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Skill books

Prax Aldard
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-05-25 06:39:35 UTC
I'm sure this has been asked/answered somewhere but I cant find it. If I own multiple skill books does the time to train decrease. Also what does it mean to have a (x3) next to a skill for example and can someone please tell me about the different abilities how to increase them what they affect etc. thank you so much.
Brave Collective
#2 - 2012-05-25 06:50:20 UTC
Multiple skillbooks for the same skill has no effect at all.
The 3x is the Training Time Multiplier. A 3x skill takes 3 times as long as a 1x. This number is set per skill and can not be changed.

The only thing the effects training time is attributes. They can be redistributed trough a remap and increase by some implants.

"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."

Ice Fire Warriors
#3 - 2012-05-25 07:00:48 UTC
Prax Aldard wrote:
If I own multiple skill books does the time to train decrease.

No. Only one thing directly affects your training time: attributes.

You can find these stats in your character sheet. Speaking generally, every skill has a "primary attribute" and a "secondary attribute" that affects its training time. The higher either of these "attributes" are, the faster your skill will train.

You have the ability to manipulate these attributes in two ways:

Remap: You are giving a free re-map every year so you can better optimize your character. Be very aware that to max out any one attribute you must lower the other ones first... which will increase training time for skills that need those attributes.

Implants: You can buy implants off the market or from NPC Loyalty Point stores. There are a total of 5 implant types that each affect a different attribute and 5 sub-types that grant a different amount of attributes (the best implant grants +5 attribute points).
However, be aware that once plugged in implants cannot be removed. Moreover, if you are podkilled you will lose them completely.

Prax Aldard wrote:
Also what does it mean to have a (x3) next to a skill

That's the tier level/training multiplier. Basically, the higher the number the longer it takes to train.

Prax Aldard wrote:
can someone please tell me about the different abilities how to increase them what they affect

Sorry... this is too broad a question. There are literally hundreds of skills in the game that affect literally hundreds of different things. Please specify which skill areas you are looking at.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-05-25 08:56:06 UTC
Prax Aldard wrote:
I'm sure this has been asked/answered somewhere but I cant find it. If I own multiple skill books does the time to train decrease. Also what does it mean to have a (x3) next to a skill for example and can someone please tell me about the different abilities how to increase them what they affect etc. thank you so much.

Buying multiple skillbooks of the same skill is useless and a waste of ISK. You can only inject a skillbook once and as skillbooks are seeded the price is fixed and only way you will be selling it is if you put it up at a price below the seeded price you paid.

Attributes and implants alter skilling times.

the (3x) is the skill multipliers. (3x) skills take 3 times the time to skill over a (1x) skill. Basically, the more advance a skill is the higher the multiplier

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Marjolaine Soucie
Grott Shipyards
#5 - 2012-05-25 16:11:56 UTC
However, if you have multiple free skillbooks from the tutorial missions, sell these for free isk. And by sell, I don't mean just blindly right click and sell. Maximize your inclome. Right click, view market details. Then setup a Sell order that is .01 lower than the lowest sell order. (Sell orders are on the top pane of the market window, and buy orders are on the bottom pane of the market window) For example. Cybernetcs skill book. By blindly right clicking and selling, you may end up selling it for 5000 isk. But if you setup a sell order, you can sell it for 50000 isk. (example, prices may vary) And yes, those free skill boooks sell very nicely and very quickly, especially in major trade hubs like Jita, Rens, Dodixie, and Amarr.
Lyric Lahnder
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-05-25 20:14:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyric Lahnder
generally its the 5% rule. This can vary widly depending upon what the skill applies too.

Each skill can be trained to the lvl 5 with each training level taking progressively longer then the first.

lvl 1 41mins, lvl 2 2hrs, lvl3 6 hrs, lvl 4 18hrs, lvl 5 2 days

something along the lines of that, you get the picture. WIth each level the enhancement of the skill increases an additional 5%.

This means with something like sharp shooting: 5% bonus to optimal range per level would mean: at lvl 1 5% bonus to optimal range, lvl 2 10% and so on till lvl 5 25% bonus.

Just read the details of a skill book in game or on the evelopedia the description of the skill will contain the details of what attribute the skill increases.

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