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Crime & Punishment

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The Goons are at it again...

Kyle Ward
#201 - 2012-07-13 18:59:11 UTC
CorInaXeraL wrote:
Mine Lady wrote:

So far 98 ships seeking to ambush and destroy mining ships have been eliminated by my rapidly growing fleet, and more will come.

A whole 98! You're on a roll. Don't stop now! You might actually make a dent in CONCORD's at 660 kills this month alone. Even if only half of those are suicide're a bit behind.

Not that I'm taking sides with anyone, stopping ~30% of ALL highsec ganks? That's kinda impressive...

The Sandbox, you're playing it wrong!

Pipa Porto
#202 - 2012-07-13 19:21:12 UTC
Kyle Ward wrote:
CorInaXeraL wrote:
Mine Lady wrote:

So far 98 ships seeking to ambush and destroy mining ships have been eliminated by my rapidly growing fleet, and more will come.

A whole 98! You're on a roll. Don't stop now! You might actually make a dent in CONCORD's at 660 kills this month alone. Even if only half of those are suicide're a bit behind.

Not that I'm taking sides with anyone, stopping ~30% of ALL highsec ganks? That's kinda impressive...

Most KBs don't scrape kills with only NPCs on them.

Either way, I suspect that most of the 98 kills (if they exist) are killmails that were generated because someone shot at someone who already went GCC. I kind of doubt they suicide ganked a bunch of destroyers.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone
