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People vs Tibus Heth: a note to capsuleer Caldari corporations.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-06-14 08:34:54 UTC
Since YC110 many new capsuleers of Caldari origin have denied to support cause of Tibus Heth. The reason of this, unfortunately, is not simple disloyalty or libertinism, and can pose a serious threat to corporations, that hire them or allow them to take leading or crucial positions.

Let's look first at the Caldari society and what happened after YC110. With the new meritocratic system it became much easier for a common worker to get a promotion. The only thing needed is adequate competency. Instead of rear-end licking for bureaucratic and democratic systems, you need to work hard and demonstrate your actual qualities, related to your current and desired positions. Everyone work harder. Managers become more competent. Corporations grow in strength. Every employee from the bottom to the top of corporate ladder gain more profit and their families become more wealthy. All of this is backed up with an elevated patriotic mood, caused by return of Caldari Prime. And everything good happened to the State in the last years can be associated with the name of Tibus Heth. As you can see, everyone in the State became more wealthy and happy. Well, almost everyone.

So, who are those, that left behind everyone's profit? They are old managers and siblings of high-ranked managers, who were denied good position because of lack of their skills. Being demoted or expelled completely from corporate ladder, they might feel themselves humiliated, and not being able to work amongst "lower-class" employees from their point of view. Enlisting themselves as capsuleers seems like a viable way of escaping situation to explore new area for profiteering. And thus you can expect much greater percentage of incapable Caldari capsuleers, who received their license after YC110.

For a capsuleer corporation HR manager it is very easy to detect them, by asking simple question: whether they support CPD or not. They will probably never tell you about their demotion, but will definitely show lack of support for Tibus Heth, unlike any successfull Caldari employee, who would praise him instead. Unfortunately, this won't work for capsuleers, that got their licenses prior to YC110, since they may have other reasons, like being relative to one of these peoples, who lost their positions, or just being away from home for too long.

If you won't recognize these capsuleers earlier, their lack of skills can turn against your corporation. Should they take any leading role, they will make your corporation in best case less effective, and in worst case will lead to stagnation or bankruptcy!

Stay vigilant,
and may you find profits.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-06-14 09:30:54 UTC
What a fantastically gross generalization.

More aptly, it may be a concern when a member of Caldari society simply refutes Heth's successes - of which there are many, but is it not understandable if somebody does not wish to support the man due to a simple dispute of policies?

Otherwise, very astute write-up. A shame that it is sullied by succinct bias.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Dilaro thagriin
#3 - 2012-06-14 10:44:38 UTC
Or... and this might just blow your mind here Kim....
Perhaps the 'elite' of caldari spacefarers actually see the CPD for what it is?

Having grown up on a slave farm, I happen to recognise organised thought control attempts, as well as the obvious stongarm tactics used to silence voices that do not follow the current leadership.

I see your state travelling down a path that will not end well. Still, I know you won't listen. perhaps others will though.
Anja Suorsa
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-06-14 11:09:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Anja Suorsa
Diana Kim wrote:
Since YC110 many new capsuleers of Caldari origin have denied to support cause of Tibus Heth. The reason of this, unfortunately, is not simple disloyalty or libertinism, and can pose a serious threat to corporations, that hire them or allow them to take leading or crucial positions.

Let's look first at the Caldari society and what happened after YC110. With the new meritocratic system it became much easier for a common worker to get a promotion. The only thing needed is adequate competency. Instead of rear-end licking for bureaucratic and democratic systems, you need to work hard and demonstrate your actual qualities, related to your current and desired positions. Everyone work harder. Managers become more competent. Corporations grow in strength. Every employee from the bottom to the top of corporate ladder gain more profit and their families become more wealthy. All of this is backed up with an elevated patriotic mood, caused by return of Caldari Prime. And everything good happened to the State in the last years can be associated with the name of Tibus Heth. As you can see, everyone in the State became more wealthy and happy. Well, almost everyone.

I will not address your view on the Meritocracy at large; because I believe it is accurate. There is however one part I feel needs correcting. Merit does not equal skill. In the Meritocracy people are promoted on Merit; Work ethic, leadership and, yes, skill. With that minor nitpicking done, I will move on to the rest of your post.

Diana Kim wrote:
So, who are those, that left behind everyone's profit? They are old managers and siblings of high-ranked managers, who were denied good position because of lack of their skills. Being demoted or expelled completely from corporate ladder, they might feel themselves humiliated, and not being able to work amongst "lower-class" employees from their point of view. Enlisting themselves as capsuleers seems like a viable way of escaping situation to explore new area for profiteering. And thus you can expect much greater percentage of incapable Caldari capsuleers, who received their license after YC110.

For a capsuleer corporation HR manager it is very easy to detect them, by asking simple question: whether they support CPD or not. They will probably never tell you about their demotion, but will definitely show lack of support for Tibus Heth, unlike any successfull Caldari employee, who would praise him instead. Unfortunately, this won't work for capsuleers, that got their licenses prior to YC110, since they may have other reasons, like being relative to one of these peoples, who lost their positions, or just being away from home for too long.

If you won't recognize these capsuleers earlier, their lack of skills can turn against your corporation. Should they take any leading role, they will make your corporation in best case less effective, and in worst case will lead to stagnation or bankruptcy!

Stay vigilant,
and may you find profits.

Enlisting as a capsuleer? Perhaps you are not aware of the genetic compatibility required to become a capsuleer? Becoming a capsuleer is not an escape from incompetence in the work place either. Nor does this mean all capsuleers will be the most competent individuals in the galaxy. They are created by chance, the chance that they were born with the correct genes. It’s what allows the myriad of differing characters we see in space: Pirates, Preachers, Soldiers, Industrialists, Altruists and so on. This is what we have, not endless ranks of Diana Kim clones.

To the meat of the matter; having a difference of opinion with the current head of the CPD does not a traitor make. There are actions and policies of Heth that I personally agree with and many that I do not. All people are different, even in our society. The difference of opinion and perspective strengthens us as long as we pull in the same direction. I see things that you will not, for example, because of our difference of opinion/perspective and others will see yet more that I will not. This is, for the largest part, why it has not strengthened us to date. There are many groups pulling in separate directions. You are as guilty as any other of this.

Finally, there are many thinly veiled insults in your rant. I suggest if you wish to insult others of the State you at least have the decency to do it directly.
Blue Canary
Watch This
#5 - 2012-06-14 12:00:25 UTC
Miss Kim,

Your well trained repetitions of the merits Heth has brought upon the State are correct. Your conclusion, however, isn't and serves only as a thinly veiled insult. Well, barely, since you've apparently went for the old family tradition of excelling at primitiviteness.

It might be a surprise for you, but there are people out there that can see both the merits and demerits of Heth's actions. We have regained control of our homeland but are locked in a war of attrition. Our meritocratic ideals have been restored but we're facing internal turmoil, not just because of inquisitive blueshirts ready to see treason at every opportunity, but also on the megacorporate level where Heth is doing his best to single out an important part of our State and society. We've found new patriotic feelings, but we've also found dangerous racism, inspired by Heth. The federation was never loved, gallenteans were often disliked, but thank the man for turning a political and cultural disapproval into primitive despite.

It is only a matter of time until more and more people understand that Heth is not an unambiguous figure, until the CEP regains its self-confidence and starts to act for the benefit of all the megacorporations and therefore all the caldari again.

Hopefully this will happen before Heth turns more and more of his undoubted successes into ashes.

Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise.

Kerri Knight
Ishukone Prosperity Exchange
#6 - 2012-06-14 12:13:41 UTC
My concerns with Heth-Haan have little to do with his record of successes and failures, an issue that could be debated vigorously in its own right. Largely they revolve around the political machine he has erected over the past few years that stand in stark contrast to the Caldari way. It has been my understanding that duty to family and corporation always prompted our greatest attributes to show themselves far more than nationalistic fervor or a misguided sense of ethnic superiority. The Waschi Uprising would be among the most stark examples of how such attitudes often result in a blight upon our cultural memory.

Prior to the rise in power of the Provists, the power rested mostly in corporate governance. Only the most vital functions were organized into central bodies with their authority limited and overseen by representatives of the megacorps. The CEP was their way of ensuring power arose from the participants to the State. Through their input they could maintain control of the Business Tribunal, Navy and other institutions. The situation as it now exists is entirely backwards, the CPD has for all purposes deposed the CEP and dictates policy to the boards and officers with no oversight.

Whereas before, the various blocs were varied in their approaches to policy and free to pursue them as long as they did not run afoul of statutory principles or infringe on the sovereignty of another corporation, we are beginning to see signs of truly divisive ideology forming. Throughout history this pattern has repeated itself, wherein the call for uniformity -backed by coercive threats- has resulted only in greater disharmony and the fracturing of what was otherwise a functional society, a cooperative union of otherwise independent beliefs. The spirited debate of rivals and freedom to let innovate concepts be proven in the marketplace of ideas, to let them succeed of fail in the real world as the true test of merit, were what made us strong.

To close off entire ways of operating, to label any dissent, criticism or independent thought as a threat or sign of weakness or unworthiness will prove counter-productive over time. Those who wish to let their ideas see the true proving ground of implementation, be it successful of not, will simply be forced to do so outside of the CPD's influence, which is to say, outside of the State. Those ideas which do prove superior will then belong to others to be wielded against us and our then obsolete manners of operation. Demanding such absolute uniformity of thought as Heth and his Provists demand serves only the interests of a few for the sake of nothing more than protecting a few fragile egos.

Should things continue as they are, I forsee the Liberal bloc continuing its distancing from the State (as it now exists) until they are so entirely severed as to demand a response to extract compliance through force, which will itself finalize their complete division from the whole. Now I am careful to note, the distance growing is with the governing structure and not the Caldari people, meaning this could well lead to a situation where secession or civil war occurs. Either outcome would be detrimental to our society and you can certainly expect the Federation will happily take advantage of the resulting chaos.

I expect the situation will only continue to grow worse as long as the CPD remains in a position of strength over the CEP. Centralized power is simply not compatible with our way of life, which has always been far more of a confederacy of partners who had to prove their legitimacy in quantifiable, tangible ways rather than who's soaring, jingoistic rhetoric played best upon the baser emotions.

[u]Kerri Knight[/u] Communications Director Ishukone Prosperity Exchange "Cooperation is the greater path than conflict"

Jutashi Igunen
#7 - 2012-06-14 12:22:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Jutashi Igunen
Anja & Desiderya & Kerri:
Your words are harmful to well being of the State and the Caldari people. Through unity there is strength, and only through unity did the Caldari people prevail over their Gallente oppressors 200 years ago. We are again fighting the Gallentes and you would bring division and discord to the Caldaris? Tibus Heth is the unity of the State and you undermine his actions and deeds with your Gallente nonsense questioning Heth. You should both be ashamed to call yourselves Caldaris.

200 years ago the Maker saw fit to unify the Caldaris under the banner of war. We must remain unified now more then ever.
Malcolm Khross
#8 - 2012-06-14 12:28:48 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Since YC110 many new capsuleers of Caldari origin have denied to support cause of Tibus Heth. The reason of this, unfortunately, is not simple disloyalty or libertinism, and can pose a serious threat to corporations, that hire them or allow them to take leading or crucial positions.

Let's look first at the Caldari society and what happened after YC110. With the new meritocratic system it became much easier for a common worker to get a promotion. The only thing needed is adequate competency. Instead of rear-end licking for bureaucratic and democratic systems, you need to work hard and demonstrate your actual qualities, related to your current and desired positions. Everyone work harder. Managers become more competent. Corporations grow in strength. Every employee from the bottom to the top of corporate ladder gain more profit and their families become more wealthy. All of this is backed up with an elevated patriotic mood, caused by return of Caldari Prime. And everything good happened to the State in the last years can be associated with the name of Tibus Heth. As you can see, everyone in the State became more wealthy and happy. Well, almost everyone.

This is not a new meritocratic system, it is the original meritocracy that was part of Caldari society since the time of the Raata Empire, when the Philosophy of Heiian governed the community and each person gave to the whole so that the whole, in turn, gave to the person. When everyone strives to commit themselves to the good of the community, then everyone in the community benefits. Heth did not create this system, he restored it and it should be to his credit that he has done so.

Diana Kim wrote:
So, who are those, that left behind everyone's profit? They are old managers and siblings of high-ranked managers, who were denied good position because of lack of their skills. Being demoted or expelled completely from corporate ladder, they might feel themselves humiliated, and not being able to work amongst "lower-class" employees from their point of view. Enlisting themselves as capsuleers seems like a viable way of escaping situation to explore new area for profiteering. And thus you can expect much greater percentage of incapable Caldari capsuleers, who received their license after YC110.

Actually, historically speaking, the reason for many deposed would-be corporate officials and administrators is because we had allowed ourselves to become an aristocracy instead of a meritocracy, in which birth and family influence had more sway on your position than your own merit or contribution. The people who lost the most when the meritocratic system was restored were those officials who had not earned their position through merit and commitment but through birth and circumstance.

Most of these individuals did not become capsuleers because capsuleers must have a compatible biography and gene structure, which places us in the extreme minority of persons in this cluster.

Diana Kim wrote:
For a capsuleer corporation HR manager it is very easy to detect them, by asking simple question: whether they support CPD or not. They will probably never tell you about their demotion, but will definitely show lack of support for Tibus Heth, unlike any successfull Caldari employee, who would praise him instead. Unfortunately, this won't work for capsuleers, that got their licenses prior to YC110, since they may have other reasons, like being relative to one of these peoples, who lost their positions, or just being away from home for too long.

Whether or not an individual supports the CPD has nothing to do with their merit, capability or competence. It only demonstrates their mindset regarding the CPD and Tibus Heth. I have met capable and competent pilots on both sides of the issue. Also, it might surprise you to discover that many "successful" Caldari have differing viewpoints regarding Heth and the CPD.

Diana Kim wrote:
If you won't recognize these capsuleers earlier, their lack of skills can turn against your corporation. Should they take any leading role, they will make your corporation in best case less effective, and in worst case will lead to stagnation or bankruptcy!

Stay vigilant,
and may you find profits.

The criteria you are basing a pilot's merit on is a fallacy. You are speaking to an individual's loyalties and opinions, not their merits. That you consider the two inseparable is a perfect example of exactly the mindset that Tibus Heth and the CPD are seeking to establish.

~Malcolm Khross

Kerri Knight
Ishukone Prosperity Exchange
#9 - 2012-06-14 12:32:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Kerri Knight
Kerri Knight wrote:
to label any dissent, criticism or independent thought as a threat or sign of weakness

Jutashi Igunen wrote:
Anja & Desiderya & Kerri:
Your words are harmful to well being of the State and the Caldari people. Through unity there is strength, and only through unity did the Caldari people prevail over their Gallente oppressors 200 years ago. We are again fighting the Gallentes and you would bring division and discord to the Caldaris? Tibus Heth is the unity of the State and you undermine his actions and deeds with your Gallente nonsense questioning Heth. You should both be ashamed to call yourselves Caldaris.

200 years ago the Maker saw fit to unify the Caldaris under the banner of war. We must remain unified now more then ever.

Thank you for providing such a succinct example of what I was referring to, this is quite helpful in illustrating the very point I was making. I very much appreciate your assistance in this matter.

Malcolm Khross wrote:
The criteria you are basing a pilot's merit on is a fallacy. You are speaking to an individual's loyalties and opinions, not their merits. That you consider the two inseparable is a perfect example of exactly the mindset that Tibus Heth and the CPD are seeking to establish.

A very apt point, it is strange to find someone who praises the concept of meritocracy simultaneously declaring that one's capacity to blindly conform without question forms the basis of said merit. We are most certainly not best served by a system in which sycophants and boot-licking "yes-men" are installed into all of the highest positions of authority. All policy matters should be forced through a rigorous system of critical review and comparison until the most appropriate course of action emerges.

[u]Kerri Knight[/u] Communications Director Ishukone Prosperity Exchange "Cooperation is the greater path than conflict"

Malcolm Khross
#10 - 2012-06-14 12:53:05 UTC
Jutashi Igunen wrote:
Anja & Desiderya & Kerri:
Your words are harmful to well being of the State and the Caldari people. Through unity there is strength, and only through unity did the Caldari people prevail over their Gallente oppressors 200 years ago. We are again fighting the Gallentes and you would bring division and discord to the Caldaris?

The Caldari people survived for centuries on a harsh and unforgiving planet, I doubt words are a danger to us. What we need to realize is how we survived under such conditions. We survived by understanding that service to the whole community strengthens each part of that community. By sacrificing our selfishness and committing to serve one another, we build up the strength of the whole. In this way, there is strength in unity.

Currently, the Caldari are not united. The CPD has directed the industrial bloc of the corporations toward funding and supplying a war against the Gallente. This form of totalitarian control is a mockery of the Caldari people, it is a direct violation of the principles that governed our spirit of community in times past. The Philosophy of Heiian runs strong through the children of the Raata, the spirit of commitment to one another, not the spirit of submission to totalitarian control.

Commitment to the Caldari people and to the State requires us to understand the principles that define us as people, the principles that our ancestors embodied. Honor, integrity, character, perseverance, commitment, duty, sacrifice. These are not borne of Tibus Heth, these burn in the hearts of all Caldari and we are strengthened when we embody them in service to one another. Prejudice, hatred and submission to iron-handed authority are borne of Heth.

Jutashi Igunen wrote:
Tibus Heth is the unity of the State and you undermine his actions and deeds with your Gallente nonsense questioning Heth. You should both be ashamed to call yourselves Caldaris.

Since when is it non-Caldari to question? Since when is it shameful to evaluate whom we are and where our actions are leading us? I urge you to consider the history of the Raata Empire and the events leading up to Tibus Heth's political takeover before you brand anyone who can recognize both his merits and his demerits as shameful.

~Malcolm Khross

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#11 - 2012-06-14 13:30:24 UTC
Jutashi Igunen wrote:
Anja & Desiderya & Kerri:
Your words are harmful to well being of the State and the Caldari people. Through unity there is strength, and only through unity did the Caldari people prevail over their Gallente oppressors 200 years ago. We are again fighting the Gallentes and you would bring division and discord to the Caldaris? Tibus Heth is the unity of the State and you undermine his actions and deeds with your Gallente nonsense questioning Heth. You should both be ashamed to call yourselves Caldaris.

200 years ago the Maker saw fit to unify the Caldaris under the banner of war. We must remain unified now more then ever.

You, sir, do not know what unity means.
Jutashi Igunen
#12 - 2012-06-14 13:46:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Jutashi Igunen
Malcolm Khross wrote:

The Caldari people survived for centuries on a harsh and unforgiving planet, I doubt words are a danger to us. What we need to realize is how we survived under such conditions. We survived by understanding that service to the whole community strengthens each part of that community. By sacrificing our selfishness and committing to serve one another, we build up the strength of the whole. In this way, there is strength in unity.

Currently, the Caldari are not united. The CPD has directed the industrial bloc of the corporations toward funding and supplying a war against the Gallente. This form of totalitarian control is a mockery of the Caldari people, it is a direct violation of the principles that governed our spirit of community in times past. The Philosophy of Heiian runs strong through the children of the Raata, the spirit of commitment to one another, not the spirit of submission to totalitarian control.

Commitment to the Caldari people and to the State requires us to understand the principles that define us as people, the principles that our ancestors embodied. Honor, integrity, character, perseverance, commitment, duty, sacrifice. These are not borne of Tibus Heth, these burn in the hearts of all Caldari and we are strengthened when we embody them in service to one another. Prejudice, hatred and submission to iron-handed authority are borne of Heth.

Jutashi Igunen wrote:
Tibus Heth is the unity of the State and you undermine his actions and deeds with your Gallente nonsense questioning Heth. You should both be ashamed to call yourselves Caldaris.

Since when is it non-Caldari to question? Since when is it shameful to evaluate whom we are and where our actions are leading us? I urge you to consider the history of the Raata Empire and the events leading up to Tibus Heth's political takeover before you brand anyone who can recognize both his merits and his demerits as shameful.

Words, words, words, words. Please stop jerking it to 'Heiian', 'Honor' and 'Raata Spirit'. I can wait.

Done? okay, none of what you say is any more then the hollow words of a self jerking dullard. First point makes no sense; the Caldari are united, the CPD have directed unified industry to the war effort through proper contracts and agreements with megacorporations. This is not totalitarianism, and it is definition of unity. It is 'spirit of community', all corps are working together towards a common goal, Heiian calls for shared service and sacrifice. This is what working together to make things is about.

You are militia, your non-capsuleer friends in the militia are flying in ships made by this industry, you are asking them to fight with nothing more then sticks against the Gallentes if you want to abolish war time industry plans. You show no commitment, integrity or honor by wanting them to die because you do not want them to have good weapons. It seems you do not want to sacrifice your pig head opinions for greater good but want to see others sacrifice their lives for your opinions.

Children of Raata? Yes, the Raata Empire existed long ago, it was an Empire, its people submitted to higher authority by definition. Authority gained by the sword and given to one man. Authority to Tibus Heth is literally in line with 'Spirit of Raata'.

Please do not make a mess if you reply. Thank you.
Malcolm Khross
#13 - 2012-06-14 14:14:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcolm Khross
Jutashi Igunen wrote:

Done? okay, none of what you say is any more then the hollow words of a self jerking dullard. First point makes no sense; the Caldari are united, the CPD have directed unified industry to the war effort through proper contracts and agreements with megacorporations.

You speak of unified industry, not of unity. There is a difference, my friend.

Jutashi Igunen wrote:
This is not totalitarianism, and it is definition of unity. It is 'spirit of community', all corps are working together towards a common goal, Heiian calls for shared service and sacrifice. This is what working together to make things is about.

The definition of unity is being one in spirit and goal. The Caldari people, as you can clearly see, are not. We are divided because we are not being governed as communities united by philosophy and merit, with a governor from each community sitting on a council to consider things that affect the State as a whole. We are being herded like sheep to the will of one man and his controlling regime, enforced by the Provists and the CPD.

Heiian calls for laying aside the self for the needs of the community. It is a philosophy that represents unforced, unregulated sacrifice in the service of your countrymen. The CPD is neither unforced nor unregulated.

Jutashi Igunen wrote:
You are militia, your non-capsuleer friends in the militia are flying in ships made by this industry, you are asking them to fight with nothing more then sticks against the Gallentes if you want to abolish war time industry plans.

Strange, I don't recall indicating a desire to abolish any industry plans. Nor do I recall any indication whatsoever that industry would cease if the CPD were annulled. In fact, I would suggest that the annulment of the CPD would not hamper industry in any way, the needs of the Caldari people will continue to drive industry in the direction(s) it needs to go.

Jutashi Igunen wrote:
You show no commitment, integrity or honor by wanting them to die because you do not want them to have good weapons. It seems you do not want to sacrifice your pig head opinions for greater good but want to see others sacrifice their lives for your opinions.

Again, I don't recall ever indicating that I wished for anyone to die. Nor do I recall trying to deny weaponry to soldiers. You are again demonstrating this mindset that without Tibus Heth's directorate the Caldari would flounder without purpose or direction. I say to you that our history speaks to the contrary.

Jutashi Igunen wrote:
Children of Raata? Yes, the Raata Empire existed long ago, it was an Empire, its people submitted to higher authority by definition. Authority gained by the sword and given to one man. Authority to Tibus Heth is literally in line with 'Spirit of Raata'.

Please do not make a mess if you reply. Thank you.

It seems you need to brush up on your history. The Raata Empire was an Empire in name, not in practice. It was, in fact, ruled by governors (leaders over other empires that merged to create the Raata) spread throughout the habitable patches of land on Caldari Prime. Each governor representing a particular group of people and communally working to govern the Caldari people as a whole. It was in this model that the original meritocracy of the State, in which the most powerful corporations govern over areas of the State and sit upon the Chief Executive Panel to govern the entire State collectively, was formed.

~Malcolm Khross

Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#14 - 2012-06-14 14:43:14 UTC
Malcolm Khross wrote:
... wise words ...

It is a shame that I only have one like to give. You defend us better than most, Khross-haan
Wiyrkomi Honor Guard
#15 - 2012-06-14 15:02:33 UTC
This State is not one man. No one man leads or represents all of it, whatever his qualifications or merit.

Jutashi Igunen wrote:
Anja & Desiderya & Kerri:
Your words are harmful to well being of the State and the Caldari people. Through unity there is strength, and only through unity did the Caldari people prevail over their Gallente oppressors 200 years ago. We are again fighting the Gallentes and you would bring division and discord to the Caldaris?

[emphasis added]

So, how is the fight going over in SAK?

Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#16 - 2012-06-14 15:14:38 UTC
Jutashi Igunen wrote:
Through unity there is strength

The rest of your post aside, you might want to rephrase that.

The last time that line was blared proudly across the IGS, it heralded the resurgence of the Sansha.

Not something you may wish your views to be associated with.

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2012-06-14 15:25:29 UTC
Jutashi Igunen wrote:
Anja & Desiderya & Kerri:
Your words are harmful to well being of the State and the Caldari people. Through unity there is strength, and only through unity did the Caldari people prevail over their Gallente oppressors 200 years ago. We are again fighting the Gallentes and you would bring division and discord to the Caldaris? Tibus Heth is the unity of the State and you undermine his actions and deeds with your Gallente nonsense questioning Heth. You should both be ashamed to call yourselves Caldaris.

200 years ago the Maker saw fit to unify the Caldaris under the banner of war. We must remain unified now more then ever.

You know, I make it a point to try and keep clear of matters so closely related to the conflict between the Caldari and the Gallente, but something needs to be said here about this notion that Heth is some sort of symbol of unity for the State.

There are many sorts of unity, and many sorts of strength, and yes the former does breed a sort of the latter. However it is foolish to denounce and dismiss those who disagree with Heth as harmful to the State simply for disagreeing with Heth. It seems to me that arguably the greatest hero of the State was a man that acted beyond the direct control of his government. I'm speaking of the Admiral Tovil-Toba. Most accounts detailing his last command use the phrase "took it upon himself" when speaking of his decision to take his small fleet into action. To me that suggests the Admiral acted without the consent or control of his superiors during the last campaign for which he is revered. Indeed, one could say Admiral Tovil-Toba was behaving in the same vein as some of the capsuleers today that act in contravention to Heth's policies, or rather the dissenting capsuleers of today are acting in the same vein as the Admiral.

You say those that disagree with Heth should be ashamed to call themselves Caldari. I say it is those that jump to action for the State rather than Heth's governance of the State are the ones that can most proudly proclaim themselves to be Caldari.
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#18 - 2012-06-14 16:00:48 UTC
We have always been a nation both united and divided, to my understanding. We come to consensus and then pull, together, as a team. It isn't unity that drives us, though. It's our love for one another. Our leaders watch out for us from their high positions, seeing things that we can't. Our workers pull, and together form the body of our State. But we have never, ever, relied on our leaders for sole direction. Should one of us - any of us - encounter a danger, or an opportunity, it is our responsibility to cry it out, ere the wolves descend on us all in the cold night. In this way we are all family.

I think that this is the core of being Caldari, of Heiian. It's not blind loyalty to our leaders. It's heartfelt, unbending devotion to one another, to our home. It is a willingness to do what must be done, as the revered Admiral once did, and as we all do silently, every day. Our leaders must feel this as well, or we will be led astray.

Malcolm Khross
#19 - 2012-06-14 16:04:27 UTC
Scherezad wrote:
We have always been a nation both united and divided, to my understanding. We come to consensus and then pull, together, as a team. It isn't unity that drives us, though. It's our love for one another. Our leaders watch out for us from their high positions, seeing things that we can't. Our workers pull, and together form the body of our State. But we have never, ever, relied on our leaders for sole direction. Should one of us - any of us - encounter a danger, or an opportunity, it is our responsibility to cry it out, ere the wolves descend on us all in the cold night. In this way we are all family.

I think that this is the core of being Caldari, of Heiian. It's not blind loyalty to our leaders. It's heartfelt, unbending devotion to one another, to our home. It is a willingness to do what must be done, as the revered Admiral once did, and as we all do silently, every day. Our leaders must feel this as well, or we will be led astray.

You have a talent for artistry that I lack. This is precisely the heart and soul of the Caldari that I have been trying to explain.

~Malcolm Khross

Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#20 - 2012-06-14 17:31:16 UTC
It sounds like to me that people are looking for unity, as long as it is under their own unity and conditions. Which is fine, but what is stunning is that they actually complain that the rest of the people they try to enforce their unity on seem to disagree somehow.

However, nobody will make me believe that just because a man and his provists rose to power that everyone's protocols, procedures and traditionnal employment suddenly changed to fit that man's ideals. I am pretty sure that the Caldari re-discovered meritocracy to magnify it to a point where it became one of the pillars of their ideals again, but I will never believe that everything suddenly changed accordingly to this. I am convinced that most employers and Caldari executives still continue to live more or less the same way they did several years ago. This kind of change does not come true in one night. And it would also be useful to remind that the Caldari State was already seen as a meritocratic model before, even if not on the same scale as of now.
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