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Tengugeddon: Competition Open, Rules Finalized - WIN A PLEX

Niena Nuamzzar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#201 - 2012-06-07 00:40:35 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:

You can fit neuts on anything, it's a PvE T3, you can cap it out in a few cycles even with medium neuts.

Neuting capabilities are not the on... first reason why i've mentioned Bhaalgorn. I'm sure you know there's more to it Roll
Simi Kusoni
#202 - 2012-06-07 00:51:19 UTC
Niena Nuamzzar wrote:
Simi Kusoni wrote:

You can fit neuts on anything, it's a PvE T3, you can cap it out in a few cycles even with medium neuts.

Neuting capabilities are not the on... first reason why i've mentioned Bhaalgorn. I'm sure you know there's more to it Roll

Neuting capabilities are what? And why would you suicide gank in a pirate faction BS, that's just silly.

My point is that even my rather shiny wh tengu only has ~2,700 capacitor capacity. And that's with the cap reservoir subsystem and a capacitor battery, since it runs at ~50% cap stable you could easily cap it out with medium neuts. A regular tengu would be capped out even faster.

Makes me think two gank canes with neuts would actually be better for killing t3s than tornados. Might be best with one cane and a tornado, or two canes and a tornado. I suppose it depends on the NPC DPS in the mission.

But anyway, my observation was merely that you could probably gank a T3 more effectively with neuts than alpha or pure DPS. I'll have to test it on sisi later with my alts.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

#203 - 2012-06-07 02:23:32 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Niena Nuamzzar wrote:
Simi Kusoni wrote:

You can fit neuts on anything, it's a PvE T3, you can cap it out in a few cycles even with medium neuts.

Neuting capabilities are not the on... first reason why i've mentioned Bhaalgorn. I'm sure you know there's more to it Roll

Neuting capabilities are what? And why would you suicide gank in a pirate faction BS, that's just silly.

My point is that even my rather shiny wh tengu only has ~2,700 capacitor capacity. And that's with the cap reservoir subsystem and a capacitor battery, since it runs at ~50% cap stable you could easily cap it out with medium neuts. A regular tengu would be capped out even faster.

Makes me think two gank canes with neuts would actually be better for killing t3s than tornados. Might be best with one cane and a tornado, or two canes and a tornado. I suppose it depends on the NPC DPS in the mission.

But anyway, my observation was merely that you could probably gank a T3 more effectively with neuts than alpha or pure DPS. I'll have to test it on sisi later with my alts.

you will have at max 20seconds to kill the victim before concord shows up. You are not going to neut him\her out and kill them in that time, it will have to be an alpha strike. But curious to know your testing out come

Caldari Loving needed..

Price Check Aisle3
#204 - 2012-06-07 02:36:29 UTC
EVE Roy Mustang wrote:
Im too rich to lose 8 tornadoes to gank a Tengu

You don't need Tornados to gank a Tengu. Scope out your target, find one that's active-tanked, get a few friends in Thrashers and blow the **** out of that smug Tengu when it undocks.
  • Karl Hobb IATS
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#205 - 2012-06-07 03:18:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Degren
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Degren wrote:
The point was mission runners **** fit. Even a non-shitfit mission runner is defenseless to a fleet of tornados, and it would actually be an isk efficient kill.

Too bad the reward is only a plex.

I wasn't aware fitting for a purpose was poor fitting practice. And anything not setup like a brick is defenseless against a fleet of tornados, and in many cases fitting like that won't get the job done and just results in even more tonados from determined gankers.

Katja Faith wrote:
Degren wrote:
The point was mission runners **** fit. Even a non-shitfit mission runner is defenseless to a fleet of tornados, and it would actually be an isk efficient kill.

Too bad the reward is only a plex.

WTF do you care how other people fit their ships?

Hi. Welcome to the conversation. As you can see above, people were doubting the ability of gankers to alpha/gank mission ships.

Additionally, people were suggesting no one would go through the effort to gank mission ships.

The iteron V video handily showed both claims (gank, not alpha) are false. All the talk about having a fleet of tornados was to counter the latter point.

Return to your **** posting, mouth breathers.

Hello, hello again.

0ccupy 4-4
#206 - 2012-06-07 03:27:19 UTC
Lol Buttmad Dredditor Lol

Just because some people already gank mission ships doesn't mean people are going to come together to do it so they can possibly win a plex.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#207 - 2012-06-07 03:29:38 UTC
0ccupy 4-4 wrote:
Lol Buttmad Dredditor Lol

Just because some people already gank mission ships doesn't mean people are going to come together to do it so they can possibly win a plex.

Hence the "too bad it's just a plex"

Hello, hello again.

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#208 - 2012-06-07 03:37:49 UTC
Degren wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Degren wrote:
The point was mission runners **** fit. Even a non-shitfit mission runner is defenseless to a fleet of tornados, and it would actually be an isk efficient kill.

Too bad the reward is only a plex.

I wasn't aware fitting for a purpose was poor fitting practice. And anything not setup like a brick is defenseless against a fleet of tornados, and in many cases fitting like that won't get the job done and just results in even more tonados from determined gankers.

Katja Faith wrote:
Degren wrote:
The point was mission runners **** fit. Even a non-shitfit mission runner is defenseless to a fleet of tornados, and it would actually be an isk efficient kill.

Too bad the reward is only a plex.

WTF do you care how other people fit their ships?

Hi. Welcome to the conversation. As you can see above, people were doubting the ability of gankers to alpha/gank mission ships.

Additionally, people were suggesting no one would go through the effort to gank mission ships.

The iteron V video handily showed both claims (gank, not alpha) are false. All the talk about having a fleet of tornados was to counter the latter point.

Return to your **** posting, mouth breathers.

I'll admit that I, apparently erroneously, assumed you were referring to suicide ganking but the conversation seemed to revolve around tornados which excel as suicide ganking ships due to their alpha.

The link you posted in response was not a suicide gank so I addressed that directly for the merits it contained, but then you went back to tornados, which led me to believe you were back on the subject of "suicide" ganking vs combat in general, though how that Itty V vs. Megathron fight counts as a gank I'm not sure as the mega chose (foolishly) to engage IIRC.

This doesn't, however negate the point that fitting accordingly to the task you are trying to accomplish is usually a good decision. I still don't see how doing so qualifies as a poor decision. Mission runners typically have to deal with sustained incoming damage more than a sudden alpha so concentrating on EHP in particular doesn't make sense. How is this fundamentally wrong?

Maybe you have an explanation that relies on something other than insults?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#209 - 2012-06-07 03:41:13 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
I'll admit that I, apparently erroneously, assumed you were referring to suicide ganking but the conversation seemed to revolve around tornados which excel as suicide ganking ships due to their alpha.

The link you posted in response was not a suicide gank so I addressed that directly for the merits it contained, but then you went back to tornados, which led me to believe you were back on the subject of "suicide" ganking vs combat in general, though how that Itty V vs. Megathron fight counts as a gank I'm not sure as the mega chose (foolishly) to engage IIRC.

This doesn't, however negate the point that fitting accordingly to the task you are trying to accomplish is usually a good decision. I still don't see how doing so qualifies as a poor decision. Mission runners typically have to deal with sustained incoming damage more than a sudden alpha so concentrating on EHP in particular doesn't make sense. How is this fundamentally wrong?

Maybe you have an explanation that relies on something other than insults?

They don't have to deal with sustained damage from 8-12 tornados. And yes, I am referring to suicide ganking.

Please stop, you are hurting my brain.

Hello, hello again.

Slow P Oke
#210 - 2012-06-07 03:56:51 UTC
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#211 - 2012-06-07 04:36:37 UTC
oh goodiy!! can we do noob ship-a-geddon next...... and shuttle-a-geddon.. and I got it! Jovian-a-geddon. and then ....

this is just transparent.. sorry. It's dumb.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#212 - 2012-06-07 04:55:45 UTC
Drowning in tears. So many delicious tears and hard men in ratmobiles. Om nom nom.
Gallente Federation
#213 - 2012-06-07 05:36:40 UTC
Slow P Oke wrote:

I doubt anyone with a brain would say it can't be done - "in theory". Just that your "geddon" types will find it too expensive and takes both way too much time and cooperation with other "like minded" types to pull it off.

"in theory" a highsec alliance could form up enough people in secret to go to SOV space and knock down an entire region's SOV status in 1 day.

Plenty out here would cheer either type of effort - with respect to their interests. Just don't expect too many to jump on the bandwagon and go running out to try either of the above.

it's nice to dream and theory craft at times about such things so let's not trample your dreams.

Go for it!
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#214 - 2012-06-07 06:10:40 UTC
Well, Mocram just exposed himself as an iggernant hisec carebear. One does not simply go to sov space and flip sov in one day. The RF timers on Ihubs, SBU's and stations dictate that it takes a minimum of about 7 days to flip one system.

Unless, of course, one was refering to one's own experience with the game, as perforce one has spent all of it within the padded cell that is EVE Uni, within hisec, learning everything there is to know about sov grinding from fellow inmates?
Sparkle Motion.
#215 - 2012-06-07 09:11:36 UTC
Trinkets friend wrote:
Well, Mocram just exposed himself as an iggernant hisec carebear. One does not simply go to sov space and flip sov in one day. The RF timers on Ihubs, SBU's and stations dictate that it takes a minimum of about 7 days to flip one system.

Unless, of course, one was refering to one's own experience with the game, as perforce one has spent all of it within the padded cell that is EVE Uni, within hisec, learning everything there is to know about sov grinding from fellow inmates?

I remember when E-Uni took a "class" to go teach some nubs about how sov worked. Only, none of them actually had a clue how it worked and they got their own TCU flipped on them by a guy in a cheetah.

"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally." -Soviet infantry manual,

Simi Kusoni
#216 - 2012-06-07 10:29:35 UTC
drdxie wrote:
you will have at max 20seconds to kill the victim before concord shows up. You are not going to neut him\her out and kill them in that time, it will have to be an alpha strike. But curious to know your testing out come

Well, I tested it, turns out I was massively overestimating the difficulty of level fours.

My only real PvE experience is in WHs, and the higher level plexes. Turns out in level fours in a T3 you can turn your booster off for extended periods of time and nothing bad will come of it.

Ahh well, was worth a try.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#217 - 2012-06-07 10:36:39 UTC
Khanh'rhh wrote:
Trinkets friend wrote:
Well, Mocram just exposed himself as an iggernant hisec carebear. One does not simply go to sov space and flip sov in one day. The RF timers on Ihubs, SBU's and stations dictate that it takes a minimum of about 7 days to flip one system.

Unless, of course, one was refering to one's own experience with the game, as perforce one has spent all of it within the padded cell that is EVE Uni, within hisec, learning everything there is to know about sov grinding from fellow inmates?

I remember when E-Uni took a "class" to go teach some nubs about how sov worked. Only, none of them actually had a clue how it worked and they got their own TCU flipped on them by a guy in a cheetah.

Wonder how many NPC Null systems they tried to SBU first.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Merchants of the Golden Goose
#218 - 2012-06-07 10:39:16 UTC
This thread show that only a few actually care about the "real" ganking.

Ganking a missioner requires an effort. Ganking a miner doesn't.
Those not willing to participate in this, but only against defenceless ships are worse than carebears.

Wormholes have the best accoustics. It's known. - Sing it for me -

Dors Venabily
United Starbase Systems
#219 - 2012-06-07 10:40:38 UTC
Degren wrote:
Spineker wrote:
Oh but you think your special for ganking people. Using 10 people to kill a hauler or a hulk. So badass dude so badass I need your picture to hang on the wall. Such internet warriors you people are. I would not kill a Hulk or a hauler I found in low sec because there is not thrill in it.

Man, so many tears, and I didn't even gank anybody.

Nor have I.

You're just so mad, it's adorable.

Why are you considering it tears when he is calling you a chickenshit ??
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#220 - 2012-06-07 10:43:31 UTC
Dors Venabily wrote:
Why are you considering it tears when he is calling you a chickenshit ??

Tears are proof that someone had an emotional response. Calling someone chickenshit on an internet forum is pretty solid proof that someone is mad.

Hence, tears.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.