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Crime & Punishment

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The Goons are at it again...

Zanza Mechonis
What is tax
#181 - 2012-07-02 20:14:33 UTC
Cameron Cahill wrote:
Mine Lady wrote:

I've made billions of ISKs in this game and it's time someone sent a clear message to the goons and their lame lackeys. It's time I hit the goons financially where it will hurt them, and I can do this effectively to the point where they most likely will call off their lame attack on us honest miners. One thing I have learned from playing EVE is that everyone can be bought for the right price. The Goons won't be amused with the fleet I'm putting together right now as I type this that will show up at their headquarters with the sole purpose of wiping them out.

You pvp freaks make me want to vomit.

Please please please bring such a fleet to vfk.

No really please do it. After all how could we ever compete with you're billions of isk of funding? I mean all we have is over a trillion isk per month income from tech alone and a twenty thousand man coalition....

Will someone fraps and copypaste the tears? :D

"On the internet you can be anything you want... It's strange that many people choose to be stupid."

Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#182 - 2012-07-02 21:03:07 UTC
InternetSpaceship wrote:
This seems like the place.
I just got contracted to drop some mobile warp disruptors at the "gate to the hell spawned Goonswarm so they can suck it"
Now normally I try and avoid involving myself in the affairs of others (sadly it sank my political career) but they paid enough to plex my account so I can't complain much.

The only problem is that they gave neither a location or date so I need the help of a Goonswarm member to get this sorted out.
Thank you

Also when you guys gonna burn Jita again?
I wan to join in on the fun.

VFK would be the ideal place, as well as any gates leading to it. When is up to whoever hired you, I guess. Mobile warp disruptors will surely cripple us beyond salvation. No one has ever thought of trying that against us ever.

Are you the game-breaking force Mine Lady has mustered against us? Will you rock the future of Eve-Online? I really want to try out and inevitably lose my new pvp fitted T2 Drake, but Mine Lady has been blue-balling us for weeks now.

Hopefully we Burn Jita again soon, but I don't really know if there are any plans for it.

No I was put up to it by some random in Jita local, a Murmandimus Tune
I am quite tempted to just drop the stuff at your door step all gift wrapped given that I find this a matter most unbecoming.
That and the lack of a signed contract leaves me quite free in the dealings.
Would you like them in a can at the gate or contracted directly?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#183 - 2012-07-02 23:32:53 UTC  |  Edited by: InternetSpaceship
InternetSpaceship wrote:
This seems like the place.
I just got contracted to drop some mobile warp disruptors at the "gate to the hell spawned Goonswarm so they can suck it"
Now normally I try and avoid involving myself in the affairs of others (sadly it sank my political career) but they paid enough to plex my account so I can't complain much.

The only problem is that they gave neither a location or date so I need the help of a Goonswarm member to get this sorted out.
Thank you

Also when you guys gonna burn Jita again?
I wan to join in on the fun.

VFK would be the ideal place, as well as any gates leading to it. When is up to whoever hired you, I guess. Mobile warp disruptors will surely cripple us beyond salvation. No one has ever thought of trying that against us ever.

Are you the game-breaking force Mine Lady has mustered against us? Will you rock the future of Eve-Online? I really want to try out and inevitably lose my new pvp fitted T2 Drake, but Mine Lady has been blue-balling us for weeks now.

Hopefully we Burn Jita again soon, but I don't really know if there are any plans for it.

No I was put up to it by some random in Jita local, a Murmandimus Tune
I am quite tempted to just drop the stuff at your door step all gift wrapped given that I find this a matter most unbecoming.
That and the lack of a signed contract leaves me quite free in the dealings.
Would you like them in a can at the gate or contracted directly?

If you contract them to me along with the name of who hired you, I promise payment in the form of posting tears here, or anywhere you specify.

Edit: ah you did post the name.

Official Recruiter for GoonSwarm Corporation.

If you paid isk to get into GoonSwarm, you were probably scammed.  If you had the foresight to save the name of your scammer, let me know and I'll do what I can to help you.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#184 - 2012-07-04 01:53:12 UTC
Mine Lady, where is your game-breaking alliance? A huge number of us are currently in Delve, there is probably no better time to strike. VFK-IV, Deklein.

Are you just having trouble finding it? If you're really having trouble finding it, set your autopilot. It will map out an accurate, if not inefficient route to find us.

Also, where is that list of the alliances you've brought down in the past?

Official Recruiter for GoonSwarm Corporation.

If you paid isk to get into GoonSwarm, you were probably scammed.  If you had the foresight to save the name of your scammer, let me know and I'll do what I can to help you.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#185 - 2012-07-04 21:52:20 UTC
Man i literally fell off my chair laughing at the CAREBEAR RETRIBUTION posts I've read. Really, the funniest thing I've read on the forums lately, apart from the hulkageddon victims tears. Man, this topic is great, can't wait for another of those posts by the hulk avenger. Even though I'm pretty sure it's a trolling alt, it's still pretty good, 9/10.
Big Bair
#186 - 2012-07-04 22:40:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Big Bair
I believe that after the Faction Warfare debacle that CCP has showed their true colors when it comes to the Goons. That is, they can do whatever they f*** they want and get no punishments for it. Hell, they even got rewarded with PLEX for breaking the FW markets.

So let's tally that up:

-Goons exploit game mechanic
-CCP Hot fixes to keep it from continuing
-Goons work around hot fix, continue to exploit FW to the sum of 5 trillion in 2 weeks or so
-Stupid Goon leaks information about said exploit
-Stupid Goon now posts a short story in the forums
-Stupid Goon then reports the exploit
-CCP spends countless hours investigating and reverting the complete crap storm that this has caused with FW/economy
-CCP issues statement declaring it is an exploit
-CCP reverts the players involved removing assets and LP gained from exploit
-CCP gives back any items/isk used to cause said exploit
-CCP thanks Goons by giving them PLEX.
-Other Eve players ask wtf is going on and how they didn't get banned, or at least get negative wallets from exploiting game mechanic
-Goons pat CCP on the head saying *that'll do pig, that'll do."

Hopefully with BoB coming back to Eve they can bend Goons over and have their way with them. Goons and CFC are terrible at battle unless they outnumber the opponents by a vast majority.

It will be interesting to see how things play out now, but just keep in mind that CCP will always have Goons back when it comes to them stepping over any line or getting their backs against a wall.
Pipa Porto
#187 - 2012-07-04 23:03:35 UTC
Big Bair wrote:
I believe that after the Faction Warfare debacle that CCP has showed their true colors when it comes to the Goons. That is, they can do whatever they f*** they want and get no punishments for it. Hell, they even got rewarded with PLEX for breaking the FW markets.

So let's tally that up:

-Goons exploit game mechanic
-CCP Hot fixes to keep it from continuing
-Goons work around hot fix, continue to exploit FW to the sum of 5 trillion in 2 weeks or so
-Stupid Goon leaks information about said exploit
-Stupid Goon now posts a short story in the forums
-Stupid Goon then reports the exploit
-CCP spends countless hours investigating and reverting the complete crap storm that this has caused with FW/economy
-CCP issues statement declaring it is an exploit
-CCP reverts the players involved removing assets and LP gained from exploit
-CCP gives back any items/isk used to cause said exploit
-CCP thanks Goons by giving them PLEX.
-Other Eve players ask wtf is going on and how they didn't get banned, or at least get negative wallets from exploiting game mechanic
-Goons pat CCP on the head saying *that'll do pig, that'll do."

Hopefully with BoB coming back to Eve they can bend Goons over and have their way with them. Goons and CFC are terrible at battle unless they outnumber the opponents by a vast majority.

It will be interesting to see how things play out now, but just keep in mind that CCP will always have Goons back when it comes to them stepping over any line or getting their backs against a wall.

Wrong thread and horribly inaccurate. Have fun

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


State War Academy
Caldari State
#188 - 2012-07-05 04:09:35 UTC  |  Edited by: InternetSpaceship
Big Bair wrote:
I believe that after the Faction Warfare debacle that CCP has showed their true colors when it comes to the Goons. That is, they can do whatever they f*** they want and get no punishments for it. Hell, they even got rewarded with PLEX for breaking the FW markets.

So let's tally that up:

-Goons exploit game mechanic
-CCP Hot fixes to keep it from continuing
-Goons work around hot fix, continue to exploit FW to the sum of 5 trillion in 2 weeks or so
-Stupid Goon leaks information about said exploit
-Stupid Goon now posts a short story in the forums
-Stupid Goon then reports the exploit
-CCP spends countless hours investigating and reverting the complete crap storm that this has caused with FW/economy
-CCP issues statement declaring it is an exploit
-CCP reverts the players involved removing assets and LP gained from exploit
-CCP gives back any items/isk used to cause said exploit
-CCP thanks Goons by giving them PLEX.
-Other Eve players ask wtf is going on and how they didn't get banned, or at least get negative wallets from exploiting game mechanic
-Goons pat CCP on the head saying *that'll do pig, that'll do."

Hopefully with BoB coming back to Eve they can bend Goons over and have their way with them. Goons and CFC are terrible at battle unless they outnumber the opponents by a vast majority.

It will be interesting to see how things play out now, but just keep in mind that CCP will always have Goons back when it comes to them stepping over any line or getting their backs against a wall.

You do realize the people who did that (5 people, or as you said, all of goonfleet) had all the assets they gained from it taken away from them, right?

I think you also missed the part where Mittani was forced by CCP to step down as head of the CSM. Of course, you pubbies never seem to notice it when CCP goes against goons. Almost like you have something you want to believe, facts be damned.

Official Recruiter for GoonSwarm Corporation.

If you paid isk to get into GoonSwarm, you were probably scammed.  If you had the foresight to save the name of your scammer, let me know and I'll do what I can to help you.

#189 - 2012-07-06 20:24:45 UTC
Russell Casey wrote:

Stop, Using, Alts
Mine Lady
Edith Keeler's Ore and Resources
#190 - 2012-07-06 22:16:19 UTC
I am amused that many of you are treating this as one big joke, or I'm trolling this forum for the sake of attention, or making false threats without the ability to backup what I've been saying for the past 2 weeks. Many of you may not even realize it but the long arm of my fleets, allies and resources have already been reaching out and touching the lives of many who seek to claim their lame share of the so-called Hulkageddon. My "war" begins at first with protecting, and exacting revenge for any mining craft attacked, but it won't stop there...

So far 98 ships seeking to ambush and destroy mining ships have been eliminated by my rapidly growing fleet, and more will come. We are making an example out of all those lame idiots who decided to take the Goons up on their offer of 100 million ISKs for every 10 mining crafts destroyed. First we humilate and defile the Goon's lacky's and then we will humilate the Goons themselves. It would be wise of many of you to support my effort and get behind this, or get left behind to meet the same fate of what's going to happen to the Goons and their allies.

It appears that the resource minded folks of the EVE universe seems to like what I have to say, and there are new corps and ships showing up daily since I first posted here. This things is getting bigger faster that I ever could imagine. My original master plan to wipe the Goons off the face of the EVE universe had to be rethought out because of the rapidly growing fleet, and people with ISKs and influence. Other voices wanted to be heard, especially from the pvp arm of many corps, and different plans were looked at. Mark my words. We DO have a plan, a plan that will basically topple the Goons, but we /I want to control who fills up the empty space left in the wake of the Goons.

Continue to behave as though I'm blowing hot air, and continue to laugh and mock me. This is fine, but your days of victimizing miners are over.
Pipa Porto
#191 - 2012-07-06 22:53:03 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
I am amused that many of you are treating this as one big joke, or I'm trolling this forum for the sake of attention, or making false threats without the ability to backup what I've been saying for the past 2 weeks. Many of you may not even realize it but the long arm of my fleets, allies and resources have already been reaching out and touching the lives of many who seek to claim their lame share of the so-called Hulkageddon. My "war" begins at first with protecting, and exacting revenge for any mining craft attacked, but it won't stop there...

So far 98 ships seeking to ambush and destroy mining ships have been eliminated by my rapidly growing fleet, and more will come. We are making an example out of all those lame idiots who decided to take the Goons up on their offer of 100 million ISKs for every 10 mining crafts destroyed. First we humilate and defile the Goon's lacky's and then we will humilate the Goons themselves. It would be wise of many of you to support my effort and get behind this, or get left behind to meet the same fate of what's going to happen to the Goons and their allies.

It appears that the resource minded folks of the EVE universe seems to like what I have to say, and there are new corps and ships showing up daily since I first posted here. This things is getting bigger faster that I ever could imagine. My original master plan to wipe the Goons off the face of the EVE universe had to be rethought out because of the rapidly growing fleet, and people with ISKs and influence. Other voices wanted to be heard, especially from the pvp arm of many corps, and different plans were looked at. Mark my words. We DO have a plan, a plan that will basically topple the Goons, but we /I want to control who fills up the empty space left in the wake of the Goons.

Continue to behave as though I'm blowing hot air, and continue to laugh and mock me. This is fine, but your days of victimizing miners are over.

Killmails or GTFO.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


State War Academy
Caldari State
#192 - 2012-07-06 23:16:38 UTC  |  Edited by: InternetSpaceship
Mine Lady wrote:
I am amused that many of you are treating this as one big joke, or I'm trolling this forum for the sake of attention, or making false threats without the ability to backup what I've been saying for the past 2 weeks. Many of you may not even realize it but the long arm of my fleets, allies and resources have already been reaching out and touching the lives of many who seek to claim their lame share of the so-called Hulkageddon. My "war" begins at first with protecting, and exacting revenge for any mining craft attacked, but it won't stop there...

So far 98 ships seeking to ambush and destroy mining ships have been eliminated by my rapidly growing fleet, and more will come. We are making an example out of all those lame idiots who decided to take the Goons up on their offer of 100 million ISKs for every 10 mining crafts destroyed. First we humilate and defile the Goon's lacky's and then we will humilate the Goons themselves. It would be wise of many of you to support my effort and get behind this, or get left behind to meet the same fate of what's going to happen to the Goons and their allies.

It appears that the resource minded folks of the EVE universe seems to like what I have to say, and there are new corps and ships showing up daily since I first posted here. This things is getting bigger faster that I ever could imagine. My original master plan to wipe the Goons off the face of the EVE universe had to be rethought out because of the rapidly growing fleet, and people with ISKs and influence. Other voices wanted to be heard, especially from the pvp arm of many corps, and different plans were looked at. Mark my words. We DO have a plan, a plan that will basically topple the Goons, but we /I want to control who fills up the empty space left in the wake of the Goons.

Continue to behave as though I'm blowing hot air, and continue to laugh and mock me. This is fine, but your days of victimizing miners are over.

Wait, earlier you said you already had your massive force, and the only reason you didn't wipe out vfk when you promised was because of the startling realization that logistics might be a concern in sov warfare. Now you're only just building your forces?

Will you just do something already?

Also post that list of giant corps you've taken down.

Official Recruiter for GoonSwarm Corporation.

If you paid isk to get into GoonSwarm, you were probably scammed.  If you had the foresight to save the name of your scammer, let me know and I'll do what I can to help you.

Pipa Porto
#193 - 2012-07-10 17:39:06 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:

Continue to behave as though I'm blowing hot air, and continue to laugh and mock me. This is fine, but your days of victimizing miners are over.

When? When will they be over?

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


The Dresdeneers
#194 - 2012-07-10 18:50:22 UTC
This calls for more popcorn. I've not read a story this compelling since the downfall of BoB.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#195 - 2012-07-10 19:06:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Aleronius
Mine Lady wrote:
I am amused that many of you are treating this as one big joke, or I'm trolling this forum for the sake of attention, or making false threats without the ability to backup what I've been saying for the past 2 weeks. Many of you may not even realize it but the long arm of my fleets, allies and resources have already been reaching out and touching the lives of many who seek to claim their lame share of the so-called Hulkageddon. My "war" begins at first with protecting, and exacting revenge for any mining craft attacked, but it won't stop there...

So far 98 ships seeking to ambush and destroy mining ships have been eliminated by my rapidly growing fleet, and more will come. We are making an example out of all those lame idiots who decided to take the Goons up on their offer of 100 million ISKs for every 10 mining crafts destroyed. First we humilate and defile the Goon's lacky's and then we will humilate the Goons themselves. It would be wise of many of you to support my effort and get behind this, or get left behind to meet the same fate of what's going to happen to the Goons and their allies.

It appears that the resource minded folks of the EVE universe seems to like what I have to say, and there are new corps and ships showing up daily since I first posted here. This things is getting bigger faster that I ever could imagine. My original master plan to wipe the Goons off the face of the EVE universe had to be rethought out because of the rapidly growing fleet, and people with ISKs and influence. Other voices wanted to be heard, especially from the pvp arm of many corps, and different plans were looked at. Mark my words. We DO have a plan, a plan that will basically topple the Goons, but we /I want to control who fills up the empty space left in the wake of the Goons.

Continue to behave as though I'm blowing hot air, and continue to laugh and mock me. This is fine, but your days of victimizing miners are over.

Can't wait to see the unbeatable armada of poorly fitted 200 hulks attack VFK with their mining laz0rz.
On a related topic, where are all the miners? I've reread this topic and decided to contribute a bit to hulkageddon, but all (and by all, I mean all) asteroid belts in seven (0.5 + ofc) systems were empty. Where did they go?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#196 - 2012-07-11 00:28:57 UTC
Sorry, I've been in China on business the last two weeks, I've only recently gotten home. Did I miss Mine Lady's horrible rain of retribution on VFK?

Also, did she post that list of giant corps she brought down?

Official Recruiter for GoonSwarm Corporation.

If you paid isk to get into GoonSwarm, you were probably scammed.  If you had the foresight to save the name of your scammer, let me know and I'll do what I can to help you.

Moonlit Raid
#197 - 2012-07-11 01:23:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Moonlit Raid
Nave Drallig wrote:
this my fear mongering friend is how a economy works.

If brute force isn't working, you're just not using enough.

Please Note: Any advice given comes with the caveat that nothing will be suitable for every situation.

Fabulous Rod
Darkfall Corp
#198 - 2012-07-13 17:03:26 UTC
LOL. So many fools who took the troll bait.

well done, OP.

Bifordus Maximus
#199 - 2012-07-13 18:37:53 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
Blah Blah Blah

Seriously dude...

The Dresdeneers
#200 - 2012-07-13 18:46:12 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:

So far 98 ships seeking to ambush and destroy mining ships have been eliminated by my rapidly growing fleet, and more will come.

A whole 98! You're on a roll. Don't stop now! You might actually make a dent in CONCORD's at 660 kills this month alone. Even if only half of those are suicide're a bit behind.

Mine Lady wrote:

First we humilate and defile the Goon's lacky's and then we will humilate the Goons themselves.

You do realize that these are Goons, right? From the very site that was made for people who enjoy being clowns in all shapes, sizes, forms, and mediums?

Mine Lady wrote:

This things is getting bigger faster that I ever could imagine.

If it persists for more than four hours, you should seek medical help.