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Tranquility issues on Friday, May 25

First post
Snow Burst
Caldari State
#61 - 2012-05-25 16:46:06 UTC
its online now login comfirmed :p

There Is A 90% Chance All Of What You Just Read Is Wrong, Inaccurate Or Just Me Being Controversial In Some Way. Or By Some Chance It's Completely Right In Every Way... At Least To Me :3

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#62 - 2012-05-25 16:48:03 UTC
alittlebirdy wrote:
Guise, evemon just pop up... I HAVE 8H FREE IN MY SKILL QUEUE


Use those 40 days skills bro! those will help you for longer
Cyn Osuralt
Pangalactic Investment Group
#63 - 2012-05-25 16:51:02 UTC
Leeloo Alizee wrote:
Cant log in, cant sort stuff, cant fly cant fit ships, losing stuff all over..... Nope, nothing to report, all working "normaly"

Yep.... SNAFU

Situation Normal, All F**ked Up
TripleSev OutsideR
#64 - 2012-05-25 23:53:58 UTC
Kiteo Hatto wrote:
Made a new character an hour ago or so.

-Game hang on first undock(black screen)
-Aura's tutorial windows were empty(no next)
-The certificate that you loot after boarding rookie ship wasn't visually there. (it was there according to the volume of the container 0.1, but the actual can was empty)

Thats all for now

Game has been running just fine until about 1 hour from now (5-25-2012 @ 5:52pm GMT -6)
I am currently able to login, select my character.
and it loads as normal except it loads to a completely Black Screen with the Eve Cursor. Nothing more is shown or can be done.

I have gona ahead and cleared all settings/cache.
Please advise.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2012-05-26 00:09:25 UTC
Sitting in a new Incursion system and no Sansha has spawned. lol