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Current Caldari Faction War

#201 - 2012-05-27 16:38:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Shadow Adanza wrote:

We took a bunch of systems because there was literally nothing else to do. The Caldari wouldn't fight unless we pushed them to the limit. So, we pushed them to the limit.

Why would we defend? We get no LP for it. It's literally a waste of time. And you're putting too much stock into the Gallente blob. Truthfully, most of us would rather have an even fight and we've been getting a lot more of them lately. The blob is fun on some nights (the reactions are hilarious!) but even fights are much funner... I like the thrill of not knowing the outcome.

Where are these Gals that like even fights? They must live in somewhere in the Mongolian time zone as I've never seen these rare unicorns you speak of.

Also before the excuse was always "Plexing didn't mean anything" or "Caldari have down time advantage" Now those complaints have been fixed. When you guys were winning it's was cool to plex, now that you seem to have given up defending it's back to "we didn't want those systems anyway".
Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#202 - 2012-05-27 16:41:56 UTC
Srsly, when did I ever say it's cool to plex ? You are starting to lose it man, I'm telling you.
#203 - 2012-05-27 16:47:38 UTC
Lock out wrote:
Srsly, when did I ever say it's cool to plex ? You are starting to lose it man, I'm telling you.

Odd I didn't notice your name being quoted.. I understand you feel very important in internet space ships and all, but not every quote is directed to you.
Shadow Adanza
Gold Crest Salvage
#204 - 2012-05-27 16:52:35 UTC
Mutnin wrote:

Where are these Gals that like even fights? They must live in somewhere in the Mongolian time zone as I've never seen these rare unicorns you speak of.

Also before the excuse was always "Plexing didn't mean anything" or "Caldari have down time advantage" Now those complaints have been fixed. When you guys were winning it's was cool to plex, now that you seem to have given up defending it's back to "we didn't want those systems anyway".

If you'd stop complaining about getting blobbed so much, you might find them just like the other Caldari are. You get blobbed because we know you complain about it and it's damn hilarious.

I've never enjoyed plexing. If I'm plexing I'm either extremely bored or looking for a fight.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

#205 - 2012-05-27 17:09:27 UTC
Shadow Adanza wrote:
Mutnin wrote:

Where are these Gals that like even fights? They must live in somewhere in the Mongolian time zone as I've never seen these rare unicorns you speak of.

Also before the excuse was always "Plexing didn't mean anything" or "Caldari have down time advantage" Now those complaints have been fixed. When you guys were winning it's was cool to plex, now that you seem to have given up defending it's back to "we didn't want those systems anyway".

If you'd stop complaining about getting blobbed so much, you might find them just like the other Caldari are. You get blobbed because we know you complain about it and it's damn hilarious.

I've never enjoyed plexing. If I'm plexing I'm either extremely bored or looking for a fight.

Oh somehow I don't believe that would be very true, being I fly most of time in US TZ when you guys have highest numbers & bulk of active Caldari gangs are usually in EU/AU TZ where they tend to have numbers. I don't see many decent sized Caldari gangs in US TZ but often get faced with average of 15 to 20+

Last night we took out 4 Cruisers to have 12-14 Gals show up. With mix assortment of Faction cruisers & BC's. Meanwhile prior to this we tried to get GF from 2 l33t SoTF guys in a Stabber FI & Hac but our 4 T1's half being piloted by 2012 guys were so much threat, they had to call on about 12 others to help out before they had balls enough to bring the fight. These are the GF's gals look for..

It's ok though because a little later, we properly ganked Val Erwin and got some nice local tears and then some bonus "alt" tears to boot.

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#206 - 2012-05-27 19:48:11 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Why you so mad Mutnin? Scourges of Caldari FW frigates are fanning out all across Black Rise and are about to take back several systems within the next few days. If you really want to defeat SoTF and their uber l33t fleets, then take back Nisuwa. I think Lock Out is daring you to.
#207 - 2012-05-27 19:56:13 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Why you so mad Mutnin? Scourges of frigates are fanning out all across Black Rise and are about to take back several systems within the next few days. If you really want to defeat SoTF and their uber l33t fleets, then take back Nisuwa. I think Lock Out is daring you to.

What makes you think I'm mad? I'm just trolling you guys for being lazy and incapable of finding your way past 5 maybe 6 jumps away from your home systems.
Shadow Adanza
Gold Crest Salvage
#208 - 2012-05-27 21:05:00 UTC
Oh, he's mad, lol.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Liandri Corporation
#209 - 2012-05-27 22:10:13 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Why you so mad Mutnin? Scourges of Caldari FW frigates are fanning out all across Black Rise and are about to take back several systems within the next few days. If you really want to defeat SoTF and their uber l33t fleets, then take back Nisuwa. I think Lock Out is daring you to.

I like plexing in Nisuwa, but honestly I have to ask... do you even believe yourselves when you say "We are just looking for fair fights."

Surely you can't even believe that for a second now, I know non of us who have been in CalMil for a while definately don't.
Simple facts of low-sec, is if you see any Villore Accords (Qcats) then you are only seeing their bait.

Frankly one of the reasons I prefer to complex run in SotF territory is simply to avoid dealing with any of you... it is also a reason why we tell everyone to stay in small ships that fit in Minors, because unless you're in your alpha thrasher / dramiel gangs you won't ship down to fight us.

You then all get pissy claiming "The Caldari never do any PvP", but the fact of the matter is we do plenty of it; we just get bored of dealing with the faggotry that follows you guys about. If you want to actually have us engage you more often then perhaps you can try actually complex running against us.

What makes me laugh the most about all of this is how regardless of what you're against rookie pilot or seasoned veteran you do the same damn thing. Kinda sad when you can't even cut our new guys a break... they barely have any skills or well fit ships as is, but then to get blobbed by guys who have been playing for years in ships they are only dreaming about flying atm

Not sure how you can e-peen waggle over such things all the time.
Frankly while I like the harder fights to win, feels more of an accomplishment when you hold the field. You guys though, I dunno. What exactly have you accomplished? When was the last fight (except for that blue op with the Amarr vs PL) where you truely felt like the fight was close and entertaining?

Doubt there have been many against the Caldari in sometime, cause we just can't field the fleets we used to.
Most of us (not all) have come to accept that is just a fact right now... not sure why you guys don't and start fighting us on a more even playing field.

All the damn spies / leechers, the deals with the pirate corps, then the overwhelming numbers and ships capable of being fielded. Honestly the way you all act, little more than a mini-goonswarm - don't know why you haven't left militia for Null-Sec yet... mind I guess not every big corp / alliance can be like DrakeTrain and not only cut it but thrive in Null.
Mr. Clean Corp..
#210 - 2012-05-27 22:37:24 UTC
RavenTesio wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
Why you so mad Mutnin? Scourges of Caldari FW frigates are fanning out all across Black Rise and are about to take back several systems within the next few days. If you really want to defeat SoTF and their uber l33t fleets, then take back Nisuwa. I think Lock Out is daring you to.

I like plexing in Nisuwa, but honestly I have to ask... do you even believe yourselves when you say "We are just looking for fair fights."

Surely you can't even believe that for a second now, I know non of us who have been in CalMil for a while definately don't.
Simple facts of low-sec, is if you see any Villore Accords (Qcats) then you are only seeing their bait.

Frankly one of the reasons I prefer to complex run in SotF territory is simply to avoid dealing with any of you... it is also a reason why we tell everyone to stay in small ships that fit in Minors, because unless you're in your alpha thrasher / dramiel gangs you won't ship down to fight us.

You then all get pissy claiming "The Caldari never do any PvP", but the fact of the matter is we do plenty of it; we just get bored of dealing with the faggotry that follows you guys about. If you want to actually have us engage you more often then perhaps you can try actually complex running against us.

What makes me laugh the most about all of this is how regardless of what you're against rookie pilot or seasoned veteran you do the same damn thing. Kinda sad when you can't even cut our new guys a break... they barely have any skills or well fit ships as is, but then to get blobbed by guys who have been playing for years in ships they are only dreaming about flying atm

Not sure how you can e-peen waggle over such things all the time.
Frankly while I like the harder fights to win, feels more of an accomplishment when you hold the field. You guys though, I dunno. What exactly have you accomplished? When was the last fight (except for that blue op with the Amarr vs PL) where you truely felt like the fight was close and entertaining?

Doubt there have been many against the Caldari in sometime, cause we just can't field the fleets we used to.
Most of us (not all) have come to accept that is just a fact right now... not sure why you guys don't and start fighting us on a more even playing field.

All the damn spies / leechers, the deals with the pirate corps, then the overwhelming numbers and ships capable of being fielded. Honestly the way you all act, little more than a mini-goonswarm - don't know why you haven't left militia for Null-Sec yet... mind I guess not every big corp / alliance can be like DrakeTrain and not only cut it but thrive in Null.

Yea hes be mad. Try learning to pvp scrub. Stop posting.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#211 - 2012-05-28 02:13:34 UTC
marketjacker wrote:
Yea hes be mad. Try learning to pvp scrub. Stop posting.
Very mad!

I was pretty worried he had a point, then I saw his killboard. I've lost more ships leroying into bad situations than he has in total kills.
Garven Dreis
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#212 - 2012-05-28 02:25:38 UTC
Oh boy another "Why FW is bad" thread.

Terrible Poster Runner-up 2014

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#213 - 2012-05-28 03:14:21 UTC
So caldari have numerical superiority of active toons in EU and AUS timezone but its still gallente that are the blobbers lol.

Ive engaged your guys mutinn, and you have run from even fights, run from fights you should win, and engaged in fights where you were going to obviously lose because you try to ninja a kill on a gate 7:1 but get snagged by his friends.

Most of your losses, pvp oppertunities AND ships are down to bad decisions.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#214 - 2012-05-28 03:29:39 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
What makes you think I'm mad? I'm just trolling you guys for being lazy and incapable of finding your way past 5 maybe 6 jumps away from your home systems.
What you say may be true, but with Gallente home systems in Vlillirier, Nennmaila, Rakapas, Nisuwa, Heydieles, and Agoze (when needed), 5-6 jumps pretty much covers all of Caldari-Gallente FW space with the exception of some far off remote systems in Lonetrek.

There's a reason we're in Nennmaila - it's at the center of the FW map.
Esshulls Retirement Club
#215 - 2012-05-28 03:39:17 UTC
RavenTesio wrote:

Not sure how you can e-peen waggle over such things all the time.
Frankly while I like the harder fights to win, feels more of an accomplishment when you hold the field. You guys though, I dunno. What exactly have you accomplished? When was the last fight (except for that blue op with the Amarr vs PL) where you truely felt like the fight was close and entertaining?

confirming we have no fun at all, unless the caldari are leeroying into us ...

is how we spend our days ... bored and waiting for your thrasher gangs

please give up posting until you become relevant.
#216 - 2012-05-28 03:58:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
So caldari have numerical superiority of active toons in EU and AUS timezone but its still gallente that are the blobbers lol.

Ive engaged your guys mutinn, and you have run from even fights, run from fights you should win, and engaged in fights where you were going to obviously lose because you try to ninja a kill on a gate 7:1 but get snagged by his friends.

Most of your losses, pvp oppertunities AND ships are down to bad decisions.

Honestly man if there is anything in EVE I'm good at it's alt scouting and 9 out of 10 times we don't engage it's because we've already spotted more than we could fight not including any surprises, because everyone know the only reason you guys never leave your home system is so you can get instant back up. Lol

Also l really hope you honestly don't think that fight last night where you guys ganked my Rupture was in any way close to a even fight. We had 5 cruisers you guys had 14 trying to sandwich us. Just the ships on my KM were more than enough to easily out gun our entire gang and half the guys that were landing on grid never made it on the KM. That wasn't even remotely close to a even fight.
#217 - 2012-05-28 04:25:17 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Mutnin wrote:
What makes you think I'm mad? I'm just trolling you guys for being lazy and incapable of finding your way past 5 maybe 6 jumps away from your home systems.
What you say may be true, but with Gallente home systems in Vlillirier, Nennmaila, Rakapas, Nisuwa, Heydieles, and Agoze (when needed), 5-6 jumps pretty much covers all of Caldari-Gallente FW space with the exception of some far off remote systems in Lonetrek.

There's a reason we're in Nennmaila - it's at the center of the FW map.

You are center of Black Rise but it is not the center of the FW map. We take our gangs out into Gal back systems all the time looking to get fights with other smaller groups or to do runs into null sec.. The problem is there aren't any of you Gals back there defending your space, aside from the hardcore types that plex 24/7 or shuttles picking up Fed defense missions.

I see guys like you out there but very few other the others that are typically the guys that live in the bloblands.

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#218 - 2012-05-28 04:34:28 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Mutnin wrote:
You are center of Black Rise but it is not the center of the FW map.
Actually, it IS in the center of the FW map.
Any FW system is 11 jumps or less from Nennamaila

Also, your analogy is like us trying to find fights in Okagaiken or Hasama. Waste of time, who the hell goes there looking for fights?
Shadow Adanza
Gold Crest Salvage
#219 - 2012-05-28 04:55:36 UTC
Or how about today? Some Caldari engaged a member of our plexing fleet in a 4 on 1, so the rest of the fleet comes back to get them and Mutnin tries to make a big scene about it, lol. As if our outnumbering of them was any worse than their outnumbering of our solo guy.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

#220 - 2012-05-28 05:59:09 UTC
Shadow Adanza wrote:
Or how about today? Some Caldari engaged a member of our plexing fleet in a 4 on 1, so the rest of the fleet comes back to get them and Mutnin tries to make a big scene about it, lol. As if our outnumbering of them was any worse than their outnumbering of our solo guy.

You realize how easy you are to troll?