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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
Atomic Heroes
#441 - 2012-05-23 08:27:42 UTC
Last night I had lost all my chats bar 1, and local was one of those I lost. Consequently I was unable to play (who wants to try 0.0 when you can't see local chat but others can?) Today I have just lgged in and now I have my chats back, but local claims that there are 100 people here. Some of those in local I know for a fact are logged off, and have been so since last night ! Local would seem to hold 25 or so from the responses to questions, and the bug appears to be widespread. This might not be CCP's biggest ****-up to date (boot.ini, CQ, etc) but stacked alongside the totally crappy UI it sure is in the Top 5. Really CCP, just when we thought you were getting your act together you go and royally screw the whole thing up again, despite having copious amounts of feedback from SiSi on some of this !! Really makes me wonder why I'm still struggling to play at this point in time, having serious second thoughts about how I spend my time round about now. I'm very disillusioned.
Blossom Hilitari
Galactic Express
#442 - 2012-05-23 08:31:00 UTC
Seeing many of the same bugs others reporting.

Lots of ghosts in corp/local

The new inventory system seems to be creating lag or something, or maybe a combination of several things. Such that I couldn't warp a ship out for over a minute from a hidden belt when rats came in. Lost my hulk due to this, I've petitioned it due to the latency but sure logs will show nothing :(.

optimization of the code probably needed, not noticed anything missing though.

Mercury Inc.
#443 - 2012-05-23 08:37:12 UTC
Nikuno wrote:
Really makes me wonder why I'm still struggling to play at this point in time, having serious second thoughts about how I spend my time round about now. I'm very disillusioned.

I think that this applies to a lot of people at the moment.

I logged out after half hour last night as I really could not be arsed fitting Corp ships and sorting Poses when it was taking 10 times as long as before.

2 of my accounts expire at the end of the month and they will not be renewed if this bag of crap isn't fixed. My other 3 accounts have a month left, and it's not looking good for them either at the moment.

Arianna Asques
House Lannister
#444 - 2012-05-23 08:38:34 UTC
Unable to log in on both accounts. The login screen freezes on -Preparing Data- when the progress bar is at 100%. Tried repair tool and even re-downloaded the client to no avail.
St Rannik
Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#445 - 2012-05-23 08:48:34 UTC
1) Client update 1 doesn't want to install. When my client opens it just downloads it twice, tells me that it can't install it and then lets me into the game. By the way, why are updates downloaded by client, not by launcher?

2) The font in new inventory system tree is next to useless, you can't see anything if the window is aligned against light objects
3) the inventory itself is unworkable, you can't move things around between two different containers anymore, cause you got every bloody POS structure on the list.
4) Looting the wreck takes ages (Just like i said it would when i first heard about this feature). C'mon CCP, this one is a no brainer, you don't even need to write code to figure it out.

The Reason is Treason
Pandemic Horde
#446 - 2012-05-23 08:56:44 UTC
has anyone else had a problem with mission salvaging and general flight of a noctis?

1) everytime i jump to a different system, the inventory opens.
2) when i salvage mission wrecks, the cargo hold of the noctis has to be open when i open a wreck, which by the way, makes salvaging a real pain in the ass (yes even more so than before) because the noctis cargo has to load what is has in it, as well as opening all the wrecks and loading them too.

this is not fixed by holding shift. please tell me this is a to be fixed and not in the design.

i have no other issues with anything else that hasnt been raised already.

good work ccp


Malice Redeemer
#447 - 2012-05-23 08:57:19 UTC
Angeliq wrote:
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
The "number of items" and "estimated price" lines at the bottom of inventory windows need to be merged into a single line. There's no reason why they need to consume so much vertical space.

Or better yet, remove them! Or at least put some little arrows to hide them and recover the window margin space.

yes for the love of god, while they are at it the waste of a top bar as well
Bo Deepzone
Tax Wizards
#448 - 2012-05-23 08:59:08 UTC
Bug report :

Open trade with other character, complete trade successfully.

Trade icon will remain in the sidebar. Right click on it, get options Minimize/Close. Can't minimize it since it ain't on your screen anymore. Can't close it either (gives error). Both involved parties have this ghost trade icon in sidebar.
United System's Commonwealth
#449 - 2012-05-23 09:00:04 UTC
Galmas wrote:
Allright, just wrote a nice long post with some issues... in the in game browser... when i clicked post it was gone... AWESOME!!!

Now a short version:

Inventory System:

- filter (top right corner box) returns different results for the same filter string

1. type a three char string
2. add a 4th char
3. delete 4th char again

The first three chars of the configurable ship name of a subset of the ships in the ship maint here matches the three chars i put into the filter box.
After step 1. the filter applies to something but i cannot figure to what it applies since a lot of ships are shown. Pre-Inferno it applied to the configurable ship name (e.g Myship or Myship2 etc..) AND the ship type name (e.g. Talos or Dominix etc..). It now shows different ships and a lot more of them.
After step 3. the filter only applies to the he configurable ship name (e.g Myship or Myship2 etc..)

Please fix.

- inventory tree view

There is no point showing all the pos structures that are out of range of interaction. When i open the corp hangar and then want to switch to the ship maint hangar in the tree i have ot scroll past all the Laser Batteries which are all way out of interaction range. Please fix that.

Thanks, Regards

- filter reset on tab change in corp hangar

every time i change the tab in a corp hangar the filter resets. highly annoying when searching for something. please change to not resetting the filter on tab change.
Bo Deepzone
Tax Wizards
#450 - 2012-05-23 09:04:35 UTC
Local chat loads, but shows incorrect number of players (bug)

Didn't get any entries/spam in Jita local last night. Petitioning to keep it that way Twisted
Mercury Inc.
#451 - 2012-05-23 09:04:41 UTC
Most of the issues over the new inventory system are really quite simple to fix. You just need to get your heads out of your ass and LISTEN.

1. Bring back the clickable buttons that just open a single hanger (Ships, Items, Corp Hanger). Make these windows remember size and position, and reinstate the tabs on the Corp hanger.

2. Reinstate the important right-click shortcuts.... Open fuel bay, drone bay, ships hanger, ore hold, ship maintenance bay, Corp hanger. Again, make these windows remember size and position, and reinstate the tabs on the Corp hanger. It REALLY REALLY is not a bad thing to have important stuff in the right-click menu when it improves functionality. Like others have said, remove some of the redundant ones instead, undock etc.

3. Double clicking in your main hanger should open your cargo ONLY. Not the whole inventory, that’s what the button on the Neocom is for. Make this window remember size and position. Same applies for the cargo icon while in space.

4. Open a wreck in a new window. Make this window remember size and position. Keep the loot all button.

5. Give an option to hide the ISK value from the inventory windows, it is not something that we would use all the time, it just takes up space. It can be un-hidden when needed.

6. Reduce the size of the volume bar at the top of the window. Again, it just takes up space, revert to the previous thinner bar.

I cannot believe that this stuff would be difficult to implement, and it would go a long way to reducing the rage most people are feeling at the moment.

The good stuff in this patch is being totally overshadowed by this. It’s a crying shame as the new missile effects are awesome.

So PLEASE listen and get this sorted asap.
Zentor Industries
#452 - 2012-05-23 09:04:53 UTC
Galmas wrote:

- filter reset on tab change in corp hangar

every time i change the tab in a corp hangar the filter resets. highly annoying when searching for something. please change to not resetting the filter on tab change.

This is highly annoying
CCP SoniClover
C C P Alliance
#453 - 2012-05-23 09:06:36 UTC
Polidrei wrote:
Inventing at least one of the new mods is broken. Error message when hitting the invent button:

"Drone Damage Amplifier I Blueprint" can not be invented, there is no chance of it succeeding.

All my skills are green checked. All components are in the right location. Blueprint copies of varying runs. Does not work in station nor in POS.

Has anyone gotten this to work yet, and if so, what did you do to get it to work?

This was broken, a fix is in the patch today.
Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#454 - 2012-05-23 09:11:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Sephira Galamore
Selecting items via mouse-down
When you attempted to select multiple items in a container/hold with with the mouse, you would - while still having the mouse down - see which items will be selected, as they were highlighted during the selection process.
There is no highlighting anymore showing you which items will be included in the selection.

Please reintroduce the highlighting of items during mouse-down selection as otherwise it leaves you a bit uncertain which items will be included.
comb4t womb4t
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#455 - 2012-05-23 09:23:32 UTC
so we just joined FW and have no militia chat and it appears as tho the alliance is not even in FW despite getting the mail for it and had the militia chat for a few mins
Sarah Schneider
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#456 - 2012-05-23 09:25:19 UTC
for the love of god please fix the chat member list updates :( literally don't know who's on and who's not.

"I'd rather have other players get shot by other players than not interacting with others" -CCP Soundwave

Madner Kami
Durendal Ascending
#457 - 2012-05-23 09:26:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Madner Kami
I'll shamelesly quite myself from a different forum:

Madner Kami wrote:
I guess nobody actually dealt with it in an environment, where there's a myriad of possible containers (POS beeing the most obvious thing there). I think it works quite nicely in a station, where you, at best, have your ship's cargohold(s), ship hangar, station hangar and corp hanger and I actually think, that there it works quite fine (unless you make extensive use of cans in station). Where it falls completely apart is an environment, where there's more than just that, especially if you have no way of naming the containers in the list or at least a way of filtering away containers that are not in range (though that definitly wouldn't suffice for many industrial POS-setups I've seen so far, imo).

Things I'd like to see with the inventory system:
  • Make the ******* settings work as they should: "Only Stack Windows if Shift pressed". It's beyond my understanding, why this setting has no relevance now. I've seen it (and the other related settings) not working as intended with the old system a number of times, but at least they worked at some point, but now... Geez. (Read as: Give me an option to select, if it shoudl default-open a new window or do exactly that not, if I open a container of any type, when there's already a container opened)
  • Make the system remember which corp division was selected in a container and if that is too much work for each container individually, then at least set it globally, like with the old system: You opened a corp hangar of any sort and selected a division. Then, when you open another corp hangar, it opened the exact same divison as you selected previously. (This is obviously important for when you open a corp hangar in a new window. Defaulting to 1st Division is bullshit.)
  • Make new inventory windows opening (either by shift-clicking or by what I mentioned in the first point) with the container listing displayed by default (or make it a selectable option). I don't need that listing in my ship's cargohold, but I would need it in whatever window I am opening in addition to the cargohold.
  • Either default-filter away whatever is not in range to be opened from that list or allow the player to create such a filter (obvious filter options: range to can, filter by type of can, [...]).
  • ******* allow me to name Silos and Corp Hangars at POSes. This was annoying before and the new inventory system makes it even worse of a problem.
  • Allow the player the option to choose to default-list whatever is set by the filter I mentioned a point ago or only display containers that the player selected to be opened, like with the old system. It's a pita to figure out, which of the 20+ cans you have already filled with goods or emptied (damn relevant in space). With the old system I was able to close or open them if they were as I needed them, effectively working as a filter, now I have to scroll down a list and get confused because of the length...

Each of those things are imperative to make it usable, imo.

And only now do I realize, that you can't drop stuff into another corp's POS hangar (both corps beeing in the same alliance). Seriously?
Sara Ducai
The Tal'Shiar
#458 - 2012-05-23 09:29:31 UTC
I have had the pleasure off the inventory completely stopping once I tried looking at the corporate hanger and getting told I didn't have permission. Relogging did get it back, but that is actually two issues, one I have permission and two it bugged because it thought I didn't. Also I have notice a serious drop in frame rate when in an asteroid belt looking at the rats there and there is a good amount of the rocks in veiw, if I pan over to where there is none of the rocks an look into the emptyness of space it seems to clear up. Not sure why this has started now, I have never had an issue like this before even with multiple client/character in the same belt. Its not the occlusion of the star(sun) that is the issue, just the plain old rocks. It took me by surprise as the frame rate dropped down to as low as 13 for a bit while setting there.
Mecinia Lua
Galactic Express
#459 - 2012-05-23 09:30:08 UTC
Imuran wrote:
Locked blueprints do not show as locked

I'm seeing this too.

Along with the ghosts in corp/local chats

Haven't yet noticed anything missing but we'll see.
SoC Darkord
Silentium Mortalitas
#460 - 2012-05-23 09:35:15 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:

A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

And the unified inventory isn't? Shocked

It adds a massive amount of time to anything, its broken, 90% of people hate it, it makes managing both my own and corp assets next to impossible, and i haven't even gotten to the reaction towers yet...

come on CCP i've been playing on various accounts since beta and yes there have been mistakes in expansions, (last year anyone?, Aurum? etc) But the expansion 6 months ago was a really good leap in the right direction... and now we leap all the way back again.

I thought you had gotten past the whole 'lets ignore the player base and do what we like' thing... apparently not

Well if you want a repeat of last years subscriber slump, and the redundancies you had to make as a result, your going the right way about it Ugh

As a side note, At least the missile effects is some good work.

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