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Tengugeddon: Competition Open, Rules Finalized - WIN A PLEX

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#121 - 2012-06-05 11:59:28 UTC
Pheusia wrote:

Yeah best not to awaken the SLEEPING DRAGON of fierce dangerous badass mission runners. If anyone tries to mess with that dangerous bunch of rootin' tootin' fightin' bitin' die-hards they'll KNOW they've stepped into a WORLD OF HURT, boy.

And by that I mean a TWENTY PERCENT hike in the price of faction ammo.

Yeah, I though that'd make you just walk on by, boy. Good thinking there you just keep RIGHT ON WALKING. Say hi to your momma and your sister from me when you get home, ya hear?

Aside from the amount of sarcasm and, taunting contained in your reply, the context of your statement failed.

If it was intended to induce fear, well...................seems that also failed as well.

But hey, nice try.

I'm sure your contest may snag a couple of ships. Hell, even a blind squirrel gets lucky and finds a nut every once in a while.

Tiffany and Co.
#122 - 2012-06-05 12:03:49 UTC
whats this talk of super rich mission runners, wasnt it the incursion runners who generated 1000000% of the isk in the game hence the ungodly chest thumping and screaming and carrying on followed by the songs of praise, worships and rejoice when incursions got "fixed"

make up your mind dammit
Lin-Young Borovskova
#123 - 2012-06-05 12:24:44 UTC
Aramatheia wrote:
whats this talk of super rich mission runners, wasnt it the incursion runners who generated 1000000% of the isk in the game hence the ungodly chest thumping and screaming and carrying on followed by the songs of praise, worships and rejoice when incursions got "fixed"

make up your mind dammit

It's far more funny to launch 10 or 15 bombs at some fleet, bring some cloacky hauler with extra bombs, shrapnel and Matar bomber is a must Lol
Bubble station undocks and gates kill lazy people, use cloacky Sabres and gank haulers, bomb JB's, spot cyno arrays and gak capitals/whatever jumps through.

This is funny Lol


Kiteo Hatto
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2012-06-05 12:26:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiteo Hatto
Aramatheia wrote:
whats this talk of super rich mission runners, wasnt it the incursion runners who generated 1000000% of the isk in the game hence the ungodly chest thumping and screaming and carrying on followed by the songs of praise, worships and rejoice when incursions got "fixed"

make up your mind dammit

Shhh or they'll cry about nerfing our already "high profit", "effortless" and "risk free" mission running.

Talon SilverHawk
Patria o Muerte
#125 - 2012-06-05 15:58:00 UTC
bump Big smile

#126 - 2012-06-05 16:00:36 UTC
Kiteo Hatto wrote:
Aramatheia wrote:
whats this talk of super rich mission runners, wasnt it the incursion runners who generated 1000000% of the isk in the game hence the ungodly chest thumping and screaming and carrying on followed by the songs of praise, worships and rejoice when incursions got "fixed"

make up your mind dammit

Shhh or they'll cry about nerfing our already "high profit", "effortless" and "risk free" mission running.


I thought they already cried about that before incursions came along ?

_-Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. _

Roisin Saoirse
#127 - 2012-06-05 16:05:54 UTC
VaMei wrote:
+1 for more emergent content.

'Emergent'? None of this is new, ganking mission runners has been going on for as long as mission runners have been fitting expensive modules to their ships and active tanking.

EVE might not be dying, but imagination seems to be. Roll
Lin-Young Borovskova
#128 - 2012-06-05 16:09:39 UTC
Generals4 wrote:
Kiteo Hatto wrote:
Aramatheia wrote:
whats this talk of super rich mission runners, wasnt it the incursion runners who generated 1000000% of the isk in the game hence the ungodly chest thumping and screaming and carrying on followed by the songs of praise, worships and rejoice when incursions got "fixed"

make up your mind dammit

Shhh or they'll cry about nerfing our already "high profit", "effortless" and "risk free" mission running.


I thought they already cried about that before incursions came along ?

They also cried because null sec income was very poor compared to high sec. Well I still see hundreds of end ores in belts and no one mining those when isk/h would be for sure a lot better than gank a few hulks, and thousands of wrecks split all over null systems and no one/very few looting.

Then seems another argument is that high sec comrades like instant gratification, but the more I think about the more I find these arguments funny to read.

Yep nerf high sec ! Please make it impossible to be there, low and null sec are already ruined enough now lets ruin high sec once and for all Lol


Black Sky Hipsters
#129 - 2012-06-05 16:33:34 UTC
so just fit a warp scram and all is well
Wilma Lawson
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#130 - 2012-06-05 16:43:10 UTC
Iosue wrote:
so just fit a warp scram and all is well

Definitely for traveling!
Lin-Young Borovskova
#131 - 2012-06-05 16:46:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Lin-Young Borovskova
Iosue wrote:
so just fit a warp scram and all is well

Actually a NOS and ECM drones would be a better pick to counter some mission gank, but it's just my opinion.

Notice the difference in between "GANK" and actually pick the wreck loot and try to get aggression from the missioner. If the first can't get away he's doing it wrong, the second just deserves to die anyway.

Also: neutral reps 4TW


Wilma Lawson
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#132 - 2012-06-05 16:50:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Wilma Lawson
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
Iosue wrote:
so just fit a warp scram and all is well

Actually a NOS and ECM drones would be a better pick to counter some mission gank, but it's just my opinion.

Notice the difference in between "GANK" and actually pick the wreck loot and try to get aggression from the missioner. If the first can't get away he's doing it wrong, the second just deserves to die anyway.

Also: neutral reps 4TW

The reference is to rules #6 that says if the ship has a warp scrambler or warp disrupter, then it's not a legitimate target, unless the ship has taken damage from a rat.
Lin-Young Borovskova
#133 - 2012-06-05 16:53:02 UTC
Wilma Lawson wrote:
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
Iosue wrote:
so just fit a warp scram and all is well

Actually a NOS and ECM drones would be a better pick to counter some mission gank, but it's just my opinion.

Notice the difference in between "GANK" and actually pick the wreck loot and try to get aggression from the missioner. If the first can't get away he's doing it wrong, the second just deserves to die anyway.

Also: neutral reps 4TW

The reference is to rules #6 that says if the ship has a warp scrambler or warp disrupter, then it's not a legitimate target, unless the ship has taken damage from a rat.

Rules are meant to be exploited, this is Eve. Lol


Meafi Corp
#134 - 2012-06-05 17:00:10 UTC
Roisin Saoirse wrote:
VaMei wrote:
+1 for more emergent content.

'Emergent'? None of this is new, ganking mission runners has been going on for as long as mission runners have been fitting expensive modules to their ships and active tanking.

EVE might not be dying, but imagination seems to be. Roll

Ganking mission runners isn't new. Incentivising ganking isn't new. Incentiving the ganking of mission runners is new.
Masternerdguy may not deserve even a +1 for originalty, but he is organizing a community event against something that's been bitched and whined about for years, and that'll do.
#135 - 2012-06-05 17:12:34 UTC
VaMei wrote:
Roisin Saoirse wrote:
VaMei wrote:
+1 for more emergent content.

'Emergent'? None of this is new, ganking mission runners has been going on for as long as mission runners have been fitting expensive modules to their ships and active tanking.

EVE might not be dying, but imagination seems to be. Roll

Ganking mission runners isn't new. Incentivising ganking isn't new. Incentiving the ganking of mission runners is new.
Masternerdguy may not deserve even a +1 for originalty, but he is organizing a community event against something that's been bitched and whined about for years, and that'll do.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Greyscale Dash
#136 - 2012-06-05 17:38:31 UTC
Time to start ninja salvaging and flipping again.

Where did I put that pvp cane.....
#137 - 2012-06-05 17:44:33 UTC
VaMei wrote:
Looks like it's time for me to park The Great Space Spud for a bit. I’ve been wondering how long the mission running loot piñatas would go unnoticed.

+1 for more emergent content.

What you think this is new or even exciting?

What is wrong with you people? This has been going on since the first mission ship slipped out of Jita during Beta.

"Emergent Content" what tard came up with that BS.
#138 - 2012-06-05 17:45:27 UTC
VaMei wrote:
Roisin Saoirse wrote:
VaMei wrote:
+1 for more emergent content.

'Emergent'? None of this is new, ganking mission runners has been going on for as long as mission runners have been fitting expensive modules to their ships and active tanking.

EVE might not be dying, but imagination seems to be. Roll

Ganking mission runners isn't new. Incentivising ganking isn't new. Incentiving the ganking of mission runners is new.
Masternerdguy may not deserve even a +1 for originalty, but he is organizing a community event against something that's been bitched and whined about for years, and that'll do.

What are you his sidekick or lover?
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#139 - 2012-06-05 18:11:28 UTC
I doth protest the rules of this competition. There are many highsec carebears in Tengus that come and run sites in my lowsec system. Since I am a persona non-grata in highsec proper, I cannot participate in said contest. This makes pirate baby Jesus cry.
#140 - 2012-06-05 18:13:10 UTC
Daemon Ceed wrote:
I doth protest the rules of this competition. There are many highsec carebears in Tengus that come and run sites in my lowsec system. Since I am a persona non-grata in highsec proper, I cannot participate in said contest. This makes pirate baby Jesus cry.

I'm a -10 too mate, I feel your pain.

Things are only impossible until they are not.