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There are only 2 Militias

First post
Caldari State
#221 - 2012-05-22 19:35:04 UTC
I think SOTF and WBRG simply cant be trusted end of story.

The FW mechanics are there for a purpose. You dont blue your enemy and crap on your ally. The FW mechanics chose your allies for you.

If WBRG was such a force to be reckoned with then they should not of needed SOTF to begin with. It is different calling temp blue with your emey to kill a larger enemy, but bluing with your enemy to shoot your ally is just wrong.

If SOTF/WBRG want to shoot whoever they want then get out of FW. You can do everything you are doing now without crapping over the FW mechanics. If you want to choose your allies go to FW but for a Minni to see a Gal coming and then get poped because of this is simply inexcusable. I for one would love to see the Minnies turn every Gal red and KOS.

This isnt an "inter militia" war where one militia corp decs another for a reason you declared war on the entire side without a formal (game mechanic) notice being declared.

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Del Vikus
Sundered Core
#222 - 2012-05-22 19:36:39 UTC
Lock out wrote:

Gallente Federation's mandate ? Intergalactic summit, that way. -------->

If you wanna talk about prioritising blues, getting involved in blue vs blue fights, etc. I'll be more than happy to discuss, but we couldn't care less about **** rp'ing.

And yet you joined an RP-based mechanic that explicitly supports the fluffy story-based territories in lowsec/Empire space.


Nullsec, that way ------------>
Verrimus Caelum
#223 - 2012-05-22 19:39:13 UTC This is how WBR and SOTF friendship began
Vordak Kallager
#224 - 2012-05-22 19:39:58 UTC
Tekitha wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
I think the only thing people are really complaining about is the blue-on-blue PVP performed by SoTF.

Everything else is just same old, same old.

SOTF never fired a shot at a blue target ... Honestly, how ******* ******** are you?

LOL, because you reset us right before... Honestly, how ******* ******** are you?

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#225 - 2012-05-22 19:42:09 UTC
Tanaka Sekigahara wrote:
Who is "CCP Flip-Flop", Prithee?

CCP Flip-Flop only wears sandals to work, no matter how cold it gets in Iceland. They also are the one responsible for everything you hate in any given expansion.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#226 - 2012-05-22 19:42:22 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:
I for one would love to see the Minnies turn every Gal red and KOS.

Why would they do that, and why would you love to see it (apart from of course weakening the Gallente militia, and if that's the answer then that's understandable)? I know a number of Gallente militia members who are now going to Minmatar space right now to fight for Minmatar plexes at the expense of our own Gallente space just in an attempt to cleanse the shame from the Gallente Militia for this action.
Desra Mascani
Eleutherian Guard
#227 - 2012-05-22 19:44:22 UTC
Del Vikus wrote:
Lock out wrote:

Gallente Federation's mandate ? Intergalactic summit, that way. -------->

If you wanna talk about prioritising blues, getting involved in blue vs blue fights, etc. I'll be more than happy to discuss, but we couldn't care less about **** rp'ing.

And yet you joined an RP-based mechanic that explicitly supports the fluffy story-based territories in lowsec/Empire space.


Nullsec, that way ------------>

Well, I think their dread armour is too thick to get that message to them and into their heads. With power comes arrogance and with that ..... well, ignorance.

On the other hand, there are some great and loyal Shadows loyal to the idea of FW, like Madbuster73 and S810 Jr who get only my unending respect.
Esshulls Retirement Club
#228 - 2012-05-22 19:45:11 UTC
Vordak Kallager wrote:
Tekitha wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
I think the only thing people are really complaining about is the blue-on-blue PVP performed by SoTF.

Everything else is just same old, same old.

SOTF never fired a shot at a blue target ... Honestly, how ******* ******** are you?

LOL, because you reset us right before... Honestly, how ******* ******** are you?

the first kill appearing on our allaince killboard that was a (ex)blue minmatar corp member was at 2300 eve time. The standings reset happened at around 2130 eve time

Also it was minmatar who reset us first (understandably so) not us resetting them.

You seem misinformed friend
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#229 - 2012-05-22 19:47:42 UTC
So, if Matar decide to keep on pushing and pushing Kamela anyway, what will happen? This thread delivers and i'm getting some popcorn and coke ready Lol
Vordak Kallager
#230 - 2012-05-22 19:48:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Vordak Kallager
All of this bullshit from SOTF is ridiculous.

LNA and FeO, the two major/main players of the Minmatar Alliance (the DND and Villore Accords of Minmatar, if you will) were clearly BLUE up until May 21. Our leaders, Bahamut, Amy, etc had worked hard to secure and solidify those BLUE standings with DND. We had enjoyed many joint operations with the Gallente, DND included, the latest of which was an assault on several Tech Towers in which Minmatar provided Capital Support in the Gallente Warzone and vice versa. LNA and FeO have always been MORE than happy to help ANY Gallente, even if they weren't specifically set BLUE.

DND shows up in Kamela on the 21st says "No, you can't take this." We say "Fine, since you're blue." We go to a different system that is NOT KAMELA. DND and WBR promptly cry foul and RESET US.

We go back to plexing Kamela at which point DND use combat ships to defend AMARRIAN Plexes from the Minmatar.

No, you didn't shoot blues, but only because you made up some bullshit excuse to reset us and do it "scott-free".


This wasn't about the fact that someone in Gallente Militia shot someone in Minmatar Militia. It's the fact that Blues pretty much **** on Blue standing, which is pretty sacred in this game, in my opinion.

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#231 - 2012-05-22 19:54:09 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
delete. Looks like I was 4/4 on overview bugs this morning.
Shadows Of The Federation
#232 - 2012-05-22 19:55:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Gallactica
Bahamut reset us mate.

We then in turn reset.

Get your facts right please.
Markius TheShed
#233 - 2012-05-22 19:55:23 UTC
Before SOTF appeared in Kamela I did'nt really care if we took the system or not as I did not want to lose the source of the great fights that were had over the weekend.

And realistically we were probably never going to take the bunker anyway as all-sorts of death would of been cynoned on top of us.

But then the treachery happened, And suddenly I did care if we took Kamela, I wanted to payback SOTF for their backstabbing and the best way to do that was as simple as getting in a Dessy or a cruiser and doing what I've been doing for the 18 months I've been in FW PLEX PLEX PLEX

Last August our whole corp moved to Eugales and fought for the Gallente against Damar for a month so we had most of the Gall corps set mutual blue, when we formed Defiant Legacy we took a alliance fleet over to help the gallente retake intaki.

This whole thing is a real kick in the nuts for all minmatar who saw SOTF as friends and allies.

**Murientor Tribe** a capsuleer organization composed of radical Minmatar. Since YC107

Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#234 - 2012-05-22 19:55:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Lock out
Vordak, you either have a comprehension problem or a cognitive problem. Baha reset us, we didn't reset anyone.

As for joint ops, am p sure it must've been a GMVA op. I don't remember -FU- inviting you to any ops, and I am on p much all day every day.
#235 - 2012-05-22 19:55:45 UTC
Gallactica wrote:

Oh, Kamela is saved and remains WBR's home - friends stick together.

son, i am disappointed Pirate

GM Guard > I must ask you not to use the petition option like this again but i personally would finish the chicken sandwich first so it won´t go to waste. The spaghetti will keep and you can use it the next time you get hungry. Best regards.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#236 - 2012-05-22 19:58:36 UTC
Sadly I do not think the day will ever come when people finally understand that in EVE no one gives a **** if you got blobbed or if it was a "fair fight", your dead, you lose.
Vordak Kallager
#237 - 2012-05-22 19:58:42 UTC
Lock out wrote:
Vordak, you either have a comprehension problem or a cognitive problem. Baha reset us, we didn't reset anyone.

As for joint ops, am p sure it must've been a GMVA op. I don't remember -FU- inviting you to any ops, and I am on p much all day every day.

Uhm, because you didn't stay put in Kamela and continued to provide Guardian support for the Amarr when they went to fight us in other systems? That is a pretty not-blue thing to do, even though you were blue. We were prepared to leave Kamela alone, if you refrained from continuing to help our War Targets. You did not. Simple as that.

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#238 - 2012-05-22 19:59:36 UTC
Desra Mascani wrote:
Tekitha wrote:
Andreus Ixiris wrote:

Then here's some advice for you: don't play factional warfare. An arbitrary CCP mechanic telling you who your friends and enemies should be is the price you pay for being a member of it. Even then, it only tells you who your allies and enemies should be, not who they are. I never said your actions were somehow against the spirit of the game or "illegal", but they're certainly counterproductive and irksome.

We don't "play factional warfare" we play eve, and FW just so happens to be the theatre that most suits our purpose. Nothing more than that, we have no interest in the goings on of FW and it's RP membership above and beyond that which affects our gameplay.

Anyway, there goes my trust for SOTF leadership.

BTW, you should decide if you stay in FW since it's you who fck it up with your dual loyalty.

Now let the damn you ******** RPer answers flow.

No damn RPer response here, just a suggestion that you stop being a whiny ***** and thank them for having a place to live, lockout especially who FC'd for at least 12 hours to save every Gal home system in BL.


Shadows Of The Federation
#239 - 2012-05-22 20:00:30 UTC
Ok enough of this bullshit.

If you have a problem with us / what we have done put your effing money mouth is and use game mechanics to vent your feelings.

War dec the crap out of us and "make us pay for insert reasons here" or stop acting like whiny children.
Caldari State
#240 - 2012-05-22 20:01:48 UTC
chatgris wrote:
BolsterBomb wrote:
I for one would love to see the Minnies turn every Gal red and KOS.

Why would they do that, and why would you love to see it (apart from of course weakening the Gallente militia, and if that's the answer then that's understandable)? I know a number of Gallente militia members who are now going to Minmatar space right now to fight for Minmatar plexes at the expense of our own Gallente space just in an attempt to cleanse the shame from the Gallente Militia for this action.

Because it would make the militia accountable for buttheads doing stupid stuff. The Gallente going down to help the minni is a starter but in all fairness the gals only are "accepting" this from SOTF because without SOTF there would be a change in power in theCal/Gallente front. Maybe not overnight but it would change.

Militias operate (or supposed to) as a large alliance. In an alliance if one of your corps gets out of line then someone sticks a boot up their butt. The only reason no one is doing it to SOTF is because SOTF is your protector.

Listen they can do what they want, its their game. However it is quite obvious that WBRG and SOTF cannot be trusted at all. They will be butt buddies for life. Just when you are flying around and see one remember what happend. Would I fleet with a WBRG, never. I dont trust any corp that allys with my enemy against my ally. Its that simple.

I am not "shocked" that SOTF did that, what I am shocked at is that the Gals are not pissed at what SOTF did and more vocal. Its like accidental blue on blue. As soon as its recongized isk is sent and apologies in local.

Maybe that happend privately in your channel but to me its just absurb.

P.S. I hate spelling

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation