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I want my SP refunded

First post
Lost Wacko's
#401 - 2012-05-13 01:10:30 UTC
refund it all, i would like to respec it all, would it not be nice to change my toon every time i got bored and needed a new direction.....sign me up Pirate
Sunshine and Lollipops
#402 - 2012-05-13 01:14:26 UTC
SlapNuts wrote:
refund it all, i would like to respec it all, would it not be nice to change my toon every time i got bored and needed a new direction.....sign me up Pirate
That's part of the reason why they won't… Blink
TWHC Assistant
#403 - 2012-05-13 01:17:20 UTC
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
TWHC Assistant wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Please provide proof of such Aluminium foil haberdashery.

Says the one wearing a tinfoil hat.

Again, please provide proof of such. Unless you would prefer to admit that you are merely trolling, which is against the forum rules.

Why would I be trolling you when you are already trolling the thread? You are the one who does not care about the topic. If you lost your face then nobody would care about it. Yet, this will seem like an insult to you. Who can help you there?
Dark EvE1
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#404 - 2012-05-13 01:17:54 UTC

Gaming site for the lastest reviews and news

Gaming magazine:

TWHC Assistant
#405 - 2012-05-13 01:24:13 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Nope. The OP has made a choice not to use his skills — he does not have a problem. His choices are not grounds for reimbursing SP he can still fully use.

The OP had no choice, but was forced to give up or to train new skills. It remains a problem.

Tippai wrote:
Making new skill choices most definitely is a solution

Read again, it was not a solution for the learning skills. You are only derailing and dodging and then claim there were no arguments.

Tippia wrote:
But we all know you have no argument.

No, you have no argument. All arguments have been made a long time ago. You refuse to see them, but do not say there are none. You have been given them.
TWHC Assistant
#406 - 2012-05-13 01:26:02 UTC
Dark EvE1 wrote:

A terrible band with a terrible name. Why are they not in the top charts? I wonder. Could it simply be fail? Lol
Cutter Isaacson
#407 - 2012-05-13 01:31:38 UTC
TWHC Assistant wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
TWHC Assistant wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Please provide proof of such Aluminium foil haberdashery.

Says the one wearing a tinfoil hat.

Again, please provide proof of such. Unless you would prefer to admit that you are merely trolling, which is against the forum rules.

Why would I be trolling you when you are already trolling the thread? You are the one who does not care about the topic. If you lost your face then nobody would care about it. Yet, this will seem like an insult to you. Who can help you there?

Are you just rolling your face across your keyboard, because honestly, you are making no sense. I have read this thread, taken in to account all available information and then formulated an opinion. After doing that I posted MY opinions based on all the known facts. When those facts were lacking, I and others asked for clarification, which was irrationally denied. Perhaps you might want to consider re-reading this entire thread, getting a good nights sleep, and then go do something else.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

TWHC Assistant
#408 - 2012-05-13 01:47:15 UTC  |  Edited by: TWHC Assistant
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Are you just rolling your face across your keyboard, because honestly, you are making no sense.

You are the one who is trolling others. You purposely ignore the problem and say there is none. You do not want to accept it as a problem. You are unable to. You deny yourself the chance to see it from the OP's point of view for selfish reasons. The reason why you do this is likely because you fear losing your face when you develop an understanding for another player's problem. Put aside all you know and do take the OP's stance. See it from her side. Then we can discuss it. Until then are you only a nobody to me who gives free bumps to a thread.
Cutter Isaacson
#409 - 2012-05-13 01:49:19 UTC
TWHC Assistant wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Are you just rolling your face across your keyboard, because honestly, you are making no sense.

You are the one who is trolling others. You purposely ignore the problem and say there is none. You do not want to accept it as a problem. You are unable to. You deny yourself the chance to see it from the OP's point of view for selfish reasons. The reason why you do this is likely because you fear losing your face when you develop an understanding for another player's problem. Put aside all you know and do take the OP's stance. See it from her side. Then we can discuss it. Until then are you only a nobody to me who gives free bumps to a thread.

Right, so clearly you haven't read anything that anyone else in this thread has said, least of all me and are just trolling. That's fine, it's good that you can admit that, even indirectly.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

TWHC Assistant
#410 - 2012-05-13 01:51:09 UTC
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Right, so clearly you haven't read anything that anyone else in this thread has said, least of all me and are just trolling. That's fine, it's good that you can admit that, even indirectly.

Say "Hello" to my alt. I have been reading the thread from the first page on.
Cutter Isaacson
#411 - 2012-05-13 01:57:10 UTC
TWHC Assistant wrote:
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Right, so clearly you haven't read anything that anyone else in this thread has said, least of all me and are just trolling. That's fine, it's good that you can admit that, even indirectly.

Say "Hello" to my alt. I have been reading the thread from the first page on.

Awww Whitehound, so this is your other alt! What happened, did your main get banned from posting already?

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#412 - 2012-05-13 04:15:31 UTC
TWHC Assistant wrote:
The OP had no choice
Yes he had. The skills work exactly the same way as before and as shown, the market still exists for a number of reasons. All that has happened is that a new market for the same goods has opened up, and the OP can choose to make use of this market as well.

He chooses to make it a problem; he can choose not to make it one. The game hasn't changed to make the skills useless. Thus there is no grounds for a refund.

Read again, it was not a solution for the learning skills.
Read it again, choosing new skills is a solution because you can always do it if you no longer want to use the skills you already have. When they removed learning skills, it would have been silly to make a new choice because the functionality was gone — what's the point of having an alternative to something that doesn't exist?. That's the reason we got SP instead: because the skills lost all use and function. That is not the case here, so there is no grounds for a refund.

No, you have no argument. All arguments have been made a long time ago.
Yes, I made all my arguments a long time ago. So far, you haven't been able to respond to any of them.

…such as the fact that the skills work exactly the same.
…such as the fact that they don't refund things that haven't been lost.
…such as the fact that if the OP wants to keep using his skills, he can.
…such as the fact that if the OP wants to keep trading in the goods he's used to, he can.
…such as the fact that the “problem” only exists because the OP has chosen to make it exist — he can choose to make it go away as well.

So why on earth should he get any of his SP back?

What happened to the topic? Is it not of interest to you any longer?
Sure, but you refuse to discuss it.
Hel Schatgraver
Stellar Incorporated Mercantile Services
#413 - 2012-05-13 05:53:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Hel Schatgraver
Bam. Since you are all blind.

Except for Cutter. Cutter gets a cookie. A TRACKING cookie.
TWHC Assistant
#414 - 2012-05-13 07:25:35 UTC
Tippia wrote:
TWHC Assistant wrote:
The OP had no choice
Yes he had.

No. It is an MMO. You do not play alone. When items are moved from contracts to the trade market and players stop trading them on the contract market do you have no other choice but to move with it.

Tippia wrote:
Read it again, choosing new skills is a solution because you can always do it if you no longer want to use the skills you already have.

Again, it was not a solution for the learning skills. You should really accept this. We all did accept it a long time ago.

Tippia wrote:
Yes, I made all my arguments a long time ago. So far, you haven't been able to respond to any of them.

…such as the fact that the skills work exactly the same.
…such as the fact that they don't refund things that haven't been lost.
…such as the fact that if the OP wants to keep using his skills, he can.
…such as the fact that if the OP wants to keep trading in the goods he's used to, he can.
…such as the fact that the “problem” only exists because the OP has chosen to make it exist — he can choose to make it go away as well.

These are not arguments. You are trying to understand the OP's problem by looking at what CCP has so far solved. However, what CCP recognizes as a problem and what they can solve is not the same. Only because they did not solve a problem does not mean it does exist. It only means it stays a problem.

You are not able to see the OP's problem. It does not automatically mean the same as the OP not having a problem. It only means you are blind to it.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#415 - 2012-05-13 07:36:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
TWHC Assistant wrote:
Yes he had. He could choose to keep using the skills (since they still work exactly the same). He chose not to. He could choose to expand his tradecraft to include the new markets. He chose not to. He could choose to find new uses for his skills. He chose not to. He has an absolute crapton of choice, and he chooses not to use any of them and instead wants to have skills refunded that still work exactly the same way they did before.

When items are moved from contracts to the trade market and players stop trading them on the contract market do you have no other choice but to move with it.
Good thing that this didn't happen, then… and even if it did, he's still the one choosing what to do with his skills. They have not become useless — he has chosen not to use them. Unless they become useless, there's no reason to refund them.

Again, it was not a solution for the learning skills.
…because the functionality was removed, which means you can stop bringing them up because they're not a relevant point of comparison. Again, contracts are still around; they work exactly the same way they did before; the skills do exactly the same things they did before; nothing has changed or been removed. This means there is no reason to refund the OP's contracting SP.

These are not arguments.
Yes they are. You are just unable to respond to them because they are all quite difficult to deny, and agreeing with them leads to the conclusion that there is no reason for the OP to get his SP refunded. As for what CCP recognises as a problem, they recognised that commonly used modules not being on the common market was a problem, so they fixed it. In doing so, they didn't break, remove, adjust or change contracts in any way, leaving the contracting skills completely untouched. As a result, there is no reason to refund the OP's SP in contracting skills.

You are not able to see the OP's problem.
Sure I am. That's why I see that it's only a “problem” because he chooses to make it one. If he chooses not to, it ceases to be a problem. His decision to make it one doesn't mean CCP has to fix anything because the “problem” is not of their doing. He made it; he can fix it; and there is no reason for CCP to refund his SP.
TWHC Assistant
#416 - 2012-05-13 07:44:08 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Yes he had.

Playing alone in an MMO is a choice? Please be serious.

Tippia wrote:
Good thing that this didn't happen, then…

I picked three items at random and showed you that it is happening.

Tippia wrote:
…because the functionality was removed

Thank you.

Tippia wrote:
Yes they are.

No, you are still trying to see the problem and have not found it yet. How can anything be an argument when you do not understand the problem?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#417 - 2012-05-13 07:56:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
TWHC Assistant wrote:
Playing alone in an MMO is a choice? Please be serious.
Please don't change the question after it has been answered. Yes, he had a choice. He could choose to keep using the skills (since they still work exactly the same). He chose not to. He could choose to expand his tradecraft to include the new markets. He chose not to. He could choose to find new uses for his skills. He chose not to. He has an absolute crapton of choice, and he chooses not to use any of them and instead wants to have skills refunded that still work exactly the same way they did before.

I picked three items at random and showed you that it is happening.
…and others proved you wrong. Not that it matters, because, as mentioned above, the OP still has plenty of choice in how to use his skills. If he chooses to waste them, then that's his choice and his self-created problem that no-one can solve but him. It certainly isn't a reason to give him an SP refund for skills that still works exactly the same as before and which he can still use.

Thank you.
So you agree, then, that it's irrelevant to the topic at hand other than to show that the OP doesn't have a case for having his SP refunded. So why do you keep bringing it up?

Yes they are. You are just unable to respond to them because they are all quite difficult to deny, and agreeing with them leads to the conclusion that there is no reason for the OP to get his SP refunded. As for what CCP recognises as a problem, they recognised that commonly used modules not being on the common market was a problem, so they fixed it. In doing so, they didn't break, remove, adjust or change contracts in any way, leaving the contracting skills completely untouched. As a result, there is no reason to refund the OP's SP in contracting skills.

you are still trying to see the problem
…except of course that I can see it very clearly. That's why I see that it's only a “problem” because he chooses to make it one. If he chooses not to, it ceases to be a problem. His decision to make it one doesn't mean CCP has to fix anything because the “problem” is not of their doing. He made it; he can fix it; and there is no reason for CCP to refund his SP.
TWHC Assistant
#418 - 2012-05-13 08:02:33 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Please don't change the question after it has been answered.

It is not a choice.

Tippia wrote:
…and others proved you wrong.


Tippia wrote:
So you agree, then, that it's irrelevant to the topic ...

No. It is important so that you see that training simply another skill is not a solution when the problem is about the time someone spends with skill training.

Tippia wrote:
Yes they are.


Tippia wrote:
…except of course that I can see it very clearly.

Thank you.

We are done here.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#419 - 2012-05-13 08:11:54 UTC
TWHC Assistant wrote:
I have no argument
We know. It is readily apparent from your inability to respond to what other people write. You addressed none of my points. You refuted nothing. You provided zero argumentation, fact, reasoning, proof, or other crucial elements. You just keep saying no and hoping that reality will change.

The fact of the matter remains the same: there is no problem. The OP chose his path. The OP created his own issues. The OP, not CCP, can make those issues go away. CCP does not refund something that hasn't been lost. The OP has no reason to get any of his SP back.

Tippia wrote:
So you agree, then, that it's irrelevant to the topic ...
Good. You see, training another skill is a very common solution to changes in EVE, should that change result in you no longer wanting to do what you did before. Your choices and your wishes are pretty much irrelevant as long as the mechanics aren't outright removed. In this case, nothing changed, so there is no reason for the OP to get his SP refunded. He has a world of solutions available to him if he so chooses, and simply doing contract trading just like before is one of them.

Thank you.
So you finally understand why the OP has no problem and why there is no reason for him to get any of his SP refunded.

We are done here.
If you finally understood this simple fact that has been presented from page one, then yes, we are indeed done here. Thank you for finally realising that the OP has no case for a refund because he hasn't lost anything.
TWHC Assistant
#420 - 2012-05-13 08:18:26 UTC
Tippia wrote:
We are done here.
If you finally understood this simple fact that has been presented from page one, then yes, we are indeed done here. Thank you for finally realising that the OP has no case for a refund because he hasn't lost anything.

No. I am only interested in you agreeing with the OP having a problem. I do understand that you have a different and very selfish opinion on how to solve problems.