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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#381 - 2012-05-23 00:58:11 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Smoking Blunts wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Rrama Ratamnim wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:

Soundwave can you take a look at my recommendations and tell if there possible or planned please as i honestly think they would solve a lot of complaints

1: We're really trying to thin down the right click menu, so I'd prefer not having them back. One thing we could look into is shortcuts to different sections of the unified inventory? So you'd still open the unified inventory, but just on the exact tab you want.

2: Definately dealing with this. Not sure what the solution is but needs to be dealt with.

3: Fixed in tomorrows patch over downtime.

4: This doesn't have much to do with the unified inventory, but yes, I completely agree.

why do we need a trimmed down right click menu btw?

A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

Not quite. The worst thing in the world is the unified inventory system.
#382 - 2012-05-23 01:02:29 UTC
- I want that guy who make this new inventory to make some moving in his inventory with multiple item >> if u get problems with delays maybe u start think before changes
Oh wait the smart guy from UI department make 1 more task take a Noctis tractor/ loot/ salvage like 20-30 wrecks and u discover a lot of refresh and i need to wait until he is doing that because u cant do nothing else >>> u will get mad and maybe u fix it or bring back old UI

- I wonder why all modules including rigs take damage in mission with overlod off. I tested in a few missions and is happening even if some of modules are not used. For what i was tested damage was between 1-2,5% for all modules

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#383 - 2012-05-23 01:03:02 UTC
CCP Zorba wrote:
Talon SilverHawk wrote:
+1 for this. Also get the issue if I have tabbed in and out of the client a few times the missiles in flight and missile firing animation disappear even the the missiles icons in the UI are still cycling and I'm getting damage notifications for the target. Zoom in on turrets and they are still tracking they just don't look like their firing.

Not sure if this is linked but this is happening to me in Jita, each time this happens I lose control of the ship as in I'll click dock on a station, I'll get acknowledgement to say docking but ship just keeps orbiting the current target. I have to log to fix.


Next year if you make it to Fanfest (which you should because the 10th anniversary will be the most awesome yet) I will explain over a beer why situations like this make me shudder. But basically EVE is two different giant balls of asynchronous state that make even simple things difficult to think about, and space rendering lives on top of a giant general rendering engine that tries to help manage graphics state.

So the more chaotic the circumstances that produce a graphics bug, the more fortitude it takes on the part of a programmer to fix the bug. Fortunately our graphics programmers are an angry German, intrepid Icelanders, and an incredibly clever Englishman, I'll see what they say.

Considering the fact that the unified inventory is FAR FAR FAR worse than the Aurum store, which caused a lot of un-subscriptions, it's quite possible there will be no Fanfest, no Eve and certainly no Dust come early next year. (followed by no ccp)
#384 - 2012-05-23 01:04:44 UTC  |  Edited by: whaynethepain
Wilma Lawson wrote:
whaynethepain wrote:
Inventory bug.

If I do not close my corp delivery tab before exiting a station, it keeps opening and closing on session changes.

I had to go all the way back to the offended station to close it, docked.

Did you clear your cache? I did and haven't had this issue.

I'd like to clear your cache'

Getting you on your feet.

So you've further to fall.

Wilma Lawson
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#385 - 2012-05-23 01:05:43 UTC
whaynethepain wrote:
Wilma Lawson wrote:
whaynethepain wrote:
Inventory bug.

If I do not close my corp delivery tab before exiting a station, it keeps opening and closing on session changes.

I had to go all the way back to the offended station to close it, docked.

Did you clear your cache? I did and haven't had this issue.

I'd like to clear your cache'

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#386 - 2012-05-23 01:07:21 UTC
Inventory related:

1) The normal Inventory window appears to open and close itself at random during session changes.

2) Specific, separate inventory windows (opened by shift clicking) close themselves every session change and are never re-opened unless I manually open them again.

3) Container windows don't disappear after using the "loot all" button.

4) The item hangar re-sorts itself any time it's not being viewed.

I can see that this system will eventually be preferable to the old one, but right now it's a bit irritating.

Missile related:

1) The missile launch animations (which are fantastic, by the way - thanks!) appear to be a second or two out of sync with the damage done. (Ships exploding before missiles hit them, etc.)

2) When flying a Drake, all missiles are shown as launched from one side of my ship - the launchers on the other side have no attached animations.
Backwater Redux
Tactical Narcotics Team
#387 - 2012-05-23 01:09:02 UTC
Wilma Lawson wrote:
Ristlin Wakefield wrote:
OK, after a few hours with it I can say that the new inventory system is NOT BAD! As a newbie, I find it to be quite a good change for the better. Thanks CCP.

Obviously some people have problems with it, maybe you should add the option for them to go back to the crap.

I somewhat agree. However, the right-click context men option of Select All doesn't do anything.

Edit: Also, the Corp Hangar button is no longer at the station where it should be, but there is a Move HQ Here! Shocked

Yea and theres a poorly placed unrent office button.....wonder if it has an are you sure button if you accidentally hit it....also deliveries button needs to come back.....its just wrong not having them there.

i'm not liking having the corp inventory lumped in with my own
Prisoner 002929
Wulgun Wing
#388 - 2012-05-23 01:15:29 UTC
Let us turn off the inventory UI.
Cutting Edge Incorporated
#389 - 2012-05-23 01:17:59 UTC  |  Edited by: mrpapageorgio
After having used the inventory system all day I can say that I absolutely hate it compared to the old system. Stop telling people to shift click to open separate windows. I should not have to do an additional step to retain the functionality of the old system, that is poor design.

For the love of God, separate the corp hangar/deliveries from this system. I need to be able to open a window containing the whole corp hanger with tabbed interface, not just a single division. Please return its button to station services or at the very least a separate button on the neocom.

People don't like being told to just deal with it. Listen to your customers for once without us having to post a 100 page threadnaught to get something you have decided is "best" fixed.

Having said all this, I do like the filters. I just don't want everything in one window as in the current implementation.
Penumbra Institute
#390 - 2012-05-23 01:46:40 UTC
Ive noticed today ALOT of characters in local/ channels that are not online and have not been for hours. Ive DC'd several times but thats something i expect and understand around patch times.

-1 UI Been using UI for a week or so on SiSi. Was beginning to get the hang of it until today on TQ when i needed to fit things and search for items quickly in the middle of combat situations. It definately had a negative impact. Seems a bit clunky.
Mithril Ryder
Genstar Inc
#391 - 2012-05-23 01:53:15 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Smoking Blunts wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Rrama Ratamnim wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:

Soundwave can you take a look at my recommendations and tell if there possible or planned please as i honestly think they would solve a lot of complaints

1: We're really trying to thin down the right click menu, so I'd prefer not having them back. One thing we could look into is shortcuts to different sections of the unified inventory? So you'd still open the unified inventory, but just on the exact tab you want.

2: Definately dealing with this. Not sure what the solution is but needs to be dealt with.

3: Fixed in tomorrows patch over downtime.

4: This doesn't have much to do with the unified inventory, but yes, I completely agree.

why do we need a trimmed down right click menu btw?

A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

No, it really isn't.

Waiting needlessly for any action is the WORST functionality in the world. Why? because it is a LACK of functionality.

If I was on the internal QA team that worked on this feature, I'd have quit in protest over pushing this out.
A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#392 - 2012-05-23 01:59:18 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:

A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

"This feature that you guys were using all the time and not complaining about? I'm the design guy and I don't like it, so suck it."

A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#393 - 2012-05-23 02:04:31 UTC
Also, taking a capability off the mouse and placing it on the keyboard is NOT better. What is a right mouse button for if it's not to be used?
Verge of Collapse
#394 - 2012-05-23 02:08:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Messoroz
CCP Zorba wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
When running the game in fullscreen mode missile effects "build up" when you tab out of the game and then play all at once when you tab back in, causing lag and client lockup.

I'll make sure my team takes a look at this. Good find!

I'll suggest TriLambda QA get smaller monitors and check Facebook more often while testing so cases like this are properly tested Twisted

This always occurred with the old missile system. There just wasn't 1 effect per missile so it wasn't as bad.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#395 - 2012-05-23 02:10:13 UTC
I anchored a new med amarr pos and on the manage screen it showed 100% shields as soon as it was onlined, but if you targeted it showed 51%.
A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#396 - 2012-05-23 02:13:22 UTC
Messoroz wrote:
CCP Zorba wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
When running the game in fullscreen mode missile effects "build up" when you tab out of the game and then play all at once when you tab back in, causing lag and client lockup.

I'll make sure my team takes a look at this. Good find!

I'll suggest TriLambda QA get smaller monitors and check Facebook more often while testing so cases like this are properly tested Twisted

This always occurred with the old missile system. There just wasn't 1 effect per missile so it wasn't as bad.

This was already reported by clients running in map mode to reduce CPU load before Inferno release. It must not have been 'important' enough to address either.
Linda Shadowborn
Dark Steel Industries
#397 - 2012-05-23 02:15:48 UTC
ok i spent 6 hours today trying my darn best to like the new inventory...

but its like having my teeth pulled, by a rabid weasel!

Seriously, trying to salvage a site.. forget it... try to do some pos stuff. HELL NO!!!! industry.. yeah i think not.

it takes MUCH longer then before even when i know exactly what to do, due to lag or extra clicks.

I didnt mind the Aurum store all that much but this is such a giant pain in my rear I was actually almost crying on skype from sheer frustration when talking to a corpie about it.
Rainbows in the Darkness
#398 - 2012-05-23 02:18:46 UTC
Love all the new grapgics,missiles are great.No drone sound though.please give us back the old ui.
Verge of Collapse
#399 - 2012-05-23 02:34:09 UTC
Mariner6 wrote:
When you look up a Nemesis in the market the old picture shows up. If you click on it, you do get the correct new ship.

This is not a bug, clear your cache. EVE generates ship icons on the fly.
Dawne Xi
3D Salvage and Acquisitions
#400 - 2012-05-23 02:43:27 UTC
Export / Import feature from the launcher isn't working with the Inferno Expansion, I had to download it 3 times, once for each client installation I have.

When I exported it, it worked fine, it created the 1gb file, but when I went to import it for the next client, the size went to 0kb, and I ended up having to download it again. It did the same thing after the second time I downloaded it, exported it, went to import it for the third client, and size went to 0kb, had to download a third time.

No I did not have "Delete Downloaded Files when done" checked, I made sure of that.

This made patching this expansion a major pain, since I had to do this on 2 computers.