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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
Infernal Laboratory
Infernal Octopus
#841 - 2012-05-24 21:10:04 UTC
After I dock in other system in station where I have around 20 ships and 1000 items, I cannot change my ship on any other ship, because I doesnt saw in hangar any ship! In other station I see them, in this station I doesn't see any ship or module.
And yes, I doesn't set any filter and any search filter. I relog, and even after this I doesn't saw any ship or item.
The only one thing in hangar was 1 bpc cos few hours ago I drop it from corp hangar to my hangar by remote way from other system.

I think this new inventory window doesn't load ships and items for some way. Maybe because there over 1000 items or I don't know why.
Frank Pannon
Emerald Swine Escavations
#842 - 2012-05-24 21:13:31 UTC
Frank Pannon wrote:
I had this problem after logging in in our WH, since then I can not recreate it, wonder if others had it too. (did not read whole thread)

When you are in WH at your POS with your Fitting window open, and you change ships, you get a failure message that you can not click away, OK does not work, you have to close EVE.

Wish I could recreate it.

OK I had this again today, message is as follows:

You cannot view the contents of the Cheetah because it does not belong to you, a fellow corporation member or a fellow fleet member (if the ship is configured to allow that).

I was in my Cheetah switching to logi. Message can not be clicked away, only way is to exit game and log back.

Hope this helps CCP.
Jake McCord
Greater Metropolis Sanitation Service
#843 - 2012-05-24 21:24:38 UTC
Messoroz wrote:
BlackRain McMillan wrote:

Any chances that CCP will pull a magic rabbit out of their @$$ and get this one fixed soon so that us null-sec dwellers can actually rely on local chat and other channels?

Get over it, we in wspace have no issue with local chat being empty. And we're the ones flying about in billions of isk ships sometimes in groups and sometimes solo.

Frankly, I'd be in favor of getting rid of the user lists for local chat. It would certainly make it easier and harder to pull of a sneak attack, if your enemies don't know if you're there or not. Make them hunt for you.

I like the aspect of that from both sides of the coin.

They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way! Did I mention, I used to live in Chicago?

Phoebe Cho
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#844 - 2012-05-24 21:29:00 UTC
Quindaster wrote:
After I dock in other system in station where I have around 20 ships and 1000 items, I cannot change my ship on any other ship, because I doesnt saw in hangar any ship! In other station I see them, in this station I doesn't see any ship or module.
And yes, I doesn't set any filter and any search filter. I relog, and even after this I doesn't saw any ship or item.
The only one thing in hangar was 1 bpc cos few hours ago I drop it from corp hangar to my hangar by remote way from other system.

I think this new inventory window doesn't load ships and items for some way. Maybe because there over 1000 items or I don't know why.

I'm having the same problem. I just clone jumped back to where most of my assets were (probably a few hundred unique items and about 50 ships). Only the items that I just had couriered over are here...everything else is nowhere to be found. None of it shows in assets either. However, I can search assets by item and then they show up. I'd like to undock in one of my ships tonight...any fixes for this?
Kim Blackstone
Mineski Infinity
Pandemic Horde
#845 - 2012-05-24 21:40:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Kim Blackstone
Inventory filter doesn't stay minimized.

I for one like the unified inventory. What?
Ricky Bolt
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#846 - 2012-05-24 22:00:13 UTC
While exploring around in space, I've had several instances where when I open a container after unlocking it(via either salvage, decoding, or analyzing), I am unable to select the opened container and view/loot its contents. Once one of the containers causes this, the issue remains until I leave the pocket. Basically I could say my unified inventory is 'freezing' while in exploration sites. I've always returned to a station right after this happens, so I don't know if docking fixes the glitch or if leaving the location does.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#847 - 2012-05-24 22:01:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Vamyaran
Not sure if this is mentioned yet, but the ability to copy from the inventory window "list" view and paste into a spreadsheet is no longer working. Please fix this! I already had spreadsheets set up to handle my inventory pastes!

EDIT: just searched through all pages of this thread, and this wasn't mentioned yet. Should be an easy fix, since all the groundwork has already been built.
Mason Endashi
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#848 - 2012-05-24 22:01:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Mason Endashi
after the patch, my video card fan speeds increased a lot and is very loud. Before the patch, it was reasonable. When I turn the game off, the fans slows back down.

Geforce GTX 465
Geforce 9800 GTX+
latest 301.42 driver for the video cards

i7-950 water cooled CPU
Linda Shadowborn
Dark Steel Industries
#849 - 2012-05-24 22:32:19 UTC
ok it seems that my ship refuses to warp.

i exit station, select the gate.. click warp.. nothing.. click again... nothing.. after the 20th time or so it miiight decide to move... kinda dangerous when you are in low/0.0....

it is happening on and off and it is a HUGE pain in the behind! almost lost my t3 due to it.. not happy
Philosoph Tzestu
Ships with Slingshots
#850 - 2012-05-24 22:48:54 UTC
Hey, the corporation tab still doesn't stay gone upon logging in again.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#851 - 2012-05-24 22:52:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Scaugh
I can not believe the bloody carghold for my pod auto appeared when I docked in a station. Eve is now beyond FUBAR

Honestly its not as if I can use any of the 0.0m3 of cargohold anyways.

CCP get your finger out and do something about the new and imporved UI interfaces.
Verge of Collapse
#852 - 2012-05-25 00:08:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Messoroz
All meta versions of Tracking Disruptors are missing the new Explosion Radius bonus that meta 0 and T2 versions have.

Edit: the Patch notes also never mentioned the module changes.
Vipsana Sanjakota
Koona Salvage Services
#853 - 2012-05-25 00:47:36 UTC
The new inventory patch is NOT an improvement .........when looting rats the video momentarily stops when the bay opens ... also when in station and attempting to move items between hangar locations the different locations keep opening and closing .... GRRRRRRR|!!!!! this is EXTREMELY frustrating ...
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#854 - 2012-05-25 00:54:15 UTC
Serious Mac client issues.

1) Random crashes during game play, as well as idle afk.
2) Unable to left-click select items (nearly anything, actually) until I restart the client. Even then there's about a 50/50 chance that it will function properly once logged. It acts as if the left mouse button is continuously held down. I've checked all hardware and peripherals which are functioning fine from my end.
#855 - 2012-05-25 01:08:13 UTC
Combat scanning is jacked up. When you click to ignore other results they still show up when you scan again. Fix this. My god did all those people who are listed as testers for you guys even bother testing anything out before you shoved this steaming pile of crap down our throats?
Dread Nanana
#856 - 2012-05-25 01:50:18 UTC
shandroki wrote:
My god did all those people who are listed as testers for you guys even bother testing anything

Testers? The only TESTers CCP has are in fountain.

Usability testing seems non-existent. How else can people not open their inventory anymore,


You have been denied access for the following reason: You require take access to open the container requested.

Clove Dragolis
Phoenix Infernis
#857 - 2012-05-25 01:57:21 UTC
Dear Devs, please undo the changes made to the inventory system.

It is very difficult to have two or more inventory windows open at once. Most players prefer "boxes" for their inventory, not a directory tree style layout. I have always believed that this is an important ISK sink. It certainly is for me, and I often have to buy multiple containers in each station to maintain my inventories.

If un-doing the changes is politically unfeasible for CCP, please consider the following:
* Allow shift-click to work anywhere, and not just in the index.
* It should take just as few clicks to open windows like they were before the expansion, not more.
* Change it back so that when you dock, the ships and items windows will re-open.
* Fix the bug that opens / closes windows on session changes
* Allow us to double-click our ships to look in their cargoholds
* Make the windows remember where they used to be.
* Make the cargohold stay open on undock (and make it stay the same size).
* Make it easy (just as few clicks) to get in & out of a jetcan WHILE KEEPING YOUR CARGOHOLD OPEN, AND IN A SEPARATE WINDOW. Anything else is a HUGE disservice to miners.
* When floating around a POS, please allow us to filter out items by distance. If I can't open every Cruise launcher outside the Force Field, then I don't need to see that they are there in the directory tree.
*The old functionality of inventory management should remain while the enhancements are added. Losing that functionality is a step backwards.

I like the value in the lower corner, even though I suspect it is causing me lag. This was a great addition.
(For the record, I am not all negative :) )

I realize that changing things back might seem like the company will "lose face" with the public. On the contrary, I believe that responsiveness to customer feedback is the ultimate goal, and that is why I like EVE, and have stuck by CCP, even though monoclegeddon and all that noise.

Please realize that EVE, more than any other game, is about the accumulation of stuff. There is no practical limit (that I know of) for accumulating items. The recent changes made it harder to manage those items. I believe that this is an unfortunate move away from one of EVE's core values, one of the ones that makes it great.

This is my first forum post, ever for any game - This is how strongly I feel about the inventory issue.

Thank you for reading my post.

Stigman Zuwadza
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#858 - 2012-05-25 02:03:07 UTC
So unless I've lost my F1 pressing mojo, it would seem that since the new updates clicking Jump and then F1 (to activate my cloak) now produces the warp interference message.

This indicates to me that its taking longer to register my Jump click, I would say that 90% of the time it seems to not be as quick as pre the update.

Has something changed? Is it due to the lag everyone is reporting?

Also, when spamming the jump button when at a gate, that also seems a little less responsive in terms of the onscreen messages. You know, if you sorted it so that ships did in fact jump to zero, we wouldn't all be spamming that jump (or dock) button so much.

Fly safe. o7 ...not that I feel safe with the delay in being able to activate my cloak. Sad

It's broken and it's been broken for a long time and it'll be broken for some time to come.

Sons Of Brutor
#859 - 2012-05-25 02:09:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Rahzi
Phoebe Cho wrote:
Quindaster wrote:
After I dock in other system in station where I have around 20 ships and 1000 items, I cannot change my ship on any other ship, because I doesnt saw in hangar any ship! In other station I see them, in this station I doesn't see any ship or module.
And yes, I doesn't set any filter and any search filter. I relog, and even after this I doesn't saw any ship or item.
The only one thing in hangar was 1 bpc cos few hours ago I drop it from corp hangar to my hangar by remote way from other system.

I think this new inventory window doesn't load ships and items for some way. Maybe because there over 1000 items or I don't know why.

I'm having the same problem. I just clone jumped back to where most of my assets were (probably a few hundred unique items and about 50 ships). Only the items that I just had couriered over are here...everything else is nowhere to be found. None of it shows in assets either. However, I can search assets by item and then they show up. I'd like to undock in one of my ships tonight...any fixes for this?

I had this happen to me after I completed an expired contract. All items and ships seem to be filtered out in the station that the item was contracted from. The only thing that was in the station was the item that was on contract.

While docked, the only item that showed up in the assets list was my current ship, and the item that was on contract. In space, all items/ships where shown correctly.

Workaround to get items/ships to show again is view assets from space, and select view contents. when you dock the item/ship should show up. This only works for containers/ships.

*edit* You can also contract any item to yourself from space, and then delete the contract, and the items you contracted will then show.
Critical Mass Inc
#860 - 2012-05-25 03:17:36 UTC  |  Edited by: MadMuppet
Another wonderful result from the UI tonight. Not sure which ship I'm putting anything in to anymore:

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

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"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet