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Get with the program high secers

Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#121 - 2012-06-08 15:40:08 UTC
What killed it for me mostly was the politics and the unescapable backstabbing. People ordering other people around what to do and not to do. It's not a game it's a job!

No for me It *is* a game. Yet null sec gets me way too close to RL. Which I'm trying to escape.

So no for now, wish I could be there, mine all that lovely ore from those really big rocks, fight a bit, explore a bit, do some stuff with my maxed out JF skills for the corp/ alliance but no, not going to be ordered around and get sick to the stomach with the political crap wondering when we are going to get (reset) stabbed in the back by our beloved current blue "friends".

From my time there what I hated the most where bad mouthing FC's that think they talk the talk everybody understands. Like being a good 'slave' whenever the FC is not cursing (thinking he's funny or gives him balls, which does neither just make him look like a 12 year old basement fool) and I think he said go to gate 'hee' and what he really said was gate 'hea' he orders you to go to stargate 'X'.

Halfway warping up he changes his mind and tells you no!, go 'Y'.

Sorry I cannot, my ship is in warp and not only I but half the fleet.

Wait he says, jump!

I jump. That's not for the fleet at 'X' he then says.
Too late, I'm at the other side (it's late and I'm a bit tipsy) and the other side of 'X' has a sky filled with red and I have no afterburner to burn back in my BS.

Being a real noob when that happened, I don't know how I got out but in the end I was rescued by my CEO. :o Ship, pod implants and all.

Thing is you need to be able to trust people, then again this is Eve.
For fleets you need FC's who talk clearly, skip on childish behavior like badmouthing etc. And sadly in my short time around null (not on this char) I had too many FC's telling me to go ... What? What did he say? Asking in fleet for the x'd time I start to doubt myself so I look at the noses where ships are pointing, oh, ohh, they're going... THAT way! *\o/*

This is 0, you can die here instantly with bubbles and what not if the person in charge of a fleet is not fit for the job. There's no security hit so they shoot you regardless, sometimes even if you are blue!Shocked

Fekk this. That's not fun for me, not too mention the idiotic time you have to wait for your fellow fleet members to show up, 2-3 hours normal? Ghaaa!

Still doesn't mean I won't show up there again, those rocks... so juicy.Shocked My precious. If I just could skip on the job part. That's how I see 0 sec a job with a boss and a manager breathing down your neck telling you, you suk, do this now do that thereafter!

But I already have job I don't need a second one! Shocked
Tom Bithoff
OSG Planetary Operations
#122 - 2012-06-08 16:06:16 UTC
Damitrius wrote:
Wilma Lawson wrote:

So did they respond to you by PM? I'm curious, because I see these threads all the time and no useful information is provided when people ask. It's like no one thought past the "come to null because it's great" announcement.

Nope, didn't hear a single thing from anyone.

The OP's message is gutted by the above exchange and the failure to offer a substantive response from any of the "move to Null" advocates.

If someone wants to recruit people into null sec, offer potential recruits something (other than an opportunity to be your cattle or prey).

Offer to train them how to PvP in cheap ships. Don't tax them. Give advice on how to spend their earnings on many cheap ships, so they can afford to lose and learn. Throw little tournaments so you can train them on a casual gamer's schedule, without long winded roams and boring gate camps.

Teach them how to protect their own wealth and cost their enemies.' Milking your own recruits treats them like an enemy; I suspect that milking is a primary reason why many people who have tried Null prefer High sec.
teh ubernesstrader
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#123 - 2012-06-08 16:22:19 UTC
im sorry but people do what they want to do, anything null alliances try to do will not drive high secers who enjoy high sec out into 0.0.

people just adapt earn a bit less or find new things to do, i personally have been to null and tried just about all sorts and been playing since 2007, im back to high sec because im fed up with being a number, fed up with having to move because someone bigger wants to batter someone who holds a small threat.

i dont want to jump into CTA with the time i do have to play or go bash a pos that is overly boring.

i like high sec because its generally easier going and less demanding i can enjoy the industry side and the trader side and go roaming from high into low and null when i choose to pvp.

what is this obsession with getting high sec dwellers to go to null ....... everyone wishes to play different and anyone who wants to explore null will.

get off your high horse and stop getting pissy when the world doesent do what you think should be...... absolute moron. Evil
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2012-06-08 16:41:07 UTC
ian papabear wrote:
go to null

pick an alliance, any alliance, i dont care just join an alliance and stop crying about how your high sec has been nerfed .

edit: yes go to null, try something new , stop thinking the only thing you can do is mine or yadda yadda

what happened? some SBU appeared around and you don't have man power to destroy it? Shocked

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Callimminniss Prdsk
Cyrix Ltd.
#125 - 2012-06-08 16:57:37 UTC
I tried that a bunch of years ago. At the time I was in a small hi-lo-sec corp and Great Events were unfolding and I thought we should try to be part of it. Most of the corp were happy where they were so I and a couple of corp friends made the jump alone. We found a good corp in a good alliance, all playstyles were in the corp, they said.. Sounded good.

Their idea of 'all playstyles' was a bit limited, though, by their environment and their own preferred game. As an industrial player I was next to ******* useless. Anything I could mine was dwarfed by haulerspawns, manufacturing was a joke due to the limited amount of factory slots, invention was near impossible because RADAR sites were so limited that if you found one you'd be up against 5 or 6 other guys like you as to who could get there first.

The corp and the alliance needed fleet fighters first and last, anything else was just padding the numbers.

Being on Vent or Teamspeak was a mixed experience, occasionally it could be fun but if you're not that excited about fart or penis jokes flying direct into your ear it can be downright depressing. Humour's subjective and if you're joining a large group, chances are most of it won't be for you.

All in all, I'd say my null-sec experience was pretty lame compared to what I had in Eve before and after it. If that's the End-Game, you're welcome to it.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#126 - 2012-06-08 16:59:53 UTC
ian papabear wrote:
Ban Bindy wrote:
You actually bothered to type a post to say this? Did it make you feel better? I hope not.

made me feel extremely horrible

Made me feel .... dirty...Ugh
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#127 - 2012-06-08 17:09:58 UTC
Damitrius wrote:
As a high-sec carebear, I am actually interested in the alliance nullsec thing, but I don't currently see the benefits of doing so. Assuming I am not interested in cruising around shooting people up, can someone explain how an alliance could utilize a purely industrial character, and what they could offer in return? I guess what I am getting at, is throw me a sales pitch for your alliance, I'm curious to see what you have to offer.

most alliances need industrials. Someone has to mine and build. PvP-crowd need ships and modules to play their sand-games.

Just try. But not trust people 100%. Test with small amount of ISK and stuff to risk.

I can recommend Solar Fleet citizens. After droneland war i guess it is quite there.....

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

teh ubernesstrader
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#128 - 2012-06-08 17:21:17 UTC
why do they need industrialists they just buy the goods in high and jump it up to null, they have mountains of isk apparently so why move away from good buy orders and easy production to have higher risks and more effort for an industrialist just doesent make sence to me.

if ur doing it right u shouldent need anything special
John Rando
Tax Evaders Un-Incorporated
#129 - 2012-06-08 19:34:01 UTC
Highsec Bear here. Been playing for about 18 months, most of which was spent in high or a wh. I will try to add to this discussion my personal experience on why I am not in a Null sec corp right now.

The main problem, for me at least, has been getting there in the first place. For the past month or so I have been actively seeking a corp to join. It should be noted that I have only attempted to join 15-20 corps so I know that is a small sample size not representative of null corps as a whole, but for what it's worth. Also I have only tried joining 1 at a time, waiting for a response before talking to someone else. I have learned one very important thing so far and it is this: Most null corps seem very exclusive. Here is why.

Difficulty finding a recruiter - First and foremost.
Most corps have a public channel for you to join. This sounds great but the reality is that 90% of the time you will be blatantly ignored. You will spend a day or 2 private convo'ing 10 different recruiters, each of whom tell you to convo somebody else because they simply cannot be bothered to deal with you. Most corps from what I have seen do not have a "process" beyond "join channel...good luck."

You could be a spy -
"could" being the operative word here. It does not matter if it is likely or not, you always "could" be and as such some corps are very, very paranoid. I get it that recruiters want to do a backround check, but some just take it way too far to the point where you aren't even sure if you're a spy or not. I seriously feel like James Bond every single time a recruiter is trying to "grill" me into a confession. I sometimes question my own legitness afterwards, they make some really compelling arguments Roll (most if not all are arguments from ignorance.)

Some corps try to scam you -
2 corp recruiters have asked me for an "entrance" or "application fee" of a few hundred mil isk. 1 of which was, rather ironically, in the same alliance as the OP. Go figure. Also yet another recruiter asked me to sign over all of my assets to them, and it took a very long time to explain to them that I HAVE NO assets to give to them. I literally have a lvl 4 mission BS, a tengu, and a few rifters. I'm not sure that this one was a flat out scam, or that any of them were, but my spidy senses were tingling.

Previous corp/alliance history -
If you happen to have been in a high number of corporations in the last year, no matter if it they were the same CEO and the same small group of friends, DEALBREAKER! You are labeled as a corp hopper because of your "shady" history.
More importantly than that is if you were in a corp or alliance that they do not like. Such as the Orphanage in my case. It does not matter if you were only technically in there for all of like 2 days and never even did anything with them, if it is on your history then recruiters do NOT make exceptions. They will not even hear you out or let you explain at all. This has been the nail in the coffin for like every corp I have tried to join. Seriously I regret having that **** on my history, I was new and had no idea who they were at the time, but it is still held against me.
I also assume if you were in an alliance they are hostile towards or at war with then your situation would be the same. Perhaps I am wrong.

Ridiculous web-based recruitment applications -
As noted earlier some null corps have absolutely no recruitment process. Some however do. I can fully understand an out of game web application, but some take it way to far. Notably one I filled out was 5 pages long and asked for several essays on your experience, history, people you've flown with and their alts and their mother's maiden names, and detailing where you were in eve for every second of your "career." I have seriously filled out college applications that were less extensive than some of these.

Need a reference or know someone -
Honestly I fully understand this. Corps want to know you're legit and if you'd be a good fit for them first. However the problem is when they do not let you know about needing one UNTIL after you've talked to recruiters, been interviewed, have applied in-game, and are LITERALLY about to pod jump out there before they are all " OHHHH HEY, JUST TO LET YOU KNOW.....WE NEED SOMEONE TO VOUCH FOR YOU FIRST." If you do not know anyone in their corp or alliance then you're SOL.

You need Five Hundred Million Skill Points -
Attitude, activity and desire be damned. You either have the SP they want or you don't.

You don't have pvp experience -
This makes a ton of sense but I have to list it anyways. Some corps however want a certain level of pvp or 0.0 experience despite claiming they are newer player friendly. That part makes no sense. For the most part though recruiters are very upfront about this and will let you know within seconds of talking with them.

Corporations claiming they care about the individual behind the toon or your desire to PVP , in my experience, are shoveling giant loads of bullshit. They mostly care about some of the things I have listed above, and only about you as a person if it is convenient for them to do so.

This is all personal experience and opinion, but from what I have observed most null corporations and alliances ARE NOT very inviting or accepting.

I do not expect handouts
I do not expect anyone to hold my hand
I don't care if someone yells at me over ts or trolls me or is mean to me
I don't care about losing ships
I don't care about "safety"
I know **** all about pvp but I'm willing to listen
I have a tremendous desire to roll out there and start shooting

The reason I am not in Null atm and while I'm currently a "high secer" is the difficulty in joining a corporation.
It should not be this ******* hard

....but yet it is.
NA No Assholes
#130 - 2012-06-08 19:45:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Totalrx
Pak Narhoo wrote:
What killed it for me mostly was the politics and the unescapable backstabbing. People ordering other people around what to do and not to do. It's not a game it's a job!

No for me It *is* a game. Yet null sec gets me way too close to RL. Which I'm trying to escape.

You nailed it.

Did low/null sec on another account and I found the politics cool back then. Guess people like drama when they're younger LOL!. Now though, I am a 40 yr old Technical Program Manager going to meetings, doing net conferences with process action teams, listening to grown adults whine about people in other companies and other departments, and having to get my own crap done while I am at it.

Why, in the name of anything that makes sense, would I want to replicate that same environment in game at home when I could find something else to do that's actually relaxing? LOL!