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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
Ind Inc
#981 - 2012-05-31 15:13:59 UTC
Chavir wrote:
Do missile sentries have big impact on game performance?

My client suddenly slowed down severely in a mission. I think it had to do with missile effects on missile sentries, because all went back to normal as soon as I had destroyed those sentries (light missiles in this case). I didn't notice any major impact on game performance with missile effects on ships so far.

i haven't noticed anything personally, but... well i'll just say with 24GB of ram i'd be surprised if i did, anyway though the new missile effects may be more taxing especially with some of the sentries and non-ship stationary things that fire missiles extremely rapidly.
Linda Shadowborn
Dark Steel Industries
#982 - 2012-05-31 15:45:04 UTC
hey got another reply when i escalated the bug report about the executioner.

first i was told.. its a feature, it is meant to be that way.

told them, thats BS i dont buy it.


we are aware of the error.

seriously CCP, what the.. fu is wrong with yoru bug team if they give such different answers. specially when it is painfulkly obvious it was an error and you got someone saying.. we meant it.


Onyx Fatale
#983 - 2012-05-31 17:50:49 UTC
Since the Inferno patch when I log in I always end up about 10 K outside the POS shields. On some of my characters I have no problems, but on others I do. Some other players in my corp have the same issue (again, not all).

It's not the case of entering a wrong shield password, as after I come out of the initial warp I can slowboat into the shields without changing my password. However, this makes me vulnerable to hostile fleets.

It is also not POS-specific: other players who log into the same POS do not have any problems. Please fix this or at least let me know CCP is aware of this issue. Thanks!
Dex Tera
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#984 - 2012-05-31 20:52:58 UTC
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
Dex Tera wrote:

just a quick idea why don't you tray a half and half approach to corp hangers when you click to open the corp hanger instead of having all the divisions only in the tree why not also have the division tabs at the top of the window via the old style

They're probably planning ahead for the day where we don't have only 7 corporate hangar divisions.

HMMu may have a good point there bro but i think the fecal mater really hit the impeller when....

1 they killed our ship hanger button so now its more clicks to actually look in my ship hanger
2 they made so that if i wanted to open bay of any type it always opened up in the same window in the same place
3 didnt read the test server forums
4 released this clusterfuck upon us
Dex Tera
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#985 - 2012-05-31 20:56:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Dex Tera
Onyx Fatale wrote:
Since the Inferno patch when I log in I always end up about 10 K outside the POS shields. On some of my characters I have no problems, but on others I do. Some other players in my corp have the same issue (again, not all).

It's not the case of entering a wrong shield password, as after I come out of the initial warp I can slowboat into the shields without changing my password. However, this makes me vulnerable to hostile fleets.

It is also not POS-specific: other players who log into the same POS do not have any problems. Please fix this or at least let me know CCP is aware of this issue. Thanks!

ok u need to do a bug report on this asap i liv in a pos so this could posibly affect me as well as all other possers and also you should never log of at a pos in case of it getting **** caged by bubbles un less u liv in high/lowsec pos if ur in null and always if u live in wh log off at a safe spot and do a d scan before u warp to pos
Dex Tera
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#986 - 2012-05-31 21:01:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Dex Tera
hopefully this incarnation doesn't end up in fiery inferno in jita like the last one trolololol see what i did there

hmmm time to occupy jita i think
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#987 - 2012-05-31 21:37:40 UTC
The cost formula for war declarations is broken.

It multiplies the total cost (Base Fee + Member count fee) by 1+ the total number of active wars you have when you declare that war. So If you use GSF as your example by default it costs you 552 million (50 base fee + 502 member count fee) but if you already have one active war it costs you 1.1 billion.

Which means that the total cost of declaring war on multiple entities varies based on the order that you declare war in. "Completely batshit insane" doesn't begin to describe the current cost scaling system and it's yet another massive disincentive to war.

What had ought to happen is the base 50 million fee is multiplied by 1 + the number of current wars and then the member count fee is added to that, because that's actually reasonable and is how people would expect that mechanic to work.
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#988 - 2012-05-31 21:54:59 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
So If you use GSF as your example by default it costs you 552 million (50 base fee + 502 member count fee) but if you already have one active war it costs you 1.1 billion.

A bunch of people have figured out how to wardec us for free

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Kalevala Inc.
#989 - 2012-05-31 22:06:12 UTC  |  Edited by: osku
This thread seems to be fading a bit, im not even sure if CCP is reading this still... Ugh
I really dont care about the inventory, it doesnt bother me at all...

..Mainly cause i still CANT play eve.. and noones even looked at my bugreport yet, its been over a week, you dudes must be too busy to fix the game for those who can actually play it.... Straight

Am i to assume that the only thing i can do now is unsub... i really dont want to, but theres no point of me paying for a game i cant play... Shocked

Ill login, poof.. not responding --->> reboot....3 attempts later i finally login, i do something, poof ..not responding --->> reboot

Is this what its come to CCP?, 6 years of playing, and now.. because of a bug, that you cant seem to fix.. im forced to quit... Evil gonna be soo bored Cry
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#990 - 2012-05-31 22:06:15 UTC
GSF is just a really great example.

The free war with TEST is more popular anyway.
Kelnarn Shaelingrath
State War Academy
Caldari State
#991 - 2012-06-01 02:37:37 UTC
osku wrote:
This thread seems to be fading a bit, im not even sure if CCP is reading this still... Ugh
*(snip)* gonna be soo bored Cry

IDK if they're still reading it or not,(I can only hope they are) however, all I can do right now is skill, can't go to work(missioning) with the shield booster nerfed like it is while the NPCs are all doing more ewar...

and I'm already bored to tears... Blink


Commander A9
This Was The Way
Homicidal Tendencies.
#992 - 2012-06-01 04:25:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Commander A9
FLASH: This issue has been corrected. Thank you for your efforts.

Previous problem is described below; original post:
You want an issue? I got an issue for you: You've made the Connections skill totally useless!

As of now, I can't use Level 3 agents with the Amarr Navy, even though:
1. My Connections skill is at 5 and this pushes my standings up to 3.18, which is beyond the minimum requirement for Level 3 agents
2. The agent finder tells me Level 3 agents can be accessed.
3. The Amarr Navy agent list shows Level 3 agents as being available.

Yet, via petition, CCP has the nerve to tell me I can't use Level 3 agents because my standing isn't high enough.

My standing with Republic Security Service is 2.15 at base, 3.72 with connections 5, and I'm running Level 3s with them just fine. So why not the Amarr Navy?

Well, if that's the case, then what the hell is the point of the Connections skill if not to do what it says in its description: raise your standing towards friendly corps and factions by so much percentage points!?

It also appears that the "minimum standing requirement" has been removed from agents' info panels. The old version used to tell you what minimum amount you needed-now it's gone.

One of nuts!

Oh, one more thing: damage indicator is now way too low and usually right on top of the actual target I'm trying to shoot. It should be moved up higher and closer to the target row on the screen.


-enable ships wobbling in hangar view (pre-Captains Quarters)

-add more missions (NPC fleet vs. NPC fleets that actually shoot)


Join Live Events!

Robbie Robot
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#993 - 2012-06-01 05:12:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Robbie Robot
Abigail Sagan wrote:
Messoroz wrote:
In other news, only meta 0 and t2 tracking disruptors have the new missile disruption bonuses. The most used disruptors(metas) were left to dry.

CCP SoniClover wrote in his blog
We also wanted to update the Tracking Disruptors to affect missiles too, but the version we implemented was too limited (it only worked if you were flying certain ships and/or the enemy was using certain missiles). We haven’t found a good universal solution yet, so we’ll have to wait on this one.

So if the meta 0and 5 tracking disruptors have an effect on some missiles, it appears they have an extra (possibly nonfunctional) bonus instead of the others lacking a bonus.

Thanks for the info. I just noticed that after the last patch, meta 0 and meta 5 no longer have the explosion radius bonus. So, we did get their attention.

Also, I can't access the compare window via hotkey anymore. I can't find where to set the hotkey under shortcuts. It used to be alt+c for me, but someone changed that shortcut on me.
CCP SoniClover
C C P Alliance
#994 - 2012-06-01 10:19:53 UTC
Robbie Robot wrote:
Abigail Sagan wrote:
Messoroz wrote:
In other news, only meta 0 and t2 tracking disruptors have the new missile disruption bonuses. The most used disruptors(metas) were left to dry.

CCP SoniClover wrote in his blog
We also wanted to update the Tracking Disruptors to affect missiles too, but the version we implemented was too limited (it only worked if you were flying certain ships and/or the enemy was using certain missiles). We haven’t found a good universal solution yet, so we’ll have to wait on this one.

So if the meta 0and 5 tracking disruptors have an effect on some missiles, it appears they have an extra (possibly nonfunctional) bonus instead of the others lacking a bonus.

Thanks for the info. I just noticed that after the last patch, meta 0 and meta 5 no longer have the explosion radius bonus. So, we did get their attention.

Also, I can't access the compare window via hotkey anymore. I can't find where to set the hotkey under shortcuts. It used to be alt+c for me, but someone changed that shortcut on me.

The explosion radius stat on the tech I and II disruptors was a non-functional legacy from the time we were testing this. As noted, it has been cleaned up now. Again, these stats never had any effect on TQ, they were completely redundant.
Quay Industries
#995 - 2012-06-01 11:46:29 UTC
After todays botch, sorry, patch, every single container in my station corp hangar now says nothing found when trying to view it. These containers have god knows how much isk in them which is now atm unusable.

As in the words of so many others on this forum, how much longer are you going to continue breaking things in order to fix something that was never even broken to start with.
Quay Industries
#996 - 2012-06-01 12:22:06 UTC
Steijn wrote:
After todays botch, sorry, patch, every single container in my station corp hangar now says nothing found when trying to view it. These containers have god knows how much isk in them which is now atm unusable.

As in the words of so many others on this forum, how much longer are you going to continue breaking things in order to fix something that was never even broken to start with.

the workaround to the container bug is to move it to your personal hangar as it then becomes accessible.
Tactical Narcotics Team
#997 - 2012-06-01 12:23:24 UTC
I can see and interact with contents in regular cans, but not station containers/warehouses in corp hangars, unless I drag the container into my personal hangar.

This is a showstopper for a lot of things, and needs to be addressed immediately.
Michel Petit
#998 - 2012-06-01 13:20:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Michel Petit
Kudos on the recent advancements in resolving issues with Unified Inventory. Lol However, a couple of issues remain....What?

I have the Ship Hanger and Item Hanger as well as Active Ship Cargo Bay open along with an Inventory window open to access item containers. The Inventory window is setup in tree mode to make Item Containers more accessible.

When I undock from the station, the Active Ship Cargo Bay remains where I put it and the Ship Hanger, and Unified Inventory close as they should. Smile The Active Ship Cargo Bay is also open where the Item Hanger was which was opened with a shortcut to open Unified Inventory. Ugh When I re-dock, only the Ship Hanger and Active Ship Cargo Bay are open. Item Hanger and Unified Inventory need to be re-opened. If I close the Item Hanger, Ship Hanger and Unified Inventory windows before undocking, the Ship Hanger opens in any station I enter.

Attention You have allowed the use of a shortcut to open the Ship Hanger and Unified Inventory but not the Item Hanger. The only way to open the Item Hanger is to open the Inventory window and Shift-Click Open the Item Hanger. A shortcut to open the Item Hanger would be extremely helpful. Idea
Kelnarn Shaelingrath
State War Academy
Caldari State
#999 - 2012-06-01 13:53:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Kelnarn Shaelingrath
Well, thanks for fixing the shield boosts, it looks like that part is fixed up, so I'd better get to work...

Thanks CCP .


Edit: I should be more specific, "the normal shield boosts", I'm still seeing no change with the ancillary boosters.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1000 - 2012-06-01 14:08:26 UTC  |  Edited by: TravelBuoy
Michel Petit wrote:
Kudos on the recent advancements in resolving issues with Unified Inventory. Lol However, a couple of issues remain....What?

I have the Ship Hanger and Item Hanger as well as Active Ship Cargo Bay open along with an Inventory window open to access item containers. The Inventory window is setup in tree mode to make Item Containers more accessible.

When I undock from the station, the Active Ship Cargo Bay remains where I put it and the Ship Hanger, and Unified Inventory close as they should. Smile The Active Ship Cargo Bay is also open where the Item Hanger was which was opened with a shortcut to open Unified Inventory. Ugh When I re-dock, only the Ship Hanger and Active Ship Cargo Bay are open. Item Hanger and Unified Inventory need to be re-opened.

Attention You have allowed the use of a shortcut to open the Ship Hanger and Unified Inventory but not the Item Hanger. The only way to open the Item Hanger is to open the Inventory window and Shift-Click Open the Item Hanger. A shortcut to open the Item Hanger would be extremely helpful. Idea

Forget shortcuts, we want icons on Neocom first. If u want shortcuts just create shortcuts for those icons on Neocom.