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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
#221 - 2012-05-22 18:35:06 UTC
cargo window opens every time i jump?

new inventory windows suck
Hannott Thanos
Squadron 15
#222 - 2012-05-22 18:36:30 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

So are active modules that should be passive, hint hint

while (CurrentSelectedTarget.Status == ShipStatus.Alive) {



MeiSun Leow
Gallentan Blue Ice Corporation
#223 - 2012-05-22 18:37:22 UTC
Apart that I don't like the unified inventory, because it takes to long to open, with all ships, container, Corp Hangars and so on it's a very long list to scroll. It was a lot simpler using the old one without the nice search function.

But there are also problems:
- Wrecks: if you view one, then change it in not viewed, and then loot another one, the first one also will turn grey as if you've viewed it again.
- Member Hangars are sorted in a way that I can't understand, so finding the right one without searching is hard, for a big corp it's impossible.

So why change the wrecks, who cares when I loot where I have all the other stuff? Why change the cargo of the ship when in space. Couldn't this new inventory just be a search tool like the assets. And because speaking of them, why not change them adding this new feature.
Rodnik Riasson
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#224 - 2012-05-22 18:44:05 UTC
I just had a short lag, followed by a Sound anomaly ( Sounded like my Headphones were just plugged in)

What now followed was strange, I hav targets logged before and They were shown after, but:
-The Overview did not update everything (Distance of other ships and rats renewd, distance of Celestials did not)
- When firing a target, the UI reacted as if it was not targeted, i.e. I had the Crosshair and could then click on the targeted ship icon to finally fire.
- When a ship was destroyed, it just vanished from the target menü but just left a gap between other targets.
- A targeted still was shown as not targeted in the selected item menu
James Arget
Future Corps
Sleeper Social Club
#225 - 2012-05-22 18:46:07 UTC
Nina Blaze wrote:

When warping to a POS with roles for said POS, my unified inventory is blown up by all of the guns/modules etc that are on it. It would make much more sense, and be much easier to have the POS, and really all new entries in the Index to by default be minimized.
I assume this would also happen when you are in a massive capital/super fleet, and everybody turns on configure (so that they may refit off each other) at which point they will have to minimize EVERYBODY'S tab in the index

This is my primary issue so far. Combine that with the inability to rename SMAs or CHAs, and you rapidly find yourself inundated with choices as soon as you open your cargohold. Your cargohold. I'd say it's a significant problem that I'm unable to determine if I have ammo just because I'm inside a POS shield.

CSM 8 Representative

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#226 - 2012-05-22 18:46:13 UTC
All right, guess I'll write up some bugs I am experiencing here. Pretty severe ones IMO!

First. I live in a wormhole, good times. We were gonna do a LADAR site.

1. I try to change ships from the ship maintenance array (waiting WAY TOO LONG for **** to show up) I am now not able to do anything. Mates see me as in both ships on overview, cant warp, change ships etc. Restart game and I am in the new ship. Not funny, but ok.

2. I am at the site harvesting. Feeling alone because I dont see anyone else. Not on overview or on screen, a mate has been salvaging the same wreck for 20 minutes and I ask if he needs any help with that :p but my mates tell me they are right besides me harvesting like a boss and all wrecks are gone. With my alt they show up at the POS in different ships than they really are in.

3. Cloud depletes, cool, hey its still there but I cant target it, fine lets move to the next one. HMMMM, stuck, cant warp. Same goes for my mates. Relog to fix.

This is pretty serious business folks! I dont mind changes or the odd bug here and there, but at the moment the game is unplayable for us.


Because Unicorn!

Enochia Starr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#227 - 2012-05-22 18:46:45 UTC
You broke the game...

Reboot TQ Please............

1. Chat Windows Showing offline players
2. This is causing the server to lock out at 31,515 Players (Que'd)
3. This is ********, every time I jump through a system the new gay inventory window opens by itself.
4. Having Everything automatically open (I.E POS Gun Ammo Storage, when it's not your POS)
5. Blueprints now have no way to tell whether it's locked or not (good stuff)
6. This new log-off trap you just enable to make us lose precious money is just ********.
7. If you're going to do this log-off trap as it's intended in its patch notes, then all ships logged off in pos should just vanish and come back in the same position (NO WARPING IN)

I was fine with the inventory on SISI, but now it's just a terrible idea. At least split up ships and items...

Hawk GB
Sabra Ace's
Invidia Gloriae Comes
#228 - 2012-05-22 18:48:10 UTC
Is anyone else having problems with the log on? I've never had to be #242 in line to log in?!?!
Alex Doom
RAZOR Alliance
#229 - 2012-05-22 18:49:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Alex Doom
Didn't know if the issues are already known, but this is what I found till now:
- all chat windows are buggy (offline people are still shown)
- wrong standings are shown in local (but only have this problem with one of my clients)
- you cannot open the corp hangar of a corp mates orca, if you not in fleet with him
- inventary popup after gate jumps
- you cannot see the different between locked and non-locked blueprints

EVE-Launcher is also buggy:
- you can import a patch file, but anyway launcher starts downloading the whole patch and overwrite the imported one with 0 Bytes
BlackWatch Industrial Group
Memento Moriendo
#230 - 2012-05-22 18:52:00 UTC
Hawk GB wrote:
Is anyone else having problems with the log on? I've never had to be #242 in line to log in?!?!

Yep, me too.... I restarted the client when I cleared my cache, and now it says I'm in line...

Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone.

Asmodes Reynolds
Rayn Enterprises
#231 - 2012-05-22 18:52:25 UTC
warning: local no longer works properly,

Characters will sometimes not show up when entering system (haven't found the cause yet..)

Characters in local that have been have been aggressive anytime during their since they logon will permanently show up in the local of the system they log off in...

CCP please fixed quickly....
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#232 - 2012-05-22 18:54:54 UTC
Alex Doom wrote:
Didn't know if the issues are already known, but this is what I found till now:
- all chat windows are buggy (offline people are still shown)
- wrong standings are shown in local (but only have this problem with one of my clients)
- you cannot open the corp hangar of a corp mates orca, if you not in fleet with him
- inventary popup after gate jumps
- you cannot see the different between locked and non-locked blueprints

EVE-Launcher is also buggy:
- you can import a patch file, but anyway launcher starts downloading the whole patch and overwrite the imported one with 0 Bytes

same problems too.

also problems with the login server iam on waitlist and nothing happens
Frank Pannon
Emerald Swine Escavations
#233 - 2012-05-22 18:55:36 UTC
I had this problem after logging in in our WH, since then I can not recreate it, wonder if others had it too. (did not read whole thread)

When you are in WH at your POS with your Fitting window open, and you change ships, you get a failure message that you can not click away, OK does not work, you have to close EVE.

Wish I could recreate it.

Ramon Sohei
The Florez Law Firm
#234 - 2012-05-22 18:57:12 UTC
Immortis Vexx wrote:
To those of you who are just finding out about the unified inventory. This feature has been live on the test server for weeks now. In addition to that it has been announced on the forums for even longer. It is completely ridiculous of you to be so angry/upset over a feature that you should have known was coming. Note that I am *NOT* talking about those of you who are having problems with it, just those that didn't bother to give feedback or test it.

Regarding the release problems, I understand that it is frustrating to not have all the things working 100% but please name an expansion that has been bug free? Name one from any MMO that has been bug free? They don't exist! NO one does it 100% right, not Blizzard, Bioware, Sony, etc. It sucks, and I really want everything to work right but this kind of project is not a science, its an art. Chill out, give them time, and continue the feedback. In the meantime, work with what ya got.

Part of the problem is that we do not have enough people testing on the test server. I myself am just as guilty of this as anyone. Some problems only present themselves under certain conditions and having just 100 people on a test server doesn't give the variety of situations necessary to expose bugs. Lets all commit to being on the test server more so that we can help CCP work toward smoother releases in the future.


Sorry but I took the bait...
(I know people in a couple of companies who do QA and also work closely to a team that does QA where I work at)

The Unified Inventory feature I agree has been in the works, mentioned in the forums, and even in the Inferno main web page. Therefore, it should not be a surprise to anyone. The problem is with the Inferno site that does not link the dev blog that explains the changes: . If you click on the link it only shows you a pic of what it looks like instead of the dev blog
So, I can see why people are upset when no documentation is readily showing on their main site.
CCP please update the site.

About the statements that: "we do not have enough people testing on the test server" and "100 people on a test server doesn't give the variety of situations necessary to expose bugs"....
Sorry, but those statements are not valid. If you want to stress test the server, then sure you need more people. But when you really look at all the changes and features CCP has put in this release you don't need more than 10 or 15 testers.
For that matter, I am guilty of not doing QA for CCP. But I don't get paid for it. The little time I play Eve is to have fun; not work a second job. I'm sure CCP has a cadre of QA testers in a functional test system to do this and drafted documentation for the testers to follow from A through Z the 97% of all actions related to the new feature at the UI layer. If a new release on Singularity is tested for this purpose, 100 people is too many (by a factor of 5x). The issue people talking about inventory windows popping up after jumping to another system and when undocking, this would have been found easy during testing. Makes me wonder how the Unified Inventory was this tested prior to Inferno.

Kalzin Maya
#235 - 2012-05-22 18:58:47 UTC
Cleared Cache prior to launching post-patch.
Sound was set to wrong device, had to change the device and restart client.
problem solved.
Level Up
#236 - 2012-05-22 19:04:34 UTC


My youtube chanell:

Suicide Monkey's
#237 - 2012-05-22 19:04:48 UTC
Inventing at least one of the new mods is broken. Error message when hitting the invent button:

"Drone Damage Amplifier I Blueprint" can not be invented, there is no chance of it succeeding.

All my skills are green checked. All components are in the right location. Blueprint copies of varying runs. Does not work in station nor in POS.

Has anyone gotten this to work yet, and if so, what did you do to get it to work?
Artemis Bowden
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#238 - 2012-05-22 19:05:21 UTC
Offline players still showing as online in chat channels.... very confusing
Talon SilverHawk
Patria o Muerte
#239 - 2012-05-22 19:06:49 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Smoking Blunts wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Rrama Ratamnim wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:

Soundwave can you take a look at my recommendations and tell if there possible or planned please as i honestly think they would solve a lot of complaints

1: We're really trying to thin down the right click menu, so I'd prefer not having them back. One thing we could look into is shortcuts to different sections of the unified inventory? So you'd still open the unified inventory, but just on the exact tab you want.

2: Definately dealing with this. Not sure what the solution is but needs to be dealt with.

3: Fixed in tomorrows patch over downtime.

4: This doesn't have much to do with the unified inventory, but yes, I completely agree.

why do we need a trimmed down right click menu btw?

A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

Not being able to have multiple windows if you want them is about the worst functionality in the world. Can't believe you guys ignored the feedback in the test thread.


Goonswarm Federation
#240 - 2012-05-22 19:07:11 UTC
Rodnik Riasson wrote:
I just had a short lag, followed by a Sound anomaly ( Sounded like my Headphones were just plugged in)

What now followed was strange, I hav targets logged before and They were shown after, but:
-The Overview did not update everything (Distance of other ships and rats renewd, distance of Celestials did not)
- When firing a target, the UI reacted as if it was not targeted, i.e. I had the Crosshair and could then click on the targeted ship icon to finally fire.
- When a ship was destroyed, it just vanished from the target menü but just left a gap between other targets.
- A targeted still was shown as not targeted in the selected item menu

I have the same problem and:
- I get a popup like im undocking all the time, but im shooting at sleepers
- I warped away to relog but I couldnt see myself warping,
my alt could see me at the POS, but I was still at the sleepers
- Opening inventory takes a long time, and it shows all the POS modules so its not organized.