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Test Server Feedback

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Mass-test feedback - May 10

First post
Edington Trent
Prompt Critical
#21 - 2012-05-10 21:10:10 UTC
OS: Win 7
CPU: AMD 2 core 2.0 Ghz, probably a mobile version
GPU: I think It's 256mb of integrated laptop ATI card
RAM: 4gb

1 client

graphic settings: low, all effects disabled

Avg Fps zoomed out: 10

Avg FPS zoomed in: 3 (sometimes less than 1)

On a scale of 1-10, NA (I've never been in a big fleet fight so I have no point of comparison)

Disconnects/crashes: no, but my EVE client kept locking up. It would run for about 5 seconds, then freeze for 3-4 seconds, then start running again.

EVE can handle a massive fleet fight on a bottom-tier rig. I would rate the experience "barely playable". good job.
Sekka Mitarin
2 Fives Group
#22 - 2012-05-10 21:10:43 UTC
OS: Windows 7 (64-bit)
CPU: AMD phenom II quad core
GPU: ATI Raedon (1 gb)
RAM: 4 gb
Number of Clients: 2 off and on between freezing and socket closing
Graphic Setting: High

Avg FPS zoomed out (no brackets) - 12-14
Average FPS zoomed in (no brackets) - 8-10
FPS comparison to TQ: 3
Disconnects/Crashes: had 1 crash and restarted computer, and 4 times socket closed.
Experience: Was very laggy at first POS with alot of ships not loading on screen. Then crashed -restarted. Had instances where targeting was not working. I think that's about it.

Looking forward to missile effects working well on TQ.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2012-05-10 21:11:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Bashfulmerc
OS Version: System 7 (64 bit)
CPU: AMD x 4 630
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 9100
One client
Graphic setting: Low

User Experience

Had locked screen on every combat. Took 1M ISK armor damage. Had to leave the site of combat.

FPS was 20 at the station I repaired at. When I went to planet 2 to reengage fps was 9.

Thanks for the event!

TQ runs a better FPS usually?

Seamus Donohue
EVE University
Ivy League
#24 - 2012-05-10 21:11:14 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: Mac OS 10.6.8
  • CPU: 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
  • GPU: ATI Radeon 4870 HD
  • RAM: 6 GB 1066 MHz DDR3
  • How many clients were you running at the same time? Three
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Low

User Experience

  • Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): About 40-50, but it tended to stutter.
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets):
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) Rating of 1 at the POS bash, rating of 3 at the Planet 3 fight.
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? One of my alt clients had to be restarted once because it froze (I had accidentally switched to an overview tab with all brackets on) and twice because it desynchronized from the server (the interface was responsive, but showing me things that the other two clients disagreed with, such as being at the wrong place).
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: For intensive situations, a graphics setting of "wireframe" may be a good idea. When fights get that big, we want functional, not pretty; some of us will tolerate 1980s vector graphics, for example, if it means that the client will actually be able to keep up with the game activity.

Survivor of Teskanen.  Fan of John Rourke.

I have video tutorials for EVE Online on my YouTube channel:

Yeva Privateering
#25 - 2012-05-10 21:11:52 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows 7 SP1
CPU: Phenom II X6 1035T
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low-med

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 15
Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): 5
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 2

Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? 1 full PC crash (probably heated GPU), 1 client crash. The client also went "not responding" every few seconds during the POS shoot, after a minute or 5 it then proceeded to go fully unresponsive and I had to kill it.

Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: At one time my memory usage on a whole was 75%, even though task manager said EVE was playing nice and only using 1,2GB. But after I closed EVE my mem usage went right back to 38% so something was fishy there :P This was during the POS bash shortly before my client crashed.
Max Scriptorus
Goonswarm Federation
#26 - 2012-05-10 21:12:21 UTC
OS version: Windows 7
CPU: Intel i5 2300
GPU: Nvidia GT 430
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 55
Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets):30
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome)
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No. although a couple of long pauses
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Lag while shooting at POS. Very low FPS at POS when looking at tower. Client slowed right down but remaind active. Fleet fight was much better
#27 - 2012-05-10 21:12:28 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows 7 X64 Ultimate
CPU: Intel Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz
GPU: XFX ATi HD 5770
RAM: 4GB GEIL PC2-6400
How many clients were you running at the same time: 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): High - All Max

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 40 - 60

Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): 6 - 10

On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ?: 3

Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Yes, Client crashed upon order to fire at the POS, FPS dropped from 45 FPS to 3.2 then client became non responsive with the client using 3GB of memory but only 25% CPU usage. Logged back in and resumed to fight at planet 2, No disconnects experienced but lag and ships not showing in overview was experienced. Server caught up and targets being called showed in overview.

Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: First mass test experience!!! I'm no longer a virgin :P was a bit hectic with players seeming to do what they wanted rather than actually be serious about testing.

Missile effect's are much better as well as the explosion effect's although I don't understand why they always seem to wiggle when first leaving the launcher, being a missile surely it should have a straight line of fire...
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2012-05-10 21:13:24 UTC  |  Edited by: LordKeeps
Machine Info and Settings

• OS version: win7
• CPU: Q9650 (quad core)
• GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6950
• How many clients were you running at the same time? - 1
• Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): medium

User Experience

• Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 60 (vsync on)
• Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): 30-40
• On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome)


• Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?

Yes and No, Logserver crashed and I had to relog after I was heavy desynced on the Towershoot.

• Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
Time Delation was good so far.
What I noticed when I got desynced that Eve(Sisi)-Client was using 2,5gb ram was still growing like on a memory leak.
FPS were at same level than big fleets fight are on tranq these days.
Cube Zombie Consortium
#29 - 2012-05-10 21:13:35 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

• OS version: Windows 7
• CPU: Intel Core i7-2600k
• GPU: GTX 460
• RAM: 8
• How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
• Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): medium

User Experience

• Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 30
• Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): 8
• On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 4
• Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No
• Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: first mass test, well run event, will do again.
#30 - 2012-05-10 21:14:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Vengul
OS: Windows XP x64
CPU: Intel E5300 2.6 GHz
GPU: NVidia GeForce GT220 1 GB
How many clients were you running at the same time? 2
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): <1 on POS, 40 when fighting vs other fleet near planet IV
Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): <1 when attacking POS, 25 when fighting vs other fleet near planet IV
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? 1 when attacking POS, 5 when fighting other fleet
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Yes, after destroying (maybe, can't surely tell; everything freezed over, after relogin POS was destroyed)
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Not sure if this was a bug, or just me being newb, but the moment we started attacking POS, when FPS dropped low, I was attacked by other player and somehow I started firing at him with my first group of weapons (3 of 5 miss launchers). I, however, was just sitting and trying to go into settings to improve FPS (pressing Esc repeatedly). Comment on my FPS: despite having low-end computer, FPS was rather high when fighting fleet-vs-fleet, probably due to small amount of players in this engagement.
Talisa Latarien
Dark Tempest Enterprises
#31 - 2012-05-10 21:15:02 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

• OS version: Windows 7 Pro / 64 bit
• CPU: Intel C2Q 6600 @ 2.7 GHz
• GPU: Sappgire HD4870 / 1Gb
• RAM: 4 Gb OCZ DDR2 SLi Edition
• How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
• Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): High

User Experience

• Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 2-5

• Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): 1-7, jumpy, fps meter reminds a haircomb with broken teeth

• On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 1 - was perfectly fine until people started shooting the POS, then - completely unplayable

• Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No disconnects per se, but a weird laf that resulted in client hanging and unfreezing in about 2 minutes with warp-in, as if a total disconnect had happened

• Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
Something is wrong with either missile effects or some other weapons - the moment fighting ended (almost ended, but that was enough, really), fps went back up to bearable 15-20. During the second fight something froze the client again. Side note - this is the first time I have to submit error logs in 6 different reports, as they just take so much space to be split in 6 parts, RARed at max compression :)
Nihil Corporation
#32 - 2012-05-10 21:15:20 UTC
OS version: Windows 7
CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6900
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 20
Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets):0-10
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 5
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Yes
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: much better than last thursday only experienced 1 crash
Nanami Sakura
N.N Sakura Corporation
#33 - 2012-05-10 21:15:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Nanami Sakura
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: XP
CPU: AMD Athlon X2 64 3800+
GPU: Radeon HD 6570 2gb
How many clients were you running at the same time? 2
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 0.5 - 15
Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): undocked at Station FD-MLJ 11-15 fps, Fight at Planet 0.5.-3 (both Clients)
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 1
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? no
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: very long laggs
Ralf Mortimere
The Thirteen Provinces
#34 - 2012-05-10 21:16:51 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: Win 7 ultimate x86
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad q9505
  • GPU: ASUS EAHD 5850
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • How many clients were you running at the same time?
  • one
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high):
  • ultra, all brackets on

User Experience

  • Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets):
  • 0-10 during POS shooting, 20-30 during fleet fights
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets):
  • 0-10 during POS shooting, 30-40 during fleet fights
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome)
  • 2. terrible lags and crashes during POS fight. never crashed before on a mass test. the fleet fights afterwards were ok
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?
  • three crashes. one during POS fight, second shortly after the fight, and last one when shooting NPC's
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
  • new missiles are Shiney :)
Crocidolite Blue
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2012-05-10 21:16:59 UTC
OS W7 ultimate 64bit
cpu intel Q8200 2.33ghz quad core
gpu 3x nvid gforce gts250 triple sli configuration
ram 8gb
clients 1
settings medium

User experiance
missed first fight due to rl
Had to relog due to client problem
planet 2 fight was laggy but bearable nice effects enjoyed it
on a scale of 1-10 would give it a soon as i turned eve voice off fps went up was averaging 10 fps (Fraps)
Still needs a bit of work but very good compared to Tranquility not so good
Eve voice still causes problems
Thanks for a good test CCP
i'm sure it will come right in the end
Vicktor Baal
Caldari State
#36 - 2012-05-10 21:17:06 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Win7 64
CPU: i7
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): medium

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 10fps
Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): 1 or low
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 6
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? no crash but some times game not respond
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
This mastest is better than last because there wasnt any teleport bug and the warp are not bugged.
At the pvp time grafic change the resolution and i start to see a kind of white tsunami in the space
grafic issue
Ivan St
#37 - 2012-05-10 21:17:20 UTC
Machine info and settings:

OS Version: Windows 7 Professional, SP1
CPU: AMD Phenon II X6 (6x 3,2 GHZ)
GPU: MSI gtx560ti OC
Clients at the same time: one
Graphic setting on the client: all lowest, in window mode

User Experience

Average fps during the fight at the planets- between 20 and 30 fps, depending on how much commotion happened
(not much of a difference between zoomed in and zoomed out)

Experience compared 2 TQ- I never took part in large scale battles in TQ (in fact, I never engaged pvp on TQ at all- besides of getting shot down a few times in lowsec), so I can't tell the difference, since I am usually a missionrunning carebear =D
though I am tempted to join red vs blue hehe, can't wait for the new missile effects to get into TQ, I am sure they will look awesome in missions =)

Disconnects, crashes, etc... none, game went fine, but for some reason I could not spin the ship in the hangar since I set ALL settings on lowest... but everything else appears to be working fine^^

My experience- The time dilation does make some Patience issues- when up at 95% an HM needs an eternity to reach the ship 50km away =(
but besides of stabilising the client, it greatly improves the overall fps
Nice new Bomber designs, now they really look badass, but I recommend doing that to all T2 ships- give them a little bit more badass design (when you are done with other stuff), for example assault ships, heavy assault ships and marauders can really use some more... bulky design, as it is now, all the T2 ships look like repainted T1 ships (even though they are a lot stronger)

and btw, do something for the missionrunners- add more high reward missions, especially the L4 ones (like blockades, Worlds collide, etc.), beef up the bountys 4 Guristas and mercs and extend the LP stores- every Mission runner is gonna thank you for that- and add more pve kings of the hill =)
for example an T3 Battleship (like the tengu is a T3 Cruiser), just add it, you don't have to bother with it being OP- it's gonna be expensive as hell anyways- it would not surprise me if only the chassis (without any subsystems) would cost at least 800 million ISK, put some tremendous skill requirements ontop of that (racial BS lvl5 and some other big skills on 5 too) and here we got a new pve king of the hill and with it you can add some more difficult L4 missions =)

hope you consider such a new ship class... eventually

greetings- Ivan
Noriko Mai
#38 - 2012-05-10 21:19:22 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: Win XP SP 3
  • CPU: Intel E6750 @ 2.66GHz
  • GPU: AMD Radein HD 6800
  • RAM: 2GB
  • How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low/med

User Experience

  • Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 18-20
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): 15-18
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 3
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? One crash as the POS exploded
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Lag while shooting at POS. Very low FPS at POS when looking at tower (0.5-2fps). Client slowed right down but remaind active. Fleet fight was much better.

"Meh.." - Albert Einstein

#39 - 2012-05-10 21:19:38 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows 7 (32-bits)
CPU: Amd Phenom X4 - 2.3GHz
GPU: Nvidia GTS 250 1Gb
RAM: 3Gb
How many clients were you running at the same time? = 1 client
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): 3 FPS
Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): 0.5 FPS
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome): 1
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? = client froze for a few minutes during warp from P1 to P2 (didnt disconeted)

Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Verry Laggy while Shooting POS, when warping from P1 to P2... the grid was still showing P1... couldnt cicle modules or fire missiles ... suddenly was killed and podded.. reshiped and warped back to fight...average fps 15 for the rest of the test
#40 - 2012-05-10 21:19:45 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

• OS version: Windows Vista 64-bit
• CPU: Intel i7 920
• GPU: Nvidia GTX 580 (3Gb memory)
• RAM: 2x4Gb (DDR3)
• How many clients were you running at the same time? One
• Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Medium

User Experience

• Average FPS during fight at the planets in FD-MLJ, zoomed out (no brackets): ~30
• Average FPS - Zoomed in (no brackets): 10-15
• On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 3
• Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?
One self inflicted crash while turning down my settings at the POS due to unresponsive behaviour.

• Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

Overall good, bar the terrible FPS during the POS bash.
I can really see why TiDi gets so much praise <3

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