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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
Khey AnnAnn
LOL dec
#1041 - 2012-06-21 00:48:16 UTC
Hello CCP, i am having a very big lag issue due to this new inventory system.

Have posted in the "Issues, Workaround and Localization" board:

my issue:
when clearing the field with my noctis after killing everything i encounter huge lag problem looting the wrecks.

detail :
1) after clicking the 'open container' button to display whats in the wreck, there will always be a 2 sec lag and my screen freeze during this lag.
2) clicking the 'loot all' button will cause an even bigger lag, usually lasting 3-4 sec, during which my screen freeze again.
3) after the loot has already gone to my inventory, the loot window will not disappear but instead it changed to my noctis cargo inventory, this is totally not necessary, if i wanted to see whats in my noctis's cargo hold i can click the cargo button. I think the default change from the wreck inventory to my noctis inventory is causing this huge lag.

when the wreck contains 1-2 items, the lag seems alot smaller. When wreck contains 4-6 items the lag and screen freeze happens most severely. This suggests the issue is related to how the new inventory system handles new additional items (like it tries to calculate the new total estimated values of stuff's in my inventory each time i clean a wreck, which is totally not needed and redundant and only serves to cause lag).

I have tried clearing cache and defrag hdd, no improvement at all.

please help.
#1042 - 2012-06-21 09:26:36 UTC
Unsubscribe your account(s) and wait until they get the old inventory back.
Tash Rockski
Silent Raven Accord
#1043 - 2012-06-22 23:20:13 UTC
Weapon groups are definately broken: on reload only one gun would make the reload. On activation only the newly reloaded gun from the whole group would actually cycle. 3rd time this week this happened to me. Im wondering why noone else noticed this. What?
Vicata Heth
Sensible People
Sigma Grindset
#1044 - 2012-06-23 16:47:33 UTC
Tash Rockski wrote:
Weapon groups are definately broken: on reload only one gun would make the reload. On activation only the newly reloaded gun from the whole group would actually cycle. 3rd time this week this happened to me. Im wondering why noone else noticed this. What?

I have experienced this as well. I don't think it's related to inferno as if memory serves me correctly, it happened to me before inferno was released. Only one gun had loaded and was shooting. Reloading my guns still only reloaded that one gun. I had to clear the group, and re-group the weapons before it was resolved.
Mercury Inc.
#1045 - 2012-06-23 21:23:55 UTC
"our quality assurance discovered a number of issues which we did not wish to deploy with. As such, we delayed the release in order to bring you a more polished product"

LOLOLOL.... where did this quality assurance department suddenly come from ?

They obviously could not have existed when the unified inventory was being tested, or they would have had a fit when they saw it and would have banished it from existance.

"quality assurance".... "polished product" ffs.

Don't make me laugh.
Tash Rockski
Silent Raven Accord
#1046 - 2012-06-24 07:48:17 UTC
Rommiee wrote:
"our quality assurance discovered a number of issues which we did not wish to deploy with. As such, we delayed the release in order to bring you a more polished product"

LOLOLOL.... where did this quality assurance department suddenly come from ?

They obviously could not have existed when the unified inventory was being tested, or they would have had a fit when they saw it and would have banished it from existance.

"quality assurance".... "polished product" ffs.

Don't make me laugh.

TBH QA can't be blamed if the Product Backlog is incomplete, say the stories (requirements) lack or a lot of the bugs are known but planned for a future sprint/increment. So the current increment would pass yet from the players point of view as a stakeholder UnInv is in a somewhat unusable state (at least in the first iteration).
Callidus Dux
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1047 - 2012-06-27 20:19:58 UTC
Penritha wrote:
The eve newsletter which just landed in my inbox has a link to an Inferno satisfaction (LOL) survey.

I urge everybody to complete the survey and express your disgust at the travesty of programming that is the unified inventory.

Thank you very much for the information Penritha.
In case that someone did NOT get these newsletter (like me):

Link to the Newsletter
Link to the Survey
Matthew Arnoux
#1048 - 2012-06-30 12:51:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Matthew Arnoux
Two things I noticed as a newbie redoing things:

Loss of sound of using turrets
Loss of sound when slowing down at the end of warps
Paulus Juno
Clan 86
Antesignani Alliance
#1049 - 2012-07-01 05:32:02 UTC
I'm a long time player who left for awhile and have just come back to see what up. I love most of the changes CCP has made, but the new inventory system is counter productive and frustrating. I can manipulate my windows all by my self, I don't big brother to show me a "better" way. Don't waste everybody time fixing a broken unwanted and hated system, be a adult and admit it sucks, go back to the way it was and everyone is happy.

Clan Black Dragon
#1050 - 2012-07-16 22:22:37 UTC
hope this is in right spot.i notice when i log on today and went to spin my ship alittle to get it in a good position for a screenshot so i can send the pic to my friend to make me a sig and none of my ships will move when am docked in station.did ccp disable ship spinning again?