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EVE General Discussion

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First post
Gorki Andropov
I Dn't Knw Wht You Wnt Bt I Cn't Gve It Anymre
#81 - 2012-05-30 08:19:05 UTC
Atomic Virulent wrote:
with the enemy to all of us.

Don't you dare speak for me, you ******** gibber-monkey.
Cpt Roghie
Chemical Invasion Co.
#82 - 2012-05-30 08:22:51 UTC
Byeeeee! I'll see you in a week. in a new whine thread. Would you like some cheese with your whine?

This could be fun.

Josef Djugashvilis
#83 - 2012-05-30 08:33:50 UTC
Atomic Virulent wrote:
In light of the new 'Indefinite' threat, I am taking the 'emergent gaming' idea another direction.

Make CCP do what they know damn well they should do. Put the inmates back in their cells.

I'm calling for a mass unsubscription to the game. Let your current accounts expire and leave them dormant until CCP gets the point.

STARTING NOW, don't buy PLEX in game or with $$, don't activate PLEX. Go to you account and turn the auto-renew OFF.

We must send a message, and this is what we have all been force to resort to. PVP was a part of the game we could choose, not be forced into. Yes, you are never fully safe, but highsec miner ganking must carry severe penalties. Our choices have been removed and CCP has all but colluded with the enemy to all of us. Well, CCP has made their bed, now they can lay in it.
















Goon alt spotted?

This is not a signature.

Krota Hetei
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#84 - 2012-05-30 08:36:54 UTC
Not quitting, not a goon, still a miner.

Always alternatives, corps recruiting, low/null sec to mine.

No tears here.

Mine, man up or just leave. No need to make a post telling us how much sand is in your v'j'j.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#85 - 2012-05-30 08:39:47 UTC
Angry Mustellid
#86 - 2012-05-30 08:41:02 UTC

If you really want to play a game like this which is unlike theme park MMO's evolving, challenging and interesting then find a way to deal with these situations rather than crying all over the forums for Mummy to kiss it better.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#87 - 2012-05-30 08:41:55 UTC
James 315 wrote:
Atomic Virulent wrote:
PVP was a part of the game we could choose, not be forced into. Yes, you are never fully safe, but highsec miner ganking must carry severe penalties.

Suicide ganking does carry severe penalties, and these penalties have been increased over and over as CCP has given into your demands for nerfs.

But people are more than willing to pay the penalties for suicide ganking if it means destroying the ships of those like yourself.

Yeah you pay all of 2M, that's harsh. Roll

Oh wait, now you get welfare subsidizing so you won't even lose 2M.
Sidus Isaacs
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2012-05-30 08:53:49 UTC
Atomic Virulent wrote:

So, assuming you are not a troll, instead of actually playing the game and interacting with other players, you come crying to the forums to make CCP play the game for you? Really?

You are like a spoiled little kid.

Lets see how you can cope with ganking:

Mine in WH
Mine in Low Sec
Mine in Null
Mine in expendable ships
Mine with RR
Keep watch on local
Align your ships
Pay attention to the game when you play it
Stop mining for a while and explore other parts of the game
Form a corporation and mine in groups with RR


There are a myriad of ways to cope with gankging. Yet, here you are, crying on the forums like a little kid.

So go ahead, unsubscribe, there is no loss for EVE in that.
Ziranda Hakuli
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#89 - 2012-05-30 08:54:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Ziranda Hakuli
I Enjoy the game. its a lot a fun. But when things get out of control in such a manner that the only way to destroy an alliance is not to play is feeding into the GOON true plan.
1> GOONs are known for Scamming you out of all your ISK and brag about it
2> Gank folks in ships not able to fight back in.
3> Cannot do the BLOB warfare in 0.0 and win
4> Stabbing players in the back
5> Betraying their allies
and the good one that CCP supports GOONS on
6> Turning away potential customers

The Mittani the pubbi should be happy he has some friends in CCP. He should have been perma banned but i feel someone said no to it. You are correct you will destroy Eve within a few years.

By the way CCP i have already set my renewal settings to off.

Edit: I am not giving my gear away....trashing everything
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#90 - 2012-05-30 08:54:50 UTC
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
Lets see how you can cope with ganking:

Mine in WH
Mine in Low Sec
Mine in Null
Mine in expendable ships
Mine with RR
Keep watch on local
Align your ships
Pay attention to the game when you play it
Stop mining for a while and explore other parts of the game
Form a corporation and mine in groups with RR

Buy a pile of Catalysts and hit the belts

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Alavaria Fera
#91 - 2012-05-30 08:57:04 UTC
Ziranda Hakuli wrote:
I Enjoy the game. its a lot a fun. But when things get out of control in such a manner that the only way to destroy an alliance is not to play is feeding into the GOON true plan.
1> GOONs are known for Scamming you out of all your ISK and brag about it
2> Gank folks in ships not able to fight back in.
3> Cannot do the BLOB warfare in 0.0 and win
4> Stabbing players in the back
5> Betraying their allies
and the good one that CCP supports GOONS on
6> Turning away potential customers

The Mittani the pubbi should be happy he has some friends in CCP. He should have been perma banned but i feel someone said no to it. You are correct you will destroy Eve within a few years.

By the way CCP i have already set my renewal settings to off.

Hey, aren't AAA Citizens the renters of AAA or something?

That said, I'm surprised you'd say "betraying their allies." You know on these forums, it's more common to say "kill their pets", our allies of course not actually being allies but pets, like with BoB. Leading to the predictions that we will fail cascade as our "pets" run away when our defeat looms large.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Josef Djugashvilis
#92 - 2012-05-30 08:57:26 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Sidus Isaacs wrote:
Lets see how you can cope with ganking:

Mine in WH
Mine in Low Sec
Mine in Null
Mine in expendable ships
Mine with RR
Keep watch on local
Align your ships
Pay attention to the game when you play it
Stop mining for a while and explore other parts of the game
Form a corporation and mine in groups with RR

Buy a pile of Catalysts and hit the belts

Very funnyBig smile

This is not a signature.

#93 - 2012-05-30 08:57:36 UTC
Nostradamouse Riraille wrote:
Let the Hulkagedon continue.

Hell, even agents should give you commands to kill players.

Now i know your jokeing, buuuuuuut. Missions to kill X amount of players would be awsome - ok easily exploited - but if it could be implamented good. There could be 3 types of missions relevant to the sec status's high,low null..... Kill 10 players get what ever

oh wait we kinda have that already, kill 10 mineing barges get prizzzzzzes hmmmm
Johnny Augustus
#94 - 2012-05-30 09:05:53 UTC
I'll never understand how an industry player, looking at Hulkageddon, doesn't see the huge oppurtunities to make isk it presents almost on a silver platter.

From increased profits for mining due to decreased supply and increased demand, to the manufacturing of Hulks, Tornadoes and destroyers. Hell, if you had been stockpiling your minerals since for the past couple of months in preparation for the event, you could have made a killing selling them right around now.

The mining it's self is only as dangerous as you make it. Sacrifice the max yield on your hulks a bit and tank it. Too scared to use a hulk? Use something else. Rokhs are excellent deterring suicide ganking, especially since the ganker will get no reward from killing you.

....But wait, I forgot, you have to sacrifice everything for max yield at all times, no matter what events are taking place around you and what oppurtunities present themselves.
Karak Terrel
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#95 - 2012-05-30 09:11:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Karak Terrel
pussnheels wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Cry more. Next time don't play sandbox games if you don't enjoy the genre.

Bad news for you idiot this isn t a sandbox any more this is quickly becoming griefing online

But what most of you kids don t realize. Is that by chasing away the majority of subscriptions you will kill the game
But that is what the goons always wanted right

Oh dear, someone kicked sand in your eyes? I sincerely hope the majority of players does not consist of people that accidentally stumbled into the wrong game like you did.

Also show us on this doll where the catalyst penetrated your hull
Khoda Khan
Vatlaa Corporation
#96 - 2012-05-30 09:25:35 UTC
Atomic Virulent wrote:
In light of the new 'Indefinite' threat, I am taking the 'emergent gaming' idea another direction.

Make CCP do what they know damn well they should do. Put the inmates back in their cells.

I'm calling for a mass unsubscription to the game. Let your current accounts expire and leave them dormant until CCP gets the point.

STARTING NOW, don't buy PLEX in game or with $$, don't activate PLEX. Go to you account and turn the auto-renew OFF.

We must send a message, and this is what we have all been force to resort to. PVP was a part of the game we could choose, not be forced into. Yes, you are never fully safe, but highsec miner ganking must carry severe penalties. Our choices have been removed and CCP has all but colluded with the enemy to all of us. Well, CCP has made their bed, now they can lay in it.

This is why I've come to love the Goons in EVE.

The second sentence of your last paragraph just proves that EVE will likely be better off without you.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2012-05-30 09:26:49 UTC
What is this?

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

CCP Guard
C C P Alliance
#98 - 2012-05-30 09:33:29 UTC
Locking this thread before it awakens every troll in the universe. For earnest suggestions of how you feel EVE should be changed, we have the Features and Ideas section.

CCP Guard | EVE Community Developer | @CCP_Guard