FC does not instruct his scouts prior to leaving on what “intel” he expects in a system
18) A fail FC lets half a fleet sit on a dangerous warp in while the other half goes after a lone target
19) A fail FC is someone that has never flown with the (majority of) pilots he fleeted with
20) A fail FC does not make his intentions known if it is a training fleet or a test fit fleet

Some clear indications of an incomming failure are:

1) Comms discipline breaks down
2) You cant get good intel from scouts
3) Your fleet members leave because they are bored

Please no trolling, post some helpful info for inspiring FCs

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#2 - 2012-06-19 18:08:31 UTC  |  Edited by: chatgris
BolsterBomb wrote:
Fail Fleet Commanders – How To Recognize

1) A fail FC does not allocate a minimum of 2 scouts One rear scout, one forward scout
2) A fail FC scouts with his alt
3) A fail FC takes a “casual” fleet through the main pipes

I mostly agree, except for these first 3.

1) If you're a fast moving gang, you don't really need a rear scout. In fact if you are fast burning you won't be all fleet jumping so you have a rear scout by default. I find if you get too hung up on a rear and forward scout, you can move too slowly (it really depends on the type of your fleet: armor BS gang? Yeah, you want scouts. Fast nano gang and you're chasing something/trying to get somewhere? BURN BURN BURN and if it's there get a ceptor to keep ahead of you)

2) I don't really see the issue here?

3) The main pipes are where the targets are, why *wouldn't* you take a casual fleet there? I take casual fleets to where the targets are, which is usually the main pipe.
Route One
#3 - 2012-06-19 18:26:44 UTC
A newbie FC probably doesn't have the numbers a regular FC has. He also probably can't yet cope with having dotlan open and directing scouts effectively - or with dealing with the resultant info. You have to make allowances for that.

Apart from that you've posted a useful checklist. No dual-boxing is spot on the money too, new FCs dual-boxing don't talk enough to the fleet and make assumptions they wouldn't if they had a single client open. Not got a problem with experienced FCs doing it or you're down to a handful of people.

Mobility is the best friend a new FC has - that and bookmarks.

Decent post :)
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-06-19 18:42:24 UTC  |  Edited by: BolsterBomb
fail stupid forums

____ ___ ___ ___

Rear scouts allow for FC error and provides a safety buffer

Multi-boxing FCs - exactly what Orthan wrote

I have a problem with taking a casuals (ie: no discipline lets jerk around) fleet through an error that you know will have larger more organized fleets roaming. It spells disaster but this in itself is fine IF you let your fleet members know that is your intent. Some of us prefer not to die in a ball of fire

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Shadow Adanza
Gold Crest Salvage
#5 - 2012-06-19 18:53:47 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:

I have a problem with taking a casuals (ie: no discipline lets jerk around) fleet through an area (*corrected to area) that you know will have larger more organized fleets roaming. It spells disaster but this in itself is fine IF you let your fleet members know that is your intent. Some of us prefer not to die in a ball of fire

Suicide fleets are often some of the funnest fleets to be in.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

RaVeN Alliance
#6 - 2012-06-19 19:02:12 UTC  |  Edited by: RavenPaine
I have a couple adds for a couple of numbers listed. Nice list, I agree with almost everything.

2. I dont scout, repp, ewar, or anything else with an alt. FC is a full time job for me. I don't have the ability to duel box and run a fleet, look at overview, size up the opposition, fly my own ship, etc. I know that some ppl can... just not me.

3. I take my fleets where I think theres a fight. That is what I want my scouts to find tbh. Choke points, other camps, whatever.

4. Fleet comms vary immensly among FC's. I hate flying for people who rage, cry, b*tch, etc. I also hate being in a fleet where some FC is yelling stfu! on a regular basis because he cant take in vary much info at 1 time. I like to hear info like 'Falcon on the field' 'local spike' 'Falcon down' 'Logi down' ' Pilot X is dead' etc.

6. Sorting the Fleet. 100% agree on that. Get the bonus's sorted, kick anyone who is not present and participating. Seperate room for comms.

8. Sometimes a slow decision is better than a wrong decision. People get that mixed up sometimes. I have seen people call an Onyx or Abby as primary for decision, but oh so wrong.

A lot of the things you listed can be put on the fleet themselves. They shouldn't have to be told to stfu, they shouldn't warp off unless told, They should know what 'battle comms' is and keep idle chatter at zero.

21. Fleets should know about Focused Fire, Primary, Secondary, etc.
22. I know its about the adreinaline... But a FC should actually keep his fleet calm and relaxed.
23. Different styles of fleets. The pilots should be aware of the general attitude. Is this a gtfo fleet? Do we fly till we die? 100% suicide run?
24. Looting wrecks is optional :P Don't lose your fleet because of loot.

New FC's.
Be willing to giva a new FC a few chances. If he is willing to try then he is an asset trying to bloom. Coach, don't b*tch.
Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
#7 - 2012-06-19 19:12:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Cat Casidy
You forgot not accepting people into fleet who's bio clearly says " this is cat casidy's alt" with the cat casidy part being a link.

edit- oh hi Raven, you guys get your numbers back up yet?


Caldari State
#8 - 2012-06-19 19:14:41 UTC
Cat Casidy wrote:
You forgot not accepting people into fleet who's bio clearly says " this is cat casidy's alt" with the cat casidy part being a link.

Did someone do that?

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
#9 - 2012-06-19 19:16:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Cat Casidy
yes, several times,quite fun, would recommend to friends


Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#10 - 2012-06-19 19:19:29 UTC
Cat Casidy wrote:
You forgot not accepting people into fleet who's bio clearly says " this is cat casidy's alt" with the cat casidy part being a link.

edit- oh hi Raven, you guys get your numbers back up yet?

I hear popping said alt for a sec status and caldari standings hit is also a good idea.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

Gunthar X
#11 - 2012-06-19 19:20:48 UTC
Bolsterbomb you’re my boy but I would disagree with a couple of points, slightly, and add a few things I have been noticing not only within our own militia but within FW as a whole. Most of these issues are not due to anything more than a lack of experience. Experience is gained through failure and success with both large and small fleets. An FC gains this knowledge through participating in fleets with more seasoned FC’s and progressively leading larger and more complicated fleets.

1) I completely agree, regardless of the makeup of the fleet and its purpose if you have a fleet larger than 15 members you must have at a minimum of 3 scouts. One of them will be your +1 scout in front of the fleet, one with the fleet to scout off shoot systems as needed, and one staying behind the fleet on the incoming gate to ensure the fleet does not get boxed in. Without that back scout you can be boxed in with a fleet sitting on your in gate just waiting for you to engage.

2) This one I would agree and disagree with dependent on the individual abilities of the FC and the size of the fleet. If you are FCing a fleet of 10 people then scouting with an alt is acceptable because it puts more firepower with the fleet. If your leading a 45 man BS fleet you have too much going on to deal with scouting for the fleet.

3) If an FC treats any fleet as “casual” they are doing it wrong, each and every fleet you lead is depending on you to put them into the right spot at the right time to accomplish their goals. If you lose an entire fleet it will be remembered regardless of it being casual. Treat every fleet as you would any other, anything less presents a bad image.

4) 100% agree, if you have been in my fleets before I do give leeway for people to BS at the proper times and given the environment discipline rises and falls but I do not hesitate to yell at people and kick them out of they can’t abide by this comms discipline. This is the #1 mark of a poor fleet, however I would point out that in many cases the FC is not 100% to blame for these breakdowns it is normally one or two people who refuse to shut up on comms with their ideas, or opinions on what is going on or what the fleet should do. Unless you are the FC you should do as your told and only provide input as requested because it is not your fleet and it is not your name on the line if things go wrong, that being said as an FC you should request ideas if your stumped as to what to do, this shows a respect for the opinions of others and shows that you care about the fleet as a whole.

5) Dependent on the size of the fleet but yes anything over a 15 man fleet needs a boss to handle the movements within fleet and invites.

6) Your fleet should be formed at a specific location and time each and every time with the structure sorted before you move out. Every leadership position should be sorted to provide bonuses to everyone and should be maintained by the designated boss of the fleet.

7) Agree you have to repeat a minimum of 3 times for each order of movement or target calling. Anymore than this is redundant and can annoy people sometimes. This is different from each FC however you should be consistent when calling orders if you state it 10 times each time then do it the same so people come to expect it.

8) Agree and disagree on this one, I agree that a certain tactical thinking level is required in that you should be able to process intel quickly to determine targets and your ability to counter the enemy however rushing into a decision based on poor intel will get many fleets wiped out. If you see a 5 man gang on a gate just hanging out and you have a 35 man gang there then logic states that you should be able to kill them, however if you do not have scouts in place to provide intel from the surrounding systems and there is a 60 man gang one system over then you just lost your fleet due to a rushed decision. Balance is the key you must balance your speedy decisions with sound decisions or you will consistently lose fleets and lose the respect of those who fly with you.

9) I 100% disagree with this. The FC’s job is to accomplish the goal of the fleet regardless of the entertainment level of the fleet. Too many times have objectives been forgotten or ignored for the entertainment of the fleet members. If you form a fleet to defend a system then you should defend that system at all costs not run around for 5 hours getting 200 kills while people are still capturing the system. If you want to roam and get kills then that is the objective of the fleet and state so at the beginning, if you’re out to defend a particular system or to engage an enemy fleet then that is your objective. If people want to be entertained then they should join roams, if they want to win the war and get cheap faction ships and mods then they should join the defense and offense fleets but when an FC signs up to capture a system and is taking out a 50 man BS fleet they have a responsibility to accomplish the goals and protect the fleet not get kills to entertain people. The FC is there to ensure the fleet stays on task not pad people’s kill board.

10) Agree you should never ignore a single piece of Intel.

11) Depends upon the situation, if you’re using it as a bounce point to a safe spot then no but if your hanging out on a planet doing nothing then yes.

Gunthar X
#12 - 2012-06-19 19:21:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Gunthar X
12) Singular most irritating thing I have seen in militia fleets is the FC’s lack of using fleet warp. If you are an FC you should be aligning the fleet and using the wing or fleet warp command to ensure your entire fleet, sans ECM and fast tackle, warp as one to the location unless you are quickly moving to setup at a location or you have a variety of optimal ranges in which case individual warps are preferred. If your fleet is warping on their own then they arrive at different times and can be singled out more easily by the enemy however if your entire fleet hits grid at the exact same time the enemy will have a more difficult time prioritizing targets giving you those extra seconds.

13) Yes orders need to be clear and simple for those who do not speak English well or result in complicated fleet movements.

14) Yes and no on this one, there are times where the FC should go along with what the fleet wants to do however it is still ultimately up to them and if it will result in unacceptable losses then NO should be the answer. FC’s cannot be timid when it comes to being in command you are the FC do your job don’t cave to every demand or they will never cease.

15) With the exception of being killed and in a pod the FC should never, ever, ever leave their fleet and if they must do so they should have a secondary FC take over command until they can rejoin the fleet. There are times when you must suck it up and die with your fleet.

16) This one is tricky, if you have no scouts your useless as an FC however if you are being scouted by a spy then you’re going to die, I never use a +1 scout I don’t know however other scouts I use until they screw up then never again.

17) If you use a scout and they are not giving you the intel you need then inform them of the fact however spending 20 minutes explaining in detail each thing you want scouts to report will get old really fast just tell them the basics, number in local, how many are enemy, what ships.

18) This one is completely dependent on the tactical situation, there are many times you need half the fleet to hold a position while the other half deals with an immediate threat but the FC must know the tactical situation to determine the risks associated with this maneuver. Without being the FC you may not know if this is being done intentionally or because of a lack of experience.

19) Regardless of flying with any particular person an FC should be able to take any group of people form them into a fleet and accomplish an objective successfully. There are many times you will FC for fleets which consist of people you have never met before, your knowledge of who they are is irrelevant as long as they do as their told and perform as expected.
20) 100% agree, when you form the fleet you should tell each member the purpose of the fleet, the makeup of the fleet, expected engagement ranges if applicable, and the current situation of the operations area. You must also at this time designate a backup and backup to the backup FC and target caller.

21) As far as your signs for incoming failure:
a. Comms discipline can be an indicator of many issues however the recovery time is a good indicator of how well the fleet is going to go. If you just got back from a break then comms is lax, if your engaged and losing ships and 4 people are talking about random crap then yea the fleet will not do as well as it should.
b. Many scouts just do not know what they are doing, if your scouts are not providing quality intel you replace them.
c. A fleet member leaving because they are bored is not the FC’s problem nor is it an identifier of a bad FC. Fleet members leave in many cases because the FC is not catering to their every whim and doing exactly what they want how they want. The FC should form fleets to accomplish goals and if the members do not want to accomplish that goal then they should leave before the fleet moves out. If I were to form a fleet to defend system XXX and we sit there for 5 hours chasing off enemies and defending the system half my fleet shouldn’t leave because they are bored and are not getting kills. The purpose of the fleet is to defend the system, that was stated initially and if that is not what you wanted to do then why did you join the fleet in the first place. Entertainment is not a required talent of a quality FC, a quality FC accomplishes the defined objective and brings as many ships home in one piece as possible, kills are a byproduct of this effort. If you form a defense fleet and fail to defend yet get
20 kills and lose half your fleet you are not a success, if you form a roam fleet and fly around for 6 hours get 40 kills and lose the entire fleet then you are successful because you got kills. Basing the abilities of an FC on how entertained people are is a really poor way to judge the abilities of that FC just as not joining the fleets of FC’s because they don’t suicide fleets daily killing 5 cruisers at the expense of a 20 man BC gang.

As I said Bolster you’re my boy but the thing about the FW fleets is that they are still playing by the pre patch rules of kill as many as you can when we are in the age of Sov warfare where an op that saves a key system but produces 0 kills is worth more than one that gets 100 kills but allows 5 systems to fall. FW FC’s must adapt to a more 0.0 style of thinking if they are to win their respective war’s.

Gunthar X
Director Bane Inc./Inquisition. Alliance
Primary FC Bane Inc./Inquisition. Alliance
Caldari State
#13 - 2012-06-19 19:35:25 UTC
Your FW statements are spot on, but thats not what this post is talking about :)

P.S. So I dont have to send you a mail, had a long convo with a couple people about that exact problem last night.

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Gunthar X
#14 - 2012-06-19 19:38:01 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:
Your FW statements are spot on, but thats not what this post is talking about :)

P.S. So I dont have to send you a mail, had a long convo with a couple people about that exact problem last night.

But I'm bored at work and i like the flashy mail symbol on the screen, it comforts me.
Jones Bones
Battle Toad Brigade
#15 - 2012-06-19 19:41:17 UTC
1) A fail FC does not allocate a minimum of 2 scouts One rear scout, one forward scout
Move around faster and you won't need so many scouts, bad.

3) A fail FC takes a “casual” fleet through the main pipes

LOL main pipes are for serious fleets only? Nerd.

4) A fail FC does not maintain comms discipline
If you're an FC and you don't have the ability to mute/kick from comms you are bad.

5) A fail FC does not appoint an admin FC
WTF is and admin FC? Does he file your paperwork? Nerd.

6) A fail FC does not sort his fleet before leaving to actually roam
Sounds like you fly with bad pilots tbh.

7) A fail FC does not repeat his orders

Yeah, some guy repeating a primary 30 times is just awesome.

9) A fail FC forgets people are fleeting up to be entertained

You want entertainment? Watch a ******* movie. We're here to **** nerds.

11) A fail FC warps his fleets to planets as safe spots
Yes, because you're going to have premade safes in every system ever. Nerd.

15) A fail FC leaves his fleet stranded but he himself gets out
This is a perk of the job.

18) A fail FC lets half a fleet sit on a dangerous warp in while the other half goes after a lone target

Heaven forbid you split your ****** blob up for a minute.

19) A fail FC is someone that has never flown with the (majority of) pilots he fleeted with

A good FC can run a fleet of complete strangers. Nerd.

Bolsterbomb is a tard or a horrible FC. Or both.
Caldari State
#16 - 2012-06-19 19:55:02 UTC
Jones Bones wrote:
1) A fail FC does not allocate a minimum of 2 scouts One rear scout, one forward scout
Move around faster and you won't need so many scouts, bad.

3) A fail FC takes a “casual” fleet through the main pipes

LOL main pipes are for serious fleets only? Nerd.

4) A fail FC does not maintain comms discipline
If you're an FC and you don't have the ability to mute/kick from comms you are bad.

5) A fail FC does not appoint an admin FC
WTF is and admin FC? Does he file your paperwork? Nerd.

6) A fail FC does not sort his fleet before leaving to actually roam
Sounds like you fly with bad pilots tbh.

7) A fail FC does not repeat his orders

Yeah, some guy repeating a primary 30 times is just awesome.

9) A fail FC forgets people are fleeting up to be entertained

You want entertainment? Watch a ******* movie. We're here to **** nerds.

11) A fail FC warps his fleets to planets as safe spots
Yes, because you're going to have premade safes in every system ever. Nerd.

15) A fail FC leaves his fleet stranded but he himself gets out
This is a perk of the job.

18) A fail FC lets half a fleet sit on a dangerous warp in while the other half goes after a lone target

Heaven forbid you split your ****** blob up for a minute.

19) A fail FC is someone that has never flown with the (majority of) pilots he fleeted with

A good FC can run a fleet of complete strangers. Nerd.

Bolsterbomb is a tard or a horrible FC. Or both.

says the amarian FW pilot...we know how much you guys rock Roll

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Total Newbie
State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-06-19 20:05:49 UTC
Cat Casidy wrote:
You forgot not accepting people into fleet who's bio clearly says " this is cat casidy's alt" with the cat casidy part being a link.

edit- oh hi Raven, you guys get your numbers back up yet?

Confirming. I shoot Cat Cassidy's alt for LP
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#18 - 2012-06-19 20:05:53 UTC
You all make fleets extremely boring (except chatgris).
Tanaka Sekigahara
United Space Marine Corp
#19 - 2012-06-19 20:10:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanaka Sekigahara
chatgris wrote:
BolsterBomb wrote:
Fail Fleet Commanders – How To Recognize

1) A fail FC does not allocate a minimum of 2 scouts One rear scout, one forward scout
2) A fail FC scouts with his alt
3) A fail FC takes a “casual” fleet through the main pipes

I mostly agree, except for these first 3.

1) If you're a fast moving gang, you don't really need a rear scout. In fact if you are fast burning you won't be all fleet jumping so you have a rear scout by default. I find if you get too hung up on a rear and forward scout, you can move too slowly (it really depends on the type of your fleet: armor BS gang? Yeah, you want scouts. Fast nano gang and you're chasing something/trying to get somewhere? BURN BURN BURN and if it's there get a ceptor to keep ahead of you)

2) I don't really see the issue here?

3) The main pipes are where the targets are, why *wouldn't* you take a casual fleet there? I take casual fleets to where the targets are, which is usually the main pipe.

The first rule of FC'ing is, never be your own scout. It may be fun for you, but your focus is then on scouting, and not commanding the fleet. Either that or that is an FC that doesnt have the concentration to to absorb the intel he gets from his scouts.

If you are an FC your focus should be on commanding the fleet, not scouting.

A general does not do the reconossance. If he does he isnt a commander, he is a yahoo with some guys following him to get on KMs after he gets the tackle. That's not an FC
Caldari State
#20 - 2012-06-19 20:15:29 UTC
Tanaka Sekigahara wrote:

A general does not do the reconossance. If he does he isnt a commander, he is a yahoo with some guys following him to get on KMs after he gets the tackle. That's not an FC

Holy cow I think I found something from Tanaka that might go in my bio

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

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