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Escort Carriers

Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#41 - 2012-05-15 04:03:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Asuka Solo
Liliana Rahl wrote:
Fighter mechanics don't need a change. They work fine as they are currently implemented.

This ship does not need fighters. Simple as that. If you really want fighters, get a carrier or supercarrier.

Erm... this is a carrier.

Fighters die to quickly.

If you want a droneboat with plain drones, go grab a domi.

And seriously, repeating your babble over and over... tis old now broskie.

Giving this ship plain drones will make it useless against anything. Not enough DPS. You will then have to add turrets/missiles.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Liliana Rahl
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#42 - 2012-05-15 05:49:51 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:
Erm... this is a carrier.

No, this is an "escort carrier."

A super carrier can use fighter bombers. I guess a regular carrier should be able to as well as its a type of carrier?

If you want a droneboat with plain drones, go grab a domi.

The point of this ship isn't just to provide damage, if you bothered to read what the op has been posting. Its a support ship.

And seriously, repeating your babble over and over... tis old now broskie.

Confirming something you don't like is babble.

Giving this ship plain drones will make it useless against anything. Not enough DPS. You will then have to add turrets/missiles.

Useless if alone? Yes. But allowing it to have a massive drone bay like a carrier and up to 10 drones would mean that it can be very versatile with its drone usage (lights, mediums, heavies, different ewars), while still not being able to use fighters.

Good effort tho buddy.
Liliana Rahl
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#43 - 2012-05-15 05:56:09 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:

So if you agree that that ability should not be allowed, then there is no purpose to having fighters at all.

Have you ever assigned fighters and safed up under a POS shield?

have you really?

I guess since I just addressed your other bad post, I'll address this one too.

Yes, you cannot be "inside" a POS while assigning fighters. But simply setting keep at range at 26.5km and keeping the (presumably large) tower at range will allow you to be right on the edge. I've done this while repping towers and while assigning fighters.

If this ship has fighters, I assure you people will use this tactic. Off grid stuff like this needs to go.
Vaako Horizon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-05-15 06:06:12 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:
Liliana Rahl wrote:
Fighter mechanics don't need a change. They work fine as they are currently implemented.

This ship does not need fighters. Simple as that. If you really want fighters, get a carrier or supercarrier.

Erm... this is a carrier.

Fighters die to quickly.

If you want a droneboat with plain drones, go grab a domi.

And seriously, repeating your babble over and over... tis old now broskie.

Giving this ship plain drones will make it useless against anything. Not enough DPS. You will then have to add turrets/missiles.

The domi is not a drone carrier... its a drone/turret hybrid... there is no drone carrier out there at all ( unless you count carriers but they can also fit fighters )
Easthir Ravin
Easy Co.
#45 - 2012-05-15 10:41:35 UTC
Yes fighters, its a carrier!


Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#46 - 2012-05-15 11:05:43 UTC
Liliana Rahl wrote:
Asuka Solo wrote:

So if you agree that that ability should not be allowed, then there is no purpose to having fighters at all.

Have you ever assigned fighters and safed up under a POS shield?

have you really?

I guess since I just addressed your other bad post, I'll address this one too.

Yes, you cannot be "inside" a POS while assigning fighters. But simply setting keep at range at 26.5km and keeping the (presumably large) tower at range will allow you to be right on the edge. I've done this while repping towers and while assigning fighters.

If this ship has fighters, I assure you people will use this tactic. Off grid stuff like this needs to go.

Big deal. 5 drones per pilot. Your cowarding at a POS so you cant rep your own drones. You can, but then youd have to recal them. By the time their assigned again, its game over. People have been shooting fighter drones for ages, its an effective counter. That and smart bombs. Fighters die, your gang fails. Your point is mute.

Otherwise, legitimate assigning tactic is legitimate.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

El Geo
The Ascendants
#47 - 2012-05-15 12:11:16 UTC  |  Edited by: El Geo
Lets just take the orca as a (VERY SIMPLE) example a minute, its the only ship capable of a bunch of things in highsec that are extremely usefull, its also the only ship with a corp hanger and maint bay that can fit through certain wormhole exits so it has a tonne of pros, but it IS an industrial ship, with industrial bonus's.
Ive often thought that to make it more useful for a more combat support orientated corp only a few things would need changing

1. Bigger drone bay
2. Logistics range bonus (yes, RANGE)
3. 2 More lowslots (and another highslot)

Things that could get reduced or removed completely

1. Ore bay
2. Tractor beam bonus's (both of them)
3. Survey scanner bonus
4. Industrial command skill bonus's (both of them)
5. Reduced cargo bay

Things that would make it amazing for the job :

1. Fighters
2. Higher resists/more base hp
3. Triage capable
4. Use of capital modules

Fighters arent actually as amazing as some of you think, a maxed out Thanatos with 15 firbolgs only pushing 1800 dps (15 ogres 950 dps), restrictions on drone bay size would force the player to consider what they carry (25000m3) and the delegation option being the main use of fighters to my knowledge, also, fighters cant hit cruiser sized ships and under very well, which further reduces the dps.
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2012-05-15 13:09:25 UTC
El Geo wrote:

Fighters arent actually as amazing as some of you think, a maxed out Thanatos with 15 firbolgs only pushing 1800 dps (15 ogres 950 dps), restrictions on drone bay size would force the player to consider what they carry (25000m3) and the delegation option being the main use of fighters to my knowledge, also, fighters cant hit cruiser sized ships and under very well, which further reduces the dps.

This is exactly why the Escort Carriers have a separate fighter bay and drone bay. A limited fighter bay (25000m3) allows up to five fighters.

Drone bay of 525m3 allows for 10 large, 5 sentry, 10 med, and 10 small concurrently for versatility.

They also DONT do a ton of DPS, that wasn't the point, as you pointed out.
Comando Brasil
#49 - 2012-05-15 13:24:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Dkamanus
Jeez. Fighters, from my understanding, at a Roaming fleet, are useless. People want fighter, while the variety of drones ALONE should be the strong point of the Escort Carrier. Imagine, 10 Neut drones launched at a single target, or 10 ECM drones roaming around, causing havoc during a small fleet engagement. Its an Advantage that, most certainly, I wouldn't pass up.

The fact that it can use ten drones out is reason enough to have one. Be it rep, ECM, Neut, damage drones in whatever order. Fighters are useless in that regard, cause carriers aren't considered a solo ship. Well, at least in this case. There is no point in going solo with an escort carrier. There is no need for such amount of firepower the fighters provide. Considering they are giving drones an extra module + the modules we already have (which, I think, are quite underused), the Escort Carrier (Drone Boat) would make those modules usable in a way, add some firepower, add some extra utility and not being overpowered.

There is no need for fighters, but a big drone bay is needed for a Drone Boat to actually function.

Instead of Carriers, call em Swarmer Class Drone Boats or something. Just Call em Drone ships. Thats one class of ships that aren't implemented in the game to its fullest. Calling a Dominix a Drone Boat is as much truth as saying that Minmatar are exclusive Shield Tankers, like Caldari.
El Geo
The Ascendants
#50 - 2012-05-15 14:21:08 UTC  |  Edited by: El Geo
Loius Woo wrote:
El Geo wrote:


other stuff.

nothing is in stone
i was merely trying to simplify things for people who like to overcomplicate things, i could say my last post had teh makings of an overpowered ship or i could say it looks like it could be very weak, alot has to do with perspective

a drone bay of 25000m3 hmm lets look at this shall we, that can hold an aweful lot of drones or, 5 fighters (or a mix of the 2)
commonly on my own vexor i use a 2 hvy, 2 med, 1 light + another 5 lights, i use a similar setup on the myrmidon, ofc these are gallente

examples of diversity and typical racial bonus's :
gallente having 30k m3 + drone bonus to hp or dmg
minmatar may be comparable in speed and manouverability to a normal armor bs but only 20k m3 (no other bonus)
and the amarr and caldari might only recieve standard bonus's for armor/shield resists + energy transfer bonus's

those are just a couple of examples i could think of atm without making it too long, i personally LIKE the idea of 'escort' or 'light' carriers, but if they are going to be called carriers then they should share some carrier attributes, although ive never really looked at the size diference between fighters and the heavy/sentry drones (5000m3 vs 25m3) which in itself could be another thread (2500m3 fighter variant "insert whetever name here")

ps - see now we are getting complicated again....
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2012-05-15 16:13:52 UTC
El Geo wrote:

a drone bay of 25000m3 hmm lets look at this shall we, that can hold an aweful lot of drones

Look back at the original post.

These ships have a 25000m3 fighter bay and a 525m3 drone bay.

Drones won't be able to be put in the fighter bay or vice versa.

THis solves the "OMG carriers have ENDLESS drones" problem.

Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#52 - 2012-05-15 16:48:31 UTC
There is no reason why a light carrier needs to be able to carry fighters. Simply being able to field more heavies is sufficient, especially given the new drone damage module.

If a light carrier can field fighters, and moreso if it can assign them, it pushes too far into the niche of the current carriers. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2012-05-15 20:19:07 UTC
Buzzy Warstl wrote:
There is no reason why a light carrier needs to be able to carry fighters. Simply being able to field more heavies is sufficient, especially given the new drone damage module.

If a light carrier can field fighters, and moreso if it can assign them, it pushes too far into the niche of the current carriers.

How do you figure it pushes into the niche of carriers when carriers are:
10X the tank
2+ X the number of fighters
2.5X the remote repair range
ABle to use Capacitor transporters
Able to use Jump Drives
Able to use Warfare Link modules
Able to use Triage Module
3X the drone control range

I don't see how five fighters breaks into that tier of ship.

Also, the fighters are what make this a bridge between the world of BS's and the world of capitals. If they don't have fighters then they are only ever going to be used in BS fights, when carriers and dreads take the field, these would run away.

Fighters allows them to operate in both environments, scaling with numbers to be usable in cap fights, without giving up so much that they can't be used by BS fleets roaming in null.

Common Sense Ltd
Nulli Secunda
#54 - 2012-05-16 01:21:23 UTC
love the general idea. all the quibbles are valid points, i personally am on the fence about fighters. also, perhaps instead of +1 drone per level, perhaps instead you could consider 20% damage and hitpoints per level? also, you could keep the fighter and drone bays as a single bay, assuming you keep the drone space under 5000m3 (which you plan to based on what i've read).

expanding on that blurb a bit.

my general understanding of this, having read the thread, is basically an orca-sized ship (midway between capitals and battleships - an orca is neither, yet shares good qualities of both) that is a dedicated drone command/control platform. i find i fall on the mildly buffed large remote reps side of things, but i am far from convinced either way. i find the burst rep amount from capital reppers to be too much for such a ship; a boosted large would be far more appropriate. i also agree with a small range increase, but not one comperable to logi cruisers - about 26km sounds just perfect. enough to be used as a center pin in PvP (or PvE), but not enough to give full mobility to a gang, especially if the ship itself is roughly as slow as an orca.

while i dont believe that carriers would be pushed out of use by these at all (or removed from their niche or whatever the PC codeword is these days), i also am not convinced that fighters would be anything more than redundance. my vote, as of now, is to strip fighters from them, simply because drones would do it better in my eyes. i dont believe that having them assignable is really worthwhile, either from a PvP perspective (because, lol fighters) or a PvE one (because sentries would just be more effective, at least in anoms and the like.

beyond that, you guys seem to me to be running in circles, explaining the same things to one another time and again. agree to disagree, and then go quibble over something else imo.

thing's i'm curious about:

would these be allowed into gated deadspace? (i vote yes, based on orcas/freighters being allowed to do so)

can, in OP's eyes, they use capital local reps? (i vote yes regardless of which way the remote repairs discussion goes, but perhaps with some negs.)

would love to see some dev interest in this. i think it's a valuable way to expand the capital roster without making new LOLHOTDROP ships.
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2012-05-16 02:48:25 UTC
To the local capital rep question,

Capital Armor Repairer repairs for 9,600 HPs...
Thats nearly ALL of the armor hit points on this ship.

Also, they take 2400GJ of cap, which is too much.

In the balancing of the capacitor and HP's it made more sense to boost the cap usage of the capital remote reps than to boost the amount of the large remotes because it allowed me to have large local reps be balanced with the size of the tank on them to begin with and still have capacitor issues if you are running all the remote reps.

I fought with the math for a while before I came to this conclusion.

In summary
Large for both local and remote reps=underpowered repair for the ships size and role.

Large remote, capital local=too much tank for a short period (cap goes fast) and too little remote rep amount that is ALWAYS cap stable.

Capital both remote and local=HUGE tank and lots of remote rep, would have to make the capacitor the same as a carrier (which doesn't make sense) just to keep cap for more than 10 seconds.

Large local capital remote= ability to do burst remote rep for a large amount for a short period of time, but ability to use a moderate self tank while cap stable. So if you are under attack, you can't rep others and rep yourself at the same time which keeps this from being OP.

A bonus of 15% per level to remote repair range is fine by me. Thats not enough to screw with logis.

I am willing to give up on the fighters (grudgingly) if I can be convinced that the 10 drones would be just as good in large fights in null sec. Would it need more of a buff for that to work?

I still would prefer the fighters as that is what makes this better than other drone BS's.
Liliana Rahl
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#56 - 2012-05-16 03:46:37 UTC
Loius Woo wrote:

Fighters allows them to operate in both environments, scaling with numbers to be usable in cap fights, without giving up so much that they can't be used by BS fleets roaming in null.

You know people use heavies in large fights too right? I.e. a cap fight is taking place, battleships are also on field, deploy heavy drones/whatever drones you got.

You don't need fighters to be part of the fight dude. 10 Heavies is more than enough damage that should be coming from this "support" ship.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#57 - 2012-05-16 06:57:54 UTC
Liliana Rahl wrote:
Loius Woo wrote:

Fighters allows them to operate in both environments, scaling with numbers to be usable in cap fights, without giving up so much that they can't be used by BS fleets roaming in null.

You know people use heavies in large fights too right? I.e. a cap fight is taking place, battleships are also on field, deploy heavy drones/whatever drones you got.

You don't need fighters to be part of the fight dude. 10 Heavies is more than enough damage that should be coming from this "support" ship.

Just go start a topic demanding the dominix's dronebay should go up by 1000m3 already.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Common Sense Ltd
Nulli Secunda
#58 - 2012-05-16 07:28:51 UTC
first off, general response: i think you're thinking of these in a bit smaller terms than i am. you're thinking of them being effectively battleships. i disagree with that - this ship feels to me to be a touch smaller than an orca, if you understand my meaning. so, you'd need capital legos to build the thing, but you could also afford to enlarge it slightly - not a carrier's capacitor and HPs of course, but something comperable to a freighter or orca's HP values. see where i'm going with this?

as for large fights in nullsec, if you're familiar with the PL fleet doctrine they call "slowcats", that should answer your question right there, although i dont see why they would alter it to a smaller ship class in their specific case. a TL:DR as i understand it for slowcats: patheon RR carriers (not triage, in other words) that have sentries stuffed full in their drone bays. launch, assist to target popper, recieve 13k alpha every 4 seconds in whatever flavor you choose. regardless, if you make this orca sized, you wont see it in nano roams, but the possibility of keeping a wing, or even a doctrine of these in a state of readiness for an alliance is signifigant, especially for home defense fleets. their ability to put damage down on many different sizes of ships, balanced by their material cost and slowness, would serve particularly well there imo.

i like your explanation of large local v. capital remote. i'm still not sold on the capital remotes, but i respect why you came to that descision.

i'd like to again highlight the 20% damage/HP per level versus the +1 drone per level. i think that'd be all the buff you need to make them viable - fighters unfortunately would not be viable in a combat situation in null that i can think of. i think it best that they be scrapped - it's still a carrier in the fact that it's a drone dedicated platform capable of launching more than the usual 5. (guardian-vexors not included, of course.)
Liliana Rahl
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#59 - 2012-05-16 08:41:23 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:

Just go start a topic demanding the dominix's dronebay should go up by 1000m3 already.


please tell me where I suggested that we need a battleship sized drone ship with capacity for tons of drones tell me
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#60 - 2012-05-16 16:07:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Loius Woo
Retmas wrote:
first off, general response: i think you're thinking of these in a bit smaller terms than i am. you're thinking of them being effectively battleships. i disagree with that - this ship feels to me to be a touch smaller than an orca, if you understand my meaning. so, you'd need capital legos to build the thing, but you could also afford to enlarge it slightly - not a carrier's capacitor and HPs of course, but something comperable to a freighter or orca's HP values. see where i'm going with this?

as for large fights in nullsec, if you're familiar with the PL fleet doctrine they call "slowcats", that should answer your question right there, although i dont see why they would alter it to a smaller ship class in their specific case. a TL:DR as i understand it for slowcats: patheon RR carriers (not triage, in other words) that have sentries stuffed full in their drone bays. launch, assist to target popper, recieve 13k alpha every 4 seconds in whatever flavor you choose. regardless, if you make this orca sized, you wont see it in nano roams, but the possibility of keeping a wing, or even a doctrine of these in a state of readiness for an alliance is signifigant, especially for home defense fleets. their ability to put damage down on many different sizes of ships, balanced by their material cost and slowness, would serve particularly well there imo.

i like your explanation of large local v. capital remote. i'm still not sold on the capital remotes, but i respect why you came to that descision.

i'd like to again highlight the 20% damage/HP per level versus the +1 drone per level. i think that'd be all the buff you need to make them viable - fighters unfortunately would not be viable in a combat situation in null that i can think of. i think it best that they be scrapped - it's still a carrier in the fact that it's a drone dedicated platform capable of launching more than the usual 5. (guardian-vexors not included, of course.)

I like how you structured your argument against fighters and as such I am willing to scrap the fighter argument unless someone smarter about carrier tactics than me can make the argument on more than aesthetics.

As for the drones, I feel it is a good idea to have 10 without the damage buff rather than 5 with a damage buff. This would allow them to field otherwise less fielded drones in certain circumstances that don't benefit from a damage buff (like ECM, Target painter, web, etc).

As for the sizing question with Orcas, I should point out that the shield and armor HPs of these are BETTER in most cases than the ORCA and the orca's only thing is structure (which is roughly 4X that of these) but since that can't be active tanked, it makes the overall tank ability about the same.

I should point out that the concept art that i stole from deviant art (but gave credit to the artist) has some dimensions that I think are too small. The concept art dimensions are that of a BS, I think these should be more like 1200-1500m long give or take. Their masses and such on the stats I posted are more in keeping with general scale (2X a battleship size) of an Orca.

EDIT: if just drones, then I would amend the stats of these ships to remove the fighter bay and increase the drone bay from 525 to 650 (to allow 10 heavy, 10 sentry, 10 med, 10 light drones in bay at once). Does it need to be more than that?