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I want my SP refunded

First post
Shian Yang
#341 - 2012-05-11 12:49:55 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
So now after 17 pages do you want to know what the problem is?

Greetings capsuleer,

Other capsuleers have been asking. I've asked three times. Thus far neither you nor the OP have been able to say.


Shian Yang
#342 - 2012-05-11 12:55:30 UTC
Shian Yang wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
So now after 17 pages do you want to know what the problem is?

Greetings capsuleer,

Other capsuleers have been asking. I've asked three times. Thus far neither you nor the OP have been able to say.


Shian Yang

Then obviously are you too dumb to grasp it. You are simply out of luck this time.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Shian Yang
#343 - 2012-05-11 13:02:20 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Shian Yang wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
So now after 17 pages do you want to know what the problem is?

Greetings capsuleer,

Other capsuleers have been asking. I've asked three times. Thus far neither you nor the OP have been able to say.


Shian Yang

Then obviously are you too dumb to grasp it. You are simply out of luck this time.

Greetings capsuleer,

No, because thus far your rhetoric has been inadequate. Same with the Princess. I mean, how pathetic - you cannot even articulate it? Just goes to show. You know **** nothing.


Shian Yang
Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#344 - 2012-05-11 14:29:14 UTC
Whitehound wrote:

So now after 17 pages do you want to know what the problem is? Lol


And what was that problem? Oh right, he/she/it didn't even say because he/she/it refuses to.
Gay Mafia Princess
#345 - 2012-05-11 19:35:27 UTC
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
Whitehound wrote:

So now after 17 pages do you want to know what the problem is? Lol


And what was that problem? Oh right, he/she/it didn't even say because he/she/it refuses to.

Makes no difference what I was doing before. Go find out yourself s if it is really that important for you to know (If you know how to check past contracts). If you don't don't expect me to give you lessons on how to use the market. The point is that I can't do what I was doing before because CCP made significant changes to the way the skill was being used. My original intent was to use it in a certain way and that is no longer a possibility. The same logic applies to anyone who may have trained PI because fo the significant profits to start with, datacore farming and even Titan pilots.

CCP if you are going to change aspects the game that people have chosen to play then please give me the option to find something else to do in the game when you make such major changes.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#346 - 2012-05-11 20:21:03 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Because the OP sees it as a solution to her problem.
The problem the OP has is of his own making. If he wants to solve it, he already can. He has chosen not to, so why on earth should he have his SP refunded? That would be like people getting their Ravens refunded when they choose to fit them with hull tanks rather than shield tanks and get blown up.

So now after 17 pages do you want to know what the problem is?
No. People have been asking what the problem is from the very start, since all indications are towards the problem being one that the OP has created, rather than any kind of issue with the game (which might open for the possibility, while still very unlikely, that he might have a case for getting a refund).

The OP hasn't been able to present any such issue and refuses to explain what the problem is, beyond very vague hints that only prove that an SP refund is not only unnecessary, but completely contrary to reimbursement policy.

Gay Mafia Princess wrote:
Makes no difference what I was doing before.
Yes it does, because what you did before will determine whether a problem exists or not or whether you've just chosen to do something else. Every indication so far points to the latter so there is absolutely no reason to refund your SP, because you have chosen not to use that SP — nothing has actually been changed or lost for you.

CCP if you are going to change aspects the game that people have chosen to play then please give me the option to find something else to do in the game when you make such major changes.
…and when they make a major change, they do refund people's SP. No major change has occurred for, oh, a year and a half. So why should you get your SP back?
#347 - 2012-05-11 21:00:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Whitehound
Tippia wrote:
The problem the OP has is of his own making.

First you say the OP does not have a problem, then you say it is her problem ... You will be changing your stance again and again. At least now you admit to see a problem. It is a tiny step forward after all these pages.

One cannot train all skills and one needs to make choices, which skills to train and which to skip. Everyone makes these choices. Some choose to train lots of trading skills others choose to train contract skills for example. If a game change moves items from the contract market to the trade market and it creates a problem with the choices some players have made then it is a problem created by CCP. Players cannot foresee such changes when they make their decision and have to base them on the is-state of the game.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Shian Yang
#348 - 2012-05-11 21:40:16 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
If a game change moves items from the contract market to the trade market and it creates a problem with the choices some players have made then it is a problem created by CCP.

Greetings capsuleer Whitehound,

And yet, the Contract market is still alive and items are sold there as they were before. Pices may be adjusted as the market comes into play, but do you honestly believe SP should be refunded because prices are changing? That would be dumb.

You have no point.


Shian Yang
Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#349 - 2012-05-11 22:25:51 UTC
For: Gay Mafia Princess & Whitehound
Against: Rest of Eve Online.

Sorry, the game isn't going to revolve around you two idiots.

Still no reasons from he/she/it as usual.
#350 - 2012-05-11 23:01:24 UTC
Shian Yang wrote:
... but do you honestly believe SP should be refunded because prices are changing? ...

I did not do a check on all items on the markets, but from only three I have picked do I not see a change in price, only in trade volume:

Fed. Navy Mag Stabs on sale in contracts: 64, on market: 298
Republic Fleet 100MN AB on sale in contracts: 19, on market: 42
Imperial Navy EANM on sale in contracts: 71, on market: 469

The price ranges on these items are roughly the same for contracts and markets. The items on the market are already on EVE Central.
Fed. Navy Mag Stabs / Republic Fleet 100MN AB / Imperial Navy EANM

In perhaps a year will the contract market be dead and once every player has figured it out. It is then not about what I or you believe. It has little to do with belief... It is about what the affected players think is fair for them and what CCP can do.

If CCP cannot offer a better solution then, yes, they should reimburse the affected players their contracting skills and allow them to put the SPs into trading skills.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

#351 - 2012-05-11 23:03:47 UTC
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
For: Gay Mafia Princess & Whitehound
Against: Rest of Eve Online.

Sorry, the game isn't going to revolve around you two idiots.

Still no reasons from he/she/it as usual.

You post like a pubbie.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#352 - 2012-05-11 23:14:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Karadion Kohlar
Whitehound wrote:
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
For: Gay Mafia Princess & Whitehound
Against: Rest of Eve Online.

Sorry, the game isn't going to revolve around you two idiots.

Still no reasons from he/she/it as usual.

You post like a pubbie.

Sound like a pubbie? You've been crying over irrelevant changes that had zero effect on the skill in question. Talk about irony, pubbie. Especially I'm a goon so ergo it is impossible for me to be a pubbie.

Also the contract market will not die at all. There are still uses for it which every corporation and alliance uses this to their advantage. For example, Burn Jita had 500 ship contracts up to to the alliance consistently to burn through for the duration of the event. Especially they were either fully assembled, ship w/ items in the hold, or came with multiple items as well as ship. Also other people will sell their ships via contract including shipment methods like Red Frog.

Contract market is far from dead. The items listed above is a good change for those modules because people burn less money and can post in bulk amount rather than individually. Contract market didn't give wiggle room on those modules and if changes had to be made, they were to be cancelled and reposted again. This is a huge benefit to pubbies like you but since you and Gay Mafia Princess are hugely dependent on scamming, I call that a good change for modules. Another bonus about the changes was that just typing "100MN Afterburner" will yield the entire list of possibilities ranging from the Meta 0 crap up to Meta 14 or whatever. Including the fact that it can be now searchable via the web. BPC's\BPO's will never be on the market because it is much complicated than that unless CCP has extra columns for the levels in BPC's.
Shian Yang
#353 - 2012-05-11 23:17:03 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
In perhaps a year will the contract market be dead and once every player has figured it out.

Greetings capsuleer Whitehound,

Then in perhaps a year we can revisit this. Until then, there is no reason to make an exception to a reasonably standard approach.
Note other cases where New Eden was not fundamentally affected and no reimbursement was done. Like for example the changes to the Insurance payout and mechanisms.

The universe is not run on player whim. And perhaps j and maybe just do not cut it for skill point reimbursement. I think the deafening silence and lack of response to any petitions the OP may have raised is a clear signal of CCP's policy, don't you?


Shian Yang
Cutter Isaacson
#354 - 2012-05-11 23:21:17 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Tippia wrote:
No. The policy is, and the policy says that he has no reason to get his SP back.

No. Shut up. You also do not get to make policies here.

Tippia wrote:
As mentioned numerous times, had you actually followed the thread: see the many many threads on SP remaps in the F&I and skill forums.

And yet did CCP introduce a system to reimburse skill points and used it at least twice from what I remember.

By the way, denying good reasons only means you see them as good reasons.

Where did you get the impression that Tippia was making policy? Can you not read the policies laid down by CCP? Would you like for it to be drawn in crayon?

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." Elim Garak.

Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#355 - 2012-05-11 23:22:38 UTC
Cutter Isaacson wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
Tippia wrote:
No. The policy is, and the policy says that he has no reason to get his SP back.

No. Shut up. You also do not get to make policies here.

Tippia wrote:
As mentioned numerous times, had you actually followed the thread: see the many many threads on SP remaps in the F&I and skill forums.

And yet did CCP introduce a system to reimburse skill points and used it at least twice from what I remember.

By the way, denying good reasons only means you see them as good reasons.

Where did you get the impression that Tippia was making policy? Can you not read the policies laid down by CCP? Would you like for it to be drawn in crayon?

He might need that drawn in crayon. So please do. Crybabies (Whitehound & Gay Mafia Princess) always needs something to guide them since they cannot function independently.
#356 - 2012-05-11 23:35:43 UTC
Shian Yang wrote:
Then in perhaps a year we can revisit this. Until then, there is no reason to make an exception to a reasonably standard approach.

You do not get to make these decisions just like Tippia does not get to make policies.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Montevius Williams
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#357 - 2012-05-11 23:37:24 UTC
Gay Mafia Princess wrote:
Since CCP now allows faction items on the market I want all the sp I have invested on all my toons to get corporate contracting to V refunded, absolute waste of time.

Totally disregard next post. I am not scamming at all. People agree with me, some don't. I am not qq'ing he is.

The contract mechanic has not changed to my knowledge, so why should you be reimbursed?

"The American Government indoctrination system known as public education has been relentlessly churning out socialists for over 20 years". - TravisWB

#358 - 2012-05-11 23:38:17 UTC
There is some merit in this request. OP was less than clear about what needed to be said.

Before the change people who were serious about contract trading needed at least three hundred contract slots. Easiest way to get this was with four or five characters with corporation contracting to five or four. After the change you can get by with fifteen contracts total. This is a significant in game change.

You used corporation contracting to increase your ability to crate contracts for items that could only be traded on contracts but now this unique reason for having a large number of contract slots is gone you want the SP back so you can invest in market trading skills to make up for the change from mainly contracts to almost entirely market based trading on these items.

Perhaps a Q&A devblog style would be better since people are talking about :ccp: here? Lets try it.

Did they remove contracts? No but it lowered the number of contract slots you need by a lot so the in game change has caused a problem for players who trained this skill that new players to EVE will be able to avoid.

Did it make the need for you to have corporation contracting and even contracting trained at all? Yes. The change had a critically significant impact on the use of this skill as it was being used in game and now the only people who need this skill trained are those who actually do corporation ship replacement transfers and need those extra slots. Most people should be able to get by with contracting trained to rank one now.

Do contracting and corporation contracting skills need looked at by CCP to reflect their changed use and role in the new game? They do.

Did only scammers need this many contracts? The legitimate traders needed this many as well.

Is this the only skill that :ccp: are planning on making significant in game changes to? No. Wait until off grid booster becomes useless and then you will see ragepoasts.


Montevius Williams
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#359 - 2012-05-11 23:42:04 UTC
Gay Mafia Princess wrote:
People don't complain because of people like yourself who immediately start to put them down and their ideas. You can't convince ignoramuses like yourself of anything because you already know it all.

Working properly is relative. Contracts were working just fine. The only reason this was changed was to allow for values to appear on killmails (sometime in the future). Killmails which are used for such worthless things in determining corp efficiency etc, which I would like to point out the mass whoring of mails that occurred during the burn Jita event. Killmaills are a worthless waste of time and effort.

I'll give you a +1 just becasue you used the word ignoramuses

"The American Government indoctrination system known as public education has been relentlessly churning out socialists for over 20 years". - TravisWB

Sunshine and Lollipops
#360 - 2012-05-11 23:54:11 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
First you say the OP does not have a problem, then you say it is her problem
The OP does indeed not have a problem — there is nothing for CCP to solve. What the OP sees as a problem is something the OP has created for himself and something he can solve for himself by stop thinking it's a problem.

I have not changed my stance. I am simply explaining where the OP's supposed (but not actual) problem is coming from: the OP himself.

One cannot train all skills and one needs to make choices, which skills to train and which to skip.
…and at no point are you blocked from changing those choices and train something else. Now that the OP no longer wants to use a particular skill set (a choice that CCP has nothing to do with and which they will not reimburse him for because it's his choice), he can pick a different skill set and train that instead. Thus he solves the problem he believes he's having.

If a game change moves items from the contract market to the trade market
…which hasn't happened.

If CCP cannot offer a better solution then, yes, they should reimburse the affected players their contracting skills and allow them to put the SPs into trading skills.
They already offer all the solution that is needed: the OP can train new skills if he no longer wants to use the one he already has. Unless they make skills useless, they most definitely should not reimburse any SP, for the same reasons that they shouldn't reimburse ships that haven't been lost.