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Escort Carriers

Hans Zwaardhandler
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#261 - 2012-08-25 04:10:22 UTC
On the subject of the arguments that suggest that the light carrier cannot fit a good role, the role of a dedicated drone vessel that is not a "full" carrier has been rather neglected. Besides carriers and supercarriers wielding squadrons of fighters and fighter bombers respectively in large and copious amounts, for the subcapital ships there is no equivalent based droneboat that can put out quite a few drones and deal sizeable amounts of damage. The Dominix and the Rattlesnake is the closest thing there is to that, but adding something like the light carrier to use more drones and be more drone oriented over having guns.

For those that say that the damage these drones will do will outpace battleships, I don't think that that will be the case. These drones must travel quite a bit of ways, especially if they are heavies, and sentries do have range on them. Artillery and Railguns and Beam lasers can hit out farther than them for instant damage that can often chop up cruisers and battleships with ease. Travel time and redeployment for the sentries would take time and take a significant chunk out of DPS, unless you decided that you wanted to drop right in the middle of everything and sit there and bet on your own survival, but I imagine that the majority of the time, the escort carriers and their variants will be used at range. Also, drones can be killed and destroyed in combat, rather than guns, which makes them quite fragile and requires you to look at them often.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#262 - 2012-08-25 22:58:40 UTC

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Blaxo D'Azreemer
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#263 - 2012-08-26 18:55:03 UTC
After reading all the pages..whew.. there are some real good ideas here for a larger combat/escort ship. Some of the better ideas I liked were the fact this/these thing/s could have more than one role (making a counter more difficult).

I support bringing in one type for each race and letting the player base decide how they will use it.

5 fighters but cannot be deployed in highsec.

drone bay maybe half of a normal carrier.

basically everything half of a normal sized carrier.

All in All OP has this moving in the right direction and I think CCP should really take a good look at this one.

Justin Cody
War Firm
#264 - 2012-08-26 19:18:10 UTC
the escort carrier idea is a great one to fill a role gap, but they do have to be allowed the use of fighters (5 at most), but carry additional flights in a fighter bay rather than a generic drone bay. Non-fighter drones would go in proper drone bay and maybe be the same size as a domi for all race except gallente that would be 25% larger.

They should have a massive tank, but we don't want them being used as overpowered neut boats so scaling cap and recharge rates is important as well as a proper balance of high slots. I would say no more than 5 high slots at most preferably 4 at most to force utility to drone control, remote reps and cap transfer.

For t2 versions...we should stay away from that for the time being as we don't have t2 tier 3 bs's yet nor t2 capitals. It is hard to say what role they could fill at the moment.

No warfare link bonuses...we have enough ships for that already.

Keep it simple.
ApolloF117 HUN
The All-Seeing Eye
GaNg BaNg TeAm
#265 - 2012-08-26 23:00:06 UTC
Justin Cody wrote:
the escort carrier idea is a great one to fill a role gap, but they do have to be allowed the use of fighters (5 at most), but carry additional flights in a fighter bay rather than a generic drone bay. Non-fighter drones would go in proper drone bay and maybe be the same size as a domi for all race except gallente that would be 25% larger.

They should have a massive tank, but we don't want them being used as overpowered neut boats so scaling cap and recharge rates is important as well as a proper balance of high slots. I would say no more than 5 high slots at most preferably 4 at most to force utility to drone control, remote reps and cap transfer.

For t2 versions...we should stay away from that for the time being as we don't have t2 tier 3 bs's yet nor t2 capitals. It is hard to say what role they could fill at the moment.

No warfare link bonuses...we have enough ships for that already.

Keep it simple.

we have t2 capital called jump freighters :) but this is another story :)
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#266 - 2012-08-26 23:03:46 UTC
The design of THIS perticular idea behind escort carriers strayed from the capital class quite some time ago, the current rendention is an Advanced Space Ship

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

ApolloF117 HUN
The All-Seeing Eye
GaNg BaNg TeAm
#267 - 2012-08-28 09:03:27 UTC
ApolloF117 HUN
The All-Seeing Eye
GaNg BaNg TeAm
#268 - 2012-08-30 06:31:15 UTC
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#269 - 2012-08-30 19:44:04 UTC
ApolloF117 HUN wrote:

Thank you Apollo for your dedication to keeping this thread on people's minds.
Hans Zwaardhandler
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#270 - 2012-08-30 20:19:56 UTC
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
The design of THIS perticular idea behind escort carriers strayed from the capital class quite some time ago, the current rendention is an Advanced Space Ship

Because it was deemed by many to be too overpowered in high security space due to fighters being able to be assigned at long range for people at the other end of the system. The design of ten heavies/sentries was deemed to be a better solution to the fighters being too overpowered without booting Escort Carriers and it's subdesigns out of highsec all together.
ApolloF117 HUN
The All-Seeing Eye
GaNg BaNg TeAm
#271 - 2012-08-31 02:03:08 UTC
Loius Woo wrote:
ApolloF117 HUN wrote:

Thank you Apollo for your dedication to keeping this thread on people's minds.

yea, i like the old carriers when they can jump on the gate... but this thing is gone so i think we need a higsec carrier :)
ApolloF117 HUN
The All-Seeing Eye
GaNg BaNg TeAm
#272 - 2012-09-01 05:14:52 UTC
Blaxo D'Azreemer
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#273 - 2012-09-02 21:11:23 UTC
United National Space Corperation
#274 - 2012-09-02 21:16:12 UTC
i spport this ship class bs fleeys can have their own logi
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#275 - 2012-09-03 05:10:50 UTC
I like this idea for moar minicapitals, filling in the gap between caps and subcaps, and because you made it require advanced spaceship command 4. Also, it seems like a cool idea.

Also, those art pieces look way too much like current ships in EVE.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Itar Sheep
The Black Sheep Inc
#276 - 2012-09-03 13:58:50 UTC
I like these ideas. They would allow a few more doctrines to develop and bring the BS class out of mothballs.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#277 - 2012-09-03 16:02:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Jafit
Christ this thread. I can't read all of it, I skimmed.

These mini-carriers are supposed to "provide combat support to roaming BS fleet forces" - I don't know where you live, but when was the last time you saw anything larger than a battlecruiser in a roaming gang? 2010 roaming RR BS gangs don't really happen anymore, the game has moved on.

Escort Carriers:
Tech one ships with a designed role of combat support to BS gangs. Skills, capabilities, bonuses are as described in the OP but with the following changes:
Remove role bonus to fit capital repair, remove racial bonus to specific capital repair modules.
Remove ship maintenance bay.
ADD bonus of 7.5% per level to drone effectiveness. Drone effectiveness is defined as damage for combat drones, repair amount for logistics drones, Jam strength for ECM drones, SIg Radius boost for TP drones, web amount for Web see where this is headed? All the drones get 7.5% more per level at what they do.

Your goal is to support subcap roaming gangs, why not use subcaps to fulfill these roles? There are existing subcap hulls that already have bonuses to all of those roles already, why are you proposing a big ship that does all of them via drones? Even 'doing everything with drones' is a role already filled by the Dominix.

Assault Carriers:
Tech two ships with a designed role of dealing damage via drones. Skills would be Racial Escourt Carrier 5, Drone Interfacing 5, Drone Navigation 5, Assault Carrier 1.
No role bonus to fit capital repair
No ship maintenance bay.
ADD 99% reduction in CPU need of warfare link modules.
ADD T2 resists.
ADD Racial Resist bonus 5% per level
Remove drone effectiveness bonus, replace with 15% per level bonus to drone damage.
ADD 5% per level to drone control range.
Add 1 low slot to all to allow drone damage mod.

Okay so... "we want to support roaming BS gangs" - by introducing a new ship that makes existing tanking/DPS ships (i.e. Battleships) redundant. Although if these were in the game they'd almost certainly see the most use as semi-AFK ratting and mission running ships.

Support Carriers:
Tech two ship with a designed role of support and logistics for sub capital and capital fleets. Skills should be Racial Escort Carrier 5, Drone interfacing 5, Repair Drone Operation 5, Logistics 4, Support Carrier 1.
Retain bonus to fit capital repair modules
Receive NO bonus to repair amount or range.
Nerf capacitor so that the ONLY way to run the capital repairers is with capital energy transfers from real capitals.
ADD Ship maintenance bay with the size listed on the OP.
ADD bonus, 20% per level to non-combat drone effectiveness.
ADD bonus -10% per level to logistics drone cycle duration.

Hey guys I heard we have these new things called Logistics Cruisers, they're like a million times more mobile than a battleship hull, they have T2 resists and a tiny sig radius and they're useful both because they can repair from long range and they are amazing at repping. But no, lets use this big slow ship that relies on logi-drones that can be swept off the field by any semi-competent bombing run.

tl;dr: You're trying to fill a niche that doesn't exist because it isn't 2010 anymore. Let it go.
Nestara Aldent
#278 - 2012-09-04 00:06:40 UTC
We dont need 'escort' carrier!

However, highsec ship with ship maintenance bay without RR or combat capability is needed (and not an Orca ofc, something that doesnt need large SP investment in mining and industry to fly).


If you add RR to it, it will either have capital remote repper, with its low range, or normal reppers bonused for range, and due to EHP then it will be _massively overpowered_ logistics ship.

And if you want drones, just get a Domi.

Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#279 - 2012-09-04 02:44:17 UTC
Nestara Aldent wrote:
We dont need 'escort' carrier!

You're argument is so compelling with its various and detailed arguments.

Nestara Alden wrote:
However, highsec ship with ship maintenance bay without RR or combat capability is needed (and not an Orca ofc, something that doesnt need large SP investment in mining and industry to fly).

Wait, you want something like an orca only better but for less skill points.... wtf are you smoking?

Nestara Alden wrote:

If you add RR to it, it will either have capital remote repper, with its low range, or normal reppers bonused for range, and due to EHP then it will be _massively overpowered_ logistics ship.

And if you want drones, just get a Domi.

Did you read at all?

No you didn't. Cause if you had, you would know that you were not the first person to say the trite "get a domi" comment and you won't be the last (the world is full of idiots) and all of those arguments were destroyed in detail around page 2-3.


Don't know how many times I need to say it or how many ways I need to explain it.

Learn to read and then come back.

I don't have time for you tonight.
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#280 - 2012-09-04 02:47:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Loius Woo
Jafit wrote:
Christ this thread. I can't read all of it, I skimmed.

These mini-carriers are supposed to "provide combat support to roaming BS fleet forces" - I don't know where you live, but when was the last time you saw anything larger than a battlecruiser in a roaming gang? 2010 roaming RR BS gangs don't really happen anymore, the game has moved on.


You didn't read either.

Learn to read, then come back.

BTW, I live in Geminate (off and on) and don't you think that the reason that roaming fleets don't use BS's is because something like THIS is missing from the game? Try to engage your creative centers in your brain before posting moronic rebuttals.

Also, you are an idiot. You didn't read. You say the first post and read none one the others. Admit it, just be honest. So go back, read at least a few pages to see if your stupid comments were said by someone else (they were) and if someone responded to them with logical rebuttals (they were) that way you won't waste everyones time reading your BS (you did).