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There are only 2 Militias

First post
Vordak Kallager
#241 - 2012-05-22 20:01:50 UTC
Gallactica wrote:
Ok enough of this bullshit.

If you have a problem with us / what we have done put your effing money mouth is and use game mechanics to vent your feelings.

War dec the crap out of us and "make us pay for insert reasons here" or stop acting like whiny children.

The whine from SOTF is just as bad that you can't get away scott-free from shitting on your blues.

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#242 - 2012-05-22 20:03:29 UTC  |  Edited by: chatgris
BolsterBomb wrote:
what I am shocked at is that the Gals are not pissed at what SOTF did and more vocal.

Have you been reading my posts in this thread? It's up to 13 pages now.
Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#243 - 2012-05-22 20:03:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Deen Wispa
It seems Bolster is very principle-centered here. But Bolster, are you saying you would never awox one of your own militia members as retribution for what that person did to you or your corp?

I think you know what I'm hinting at here so no need for me to spell it out

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

The Unknown Bar and Pub
#244 - 2012-05-22 20:08:58 UTC
all i know is that the last couple days have been fun.
Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#245 - 2012-05-22 20:09:12 UTC
failpirate wrote:
all i know is that the last couple days have been fun.

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#246 - 2012-05-22 20:11:48 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Tekitha wrote:

You seem misinformed friend
Not the first time. Were you RR'ing WBR before the reset?
#247 - 2012-05-22 20:12:42 UTC
This thread is pure gold and i'm happily munching popcorn while reading all of this brilliant entertainment.

Amarrian Traitor, pantomime princess, whiny little girl - love the titles.Wow you guys sure care for something that is 'casual pvp' and not 'serious business'.

First off, SOTF & WBR is best spacebrosefs (*smoochie for gall*) - deal with it. (btw Gall should we sort blue :P while were at it?)

Second, you minnies with all your 'casual pvp' trying to 'win the war', imho its nothing but an ego thing, some people in minmatar militia needing to show that their epeen is bigger than the people's in amarr militia. If you really 'win the war' you essentially kill yourselves because there is nothing left to fight you - oh whait you're all going to nullsec amirite?

Third you use your numbers to your advantage and then cry foul when we bring friends in to match your numbers. Before yesterday we were actually happy to have some good ol' fashioned slugfests - hell even outnumbered - just for the fun of combat. After that so-called 'agreement' which apparently i begged for whining like a pantomime princess, i decided i'd had enough of the bullshit and started doing some proper fighting and that we did. We popped your guys left right and center when they tried to take plexes - with next to no losses i might add - and had a blast doing so. Who knew that intercepters supported by high scan-res T3's was going to be so much fun. I had a blast and everybody in amarr militia too - cheers for that.

Lastly, you guys crying foul when somebody doesnt play the game 'the way its meant to be played' is pretty lame and rather whiney and takes your e-peens sizes down quite a couple notches. It was rather hilarious how you all claimed victory in the evening before you had actually taken it - and then never even got close to taking it - and bragged about how many other systems would fall as well while we were busy defending Kamela, that made for some priceless laughs.

Oh and you want Kamela, too bad, you can't have it.

NB. Gall, if the caldari come to kick you out of Nisuwa give me a ring i'll pull all the stops out for you <3
Caldari State
#248 - 2012-05-22 20:16:27 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:
It seems Bolster is very principle-centered here. But Bolster, are you saying you would never awox one of your own militia members as retribution for what that person did to you or your corp?

I think you know what I'm hinting at here so no need for me to spell it out

Yep I get you. And I see what you are saying however (and this is the difference)

An Inter-Militia War is specifically a WD that everyone sees in advance and is aware of. It also is with a particular group not the entire miltia. If someone declares war within the militia on the militia as a whole I would completely agree with you. The use of WD is the specific game mechanic I mentioned that draws the line in the sand and waves the sabre.

Thats the diffence IMO of an inter militia war (WD) vs open war against your own allied faction.

Chat, yes I see your 13 pages

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Vordak Kallager
#249 - 2012-05-22 20:16:44 UTC
This thread is pure gold and i'm happily munching popcorn while reading all of this brilliant entertainment.

Amarrian Traitor, pantomime princess, whiny little girl - love the titles.Wow you guys sure care for something that is 'casual pvp' and not 'serious business'.

First off, SOTF & WBR is best spacebrosefs (*smoochie for gall*) - deal with it. (btw Gall should we sort blue :P while were at it?)

Second, you minnies with all your 'casual pvp' trying to 'win the war', imho its nothing but an ego thing, some people in minmatar militia needing to show that their epeen is bigger than the people's in amarr militia. If you really 'win the war' you essentially kill yourselves because there is nothing left to fight you - oh whait you're all going to nullsec amirite?

Third you use your numbers to your advantage and then cry foul when we bring friends in to match your numbers. Before yesterday we were actually happy to have some good ol' fashioned slugfests - hell even outnumbered - just for the fun of combat. After that so-called 'agreement' which apparently i begged for whining like a pantomime princess, i decided i'd had enough of the bullshit and started doing some proper fighting and that we did. We popped your guys left right and center when they tried to take plexes - with next to no losses i might add - and had a blast doing so. Who knew that intercepters supported by high scan-res T3's was going to be so much fun. I had a blast and everybody in amarr militia too - cheers for that.

Lastly, you guys crying foul when somebody doesnt play the game 'the way its meant to be played' is pretty lame and rather whiney and takes your e-peens sizes down quite a couple notches. It was rather hilarious how you all claimed victory in the evening before you had actually taken it - and then never even got close to taking it - and bragged about how many other systems would fall as well while we were busy defending Kamela, that made for some priceless laughs.

Oh and you want Kamela, too bad, you can't have it.

NB. Gall, if the caldari come to kick you out of Nisuwa give me a ring i'll pull all the stops out for you <3

Nothing you listed is what any of the drama is about. If you don't realize that, learn to read. Literally no one is complaining that Amarr put up a good fight: that is literally what we've always wanted, and I think we all agree both sides had a hell of a lot of fun this past week/weekend.

The only "crying" is over SOTF ******* their Minmatar blues over, which is a pretty **** thing to do, no matter if there was some kind of e-honor in helping their WBR lovers.

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

#250 - 2012-05-22 20:27:57 UTC
I guess you need to do some proper reading then too Vordak, because Lock and Gall explained that whole 'reset' thing to the greatest extent.

Oh and btw, i call bullshit on the goodfites thing because hadn't we been able to pull out every stop you would've overrun us without regard, its all about 'winning the war' after all. Read from the beginning again where people say 'but why you guise defending amarrian plexes'? (aimed at SOTF)

E.g.: You didn't infact adapt to come fight us, you tried to plex with having to fight us as little as possible and most of you were also giggling like schoolgirls at us being in T3's outside of your plex gates, unable to come in, while you were running them in thrashers. So many minmatar popped and podded on the acceleration gates in such a short time while you guys were 'winning' indeed.

Read Gall's post again to understand how the whole thing went down with the 'screwing their blues over'. Maybe add something about me being terrible to it if it makes you feel better :)
Vordak Kallager
#251 - 2012-05-22 20:41:57 UTC
I guess you need to do some proper reading then too Vordak, because Lock and Gall explained that whole 'reset' thing to the greatest extent.

Oh and btw, i call bullshit on the goodfites thing because hadn't we been able to pull out every stop you would've overrun us without regard, its all about 'winning the war' after all. Read from the beginning again where people say 'but why you guise defending amarrian plexes'? (aimed at SOTF)

E.g.: You didn't infact adapt to come fight us, you tried to plex with having to fight us as little as possible and most of you were also giggling like schoolgirls at us being in T3's outside of your plex gates, unable to come in, while you were running them in thrashers. So many minmatar popped and podded on the acceleration gates in such a short time while you guys were 'winning' indeed.

Read Gall's post again to understand how the whole thing went down with the 'screwing their blues over'. Maybe add something about me being terrible to it if it makes you feel better :)

First General is Terrible.

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Verrimus Caelum
#252 - 2012-05-22 20:43:25 UTC
Vordak Kallager wrote:
I guess you need to do some proper reading then too Vordak, because Lock and Gall explained that whole 'reset' thing to the greatest extent.

Oh and btw, i call bullshit on the goodfites thing because hadn't we been able to pull out every stop you would've overrun us without regard, its all about 'winning the war' after all. Read from the beginning again where people say 'but why you guise defending amarrian plexes'? (aimed at SOTF)

E.g.: You didn't infact adapt to come fight us, you tried to plex with having to fight us as little as possible and most of you were also giggling like schoolgirls at us being in T3's outside of your plex gates, unable to come in, while you were running them in thrashers. So many minmatar popped and podded on the acceleration gates in such a short time while you guys were 'winning' indeed.

Read Gall's post again to understand how the whole thing went down with the 'screwing their blues over'. Maybe add something about me being terrible to it if it makes you feel better :)

First General is Terrible.

Witty comeback.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#253 - 2012-05-22 20:44:52 UTC
This thread is pure gold and i'm happily munching popcorn while reading all of this brilliant entertainment.

I'm with the General on this one. :)

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#254 - 2012-05-22 20:45:08 UTC
Horak Thor wrote:

oh and btw wbr has had to batphone cva aaa test goons, drunk n disorderly just to hold onto kamela, pro guys real pro

We roll with test and goons? Shocked

News to me Roll

"Let me tack on a bunch of tags to bolster my argument no matter how little sense it makes" was probably what you were thinking. Straight
Vordak Kallager
#255 - 2012-05-22 20:47:13 UTC
Salicaz wrote:
Vordak Kallager wrote:
I guess you need to do some proper reading then too Vordak, because Lock and Gall explained that whole 'reset' thing to the greatest extent.

Oh and btw, i call bullshit on the goodfites thing because hadn't we been able to pull out every stop you would've overrun us without regard, its all about 'winning the war' after all. Read from the beginning again where people say 'but why you guise defending amarrian plexes'? (aimed at SOTF)

E.g.: You didn't infact adapt to come fight us, you tried to plex with having to fight us as little as possible and most of you were also giggling like schoolgirls at us being in T3's outside of your plex gates, unable to come in, while you were running them in thrashers. So many minmatar popped and podded on the acceleration gates in such a short time while you guys were 'winning' indeed.

Read Gall's post again to understand how the whole thing went down with the 'screwing their blues over'. Maybe add something about me being terrible to it if it makes you feel better :)

First General is Terrible.

Witty comeback.

He told me to. vOv

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#256 - 2012-05-22 20:59:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Altaen
Gallactica wrote:
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Gallactica wrote:
Not being nice and setting us -10 is 2 different things,

They have us at -10 therefore are they not classing us as enemies even tho we were happy to be blue?

Can't hav it both ways.

You aren't even listening to what I'm saying. This isn't about the Minmatar. This is about you being blue with a known enemy of the Federation. The actions of the Minmatar are irrelevant.

You are not listening.

Half the minmatars have us set -10 and such kos?

Why the hell would we want to assist them?

Just curious, who can you name that had you set -10 before this incident, besides EM? Because, I assure you, we make up a significant degree less than half of the Minmatar militia, and you're only -5 to us anyway...
Because I, for the life of me, can't think of a single Minmatar Militia organization besides EM that would give a **** about your RoE.

And, we initially set you red becuase you destroyed a Minmatar militia POCO, and replaced it with your own.

Furthermore...if you were initially blue with both Iron Oxide. and Late Night were blue with well more than half of the Minmatar militia that do anything whatsoever worth noting.
Vordak Kallager
#257 - 2012-05-22 21:01:10 UTC
Altaen wrote:
Gallactica wrote:
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Gallactica wrote:
Not being nice and setting us -10 is 2 different things,

They have us at -10 therefore are they not classing us as enemies even tho we were happy to be blue?

Can't hav it both ways.

You aren't even listening to what I'm saying. This isn't about the Minmatar. This is about you being blue with a known enemy of the Federation. The actions of the Minmatar are irrelevant.

You are not listening.

Half the minmatars have us set -10 and such kos?

Why the hell would we want to assist them?

Just curious, who can you name that had you set -10 before this incident, besides EM? Because, I assure you, we make up a significant degree less than half of the Minmatar militia, and you're only -5 to us anyway...
Because I, for the life of me, can't think of a single Minmatar Militia organization besides EM that would give a **** about your RoE.

Apparently we all did, except for, you know, the small, irritating problem of actually being +10 with like, all of Minmatar Militia besides apparently EM. :P

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Alli Othman
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#258 - 2012-05-22 21:01:30 UTC

Looking forward to setting off all you drama llamas.
Annie Anomie
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#259 - 2012-05-22 21:07:08 UTC
WBR have more than earned their bro status with us.

What have you guys with wobbly bottom lips and damp eyes done for us lately?
Desra Mascani
Eleutherian Guard
#260 - 2012-05-22 21:07:56 UTC
Gallactica wrote:
Ok enough of this bullshit.

If you have a problem with us / what we have done put your effing money mouth is and use game mechanics to vent your feelings.

War dec the crap out of us and "make us pay for insert reasons here" or stop acting like whiny children.

Only realistic way to do that would be to join PL or Caldari. I'm not going to do neither the first, nor the second.

Cat Casidy wrote:
Desra Mascani wrote:
Tekitha wrote:
Andreus Ixiris wrote:

Then here's some advice for you: don't play factional warfare. An arbitrary CCP mechanic telling you who your friends and enemies should be is the price you pay for being a member of it. Even then, it only tells you who your allies and enemies should be, not who they are. I never said your actions were somehow against the spirit of the game or "illegal", but they're certainly counterproductive and irksome.

We don't "play factional warfare" we play eve, and FW just so happens to be the theatre that most suits our purpose. Nothing more than that, we have no interest in the goings on of FW and it's RP membership above and beyond that which affects our gameplay.

Anyway, there goes my trust for SOTF leadership.

BTW, you should decide if you stay in FW since it's you who fck it up with your dual loyalty.

Now let the damn you ******** RPer answers flow.

No damn RPer response here, just a suggestion that you stop being a whiny ***** and thank them for having a place to live, lockout especially who FC'd for at least 12 hours to save every Gal home system in BL.

I know he helped. I was in that fleet. But leading a fleet against the enemy and then helping the same enemy against your allies later is just demented. Or at least seriously bipolar. I'm not whining. I'm just stating my opinion in a hope, that it will help light the fire of outrage in some people and put some pressure on SOTF leadership's consciousness.

Wait.... what consciousness?

And I don't live in Aivonen, Enaluri, Rakapas or Nisuwa.