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There are only 2 Militias

First post
Capitol One
Blue Canary
Watch This
#101 - 2012-05-22 09:17:08 UTC
Silence iKillYouu wrote:
Zeerover wrote:
And to cap it all off, we just now fully decontested Kamela, which along with Sahtogas, Saikamon, Tannakan and Anka were all held against the rusty horde!

See you after the patch:)

good job mate.
Your reward is everything costing u 4x the LP enjoy that.

If u put as much effort into pvp as u did posting on fourms u might of kicked our butts

Also now we get to farm them systems for kills/plex's knowing that u will run the plex's back down for us for no rewards.

Hounourable spacewarrior Silence iKi (I might just call you iKi from now on Smile )... in my humble and personal opinion, I do believe that the Amarr Faction did indeed royally kick the Minmatar butts on this day (and all previous days obviously). We not only held all our systems, but we decontested all of them. Then while we continued to be awesome, you guys started giving up and leave, leaving all kinds of systems open for us to play in.

Yes, yes .... good, everything went as planned.

Amarr Victor!

- Capitol One
Kelevra Menardi
Yesterday is History Today is a Gift
#102 - 2012-05-22 09:27:46 UTC
Owena Owoked wrote:
Zeerover wrote:
Owena Owoked wrote:

Not only have SotF alligned themselves with the Amarr, but the Amarr are now shooting Caldari as well. There is no honor in the Amarr and Gal forces anymore.

You aggroed a fleet member, then you were taken out. Until downtime no one who shoots the Amarr fleet is left alone, no matter what faction you are in. We'll sort out the friendly fire from the legit targets after downtime.

I agressed no Amarr pilot, but if you are harboring enemies in your fleet then you are not a friend. Simple as that. Any Cal mil pilot helping the amarr is an enemy of the state.

OK time the hell out, you were in Kamela, most likely in response to hearing that SOTF had betrayed Minmatar allies, and were talking **** that "frogs had no honor ...blah blah blah" you were looking for a fight ALONE i might add with no allies in a free fire zone and this is what you come up with?
Capitol One
Blue Canary
Watch This
#103 - 2012-05-22 09:27:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Capitol One
Machiavelli's Nemesis wrote:
Gallactica wrote:
*various rubbish*

Agreement was made, then amarrtards noticed we'd switched our attention to Sahtogas area and the tears started.

Moral of story: read the contract before you sign.

The general concensus is that WBR were willing to sell the rest of their militia down the river to save Kamela until First General started weeping like a pantomime princess.

Dear Mach, or is it Mac?

Well anyway, I would be most pleased if you could stop your nonsense posting of empty drivel on these forums and leave the proper forum posting regarding this "Deal" to be done by those who actually made the deal. Gallactica and Amymuffmuff.

Gallactica has given a clear response, we should all give muffmuff the courtesy to respond properly as well, in the same fashion as Gallactica did.

Sincerely, your greatest friend and enemy,

Capitol One.
Silence iKillYouu
Girls Lie But Zkill Doesn't
Pandemic Legion
#104 - 2012-05-22 09:29:12 UTC
well done capital win.

EVE Mail me i dont check forums often.

Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#105 - 2012-05-22 09:30:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Lock out
Ironicly, if we would've played "the orthodox way" we would've stayed in Gal/Cal space and given that after Sunday caldari have given up, with another major push we would've more or less locked them outta low. Then (prolly exagerating here,we didn't have that much impact) in the same time, minnies would've kicked amarr outta the fw area. And only then the title of the OP would've been correct, only 2 militias would've been left.

This way, a lot of crappy ships died, resets were had, content was created, people were outraged, amused, intrigued, but in any case the strong reaction proves that it was quality content. Plus Hans got to smugface post "Working as intended" again.

Op success.
Silence iKillYouu
Girls Lie But Zkill Doesn't
Pandemic Legion
#106 - 2012-05-22 09:44:36 UTC
Well it is exciting and we got to see some peoples true face's. Like Ammon for example :):)

EVE Mail me i dont check forums often.

Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#107 - 2012-05-22 09:49:00 UTC
Silence iKillYouu wrote:
Well it is exciting and we got to see some peoples true face's. Like Ammon for example :):)

How'd u manage to drag Ammon in to this ? Shocked
Silence iKillYouu
Girls Lie But Zkill Doesn't
Pandemic Legion
#108 - 2012-05-22 09:58:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Silence iKillYouu
[19:20:52] *** > try and and convince ppl to leave kamela alone
[19:20:56] *** > and in hands of amar

EVE Mail me i dont check forums often.

Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2012-05-22 10:10:22 UTC
Amarr held all systems - check Lol
Minnies butt hurt - check P
Hans happy - check (well, CSM Hans is anyway!!!). Big smile

Impressive effort from the fail Amarr Miltia + SoTF to decontest all systems and start to offensively plex against the minnies.

BTW - you guys do know that WBR and SoTF are just FW noobs right???...Cool

Though they DID kill a PL titanBlink

Machiavelli's Nemesis
Angry Mustellid
#110 - 2012-05-22 10:15:42 UTC
Didn't want those systems anyway <_<

And no sneaky dishonourable system ninjas (PAH!) had locked me away from my caps when I checked the map this morning.

So looks like a win all round really :D
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#111 - 2012-05-22 10:27:34 UTC
Silence iKillYouu wrote:
[19:20:52] *** > try and and convince ppl to leave kamela alone
[19:20:56] *** > and in hands of amar

Heh, now that I recall I was asked if I wanted to come along to hit Kourmonen on designated "conquer Kourm" day but I declined but I did say "Ask Sotf to plex with you, they seem to be in such good terms with you".

Irony is clearly overvalued in FW Lol

Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2012-05-22 10:51:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Har Harrison
Friends are important in FW. I remember when ARETR was attacked by Core Impulse and CVA... They were supposed to be allies (we still KoS to CVA!!!).
The main thing you guys are missing here is that Amarr militia worked together and the blob finally failed...

Destru Kaneda
Arzad Police Department
#113 - 2012-05-22 11:01:48 UTC
Mabego Tetrimon
Spiritus Draconis
#114 - 2012-05-22 11:06:33 UTC
Hei WBR gratz to saving your precious home system (barely) by calling in all the help you could get, from the rest of fu+++ing Amarr to some clueless null sec carebears, from FW wannabe chicken ruuloors goons to your close friends in Gallente Militia. I really wondered why CCP did not show up to save your ass in Kamela with some dirty old lag trick.

And congratz to SOTF (and special gratz to former Slaver leader Mystical Might, now part of that friendship alliance) to showing this little warrior over here the high value of your own declared friendship over the fu+++ing chains of your useless factional allies. I hope WBR will pay you back with true man love next time you fight the dirty ol squids.
Alli Othman
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#115 - 2012-05-22 11:12:28 UTC
Delicious FW dramas all up in this. Fweddit is coming for you minnies Cool and now we don't even have to have our newbros grind standing.
Machiavelli's Nemesis
Angry Mustellid
#116 - 2012-05-22 11:14:17 UTC
Har Harrison wrote:
Friends are important in FW. I remember when ARETR was attacked by Core Impulse and CVA... They were supposed (we still KoS to CVA!!!).
The main thing you guys are missing here is that Amarr militia worked together and the blob finally failed...

Yes. We very much enjoyed that drama. More of that sort of thing soon plz thx
Machiavelli's Nemesis
Angry Mustellid
#117 - 2012-05-22 11:14:40 UTC
Alli Othman wrote:
Delicious FW dramas all up in this. Fweddit is coming for you minnies Cool and now we don't even have to have our newbros grind standing.

Wouldnt you have to stop being **** first?
Grimfang Wyrmspawn
#118 - 2012-05-22 11:15:28 UTC
Mabego Tetrimon wrote:
Hei WBR gratz to saving your precious home system (barely) by calling in all the help you could get, from the rest of fu+++ing Amarr to some clueless null sec carebears, from FW wannabe chicken ruuloors goons to your close friends in Gallente Militia. I really wondered why CCP did not show up to save your ass in Kamela with some dirty old lag trick.

And congratz to SOTF (and special gratz to former Slaver leader Mystical Might, now part of that friendship alliance) to showing this little warrior over here the high value of your own declared friendship over the fu+++ing chains of your useless factional allies. I hope WBR will pay you back with true man love next time you fight the dirty ol squids.

The WAAAAH is strong with this one..........

#119 - 2012-05-22 11:15:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Lock out wrote:
Ironicly, if we would've played "the orthodox way" we would've stayed in Gal/Cal space and given that after Sunday caldari have given up, with another major push we would've more or less locked them outta low. Then (prolly exagerating here,we didn't have that much impact) in the same time, minnies would've kicked amarr outta the fw area. And only then the title of the OP would've been correct, only 2 militias would've been left.

This way, a lot of crappy ships died, resets were had, content was created, people were outraged, amused, intrigued, but in any case the strong reaction proves that it was quality content. Plus Hans got to smugface post "Working as intended" again.

Op success.

I think you are under- estimating what Caldari did over the last few days. We were very close to capturing Rak and IMO would have captured it had the rest of us known what was planned there. The biggest reason Rak wasn't captured is because the plexing started far too late and the amount of time need to go to vulnerable, drug us into time zone when you Gals could field better numbers.

There was a group of us on the night before, that could have very easily had that system close to vulnerable prior to that attack. We were actually looking for a target system but got bored and PVP'd instead, figuring there wouldn't be anyone to shoot a bunker anyway.

A little shared information among Caldari corps that knew, would have gone a very long way and I'm pretty sure had that happened with the numbers we had, Rak would of been ours.

After Rak, Caldari pushed Aiv into vulnerable status I believe 2 times. I wasn't around for this as I was a bit tired from fighting all night & day in Rak, so I dunno what all happened there other than I know the bunker was shot at at least two times.

However prior to this we had already seen some of the Gals bringing Caps into Eha.. While maybe we did not manage to force a system flip, we did manage to stop you Gals from capturing Eha or any other target systems you may of had prior to the attacks on Rak/Nis & then Aiv.

You guys really didn't have the ability to capture any new systems because we forced you to defend systems instead. I think Caldari didn't have any big pushes today prior to DT simply because most were likely burnt out on it and you Gals were not making any pushes at that point other than small attack on Akadgi and that was held off as well.
Alli Othman
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#120 - 2012-05-22 11:17:12 UTC
Machiavelli's Nemesis wrote:
Alli Othman wrote:
Delicious FW dramas all up in this. Fweddit is coming for you minnies Cool and now we don't even have to have our newbros grind standing.

Wouldnt you have to stop being **** first?

No. We plan on still being ****.