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Let carebears be carebears (PVP Opt Out)

#141 - 2012-05-16 21:10:48 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:

Post with your main if you're gonna call people on not posting with their main.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#142 - 2012-05-16 21:22:36 UTC
RubyPorto wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:

Post with your main if you're gonna call people on not posting with their main.

You kids are too lazy to even read...

Only reason I stated if it was an alt, was the amount of time the individual actually played in-game. I could careless if its main or alt.

Yes, this is my alt, I shall never post on my main.
The Society For Unethical Treatment Of Sleepers
#143 - 2012-05-16 21:53:50 UTC
I dont understand how some people are so THICK! EVE O is indeed a pvp game. If you dont like it leave. The game will not bend for you. You are the one who is less flexible. That means you can either learn to deal with it, or you can find a game that is more suitable to your play style.
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#144 - 2012-05-16 22:03:46 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:

First, this isnt about me, I do have an attitude with certain players with play styles i disagree with, but guess what? I've known this for 7 years.

What I don't get is why you'd disagree with anyone's play style. Nobody disagrees with yours unless you try to force your play style upon others by trying to modify the mechanics of the game. That's where people like me get a bit pissy about it. You want something selfishly for yourself so you are willing to take a part of many people's play style to satisfy your own and deny us the freedoms we're accustomed to. To me, that's worse than scamming, stealing, dishonoring ransoms or 1v1's.

The way I see it is if it's allowed within the current mechanics and rules, then there is nothing wrong with it. That's how a sandbox works. Just deal with it and adapt.
Flurk Hellbron
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#145 - 2012-05-16 22:04:30 UTC
Eve online is NOT PVP............... try to shoot random ship in 0.5 - 1.0 sec......................Big smile
Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#146 - 2012-05-16 22:05:13 UTC
Knus'lar wrote:
I dont understand how some people are so THICK! EVE O is indeed a pvp game. If you dont like it leave. The game will not bend for you. You are the one who is less flexible. That means you can either learn to deal with it, or you can find a game that is more suitable to your play style.

Ironically, ive had friends quit cause they couldnt handle the harshness, but you know what? out of the 3 that quit 2 returned cause of the, however you want to put it, realism. Death has meaning, actions have consequences. This is a love/hate game that no other MMO has, anything could happen and that is the excitement to me personally.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#147 - 2012-05-16 22:33:38 UTC
Flurk Hellbron wrote:
Eve online is NOT PVP............... try to shoot random ship in 0.5 - 1.0 sec......................Big smile

1. Player vs Player conflict is not just shooting.

Anything a player produces/invents uses up slots that could have been used by other players either in station or on a moon pos. Using these resources limits the potential of other players to use the same resources - that is a player vs player conflict.
Anything a player lists on the market conflicts with other players listings and impacts on the other players profits, likewise any contract a player creates impacts on other contracts that are listed by any other player.
Any asteroid a player mines is removed from the asteroid belt, mining said asteroid makes it unavailable for other players who may also wish to mine it. When you mine a belt out you are impacting on the game play of other players - PVP

2. Concord are not there to prevent criminal activity in high security space. They are there to provide punitive retribution and act as a deterrent to criminal acts in high security space. If the perceived potential value in committing the criminal act outweighs the guaranteed cost of performing the criminal act, a player is completely free to shoot whom ever, when ever.

Haulie Berry
#148 - 2012-05-16 22:35:09 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:
Haulie Berry wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:

You missed the point..

There was no point to miss. It was an invalid equivalency. You were comparing an illegal IRL activity to an allowed (and even encouraged) in game activity. The two are not analogous.

Someone blowing up your spaceship in Eve is no more morally or ethically wrong than someone putting hotels on Park Place and Boardwalk or putting "Quixotic" on a triple word score. Regardless of how adversely it affects YOU, personally, it's perfectly okay within the context of the game. The rules permit this behavior. By playing the game, you implicitly agree to the rules of the game. When you go play Paintball, you are agreeing that people can shoot paintballs at you, because it's a game and those are the rules. Similarly, when you undock in Eve, you're agreeing that people can shoot at you, because this is a game and those are the rules. The fact that Eve has a lot more variation in potential activities than a round of paintball doesn't change that.

So, what, you think the rules shouldn't apply to you? Because that's about how it sounds.

First, this isnt about me, I do have an attitude with certain players with play styles i disagree with, but guess what? I've known this for 7 years.

I dont live in hi-sec space, I live in null, I know the rules and the game, and if thats your main you post with, ive played a lot longer than you.

The biggest loss in 1 shot ive ever occurred was 6 billion. I didnt cry, didnt rage, didnt msg the 12 gankers that got me(yes it was hi-sec), I took it as a expensive lesson.

That's all certainly relevant to... absolutely nothing. You seem to be attempting to establish some sort of internet space "street cred" as if that will somehow make your false equivalencies less flawed.

Of course, your years of internet space experience didn't stop you from making a tit of yourself re: drone mechanics.

Rules should always apply, war dec mech dont mean much to me since I live in null.

Comparing this game to monopoly is moronic at best. You dont invest years into a single game of monoploy, nor pay a month sub, not buy plexes if your shiny hotels are sold.

Irrelevant. They are both games, they both have rules, and in playing the games you are implicitly agreeing to the rules. It doesn't matter if one game takes five minutes and the other is a lifelong adventure.


If you think people dont have the right to complain, wtf you in the forums to begin with?

Arent you moving to France to get away from the paparazzi? Arrow

I didn't say they don't have any right to complain. What I did was illustrate why you are a moron for comparing internet space violence to RL ****.
Haulie Berry
#149 - 2012-05-16 22:36:05 UTC
Flurk Hellbron wrote:
Eve online is NOT PVP............... try to shoot random ship in 0.5 - 1.0 sec......................Big smile

People shoot random ships in .5 - 1.0 sec all the time. Their targets frequently explode precisely as expected.
Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#150 - 2012-05-16 23:01:49 UTC
I cant reply when you didnt add anything intelligent but trying to discredit me, which I could careless what you think.
The Society For Unethical Treatment Of Sleepers
#151 - 2012-05-16 23:01:53 UTC
Flurk Hellbron wrote:
Eve online is NOT PVP............... try to shoot random ship in 0.5 - 1.0 sec......................Big smile

Yes, that is still pvp. By definition in fact... It's called 'High sec Ganking' unless you are five thirty in which case it is 'Griefing'
#152 - 2012-05-16 23:37:53 UTC
Seeing the bears here and the griefers in c&p both complaining like chicken little about the new mechanics i gotta say : looks like ccp hit the mark Blink
Immortis Vexx
Onyx Moon Industries
#153 - 2012-05-16 23:43:58 UTC
MechaMouse wrote:
Seeing the bears here and the griefers in c&p both complaining like chicken little about the new mechanics i gotta say : looks like ccp hit the mark Blink

You mean the war dec mechanics? Ship balancing? Miner buffs in escalation? The new mechanics have nothing to do with this post or what was being asked. This thread is about carebears wanting to fundamentally change what this game is. There are two arguments at work here; the idiots, and those that are calling for things to stay how they are.

To go off on your tangent though.. I think that most people are going to welcome the war dec mechanics. The revived merc system, the lack of cheap griefing war decs, and the removal of dec shield. All good things. I can't wait to see how many corps start up as a result of the merc system.

Caldari State
#154 - 2012-05-16 23:50:52 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:
Asheru wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
There is an opt out, it's called station spinning.
As soon as you hit the undock button, you are agreeing to PVP


Like leaving your house, you agree to get raped in an alley by thugs.....

Your wit is obviously unmatched. Such wisdom and in-site. If only everyone had your views.....


Like comparing real life to a video game.

Your wit is obviously non-existent.

So real world experience doesnt work in this game, human beings behave differently in games than real life?

I suggest you finish high school and learn the real world.

Yes, people behave differently in roleplaying games than they do in the real world. In real life, I'm a mild-mannered biologist. In Eve, I'm a cruel sociopath who enjoys suicide ganking miners. I don't, however, enjoy this activity in the real world.

#155 - 2012-05-17 00:06:05 UTC
Immortis Vexx wrote:
MechaMouse wrote:
Seeing the bears here and the griefers in c&p both complaining like chicken little about the new mechanics i gotta say : looks like ccp hit the mark Blink

You mean the war dec mechanics? Ship balancing? Miner buffs in escalation?

To go off on your tangent though.. I think that most people are going to welcome the war dec mechanics. The revived merc system, the lack of cheap griefing war decs, and the removal of dec shield. All good things. I can't wait to see how many corps start up as a result of the merc system.


And here l thought I was on-topic. Yes the new dec mechanics should be welcomed by highsec players and I'm surprised to hear bears upset over it. I guess this gives credibility to the " slippery slope to hellokitty online" argument. Give em an inch and they ask for removal of all threats...
Drunken Bum
#156 - 2012-05-17 03:04:43 UTC
Quit your goddamn whining and play the real game. Dont like it? Dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way back to world of warcraft and hello kitty paradise pansy pussy fart *******.

After the patch we're giving the market some gentle supply restriction, like tying one wrist to the bedpost loosely with soft silk rope. Just enough to make things a bit more exciting for the market, not enough to make a safeword necessary.  -Fozzie

Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#157 - 2012-05-17 04:43:11 UTC
Drunken Bum wrote:
Quit your goddamn whining and play the real game. Dont like it? Dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way back to world of warcraft and hello kitty paradise pansy ***** fart *******.

See that's not true they can just play on sisi, they pay for the game and can go there to not pvp, hell its mostly forbidden there.

care bears have there play land, its just there not bears. They want to pvp me in the market and on contracts, but as soon as i use weapons/Ewar then its all "stop" "your and *******""this is not fair" "I don't want to play like this"

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Revman Zim
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#158 - 2012-05-17 05:23:29 UTC
Carebear here, posting on my main (ONLY) character.

For those that want to opt out of PvP, you are playing the wrong game.

Without the possibility of random acts of violence anytime you undock, EVE would be just another cookie-cutter MMO.

If you don't like it, either don't undock or find a different game.

I am looking forward to moving to NULL (after my deployment to the Persian Gulf is over), and that desire was spurred on by non-consensuall PvP.
Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#159 - 2012-05-17 07:01:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Rel'k Bloodlor
ok i know im 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999%
TROLL but 3 points

1) alliances care bears+care bears+even more=to big to dec cheep
2) symbiosis look it up, find PvPers befriend them fight with them profit
3) SISI if you can't do 1&2 you can SILL OPT OUT and play all you want there and you even can get free skill points for temporary boost.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Goonswarm Federation
#160 - 2012-05-17 19:15:52 UTC
Flurk Hellbron wrote:
Eve online is NOT PVP............... try to shoot random ship in 0.5 - 1.0 sec......................Big smile

ive done this a lot

usually, the ships i shot at blew up

its great fun